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Ian Williams aka Fetch

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London Marathon

  • Rated 86%
  • 26.2mi
  • Road
Entrants (311)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
3:39:50 3:41:34 3:41:34 56.54
2old Fantastic from beginning to finish. What an experience!4174th
Liverpool Pembroke & Sefton Harriers & AC
3:00:27 3:21:02 3:26:50 63.26
a.k.a Billy It should have been a bit quicker after a 1.44.30 first half. just ran out of steam in the last few miles.
Dunstable RRC
3:29:33 3:39:48 3:39:48 54.82
Northbrook AC
3:13:54 3:16:09 3:16:09 64.41
akmilne First Marathon and just made it below 3:30:00
Fife AC
3:28:32 3:29:45 3:29:45 57.83
Albert O Balsam KM10: 1:00:07   KM20: 2:00:42 
HALF: 2:07:16   KM30: 3:04:19 
KM40: 4:29:07   FINISH: 4:46:52
4:06:00 4:47:00 4:47:00 41.98
2:37:00 2:37:00 2:48:00 71.72
Alf Tupper This was my FA cup final, Wimbledon, Ashes, Grand National Winner, Grand Slam and Olympic gold medal all rolled into one but...I'm never doing it again!!!! Going great until mile 18 then legs cramped up, awful blisters and last 8 miles were total AGONY. Glad I've done it though. A day I'll never forget with fantastic crowds who really helped every step of the way.
3:39:37 3:39:37 3:45:00 3:39:37 60.66
Colchester Harriers AC, Trail Running Association
2:33:23 2:35:37 2:35:37 77.94
2:58:07 3:03:26 3:03:26 65.83
Always Injured
Ware Joggers
3:52:09 4:06:53 4:00:00 4:06:53 48.80
andy from embsay
Ilkley Harriers AC
3:07:19 3:48:13 3:48:13 55.36
Chase Harriers
2:59:57 3:07:48 3:10:00 3:07:48 65.58
4:03:11 4:03:11 4:03:11 49.55
Anna Finn
3:40:54 3:55:11 4:21:49 49.63
B Left hip didn't hold up. I was on pace and feeling good up to 16 miles. I sidestepped a bottle at 16 ish miles and my hip protested. By 18 miles I was in pain. By 20 miles I was stil on pace but couldn't feel my left foot. Hobbled the last 6 miles in despair.
Heathfield RRC
3:16:54 3:28:00 3:11:30 3:28:00 63.88
Badly Drawn Bloke
3:15:55 3:32:11 3:30:00 3:32:11 56.79
3:29:50 3:56:54 3:56:54 50.86
Holmfirth Harriers
2:56:02 2:56:02 2:56:02 77.04
2:54:47 3:27:24 3:27:24 58.10
Ampthill & Flitwick Flyers RC
3:51:54 5:23:54 5:23:54 40.09
Retford AC
3:37:21 4:21:35 4:30:00 4:21:35 49.69
beders 42 seconds off a PB, yet exactly the same time TO THE SECOND from my 2003 effort. Still 25 mins faster than last year and my legs didn't really let me down so more than happy, my endurance seems to be ok, just need to work on my speed. Oh yeah and I was 11000th TOP DAY
Ilkley Harriers AC
3:54:39 3:57:44 3:55:00 3:57:44 56.04
Ben B
Newmarket Joggers
2:48:51 3:06:30 3:06:30 64.61
Bettsy What a day! unbelievable. Really really pleased with my time.
A pb! fantastic.
Norwich Road Runners
2:47:50 2:54:21 3:00:00 2:54:21 69.11
Big Dom
4:37:41 4:42:37 4:42:37 46.30
BigG New PB, so have to be fairly happy, but missed the 2:45 I was aiming for. Going well at the half way point and up to about 22 miles, but then slowed and lost a lot of time.
North Yorks Moors AC
2:44:31 2:49:09 2:45:00 2:49:09 71.23
Hermitage Harriers RC
3:57:20 4:47:58 4:47:58 41.84
Scottish Veteran Harriers Club
3:48:42 4:21:41 4:22:04 51.30
Harwich Runners
3:10:26 3:17:00 3:17:00 68.24
blue (pete) BEFORE: I'm in Red start and hope to get into the runnersworld pace group - looks a very long way...bliddy hell...it IS a very long way.
AFTER: I felt really down immediately after the race - don't know why. What an achievement! Today (24th) I've been wearing my t-shirt and medal and soaking up the praise and now think UP not down. Quads a bit tight but been to Nirvana Spa all day courtesy of Mrs b(p) and feel really good - can do stairs and everything.
Thought all the organisation was fab - especially the fushing tiolets with wooden seats at the start and cups of sweet tea.
Thown bottles a pain and seeing so many blokes p....g against walls etc wore very thin after a while. FLM spend a lot of money putting portaloos along the route - I stopped twice and waited a total of about 5 minutes including doing the deed - so what?!
May just do another one.
2621 in age group, 14282nd male, 18020 place overall
4:25:43 4:25:43 4:20:00 4:25:43 46.74
Blue mooon
3:15:24 3:15:24 3:15:24 61.66
BlueWombat The splits tell it all: 10k 49:22,  20k 1:45:20, Half 1:52:09, 30k 2:59:18, 40k 4:22:17, Finish 4:38:37.  Calf blew up around mile 14 and I hobbled, stumbled and trotted from there on home. Must rest that calf properly now for at least a month and see a physio a.s.a.p.
