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Edinburgh Marathon

Listed by Noodlebush
  • Rated 76%
  • 26.2mi
  • Road
Entrants (332)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
154 Rob
Tyne Bridge Harriers
2:53:00 3:15:07 3:29:08 57.61
57.5 Degrees of Pain
Inverness Harriers AAC
2:54:35 2:59:01 2:59:01 70.58
Eastern Veterans AC, Higham Harriers AC
2:48:08 2:59:40 3:20:42 60.04
3:33:48 3:33:48 3:33:48 56.36
adiet13 hot hot hot but an hour off of my pb
3:23:31 3:24:43 3:15:00 3:24:43 58.86
AJPAR Trying to crack 3 hours. Race went exactly to plan. Over the moon. :-) :-) :-)
2:57:31 2:57:31 2:59:59 2:57:31 68.81
Carnegie Harriers
2:49:50 2:52:35 2:52:35 69.82
alan l First Marathon. Red hot day get in
mile splits.  1- 7.54  2- 8.52  3- 8.20  4- 8.10  5- 8.16   6- 8.26  7- 8.25  8- 8.17  9- 8.16  10- 8.29  11- 8.26        12- 8.32  13- 8.35 14- 8.36 15-8.36  16- 8.43  17- 8.40  18- 9.11  19- 9.05  20- 9.25  21- 9.56  22- 10.27          23- 10.29  24- 9.48  25- 9.41  26- 9.31
Elswick Harriers
3:53:59 3:53:59 3:53:59 53.54
AlanO What a nightmare.
I went into this marathon in my best ever condition, best training, lightest weight, best rest AND produced my worst ever marathon. Knew in my head at 10mile that it wasn't going to be my day as I was struggling to run 6.50miles. Reached half in 1.30.20. Dug in for 2 more miles to see if I could turn it around to no avail. I would have quit there and then if I wasn't raising money for charity. Decided to plod on. Stomach Trouble really started at 16miles and had to run to the toilet 4 times between 16-25. People dropping like flies all round me on the way home and in the end I was just so relieved to cross the line in one piece at the finish.
Back to the drawing board.
I big sorry to all those who bet on me.
Greenock Glenpark Harriers
3:00:07 3:20:18 2:59:59 3:20:18 60.98
Alanoia First marathon, training interrupted by a virus and then what a hot day! Sub 3hr 20m next time but not in the heat. Absolutely delighted with the run, learned so much from it.
Stamford Striders
2:54:56 3:27:36 3:27:36 61.39
Alfa_Scud I Blew Up!!!! Very hot day & i felt good but ran out of steam - oh well, try again next year!!
Trawden AC
3:09:28 3:37:44 3:20:00 3:37:44 56.57
Ali-B First marathon - aarrgghh!!
AndrewJ Yet again the heat knocked me for 6 - still a PB but not quite by as much as I wanted. I really am not heat compatible - at least not when running anyway!!Having been brought up in spain I ought to be fine too! Just glad to get round OK, and that everyone else is safe and well. Not quite the best level of organisation (particularly the water situation and at the end). I really think in that heat they should have had water every mile!

Apologies for those who bet on the bigger PB!
4:02:50 4:02:50 3:50:00 4:05:34 49.74
4:53:19 4:53:19 4:53:19 41.08
2:55:06 2:55:06 2:55:06 73.42
AngeM Just entered this as my first (and only?!) marathon.  Got butterflies in my tummy just thinking about it...!  
01/06/09: Official time.  Think my garmin must have gone crazy in the heat ;0) because it measured 26.5 miles!   But omg that was so tough in the heat, it felt like 25 degrees plus, I was praying for that coastal breeze and it never really came.  I knew that my attempt at getting just under 4 hours was lost, when I felt the heat waiting in the green pen at the start.  I'm just rubbish in the heat and I'd done all my training in the cold!!!  Decided at mile 6-ish that it wasn't my day and to not kill myself in the heat, just not worth it!  Felt a bit sad because training had gone pretty well and I have to say the weather spoiled my
City of Norwich AC
3:41:45 4:25:04 4:30:00 4:25:04 50.36
Anna Bomb
Elvet Striders
3:28:12 3:28:12 4:00:00 3:45:55 57.47
Anna Finn
3:40:54 4:01:18 4:23:14 49.56
Blackheath & Bromley Harriers AC, Inverclyde AC
2:23:12 2:23:53 2:23:53 83.74
Baigrie Very hot and frustrating when water ran out when most needed, but pleased with time.  Know I can do better when conditions are right, but loved every minute of it!
