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Cardiff Half Marathon

Listed by Sweetie
  • Rated 82%
  • 13.1mi
  • Road
Entrants (82)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
agc Not enough long runs in preparation for this - partly because of niggling discomfort in left leg after Cardiff 10K.
This could have been a PB but I faded in last third and stopped twice: once to stretch left hamstrings and once @ ~ 12miles because, well, I was knackered ...

Apologies to the reckless souls who bet on me.
1:30:27 1:32:09 1:32:00 1:32:38 70.65
Barnes Runners
1:26:35 1:40:36 1:40:36 60.74
Alun Par Superstar
1:44:31 1:52:02 1:52:02 51.67
1:24:15 1:40:04 1:40:04 57.43
1:48:21 1:48:21 1:57 1:48:21 64.03
1:28:52 1:46:33 1:46:33 53.94
Butch Cassidy
1:48:26 1:50:19 1:50:19 52.31
1:32:48 1:38:54 1:38:54 60.29
Caterpillar Update: I AM running, but not at my speed.  I'm going round at a 1:54:00 pace just for fun.  To save you looking, My Fetch recorded PB was 1:31:50 in the
1:28:56 1:34:25 1:53:59 1:53:44 56.54
Che dragon
Penarth & Dinas Runners
1:33:42 1:45:28 1:47:30 1:45:28 62.05
daz1927 My worst ever Half.  Was well trained up as part of Mara training for Dublin, and expected to knock 29 seconds off my PB to go sub-1:30.  How wrong was I?  Was up most of previous night honking and crapping, caught some tummy bug off one of the kids lol.  Turned up and was told I probably shouldn't race.  I still ran, but way off my anticipated pace, honked up on the course and then after meeting others after the finish, I honked some more in the Castle Grounds - luvverly.  A personal Worst by about 8 minutes lol.
Village Vipers
1:26:29 1:30:28 1:29:59 1:42:33 58.15
1:50:00 1:50:00 1:50:00 57.98
Chepstow Harriers
1:39:34 1:39:34 1:57:00 53.56
drunkenmunky Not had best preperation for this race.  Missed 2 weeks training with badly bruised foot.  Only 4 weeks to race once recovered!

Foot held up. Eased off last couple of miles as got Torfaen half in 2 weeks. Enjoyed race!
1:27:01 1:28:59 1:35:00 1:33:17 61.61
2:07:51 2:07:51 2:11:40 48.44
emandbelle I am going to try and run a bit faster. No promise though. Is quite close to GNR...might be lame!
Forest of Dean AC
2:36:35 2:36:35 2:37:12 2:36:35 40.90
fetcheveryone Come on then, lets have it. If there's not a 1:40 in me, there's a big PB. UPDATE: A PB, but by just under a minute, so potentially disappointing, but I did my best on the day. 15000 credits bet, so I'm pleased to turn a slight profit :-) So... race report... first thing to note - I forgot my frigging gels. Got there with little time to spare to think about or do anything about it. Felt pretty nervous. Set out a bit too fast (7.27, 7.21), excited running through the town. Supporters died away in mile 3, and the run went out over the Taff barage, on a big hairpin, which really messed with my head (7.38, 7.42, 7.47), although it was great to see a Fetchie running towards me at about 1:30 pace, although I'm yet to look up his name. Finishing this section (waving at JeniFred, but not attracting her attention), and my average pace was hurtling back to my 7.38 target, and the thought of no gel was not good. Dug in and thought about loved ones. Hurting quite a lot, but got through the next miles went in 7.50, 7.49, and then a walk through the water station for an 8.34. By this time, my head had left 1.40, and was shooting for 8 min/miles, but I could feel the power going. Next mile in 8.15, and then a bigass stitch under my right ribs forced me into a walk for about a minute, and an appalling 9.53. I was really down by this point, just as we ran through the big green area, and I tried to think about what I'd need to do to hold on to a PB, and to do what I could to keep things together. The Garmin seemed to be kind to me, and I managed to trot out an 8.42 and an 8.46, which is my regular training pace for long runs. I must admit to not being a big fan of the twisty turny course, but then I'm probably just being a big girls blouse about it. Was pretty worried about my breathing in the last mile - felt harder than it's ever been - it did cross my mind that I might be about to die (silly? Probably, but go figure). Thoughts of Mrs Everyone pulled me through, and kept me focussed on keeping one foot going infront of another. The Garmin was  obviously mad with me, and the last mile ticked down extra slow in 8.57. There were cobbles, and a slope in the last 0.1, but by then I no longer cared - I had something to deliver, and found 7.15 pace for the last bit. My dad was as close to the finish line as he could possibly be, and he shouted for me, and I gave him a wink as I crossed the line, and blew a mental kiss to my OH for all her help.