Cambridge & Coleridge AC, Cambridge University Hare & Hounds
3:28:13 3:36:13 3:35:00 4:38:37 45.35
bob hopeless 20K				01:28:33
half			        01:33:28
30K			        02:15:19
40K				03:07:49
finish			03:19:55
Twemlow Track Club
2:43:14 3:19:55 3:19:55 60.27
Bodge Was really hoping for a sub 4 but it wasn't to be this time. Well there is always another day and another race. However it was a PB managed to knock 34mins off my previous time.
Stafford Harriers
4:04:46 4:04:46 4:04:46 51.18
Born to run
3:14:16 3:17:29 3:17:29 61.02
brett1959 i could have done better if not picked up injury at 15 miles
Chepstow Harriers
4:18:44 4:24:49 4:24:49 48.97
3:31:49 3:45:11 3:45:11 53.51
Bellahouston Road Runners
2:52:40 3:14:39 3:14:39 63.28
4:10:48 4:10:48 4:10:48 51.77
Bul PHEW!!!!!!!!!!!
Clapham Chasers
2:44:40 2:59:21 3:00:00 2:59:21 67.18
Cambridge & Coleridge AC, Haverhill RC
3:17:41 4:02:10 4:02:10 54.52
Northbrook AC, Warwick Uni Triathlon & Road Cycling Club
3:45:32 3:52:34 3:52:34 56.51
Captain Stretch Second crack at the marathon distance was aiming for 3 hours 45 as all my training indicated I should be capable of this but on the day just didn't feel right but at least I managed to sneak under the 4 hours this time would have been devastated if i hadn't managed that.
3:58:04 3:58:04 3:58:04 54.42
caterpillar girl
3:25:40 3:29:58 3:29:58 63.57
Cazros Ugh!
Serpentine RC
3:43:32 3:58:26 3:58:26 54.45
Odyssey Runners
3:51:35 4:22:00 4:22:00 49.57
Chandy Died badly after 17 miles (no race plan)
First Marathon
3:09:01 3:21:55 3:30:00 3:21:55 59.67
Wootton Road Runners
2:54:17 3:58:41 3:58:41 50.48
Kirkintilloch Olympians
3:22:07 3:22:29 3:22:59 59.36
cidermonkey way outside my hoped for time, mainly due to illness which interrupted my training and a sore tummy on the day. But a great race. Could barely wipe the grin off my face for the first 10 miles, and definitely broke my pb for the amount of kids high-fived. The crowd were completely amazing and the organisiation fantastic. Was it just me or did anyone feel  like they'd got stuck in the docklands forever and were never going to be let out again?!
4:17:00 4:31:47 4:00:00 4:31:47 47.85
clairster all passed by in a bit of a blur, but lots of fun and definitely want to do it again!
Stockport Harriers & AC
3:53:47 3:55:23 3:55:23 55.25
Spa Striders RC
3:16:51 3:54:53 3:59:59 3:54:53 55.32
3:57:47 4:49:53 4:49:53 41.65
Reading Roadrunners, New York Road Runners Club
3:43:26 4:16:36 4:16:36 48.00
5:13:00 5:13:00 5:13:00 38.50
Colinzealuk Chip time. First things first, a PB (even if just by a few seconds), so no complaints about that. On the other hand, blew up spectacularly in the second half for some reason and ran out of energy completely after running a strong first half - 1:30:38 - and on target for what I really wanted which was around 3:05. Gutted!
Barnet & District AC, Watford Harriers AC
3:09:09 3:26:48 3:15:00 3:26:48 58.38
Colutd Robbo
4:20:45 4:30:00 4:30:00 46.00
controversial Very very very good london marathon. Magical race with the crowd making you feel like you are running for gold! I will do it next year again! Manage to see my parents and a friend on the course so it was magical! And as usual the wifey was waiting at the finish line!
On top of that it is my PB so ...
Clapham Chasers
2:33:54 3:27:47 3:45:00 3:33:59 56.31
coral Most amazing think i've ever done
4:10:23 4:10:23 4:00:00 4:10:23 51.87
4:37:00 5:03:00 5:00:00 5:03:00 39.85
Cranleigh Tortoise & Hare Runners
3:24:41 3:24:41 3:45:00 3:24:41 65.08
3:24:25 3:52:32 3:00:00 3:52:32 51.82
5:22:00 5:22:00 5 5:22:00 40.32
3:42:43 4:44:32 4:44:32 42.35
curtis perfect pb everything went v.well
2:48:00 2:48:23 2:58:00 2:48:23 71.56
4:01:05 4:01:05 4:29:29 4:01:05 51.52
4:49:08 6:36:36 6:36:36 32.70
Dave Maher
3:45:49 3:45:49 3:45:49 53.36
dave the flower
New Forest Runners
3:46:05 4:28:48 4:30:00 4:28:48 45.44
Rochford Running Club
3:20:47 3:33:46 3:33:46 65.90
davelord Thise were the days
Trawden AC
2:53:32 3:02:02 3:02:02 70.01
3:36:06 4:32:17 4:20:00 4:38:18 45.40
Billericay Striders RC
4:32:07 4:46:48 4:46:48 45.97
Village Vipers
3:13:57 3:29:09 4:00:00 3:29:09 57.99
Almost Athletes
4:38:50 4:46:58 4:46:58 46.51
3:26:41 4:27:15 4:27:15 45.18
Southwest Roadrunners
4:31:17 4:56:45 4:56:45 42.21
Dickie York Position (Overall): 	3337
Position (Gender): 	3022
Position (Age group): 	584
KM10: 	0:41:46 	  	KM20: 	1:25:47
HALF: 	1:30:38 	  	KM30: 	2:13:27
KM40: 	3:08:30 	  	FINISH: 	3:20:28
Pocklington Runners
2:41:18 3:11:59 3:20:28 60.11
Brighton & Hove Women's Running Club, UKnetrunner
4:14:22 4:28:13 4:28:13 51.96
3:30:08 3:42:00 4:00:00 3:42:00 58.58
Launceston Road Runners
3:48:25 3:48:25 3:48:25 57.80
Linlithgow AAC
2:48:21 2:57:26 2:57:40 67.82
4:28:57 4:43:43 4:43:43 48.72
Drifter going well until 22 miles when knee started to really hurt, slowed down considerably, including 5 mins with St Johns Ambulance getting it strapped.  Hobbled home taking 60 mins for 4 miles!
