Here's a handy bunch of tools to help you with your training. Got a suggestion for a tool?Age Grading / WAVA
Calculate an age grade / WAVA score
Find out what WAVA score a given race performance would achieve.
Reverse Age-grading / WAVA
Enter an age grade and an age, to see what times you'd need to run.
Age-grading (WAVA) analysis
See your PB's in WAVA order, and the performances you'd need at various distances to match your best WAVA.
Race Time Predictors
Race Times
Just done a race? Want to know what your equivalent time would be for a different distance?
Marathon Prediction
Most standard predictors (including the one above) predict marathon times that many of us struggle to achieve.
This article offers a more accurate prediction, and advice on how to beat it.
VO2Max Estimation
Uses a recent race performance to calculate your VO2Max, and then generates equivalent race times.
Tanda Marathon Calculator
Calculate your marathon time based on your training volume and pace.
Riegel Calculator
Fine tune the predictions in your training log by recalculating your Riegel number.
Race Splits
Want to know your split times at each mile or km marker in the race?
Calculate your CSS pace
Calculate your aerobic swimming threshold.
Training Tools
Heart Rate Zones
Uses your resting and max heart rates to calculate percentage zones for HRM training.
Training Pace
Enter a race time, and find out how fast to run in training.
Your BMI
Want to calculate your BMI? Our BMI calculator does what it says.
Unit conversion
Convert your pace between miles and kilometres.