Found my dad, and needed to sit down for about 5 minutes before contemplating moving. Met some other Fetchies, and sorted out my chip, but (as my dad told me later), I didn't know my arse from my elbow. We reached the scrum at the castle gates, and as we remained stationary for 5 minutes, I felt the blood drain from my head, and had to lean on my dad. It was getting worse, and he ushered me to the nearest shoe tent, where I just about made it to a chair, with my vision just about gone. He made me put my head between my legs, and poured cold water over my neck. It did the trick, and I knew I was feeling a bit better when I became conscious that he was going to get my Garmin wet. We got out of the gate eventually (stepping aside to let a stretcher through, unconscious man, big bump on head, which also made me feel comparitively well), and it was back home for a restorative dinner from my mam. My dad also told me from his finishline position that he'd seen several people fall on the cobbles, and get picked up by the people running behind them.

Lessons: 1) remember your gels 2) don't get cocky 3) people you love will get you through 4) when things don't quite go your way, you can always help someone else.
FERC, Fit 2000 AC Bedfordview
1:44:49 1:47:20 1:40:00 1:47:20 53.55
1:24:47 1:30:05 1:30:00 1:30:05 66.74
1:34:04 1:34:04 1:35:18 66.89
TeamBath AC
1:30:56 1:30:56 1:30:56 63.46
1:55:00 1:55:00 1:57:00 57.15
Teignbridge Trotters
1:39:09 1:44:58 1:44:58 54.75
Grifter Excellent weather (overcast and cool) and a good interesting flat course. For my first half marathon since 1984 a reasonable performance
2:11:47 2:11:47 2:10:00 2:11:47 45.25
1:44:41 1:54:39 1:55:00 1:54:39 50.13
Avon Valley Runners, DB Max Tri
2:01:15 2:20:38 2:20:38 44.67
1:49:40 1:53:58 1:53:58 50.45
Mumbles Milers
1:51:38 1:56:39 1:56:39 55.44
2:17:23 2:17:23 2:17:23 42.91
1:37:58 1:43:04 1:44:09 58.19
Listers So chuffed to get under the 1.40 time! This is a very flat course tho, so no excuses. Did not njoy the cobbles at the end, much preffered finishing in the awesome Millenium Stadium like last year!
Elmbridge Road Runners
1:34:16 1:39:49 1:40:00 1:39:49 57.58
1:29:51 1:39:41 1:39:41 57.76
M62 Santa Despite a long term injury and a cold, I managed to do this race - in less than 2 hours. 1 h 51 m - I was over teh blue moon with my first ever Half Marathon time. 

The atmosphere was the best atmosphere I have EVER seen at a race. Brilliant.
1:28:28 1:51:24 1:47:00 1:51:24 51.68
Bogs of Somerset
2:07:18 2:07:18 2:15:00 2:07:54 49.30
2:12:00 2:12:00 2:12:00 43.54
Miss Piggy Wiggy Fab fab day I sooo enjoyed, the only way is faster now!!!!
2:14:44 2:27:00 2:30:00 2:27:00 42.73
2:20:17 2:20:17 2:50:00 2:20:17 43.93
Mouse. Using as a training race for Dublin - no intention of making this about a PB.
BADtri, Pirate Ship Of Fools
2:03:48 2:22:39 2:30:00 2:22:39 44.41
Mr Phil unsure whether to go for it and attempt a pb, or go steady and start the taper for snowdon.
will depend upon the weather, and if  i can be arsed in the first mile or not!