4:40:36 4:40:36 4:40:36 46.71
bal Started off at a good just under 8 minute pace and went through half in 1:44:30ish pace. Bang in line for sub 3:30. Wheels started to come off when I lost Jim the pacemaker at about 15 miles. But did manage to get back to around about 3:30 pace at 18 miles. After that the heat got too much and by 22 miles I was 2 minutes down. Might as well have been 2 hours. Tried to speed up but every time i did i felt very sick. Was all I could do not to Vomit for last couple of miles in the heat. Also got a bad stomach stitch. Sounds awful. Was fantastic. By far my best marathon I think and the support although not huge was great and the last 400 yeards were some of the most glorious I'll ever have. Lessons for the future. Maybe need to look at gels to reduce sickness but I think I could have gone out a bit faster and then maybe held on.
Wimbledon Windmilers, Clapham PiONEERs
3:32:52 3:32:52 3:32:52 57.86
batmouse Oh God what have I done??????
4:58:57 4:58:57 4:45:00 4:58:57 44.87
Dagenham 88 Runners
3:38:32 4:09:57 4:00:00 4:31:18 47.87
Bazoaxe Wow, a PB by almost 6 minutes, absolutely buzzing
2:59:16 3:03:07 3:03:00 3:03:07 67.83
Kenilworth Runners
4:11:31 4:11:31 4:15:00 4:11:31 47.91
becca7 Happy with my time, first and last marathon. Very bad time from mile 17 as water station after water station had nothing to offer. Decided to walk until I got water as was down to the last drop in a bottle I picked up earlier, the sun was beating down and there was no breeze. Saved by a wonderful man and wife just outside Seton Sands who provided a bowl of water for us to fill bottles from, also a man in that village who was running a hose for us. Very grateful to them. Had I been reliant on the race organisers water stations I would not have got anything until after mile 21.  Was managing ten minute miles, or just a shade over, for first 3/4.  Think I could have managed 4.30 but for the enforced walk and impact of the lack of water on my emotional state but glad to be in one piece. Spilts were 10k: 01:01:52; Half: 02:14:11; 30k: 03:11:58; Marathon: 04:45:58
100 Marathon Club, VEGAN RUNNERS UK, Wigston Phoenix, LDWA
3:27:17 4:45:58 4:59:59 4:45:58 46.28
Ampthill & Flitwick Flyers RC
3:51:54 4:32:47 4:32:47 47.64
6:19:07 6:19:07 6:00:00 6:19:07 34.27
Biastai Can't wait!  Nice PB course and a happy athelete. :-)  Got to be good.....
3:18:30 3:30:00 3:10:00 3:37:00 58.22
Big M oh dear, not built for hot weather running
Pudsey Pacers RC
3:56:26 3:56:26 3:40:00 4:08:46 50.35
Big Richie
4:50:13 4:50:13 4:50:13
Hermitage Harriers RC
3:57:20 4:09:33 3:55:00 4:09:33 48.28
Scottish Veteran Harriers Club
3:48:42 3:48:42 3:57:44 58.14
blacknail chris
North Shields Polytechnic AC
4:06:00 4:18:00 3:50:00 4:18:00 46.71
Blind Ken
Dunbar RC, jogscotland
4:00:10 4:02:15 4:00:00 4:02:15 54.99
4:12:28 4:12:28
Boab 13th, picked up bronze in the scottish marathon championships.  tough conditions, but started steady and picked up the effort towards the end to keep the pace up.  very happy. great day.
2:31:13 2:31:13 2:33:50 78.33
Bonio The only good thing is, I managed to complete it.  The heat really beat me.  Actually now feeling quite chuffed to have done it.  The odds were really stacked against me.  But left wondering what to do about a nasty problem...
Harmeny AC
4:15:02 4:59:43 4:20:00 4:59:43 52.21
Bosun Tony 4th Edinburgh in a row, PB in 2008. I couldn't get a new PB in 2009......could I ?  :)
UPDATE: No I couldn't :(
3:19:52 3:25:14 3:30:00 3:26:19 63.99
Pocklington Runners
4:14:57 4:14:57 4:14:57 47.58
Kilmarnock Harriers & AC, scottish athletics
3:42:50 4:05:07 4:14:39 47.63
3:43:00 3:47:40 3:47:40 59.57
3:31:49 3:43:24 3:39:00 3:43:24 53.94
Bellahouston Road Runners
2:35:22 2:58:37 2:58:37 67.46
Buddha That race best forgotted
4:11:30 4:11:30 3:38:00 4:11:30 50.67
Purple Patch Runners
2:59:10 3:48:30 3:48:30 55.29
Lancaster & Morecambe AC
4:05:32 4:05:32 4:05:32 49.07
Burdock great race to do,,,,but the weather on the day very hot.