Driffield Striders
2:59:31 3:45:00 3:45:00 55.67
100 Marathon Club, Trail Running Association, LDWA
4:29:43 5:39:28 5:39:28 38.72
dvc wonderful day to run, not so great to watch
3:28:02 3:46:02 3:55:00 3:46:02 57.32
eL Bee!  London has a Marathon, apparently...

Well - it does - I was there. got T-shirt and everything to show for it!!
I was more nervous about this race than any other I've ever been in. Why was that I hear you asking yourselves..!!
Well - in part it was to do with the fact that it's a flippin' long way - in part it was to do with the fact that I've only tried one before and had a nightmare at Mile 21 - in part it was to do with the fact that I'd trained OK, but not as well as I should have - and in part it was to do with the fact that I'd told so many people what I was hoping to acheive.

We caught the Club bus at ridiculously-early o'clock and were taken to somewhere near the Start - and wandered around the runners area doing the last 27 wee's and changing thing - drinking coffee and last fuelling up with Lucozade Sport.. Met up with XFR Bear too - which was really great. It was SO well organised.
Cumberland AC
2:59:43 3:16:44 3:30:00 3:16:44 62.08
Ellioski Hit the wall at 18 miles and struggled to finish. Didn't particularly enjoy the experience, and won't be rushing to go back to the sh*thole they call the capital. Glad I did it though, just to say I've done it.
Louth AC, Louth Triathlon Club, CRISS Club
3:18:07 3:18:07 3:00:00 3:18:07 60.82
2:46:29 2:54:08 2:54:08 69.20
Erics KM10: 0:52:20   KM20: 1:44:00 
HALF: 1:49:34   KM30: 2:37:04 
KM40: 3:33:22   FINISH: 3:44:32
3:44:32 3:44:32 3:44:32 54.02
Eynsham Red
3:57:10 4:55:03 4:55:03 45.15
Woking AC
2:48:04 3:04:23 2:58:00 3:04:23 67.94
Fat Man Runs What a perfect race - for once a bloke can have nothing to complain about.

Funniest moment seeing Jade Goody at 4 miles asking her cameraman how much further she had to go?
4:42:42 4:42:42 4:00:00 4:42:42 42.62
3:32:30 3:32:30 3:32:30 56.70
Fifi Le Pew Had a ball,enjoyed it all.The crowds were great
5:17:07 6:09:17 6:09:17 36.51
Fishface Did it!! steady 9min/miles - last mile was hard work - just glad when the finished appeared.
3:54:48 3:54:48 4:00:00 3:54:48 51.43
Fizz :-) Runner No.:  8358 

Position (Overall):  23766 (33237)
Position (Gender):  5768 (10164)
Position (Age group):  1022 (1726)

KM10: 1:07:08   KM20: 2:13:43 
HALF: 2:21:02   KM30: 3:22:13 
KM40: 4:34:26   FINISH: 4:49:29
4:08:42 4:49:29 5:00:00 4:49:29 45.55
3:50:39 3:50:39 3:50:39 52.24
Flibberty Jibbet
5:43:07 5:43:07 5:43:07 37.84
FLYING-HIGH first full marathon; enjoyed it though
5:12:33 5:12:33 5:12:59 40.52
4:18:26 4:23:35 4:10:30 4:23:35 46.34
3:12:22 3:55:57 3:55:57 51.07
frisp Congestion in first 2.5 miles made for perfect gentle warm up. Next 10 felt great. Things started to go down hill from there. By 22 miles was just hanging on, trying to work harder and getting slower-PB by 14 minutes though and a fabulous day.
Manx Tri Club
3:05:54 3:05:54 3:15:00 3:14:20 62.85
frizzle Great conditions. Ran to 16 at perfect pace. Got stomach cramps after that and couldn't get back into!! can't wait to do it again next year to actually achieve my predicted time!!!
Yaxley Runners and Joggers
4:23:24 4:58:00 4:30:00 4:58:00 43.62
G-Dawg Struggled in the humidity. nearly stopped at 16 but carried on. From 20 miles onwards, it was hell!!!
Woking AC
2:59:18 3:47:10 3:59:59 3:47:10 53.39
gary2 Just heard today that I have got a charity place. My first marathon. Laid up at the moment with very sore quads after an excellent weeks training. Typical.
