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Ian Williams aka Fetch

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TRADER NEWS FESE100 55541 (UP 504) FESE250 93756 (UP 516) FESETOT 106121 (UP 607) HIGHEST VALUE RUNNER jamesstewart13 with 1044 BIGGEST CLIMBER Cerrertonia up 86 BIGGEST FALLER NDWDave down 56 iaincr On cycling camp 16-21 mar , no running (18th Mar) tipsku 18 mi LR on Sunday morning (15th Mar) mk parkrun definitely on the up with my mileage (12th Mar) Pothunter Congrats to Night-owl for a balance over 1 million! (10th Mar) Exmoor Runner No running today 07/03/2025 (7th Mar)

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Tradeable Runners
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jamesstewart13 3 1044
The wee beastie 6 960
cloc 28 941
Chris 3 899
boyband6666 17 881
Dannyboy01 18 873
Njord 31 848
flyingfinn 10 823
DJ Bangey 5 810
Chris47   806
geordieNdog 2 787
SteveBelfast 3 756
Lee78 1 738
PAJ89 1 719
Hawkins 14 717
tipsku 2 717
Brunski 9 687
Bazoaxe 5 682
auburnette 1 671
Sam Jelfs 40 656
yeltzdan 13 647
RRR-CAZ 🇬🇧 17 646
controversial 4 645
OllyW 41 639
Marts 4 636
ptr_runner 20 630
Maccathecracker 25 629
mattykay 28 621
Keej44 29 619
markgall 3 601
paulcook 46 587
NickM1024 16 587
Velociraptor 12 583
Exmoor Runner 4 583
HazelnutCH   580
SailorSteve 8 575
FergusG 11 567
allmatthew 1 560
milemonster 10 552
WayOfTheDodo 2 549
CC2 Speedy Goth 37 548
darl0 13 546
Stokesy 14 538
paul0 45 532
Llamadance 28 532
Dickie York 1 520
SKR 2 519
MAD Superman 12 513
Boycie 1 508
planiggy 3 505
Ian5 6 502
plodding hippo 23 501
Rich963 4 500
AndersSchm 18 498
testjbarton   495
G-Dawg 25 495
Shortcut Cam 23 492
emmanicholls 37 492
Tumbleweed90 1 491
chuckles 5 480
Binks 3 480
olde english 20 478
STOOSH 35 478
Akie 5 478
RossN 16 470
antonia1 25 468
CBN 7 468
SirBoaty 9 462
RooA 1 460
squirey 15 459
theOtherRichard 10 455
chunkywizard 13 455
Yossarian 1 453
KinkyS 31 451
BecsX 17 449
faithfulred   448
StuH 18 447
squeaki..#Ultragrandad 37 443
slowblonde 34 442
Drumossie8 11 441
johnsy 11 436
DocM 9 432
SooWoo 3 426
Duncs   425
stuart little 7 425
RBanksy 1 418
posty john 18 413
Jock Itch 1 411
GD 1 407
Mrsbridgewater 12 404
iaincr 35 403
AnotherSuccessfulShortcut 13 401
Weath 20 397
minardi 9 389
Jaffa Cake 3 389
The Inspector 34 388
alco51161 6 387
ThunderFeet 14 385
Milano55 8 382
AD 26 380
Shadow Walker 34 372
TheFlyingFinbar 55 371
sebby 18 370
katypie 13 370
Goofee 4 368
raquel65 12 368
Happyharry90 28 365
the hickmanator 33 362
Sampson 10 361
Carpathius 13 361
Magpie Rob 25 359
Badger 8 356
EvilPixie 14 355
NDWDave 56 354
TBR (TheBeardRunner) 18 353
twinny 9 349
Gritts! 43 348
Ligi 33 346