pb!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 2 mins off  A 10 year best!!!
Porthcawl Runners
1:36:30 1:36:30 1:40:00 1:36:30 60.23
Mrs Murphey Fantastic race. I actually really enjoyed it which I wasn't expecting - there were so many supporters cheering us on, and lots of friendly banter. I loved the guy with the trumpet, playing tunes to keep everyone's morale up! I will definitely do this race again.
2:16:52 2:16:52 2:30:00 2:16:52 45.94
Cardiff Harlequins RC
1:32:36 2:16:51 2:16:51 42.00
1:48:00 1:57:16 1:57:00 1:57:16 49.01
1:44:22 1:44:22 1:44:22 57.15
paulatt Was running superbly up to 10miles and would have done a PB but hip started to hurt and then leg became very painful so had to run/walk last mile or so.
Brackla Harriers
2:17:00 2:17:00 2:15:00 2:18:00 51.40
San Domenico RC
1:21:21 1:53:07 1:53:07 55.87
1:46:05 1:54:36 1:54:36 50.24
pirate beat mt target by 3 mins and 29 secs running well at mo bring it on
1:26:30 1:26:30 1:30:00 1:26:30 71.24
Womens Running Network
2:27:32 2:43:28 2:43:28 38.43
PQ This is 2 weeks before Dublin marathon so not sure yet if I will race it or just use it for training. If I race then sub 2 should be achievable.
A pb by 4 mins45 secs, come on ! I really enjoyed this race,  I took it reasonably leisurely and just enjoyed the crowds and didn't panic about my pace. I knew I would go sub 2 it was just a question of how much I would shave off bearing in mind I have Dublin in 2 weeks.
1:40:26 1:56:19 1:59:59 1:56:19 55.06
pullo Hope to beat my only other attempt at this distance. Will be in better shape. HAPPY nearly got 2 hours great course great run poor organisation especially at end but nearly 22 mins better than first attempt at this distance. Things can only get better.(Well with lots of training).
1:45:45 2:04:49 2:15:00 2:04:49 52.90
Glenwood Active
1:44:11 1:44:11 1:45:00 1:44:11 55.17
1:22:43 1:30:45 1:30:45 63.33
Tavistock AC
1:14:05 1:16:17 1:13:50
RogerB recovering from flu, one months prep, but felt fine.  V slow first two miles.
1:35:07 1:41:58 1:41:58 57.63
Running Caz Just want to beat Bristols 1:51:48 in Sep. Frightened of a flat course though :-/

Actually really enjoyed the FLAT but wasn't until too far in that I realised it :-( Great run, really enjoyed and found it EASY (really should have, and wished I'd ran harder as I was still going strong at the end and sprinted from the 13M marker. REALLY flat course which was quite varied and good crowd. Felt strong whole way through (spose I would at that pace!) and am defo going back next year to have a go this time!!
Cobra RC
1:36:29 1:46:50 1:50:00 1:48:40 58.30
SarahBoots (Solitude_Fairy) Possibly a chance of a PB here, training going well.  *UPDATE* Really enjoyed this, and enjoyed meeting Jeni who I ran with for about 3/4 of the race. Wanted to go sub2:30, but think this was wishful thinking. Fantastic race, really enjoyed it and only complaint is the not being able to get the tops off the water bottles. The cobbles were painful, but fantastic race. Overall pleased with a 4 minute PB!!!  WOOOHOOOO
2:25:25 2:37:16 2:37:16 40.91
Les Croupiers RC
1:40:30 2:15:10 2:15:10 46.75
1:22:43 1:29:44 1:29:44 64.05
Dudley Kingswinford RC
2:03:20 2:21:44 2:21:44 44.33
Sime went quite well, tried to maintain steady pace all the way round, tired a little at 11-12 miles bu then picked it up for a sprint finish.
San Domenico RC
1:20:11 1:33:18 1:38:00 1:35:15 60.58
1:42:42 1:42:49 1:48:47 52.85
Slipknot69 A fast flat half with plenty of P.B. potential.Came in 11th out of 7 and a half thousand
Running Forever, Trull Troggers
1:13:41 1:14:23 1:15:08 81.33
smash I really hoped I could do 2 hours this time, but I couldn't.  Not enough long runs meant that I seriously struggled.  A new Pb though, so no-one lost their credits!  Forgot to put playlist onto iPod so carried it 13.1M for no reason.  Forgot to turn off autopause on Garmin so unsure of my time once I'd stopped to stretch hip.  Struggled with the last 3 miles.  Quite pleased with the time really, seeing as it was such a disaster...
Pegasus RC
2:04:53 2:04:57 1:59:59 2:04:57 50.32
smoke free oh yes oh yes oh bloody yes. no wind no sun no hills and felt the benefits of proper training
1:23:36 1:41:31 1:41:31 58.74
1:45:39 1:54:16 1:54:16 51.42
stone monkey Very very happy!! went through 10miles in 59:25 and finished with a PB by over 5 minutes,26th overall.
Swansea Harriers AC
1:18:08 1:18:08 1:18:08 73.69
Sweetie Just using this as a training run and aiming for 2:20. I finished comfortably in 2:17:51 so pretty pleased with that. Roll on Torfaen!! :-)
2:07:49 2:09:07 2:17:51 46.27
1:34:30 1:44:32 1:44:32 60.11
1:28:46 1:28:46 1:30:00
The Black Rat
1:45:00 2:03:03 2:03:03 48.47
the vicious chicken
2:07:07 2:14:09 2:18:06 45.49
The_Saint I'm sure I could have gone faster if I'd been with someone just a bit quicker than me :-)
1:30:59 1:32:01 1:37:39 62.06
This time its for real!
2:46:30 2:46:30 2:46:30 40.49
tjrunning Slow start due to congestion (and I got there a bit later than I should have done) but was able to pick up the pace well on what is a fast course.  The last half mile (or so) over cobbles was a real killer
1:37:26 1:40:51 1:45:00 1:41:55 59.47
San Domenico RC
1:32:49 1:35:02 1:35:02 60.72
Aberdare Valley AAC
1:24:30 1:28:28 1:37:22 63.82
topsy Got a PB but missed my predicted time - had a slow start due to waiting for the toilets - better luck next time.
2:02:56 2:02:56 2:00:00 2:02:56 52.09
Torbay /N/o/ - bets please. I think i'm going to find this one hard. Apparently caterpiiler says I can't predict a Pb and say no bets. He has said he will drag me into a new Pb! I'm going for it!
Pb by 3 mins yippee!
Arrived late 5 mins before the start! landed up changeing in the underpass toilet queue to the horror of some and bemusement of others. Then took my chance and used the mens toilets as there was no queue! Managed to hand  my bag in and just by chance found caterpiller. I could now relax 3 mins before the start. Cat did exactly what he promised me and guided me through the race . I had a history lesson, was shouted at with encouragement,praised and his timeing was to perfection. what a guy can't thank him enough for giving up his time to help me. I feel quite humbled . He carried my drinks and even took my chip off at the end, what a gentleman. He did all this with out breaking into a sweat! Definitely worth a fetchie of the month vote. Thanks cat you are a star.
Torbay Athletic Club and Torbay Tri Club
1:47:30 1:53:43 1:54:00 1:53:43 58.80
1:57:57 2:03:52 2:12:00 2:03:52 46.40
tuck up
Les Croupiers RC
1:31:10 1:35:08 1:35:08 64.23
Haddington East Lothian Pacemakers
1:26:33 1:28:00 1:28:00 67.23
Welsh Alex Sortio !
Port Talbot
1:24:32 1:28:31 1:29:59 1:28:31 66.84
WildeRover I was trying to get that 1:50 and was bang on target at 10 miles - but could not keep it going for the last 3.  I needed to average 8:23s over those last 3, but could only muster 8:38s.