3:22:03 4:20:00 4:45:00 4:20:00 51.70
St. Helens Striders
3:01:34 3:41:32 3:41:32 54.40
Wrexham AAC
3:39:44 4:14:10 4:30:00 4:14:10 47.41
Geoff H
BRJ Run and Tri
4:51:59 4:51:59 4:51:59 41.27
Georgias Dad Great day, I beat my PB by 59:56
Dereham Runners AC
3:27:14 3:27:14 3:30:00 3:27:14 58.27
Redhill Distict Royal Mail AC, Striders of Croydon AC
3:49:56 4:17:01 4:17:01 47.52
Gin Queen
3:27:17 3:27:17 3:27:17 65.43
Stockport Harriers & AC
2:55:15 3:21:53 3:21:53 59.69
3:51:25 3:51:25 3:48:08 3:51:25 52.07
Go-KL The aim in the 6 months of training was to break 3 hours - even if it was by just one second.
Training was a mixed bag - some great runs tempered with a frustrating series of hip and groin injuries, the worst of which left me unable to move my right leg whilst on a physio's bed 10 days before the big race. Happily I was patched up to a point where I was running in discomfort, but running ok.
I was probably not quite in top form - that was in late February - then 3 flyaway GP's left me tired and not doing the normal level of training. Still I was confident I had it in me to break 3 hours.

The race itself was an exercise in control and restraint. Using my Garmin and my HR monitor I consistently held back for the first 19 miles, not letting myself run faster than 6:32 pace and no higher HR than 170. Again the HR was a little higher than I expected, but I conclude that this must be due to the adrenaline of the day.
The pain in the right hip came on at about 9 miles and reached a swift peak at 11. I was fearful that it would be a disastrous ending to the race, but some prodding in my side around my ribs periodically appeared to alleviate the problem. 
I was planning to push at 20 but decided to up it at 19 as I was feeling good. I actually ran my fastest 10km of the race in that final 6 miles and ended up with a negative split - something I thought I would never do. At 25 miles I knew that barring absolute disaster I would break 3 hours, and I let the occasion absorb me completely - making it the happiest running experience ever.
I ended the race with a little cramp in my calf but otherwise fresh and fine - happy and eager to get out of London and into a hot bath!
Grantham Running club
2:40:47 2:57:25 2:59:59 2:57:25 67.91
3:52:44 4:17:03 4:17:03 55.34
Northbrook AC
4:32:18 4:32:18 4:32:18 46.00
gray Felt ecstatic at Cutty Sark, comfortable at Tower Bridge, wondered what I was doing here at Canary Wharf, and was looking for a cab by Parliament Square but I've got the medal and I'm planning next year.......
Cranleigh Tortoise & Hare Runners
4:18:10 4:40:04 4:20:00 4:40:04 46.31
Greenman Wow-only my 2nd London and everything went according to plan, even down to the weather! Brilliant support from the crowd gave me a real adrenalin buzz-I forgot it was a Marathon until about 8 miles I was enjoying it so much. Brilliant result (PB), brilliant race, and a GFA place for the next 2 years. Fantastic.
Grantham Running club
2:53:27 2:56:38 2:56:38 69.73
Grey Tornado
Lewes AC, West 4 Harriers
2:55:38 2:58:52 2:59:59 2:58:52 67.36
Haggis felt really ill, shouldn't have started.
walked from 11 mile marker.
Forfar Road Runners
4:10:22 4:59:11 5:05:05 42.89
3:10:29 3:12:58 3:12:58 67.30
4:00:41 5:02:00 5:02:00 43.07
4:11:41 4:48:15 4:48:15 44.21
4:19:57 4:50:30 4:50:30 45.24
Collingwood AC
3:03:52 3:15:03 3:26:11 62.90
Ian121 omg that was hard had to  walk run last 8m walked 2 mins then ran to next mile post
rockingham cycling club
4:55:19 4:55:19 4:40:00 4:55:19 40.81
Impossible is Nothing Nearly threw up at 25 miles, but apart from that good steady pace.  Good experience.
Westbury Harriers
3:07:43 3:15:01 3:10:00 3:15:01 61.79
Birstall RC, Leicester Triathlon Club
3:21:57 4:07:20 4:07:20 49.04
Is@@c Great weekend in London. 31mins off my PB
Stockport Harriers & AC
3:24:40 3:31:24 3:30:00 3:31:24 58.75
Ashford and District RRC
3:49:00 3:49:00 3:49:00 52.62
JEJ Owch
2:28:57 2:44:20 2:44:20 73.32
Farnham Triathlon Club, Woking AC
2:44:56 2:59:36 2:59:36 67.09
4:44:00 4:44:00 4:30:00 4:44:00 46.03
I may have missed my target time of 3:30, but I really don't care. Despite it hurting so much, I really did enjoy every minute. The atmosphere was far better than I ever imagined and passing Gordon Ramsey at 21 miles made it all just that little bit sweeter.

This was my first ever marathon, and despite a few fueling errors along the way it could not really have gone much better. The rain caused me some problems with blisters from about 11 miles, which I am suffering with today, but who cares because I DID IT!!!!

Roll on Cardiff in October. I have caught the marathon bug.