Rossco Peeko 34 344
snayak 6 343
westmoors 16 339
Wallman 31 338
Mr Guy 31 336
jennyh 22 335
Markie Bee 7 334
melbas 34 333
Autumnleaves 11 332
Boro Wayne 10 330
NordRunner 3 328
Shaker 3 328
Hibeedeb 2 324
RicC 1 323
hurricanehamlyn   318
light78 17 316
Cheeky’s Dad 18 316
Kazzaf 6 314
AJPAR 5 314
paul81 31 309
rainman 25 309
Arif 1 308
Cerrertonia 86 306
Honley Lion 6 306
Minimag 42 304
Gromit 27 301
Will_Uyuni 14 301
Iris 3 296
Jenni-far-far 24 295
RunnyRunRun 30 293
Chrisull 1 292
KelP 23 292
TickTock 6 291
Nearly Last 9 286
Chell 8 285
AJLB 31 282
jelly 10 281
MAG 1 281
Pegg 3 278
Smoggy 23 274
SteveW1234 8 274
Barky 9 273
becca7 12 271
Striderdan 2 265
Welshpoppy 3 264
Pez 3 261
Lycra Hurricane   258
ChrisHurk 10 256
cerid 5 255
sheppardmk 13 253
Bdoing 10 252
G Mac 18 251
brucie13 19 250
compartmental 17 250
SimonF 5 250
andrew66 4 247
cackleberry 11 247
Keegan 1 245
Bramble 7 245
princess.allison 13 242
Mr J 10 238
Mandyr 8 238
2triornot2tri 12 236
houchen 3 236
Ocelot Spleens 5 235
Wabo 11 235
bodwen 12 234
Vin Rouge 21 234
wshippin   233
f2001 41 233
mk parkrun 7 232
Emilecrocodile 20 232
Bapfriday 4 231
Ebb 17 228
chewitt 4 225
fleecy 39 224
Yumee 11 221
Paul N 8 220
Seratonin 11 216
Foxy 3 216
Rosehip 11 215
Salopianb 11 215
ndellar 10 214
Penky69 16 212
JoeCarr28   212
RunnyBunny 2 210
falcarius 19 207
derwenttony 24 207
Piewoman 13 206
Dunk 5 206
mole-thing 9 206
Dillthedog 25 203
CogNoscensme AHA 12 200
57.5 Degrees of Pain 15 198
Night-owl 4 198
Fizz :-) 1 196
Jammin70 3 195
PJG1 32 193
mr d 6 193
Cluaran 9 192
maestrointhesky 7 189
Runningbauble21 8 188
Chicken 🐔 8 188
roberton 15 187
percyw 13 185
Pikelet 15 184
The Running Andy 1 181
Wezza 8 181
mal73 2 180
FunkyPOM 2 180
Ultracat 7 180
♪♫ Synge ♪♫ 4 179
fetcheveryone 1 178
jda 3 177
lin50 11 174
kev-eats-owt 9 173
Old Croc 5 172
angleseyal 9 172
IdrisTheDragon 6 172
MelsBells 5 171
KimCanRun 3 169
MrBarbour 10 166
runnerbean 12 165
The Pin Lady 10 165
DavidC 8 164
Dwp 16 162
Running Beer 9 161
Fairfield 8 160
smoke free   157
WACA 1 157
LEJathon 6 156
CasB 1 155
sergio 9 154
DIY Diva 10 152
Starlite9   152
gshaug7741 27 152
Kanajlo 2 147
FurryH 12 147
Jinksy 9 147
Gobi 5 146
Vixx 2 146
Stevo_888 38 145
Black Cat 1 145
Sunbed Athlete 32 144
junis.fortunis   142
BishopLenBrennan 3 141
Jon M 2 140
vintagexl 8 140
Smugbloke 6 137
Bintmcskint 9 136
Snail 9 136
Sharms 13 135
Ungirt Runner 8 134
Snoot   134
Deadbeat 11 134
CakeBoy 14 132
Lea 1 132
DanandLucysdad 2 131
Garfield 2 131
Ultrahamster 6 131
BrianJ 4 131
RunHammyRun 7 129
DUSmithy 8 129
shanksi 9 127
Mascott 6 125
RuthB2 4 124
Kinsey 23 124
PeteFastFeet 4 124
joint ear knee 10 122
BoomRumble&Roar 3 121
