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Ian Williams aka Fetch

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Last on at 9pm, 16th Feb 2024
M55 Devon
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STATUS Injured. Bleddy, feckin injured.

About Me
I started running after giving up smoking January 13th 2007, I literally couldn't run up stairs. My main motivation was the fact that my Sister was terminally ill and focussing on running made me feel a little less helpless. I ran the Paris marathon in April 2008 and have raised over 5000 for cancer research uk. I absolutely love running - it has given me, in bizzare twist, my life back - obviously i no longer smoke and I gave up alcohol (recognising the extent to which I depended on it) on November 14th 2008 and consider myself a better human beng for being part of this lovely community and fantastic sport. Thank you for reading this x
UPDATE 26th MArch 2009 - My poor sister died today after a horrid and painful battle with cancer. please please please let her rest in peace
UPDATE May 2010 - Well over a year since we lost Karen. Dad's health is an ongoing woryy and Mum is a broken woman. Hope and pray for my parents remaining years to be healthy and free from heartbreak.
UPDATE OCT 2012 - still running, still loving it, still super motivated, OLDER :-)
UPDATE DEC 2013 - still running, still loving it, still super motivated, PB's down from mile to marathon this year. OLDER!!!
UPDATE APR 14 - smashed pb at Taunton Marathon, Reading Half and Rhyll 10 so far this year :) ON IT!!. older
UPDATE MAR 2015: Finally somebody who doesn't trivialise my alcoholism, or alcoholism in general. If i was addicted to heroin would people joke about chilling out with a hit or two? Nope didn't think so. Anyway I am just so so happy. Karen would have turned 50 this week and she is still missed like crazy yet in smeways she has waited and waited as if she knew that happiness was just around the corner before she released me into the arms of the woman I love. Now then, Taunton Marathon next, then Windemere on 17th May, just need to find something amazing to do on the 16th........
UPDATE JUNE 2015 Well well well - after the most fantastic beautiful whirlwind romance, the woman I love agreed to marry me and off we went to Gretna Green. Leading up to it, she did the South Downs Way 50 and I broke the 'Good For Age' barrier at Taunton.
Happy. No, REALLY!
Update Sep 2020. Happy. Happier in fact. Definitely transformed from chasing 'good for age' to ploddy traily ultra runner.
Update June 2022. Injured. Trod on a pointy rock at work on March 15th. Have so far seen doctor twice, x-ray and physio on the NHS and have a podiatry referral which I'm told won't be before September. Privately I've seen a Dr at the local chiropractor and a podiatrist at a sports specialist foot clinic, which included a scan. I have, apparently ruptured the ligament under my 2nd metatarsal. It has a chance of healing quickly if I don't use it at all which sadly life doesn't allow for. Also the podiatrist said my work boots are literally exaggerating the injury every time I wear them but as yet work haven't agreed to let me wear my own footwear - this is an ongoing thing after weeks and weeks of exchanging emails. Also my running shoes are too narrow and too bendy, so I've bought some Hoka Bondi which look horrendous but I'm wearing them most of the time. Every time it starts to feel a little better I try a little job but but as soon as I go to work it comes straight back. So yeah, this update is rather negative!
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It's so bloody friendly. Testosterone free zone.
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Inherited (Or Bequeathed) Nostalgia Sep 2022
Mind The Gap (SOMEBODY forgot the milk) Aug 2022
Tears. Remaining years. The Knowledge. Aug 2022
It's been toooooo long Jul 2022
The Cockington Christmas Caper Dec 2021
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Recent Training
18th Mar
General 6.1mi 58:51
16th Mar
General 12.6mi 6:34:51
15th Mar
General 3.6mi 37:17
13th Mar
General 5.6mi 58:52
11th Mar
General 12.8mi 5:21:34
12 Month Benchmarks Run
Mile 6:56
5k 21:51
5mi 38:35
10k 48:08
10mi 1:25:29
Half 1:53:17
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    Alan Garner
  • 📚 The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle
    Haruki Murakami
  • 📚 Travels With My Aunt
    Graham Greene
  • 📚 Young Mungo
    Douglas Stuart
  • 📚 Tribe - On Homecoming And Belonging
    Sebastian Junger
  • 📚 The Savage Detectives
    Roberto Bolano
  • 📚 Roddy Doyle
    Life Without Children
  • 📚 The Truce
    Primo Levi
  • 📚 Primo Levi
    This Is A Man
  • 📚 Be Brief And Tell Them Everything
    Brad Listi

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