3:36:08 3:36:08 3:30:00 3:36:08 55.75
Stockport Harriers & AC
2:42:21 2:56:27 2:56:27 68.29
Jogging Jon
100 Marathon Club, Wrekin Road Runners
5:17:38 4:23:43 4:35:08 45.14
4:10:56 5:11:04 5:11:04 38.73
Stockport Harriers & AC
2:49:59 2:59:17 2:59:59 2:59:17 70.47
4:14:52 4:54:29 5:00:00 5:11:48 38.73
4:03:02 4:03:02 4:03:02 55.48
Heaton Harriers & AC
3:15:49 3:15:49 3:15:49 67.12
Eden Runners
4:13:30 4:25:00 4:25:00 49.23
Hillingdon AC
4:50:27 5:12:39 5:12:39 39.73
Keep On Running Can run faster!  Defo looking at sub-3, and will get it in the coming year/s!
Club Runners World
2:55:28 3:11:17 3:00:00 3:11:17 62.99
Todmorden Harriers & AC, The Green Runners
3:01:51 3:27:50 3:29:59 3:27:50 62.48
Team Bushy
4:06:34 4:26:28 4:26:28 48.87
kozzie Thrilled to take a massive 80 mins of last years time. All that hard work paid off in the end! Was tracking well for 4:40 up to about 15 miles but found it hard to maintain the pace. Sheer guts and the support of the AMAZING crowd made sure I came in sub5 so very happy on the whole. Today? well I think bungalows have suddenly become very appealing...
Ware Joggers
4:55:18 4:55:18 4:55:18 46.84
la bandit this was the highlight of my running years,my running partner achieved a pb here 3.40 in the same race and i ran a blinder too!!!doesnt get any better than that
Grantham AC, Stamford Striders
3:13:59 3:21:20 3:21:20 64.99
LambChop Fantastic first time. Can't wait to do it all again.
Hermitage Harriers RC
4:52:20 5:23:07 6:00:00 5:23:07 40.25
Laura B
4:41:01 4:54:41 4:54:41 44.60
Laurence 17miles ok, about 2 hrs 20min iish
19 miles died, walked/limped to the end
Pembrokeshire Harriers AAC
3:55:00 5:16:26 3:50:00 5:16:26 39.93
Fell Runners Association
LC Yep, there is only me that can run exactly the same time time as 2005, even down to the last second.

Finished either 100th or 102nd lady this year.
Darwen Dashers RC
3:00:27 3:04:12 3:04:12 72.47
Lemon Slice
North Norfolk Beach Runners
4:33:21 4:15:00 4:15:00 47.26
North Herts Road Runners
3:04:23 3:04:23 3:04:23 70.54
LittleBAT Would love to see 03:30 on the clock at the finish. And as my Mum used to say you don't get something for nothing. Better focus on my training!
Felixstowe RRC
3:40:00 3:30:00
West 4 Harriers
2:50:00 3:18:31 3:18:31 65.85
Longlegs Not too bad, considering the lack of training
Swanley & District AC
3:44:21 4:29:20 5:00:00 4:38:38 43.24
Haverhill RC
3:15:55 4:15:24 4:00:00 4:15:24 47.18
Dorking & Mole Valley AC
3:06:27 3:33:34 3:33:34 56.79
lozza Everytime I do this I spend half the race hating it... and the rest loving it and I know I'll be back!
Collingwood AC
4:01:27 4:02:21 4:00:00 4:02:21 55.96
M. Diddy
Team Trisports, North Herts Road Runners
3:12:32 3:14:38 3:14:38 64.91
MacDaz It was magical. I've had a few days to reflect and it just keeps getting better. The plan turned to custard by mile 2 and the over crowding meant that I didn't do the time I think I was capable of, but looking back it does not matter a jot. I did sub 4 hrs in my first marathon and raised over £2,500 for DEBRA. A year ago I thought a 10k was my limit and 16 months ago getting of the sofa was a challenge. Now I've done it I really have run the London Marathon and I've fallen in love with it. The crowd were amazing and made me feel like a gold medal winner. It is an amazing event. It's like letting a pub team play in the FA cup final and enjoy that level of support, with the people really meaning it. I can't really describe what I'm feeling but one thing is for sure. I'll be back.
3:42:40 3:57:06 4:00:00 3:57:06 50.82
Marathon Mike
Woodford Green AC with Essex Ladies
4:50:32 5:19:07 5:19:07 39.59
Matt the Brum Another brill FLM.
Got carried away and went off way too fast.  Paid for it later on but kept going and knocked 10mins off my pb.
89th overall, 79th Mal and 24th M20.
Extremely pleased.
Stourbridge RC
2:33:06 2:33:06 2:33:06 78.70
3:51:12 3:51:12 3:51:12 52.12
Dagenham 88 Runners
4:08:20 5:19:22 5:19:22 41.04
Telford Harriers
2:49:47 3:55:20 3:55:20 51.20
Middleman It was drizzling and made for a perfect race.
North East Marathon Club
3:37:15 3:46:23 4:00:00 3:46:23 53.22
miff Had the time of my life running this.  A long held ambition finally fulfilled.