Comments on the race itself - well between the start line and the finish line, organisation was pretty good.  The water station at 3 miles was a bit undermanned - there was still a high density of runners at this point, but pretty much everything went OK.

The pre-start organisation was a bit poor - the baggage 'one-way' system, while good in theory, had a few problems in practice.  The first was that the numbering of the areas was not immediately obvious.  I spotted them immediately, but there were plenty of fish trying to swim upstream because they had gone past their alotted desk.  The big problem though was caused by the age old toilet issue.  OK, I know, there are never enough toilets anywhere.  Unfortunately one of the places where people were queuing for the toilet was all round the exit hall from the 'one-way' system.  This completely and utterly buggered up the chance for the system to flow.  So what could have otherwise worked took 15 mins to drop a bag off.  Two suggestions for if they try this again - at the entrance to the one way system there as well as signs for baggage and enquiries pointing in towards the building a toilet sign pointing to the main toilet area round the back of the building would have 'relieved' some of the problem.  Secondly, any queues for the inside toilets need to be managed to keep them to the side walls rather than going across the hallway and blocking the flow.

That was the not so bad bit.

The arrangements at the finish were where it really fell apart.  I'm not sure how long it took to get from 50 yards away from the castle gate to actually getting through the castle gate - I think it was about half an hour.  By which time my muscles and joints had completely siezed up.  Castle gates are not very wide and trying to fit 8,000 athletes, many with accompanying family, through one, all at the same time, whilst also trying to maintain a flow of people coming in through the same gate.....................................well, it just didn't work.  I think the scrum getting out of the castle had more effect on met than the previous 13.1 miles.

Dear organisers - if you have to finish in the castle grounds in future years, please, please, please, please, please make the castle grounds runners and officials only, with repatriation outside of the castle.  A general one way flow through that gate may just work.

T-shirt not so good this year - nice medal though (rubbish goody bag).
Lliswerry Runners
1:38:44 1:50:48 1:51:00 1:50:48 52.72

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