Laurence 2 121
mrs shanksi 7 117
forest plodder 2 117
scoobydo66 11 116
Funky Chicken 17 116
stubiedoo   115
CStar 4 114
Bowman 🇸🇪 35 113
Groundhog 5 112
ferret 24 112
Pinchi 10 110
Dick! 17 109
Ade487 17 108
lozza 3 107
Mr Potato Head 19 106
paul_mcg 15 106
rhb 3 106
Old Man 1 105
Maclennane 2 104
Paul_NH2 1 103
hatterfan 2 103
Betty Swollocks 13 102
Fragile Do Not Bend 4 101
Oranj 4 98
Strutbrother 15 98
LindsD 3 98
LouiseRuns 🌹🇬🇧 🇪🇺 7 98
bish 2 95
roger, may be the faster brother ag 10 95
mattglen_   94
One Thousand Odd Spiders 14 94
ishep 4 93
The Mussile 4 93
Weasie 4 92
Hamster1207 3 90
_andy 8 88
Whoever 5 87
BlueArmy 12 86
Mrs Jigs (Luverlylegs)   85
andiflint 2 81
BaronessBL 7 81
Irontubs   81
crash 3 81
Pothunter 8 80
kstuart 1 80
BlueTang 4 79
mowatb 9 77
Spanners99 6 76
Diogenes 3 76
Xstine 9 76
DaveG   75
Drell 9 73
wolves1877 10 70
MattT 14 70
Sigh 3 67
StuartM 5 65
Fenland Flier 6 64
runnyeyes 4 64
FitterStu 5 64
nicgambarde 6 63
Dowse 9 60
Captain S 6 58
puzzler   54
SM6 1 54
dng 7 54
danbezza 2 52
TheOtherMan   51
phal 3 51
ElDuderino 10 50
magnumpti 1 47
Richard-M 4 46
redblueeagle 1 45
morebeer 3 45
mikebell26   45
1step2far 8 44
Sweetie 9 41
bagazz   41
JCB 3 41
Big Steve 1 39
RicheyJames 6 38
Flatlander 3 36
iRicey 5 33
Fat Dave 3 33
GimmeMedals 5 31
FlyingScotsman   30
BareHeadEm 5 29
Totoro 8 29
Ronners 3 29
Juuphy   28
scottdog 12 28
DeeGee 1 27
Pale Skinny Vegan 2 27
EdJ 5 26
Unicorn 4 25
JustCommando! 4 19
alpenrose 4 19
ITG 🇮🇸   18
smash 2 18
XB 8 16
EdH   16
photoset 3 14
Winniefree 6 14
Heinzster 3 13
Longwayround [LWR] 6 12
daveeggleton 3 11
Choccy   9
wrxmania   8
Sushi 4 4
Top Traders
1 Fizz :-) 895583+105779 1001362
2 Weath 992393+0 992393
3 tipsku 542215+105404 647619
4 kstuart 463411+0 463411
5 ptr_runner 431892+0 431892
6 Mrs Jigs (Luverlylegs) 430133+0 430133
7 westmoors 310327+0 310327
8 Funky Chicken 294780+930 295710
9 Cheeky’s Dad 187709+105801 293510
10 Pothunter 286347+0 286347
11 Sweetie 284856+0 284856
12 Snoot 270785+0 270785
13 roberton 248922+0 248922
14 Velociraptor 130975+105538 236513
15 57.5 Degrees of Pain 223188+0 223188
16 DaveG 99258+106046 205304
17 bobbob 198963+0 198963
18 photoset 189607+0 189607
19 Heinzster 184799+0 184799
20 FergusG 70040+105554 175594
Biggest Risers Value
Cerrertonia 86 306
TheFlyingFinbar 55 371
paulcook 46 587
paul0 45 532
Gritts! 43 348
Minimag 42 304
f2001 41 233
OllyW 41 639
Sam Jelfs 40 656
Stevo_888 38 145
Biggest Fallers Value
NDWDave 56 354
fleecy 39 224
iaincr 35 403
Bowman 🇸🇪 35 113
slowblonde 34 442
melbas 34 333
Shadow Walker 34 372
Rossco Peeko 34 344
Ligi 33 346
PJG1 32 193

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