4:06:00 4:50:00 5:00:00 4:50:00 41.55
Bellahouston Road Runners, Skye & Lochalsh Running Club
3:40:33 3:42:54 3:42:54 59.15
4:07:00 4:18:00 4:18:00 48.14
3:55:43 4:14:07 4:14:07 47.42
mile muncher
Thetford AC
3:52:18 4:52:00 4:45:00 4:52:00 46.18
3:53:33 3:53:33 4:00:00 3:53:33 56.46
3:19:11 3:23:53 3:23:53 64.67
Witney Road Runners
3:06:30 3:28:09 3:53:51 51.52
mokina horrible trots!! I had to stop 5 times....grrrrr
Happy Runner Club
4:19:29 5:26:19 4:45:00 5:26:19 40.16
Eastern Veterans AC, Riverside Runners
3:14:58 4:00:23 4:00:23 56.44
Newmarket Joggers
3:22:08 3:29:55 3:46:00 55.43
3:55:21 4:42:17 4:42:17 42.68
mrs B@edenrunners
Eden Runners
3:03:40 3:03:40 3:03:40 71.79
Marlborough Running Club
4:39:16 4:39:16 4:39:16 47.80
Bearbrook Joggers RC
4:01:17 4:20:00 4:00:00 4:20:00 46.34
Mudlark/Titan Tri sport Set my stall out to do 6;15 pace,felt good & strong to end!
Came 16th in v 45 cat.
Titan RoadSport
2:45:00 2:45:00 2:50:00 2:45:00 78.60
Muds Wanted sub 2:50 & got it!!
Watford Joggers
2:38:00 2:48:55 2:50:00 2:48:55 77.46
Harrow AC
2:47:41 2:47:41 3:07:57 69.09
3:56:24 4:51:00 4:51:00 41.41
Nexus Icon
Stockport Harriers & AC
2:29:23 3:06:04 3:26:29 58.35
50 Marathon Club, Reading Joggers, Wargrave Runners
3:28:33 4:49:03 4:49:03 54.87
Nick Cook
4:17:31 4:17:31 4:00:00 4:17:31 51.27
Wirral AC
2:42:05 2:58:46 2:58:46 67.40
nomorehills :) No training.....but i finished!!!
Handy Cross Runners
5:59:58 5:59:58 5:59:58 33.48
Congleton Harriers
4:19:00 4:30:00 4:30:00 52.94
Congleton Harriers
4:21:13 4:30:56 4:30:56 52.76
Notso Athletic
4:26:00 4:26:00 4:26:00 45.30
Number 6
3:44:13 3:45:20 3:45:20 57.55
2:52:39 2:55:03 2:55:03 68.83
2:59:01 3:21:00 3:21:00 59.95
Oven Gloves
Blyth RC
3:36:25 3:51:32 3:51:32 52.75
pants Ants
3:05:42 3:20:37 3:20:37 60.06
par I'm going to have to do it again - until I get under 4 hours
Cove Joggers
3:43:46 3:58:40 4:12:12 52.82
Paul W
3:46:41 4:27:03 4:27:03 51.76
Epsom Oddballs RC
2:52:56 2:52:56 2:52:56 69.68
4:25:00 4:26:00 4:00:00 4:26:00 48.70
Bearbrook Joggers RC
3:58:58 4:26:01 4:26:01 45.29
Wadhurst Runners
2:54:35 3:32:10 3:39:21 3:32:10 69.05
plodding hippo 30 minutes wasted in loo queues
so just enjoyed the very wet day!
100 Marathon Club
4:16:46 5:09:22 5:44:38 38.92
Otley AC
3:53:37 4:31:50 4:58:00 4:31:50 45.31
race junkie
Fife AC
3:01:18 3:01:18 3:01:18 66.60
racheybabes Wow, what an amazing day!! Time passed so quickly, partly due to the crowd support. I was a bit disappointed with my time but it took 20 mins for the first 2 miles, so i suppose that's life! This is the first year i haven't lost a toe nail, on ly got a massive blister cos of all the rain. All in all a truly exciting day!
3:26:58 3:37:49 3:37:49 59.61
3:14:11 3:25:47 3:25:47 58.94
Rapid Greggers
Hermitage Harriers RC
2:38:52 2:42:23 2:42:23 74.20
4:33:17 4:43:28 4:43:28 46.82
Metro Aberdeen
2:52:42 3:00:58 3:00:58 71.04
Looe Pioneers
4:35:22 4:35:22 4:35:22 48.82
Andover AC
3:16:58 4:15:49 4:15:49 47.10
Rob A
4:24:24 4:24:24 4:24:24 45.57
Robbo My first evey marathon! An amazing day

Due to an IT band injury was planning to walk / run round but on the day decided against it.   

The knee held out & was chuffed with my time.
Barrow Runners
3:29:53 4:33:17 4:33:17 47.59
Bournemouth AC
2:30:58 2:30:58 2:30:58 79.81
Pembrokeshire Harriers AAC, RAF AC
2:54:28 2:57:11 2:57:11 68.00
4:45:00 4:45:00 4:45:00 42.28
3:55:26 5:00:22 5:00:22 40.11
Northbrook AC
4:12:15 4:43:49 4:43:49 42.45
rockin rory
3:40:00 4:15:00 4:15:00 51.31
Ronnie Wibbley Upset stomach meant an uphappy race - always next year I suppose.
Watford Joggers
3:41:39 3:41:39 3:41:39 58.00
3:20:21 3:20:21 3:30:00 3:20:21 60.14
Dunstable Lions RC
3:17:50 3:26:26 3:26:26 60.17
run fat boy run72
3:36:12 4:25:29 4:25:29 45.39
Runner Martin Great race, slowed down for the second half, got 4:08 improved PB by nearly a minute
Good fun
Redway Runners
3:58:36 4:08:46 3:59:00 4:08:46 52.60
Runnig Dude
Leicester Coritanian AC
2:32:45 2:33:59 2:35:00 2:33:59 80.66
Running Caz
Cobra RC
3:39:46 4:25:00 4:25:00 49.14
runningflea AMAZING!!!!
5:30:09 5:37:15 6:00:00 5:37:15 38.50
Wadhurst Runners
3:22:53 3:38:43 3:38:43 63.20
Runningmat Good run, started off nice and easy, and felt good for most of the way round. Last mile was tough as legs were starting to seize up. Managed to do negative split. 1min30s quicker over second half.
Macclesfield Harriers & AC
2:43:28 2:46:30 2:50:00 2:46:30 72.37
Sam1979 Worse race I've run mentally....Not helped by seeing competitor receiving CPR on the side of the road.
3:19:48 4:11:31 4:00:00 4:11:31 51.62
sandgrounder PACED MARK ALL THE WAY.
3:50:02 3:53:09 3:45:00 3:53:09 51.79
Sar Bear
Birchfield Harriers
3:44:00 3:44:00 3:44:00 57.96
Shettleston Harriers
2:42:59 2:51:49 2:51:49 70.13
scotty my 1st and so far only Marathon.Wanted 4 hrs but happy to finish in one piece
4:44:27 4:44:27 4:44:27 42.36
4:02:23 4:33:39 4:33:39 44.03
Self D
3:13:32 3:30:04 3:51:17 52.10
Winchester & District AC
3:12:22 3:12:22 3:12:22 69.08
shadwell Felt good up till around 19 miles then the wheels fell of and struggled to the end.
Haverhill RC
4:39:42 4:39:42 4:30:00 4:39:42 43.37
Shell Trooper Atkins
York Knavesmire Harriers, Stirling Triathlon Club
4:50:09 4:59:30 6:00:00 4:59:30 44.57
Shin-Twigs said never again ! but am doing BH and FLM tee hee!
4:40:13 4:55:25 4:30:00 4:55:25 44.80
Sidman Pleased with run. Ran a negative split (1:59:27 for the first half) and was a minute out at 20 miles (3:02 v a planned 3:01). Had to pull out the stops in the last 6.2 but I guess there's not many who don't.
3:57:44 3:57:44 4:00:00 3:57:44 52.69
Falkirk Victoria Harriers, Polmont Joggers
3:13:41 3:31:57 3:38:49 58.24
simmicee PB!  Dead chuffed. :)
Ealing, Southall & Middlesex AC
3:34:26 3:37:34 3:45:00 3:37:34 60.41
SimonF Fantastic!
Cumberland Fell Runners, Horsforth Fellandale Club
3:12:02 3:26:22 3:30:00 3:26:22 59.68
3:44:53 3:44:53
3:14:57 3:45:29 3:45:29 59.80
solo88 Great up to 20 miles again and the right knee went these time (can not win)
Action Heart RC
4:43:47 4:50:00 4:50:00 52.07
4:05:33 4:05:33 4:05:33 49.07
stato,rob amazing to actually just be running a race i d watched on tv so many times. last few miles were tough, but the crowds keep you going
Kenilworth Runners
3:04:52 3:10:02 3:15:00 3:10:02 63.40
4:17:02 4:25:43 4:25:43 48.38
100 Marathon Club
3:40:08 3:51:02 3:59:34 52.29
Bridport Runners
3:45:26 3:45:26 3:45:26 53.45
2:56:48 3:23:55 3:37:01 55.52
St. Helens Striders
3:28:01 3:28:01 3:28:01 59.21
White Horse Harriers AC
2:56:40 3:47:15 4:00:00 3:47:15 53.13
3:28:11 3:49:43 4:29:24 44.73
Superwoman My best ever.
Spa Striders RC
3:16:55 3:42:06 3:42:06 58.51
3:57:01 3:57:01 3:57:01 58.36
4:52:47 5:10:30 5:25:36 40.15
3:14:08 3:26:43 3:20:00 3:26:43 63.40
Ivanhoe Runners
2:46:59 2:46:59 2:46:59 76.32
Tango (Adam)
Notfast Running Club, Votwo/USN
2:37:00 2:51:56 3:00:00 2:51:56 71.36
Tarmac Runner
Cobra RC
3:44:59 4:12:01 4:12:01 47.91
taulpaul Another year -another FLM and a new fastest time for me at this distance.  Fantastic day - the support never fails to completly amaze me despite the weather and i still get a shiver when i run across tower bridge - love it!!!
Birmingham Swifts
3:30:24 3:31:52 3:31:52 56.87
Handy Cross Runners
3:14:00 3:43:09 3:43:09 69.82
The Mighty OFK a very winters training paid off with a pb (8mins) stayed relax passed ian hammond at 20 miles knew i could finnally crack the 4 hr mark
Quakers RC
3:40:29 3:54:27 4:00:00 3:54:27 54.83
The Outlaw
Ranelagh Harriers
2:55:56 2:56:38 2:55:00 2:56:38 75.42
The Plod
San Domenico RC
3:05:13 3:26:41 3:26:41 60.61
The_Saint Hmm, found out the hard way that my training wasn't up to it
3:38:42 4:01:00 4:01:00 51.54
Dereham Runners AC
3:55:07 3:57:46 3:59:59 3:57:46 50.78
Cumbernauld AAC, Scottish Veteran Harriers Club
2:38:11 3:31:00 3:31:00 57.10
tiger-turnbull struggled with knee pain and hip pain aswell.  just glad to finish without stopping.  weather was great and never felt like I needed to stop.  Could of done with getting to the start before the gun went off,  so with no warm up - not a bad time.  needed to be a few stone lighter
3:35:23 4:07:41 3:50:00 4:07:41 48.65
4:09:52 4:28:42 4:28:42 48.65
Tiggers mate Roo
Sparkhill Harriers
3:08:05 3:30:19 3:30:19 70.03
ToastRunner PB! Yea!
Crawley AC
2:44:17 2:44:26 2:44:26 73.28
5:14:30 6:40:00 6:40:00 32.68
Northern Veterans AC, Preston Harriers
2:36:34 2:36:34 2:36:34 76.96
Dagenham 88 Runners
4:21:07 4:33:30 4:33:30 47.53
travelling man
Aberdare Valley AAC
3:02:45 3:02:45 3:02:45 69.73
Wilmslow RC
2:57:58 3:06:52 3:06:52 68.20
Kent AC
3:24:24 3:29:20 3:24:00 3:29:20 61.41
Tuppence Really enjoyed the race - apart from the terrible cramp in my thigh muscles 3 miles form the finish.
The weather was increadibly hot. Crowd support was brilliant.
4:50:00 4:50:00 4:30:00 4:50:00 46.03
Twoleftfeet Gotta get under 4 hrs! Gotta get under 4 hrs!Gotta get under 4 hrs!Gotta get under 4 hrs!Gotta get under 4 hrs!Gotta get under 4 hrs!Gotta get under 4 hrs!
And with the help of my new friends at East Cheshire & Tameside Harriers, I'm damned sure going to try!!!!
4:16:00 3:59:59
100 Marathon Club, City of Salisbury A & RC, Winchester & District AC
3:01:14 3:49:19 3:59:59 3:59:37 50.28
Um Bongo
Sandhurst Joggers, Windle Valley Runners
3:54:49 4:08:26 3:50:00 4:29:58 47.62
Vi Ninety Day Challenge One of the greatest days of my life,even a few tears as I crossed the line.After my injury this year felt on top of the world as I finished due partly to some good advice from Boycie,Wardy, and Captain Bob.Thanks for all the support during my training from the Hermitage Harriers.
Burton AC
5:54:34 6:27:10 5:00:00 6:27:10 31.12
Vicksta First ever marathon. What an amazing experience. Will defo be doing one again!
Harlow RC
3:41:48 4:08:25 4:08:25 52.42
Vickyy was a bit disappointed with my time because training had gone really well and I wanted to try and crack under 4 hours - first half went to plan although did have to fight through crowds, kept getting boxed in.  Hit the wall at about 14 miles and somehow never recovered - just got slower and slower until the last mile and a half when I managed to dig deep and find something! Sprinted to the finish. The event was amazing - the crowds, the organisation, the medal - everything! Would definitely like to do it again!
Long Eaton Running Club
3:55:05 4:28:50 4:30:00 4:28:50 48.63
Vimes Great day
4:20:02 4:20:02 4:30:00 4:20:02 46.34
Vindicator My first marathon and what an atmosphere!
Started off well, but things went a bit messy later on. I had gone in to the race having missed the last weeks pf training, including 3 of my long runs due to injury. I was expecting to blow up after 15 miles. Some encouragement from my wife who was running along side me got me through. Sub 4 was the target, but still very pleased with 4:08 given my injury.
Harlow RC
3:24:44 4:08:24 4:30:00 4:08:24 48.51
Durham City Harriers & AC
3:22:53 3:22:53 3:22:53 65.07
Wreake Runners
4:26:34 4:26:34 4:26:34 46.20
Wazelle the Gazelle
Dulwich Park Runners
6:18:22 6:28:14 6:28:14 36.19
Welsh Alex 
Sorted !
Port Talbot
3:11:55 3:44:45 3:45:00 3:44:45 53.97
2:52:30 3:35:00 3:15:00 3:35:00 56.04
WildeRover Ummmmm, I got round - eventually.
Lliswerry Runners
4:52:05 4:52:05 4:15:00 4:52:05 41.26
wizlyn Well what to say.... quite frankly amazing: esp. for a first timer like me. It might have been a dank drizzly day, but the crowds were immense! Chuffed to do 3:27 GFA first time out.
Serpentine RC
2:56:34 3:13:32 3:45:00 3:27:17 62.65
wobble legs
West Bromwich Harriers
2:48:31 2:52:42 2:52:42 70.23
XB I decided that 2006 was the best chance for me to have a go at a marathon. I didn't get in through the ballot so have taken up a charity place with CLIC Sargent. For me it will definitely be an event rather than a race - if I can get round in under 5 hours I'll be happy; if it takes 6 hours I'll be happy too.
Ribble Valley Runners
3:55:13 4:37:21 4:45:00 4:37:21 45.55
Yazoo Great day once again... crowds were amazing... weather was pretty perfect for me and despite wanting to throw up for the last seven miles I managed to get a new PB.  Okay so I'm not going to be starting at the elite start next year... but maybe that's what Autumn marathons are for!!
Runnymede Runners
2:44:07 2:47:41 2:50:00 2:47:41 71.86
Zippy7 7054/32983
3:42:28 3:42:28 3:42:28 54.16
Zoom What a wonderful race, loved every minute.
Chepstow Harriers
4:27:49 4:59:04 5:00:00 4:59:04 44.25

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