Cambridge & Coleridge AC, Haverhill RC
3:17:41 3:28:08 3:28:08 65.19
Worthing Striders
3:23:09 3:15:00
buttercup600 too hot, always carry drinks so lack of water at stations not too much of a poblem but had thought about running without to go faster-glad i didn't. Thank goodnes for biked out water, local residents with jugs and glasses and hosepipes to cool us down. PB by 18 minutes-well happy, roll on the next one whenever that may be
5:48:27 5:48:27 6:00:00 5:48:27 38.13
Bux77 Very hot
3:19:26 3:45:56 3:45:56 53.33
3:10:26 3:59:57 3:59:57 50.21
3:06:53 3:23:17
Farnham Runners
2:46:59 2:55:15 2:55:15 70.87
4:25:00 4:29:00 4:29:00 51.42
Cavehill75 Second Marathon - going for sub 3. Happy to share training advice with anyone in the same boat...>!
North Belfast Harriers
2:49:10 2:53:40 2:59:59 2:53:40 69.38
Denby Dale AC
4:35:04 5:39:37 5:39:37 41.48
3:24:40 3:26:42 3:26:42 58.29
Che dragon Was doing well up till I saw the 20 mile banner then cramped up all over the place, even places I didn't know I had.  Hobbled home the last 6 miles helped loads by fetchy shouts!
Penarth & Dinas Runners
3:54:28 3:59:02 3:59:02 57.29
Cheeseman75 The garmin registered a finish time of 26.43 miles. But managed to stop my watch at 26.2 miles. Tough race, but managed to somehow get through the heat.

Lucky to have had water at every station, but it seems in the early stages they were not going to be enough water or Lucozade.
3:49:51 3:49:51 4:05:00 3:49:51 52.42
chemistry Hot Hot Hot!!!!!
4:57:38 4:57:38 4:57:38 44.46
chewitt Did this one last year, great race finish at the the racecourse.
4:01:25 4:23:55 4:43:51 46.10
3:14:21 3:26:01 3:26:01 58.49
ClaireRunCoach HOT! 
Felt it mentally between 22-24.5 miles, felt absolutely great all other times!
3:19:44 3:52:54 4:27:13 49.18
clairevmc Very hot in Edinburgh today.  Having not been well in the run up to the race, I was intending to see how I felt at 9 miles and make the decision as to whether to continue or not depending on how I felt and my time.  I had an elite start for the first time ever and really wanted to at least start the race.  Organisation was great and lots of water/lucozade en route.  I started well, missing the first 2 mile markers but saw mile 3 and my time was good.  But then the heat started to get to me and I was dropping too many seconds per mile.  My heart just wasn't in it from about mile 7 and by mile 9 (1.01) I was still on for sub3 but only if I didn't slow further.  I felt OK so I kept going.  I passed mile 26 on the other side of the road and really really wanted to be running past it later in the morning so made the decision to carry on running but not to worry about the time.  I checked my watch at half way out of interest (1.32) but then just tried to enjoy the remainder of the miles in the sun without racing.  I still recorded my 2nd best ever time although given what I ran in FLM it's shockingly bad but my legs don't feel too bad and I've no blisters so hopefully won't need too long a recovery.  I'm sure I've got sub3 in me, just not in the heat.
Hamilton Harriers, Scottish Veteran Harriers
3:00:59 3:00:59 3:15:31 66.61
4:48:33 4:48:33 5:00:00 4:48:33
Cliffy tc Marathon No.2. Try and keep an even pace to the bitter end.
4:36:12 4:36:25 4:20:00 4:36:25 44.19
Cmontheaccies bad run ,very warm,overtrained in the last week,never mind,finished it and had good weekend.
Girvan AAC
2:30:09 2:34:47 2:48:14 71.77
Cockney Road Runner
Stadium Runners
3:58:49 3:58:49 3:58:49 53.36
coyley1 Well on course for sub 3:40 at 20 miles then started to slow but was still on course for a sub 3:45 when I got severe cramp at 23 miles. Finished in 3:49.
Northbrook AC
3:34:41 3:49:07 3:45:00 3:49:07 55.62
3:01:19 3:01:19 2:59:59 3:01:19 66.45
Musselburgh & District Athletic Club
4:17:00 4:17:00 4:17:00 46.88
Craney Too hot.  First half of the race I was on target for 3:15 prediction but as I progressed the heat became too much and I had to slow down.  Last six miles were a killer!!
3:17:53 3:19:32 3:15:00 3:19:32 60.39
Cuddy Second marathon. Aiming to improve on my poor Paris performance and will just pray I don't get injured training this time around. Target time to be determined better closer to the date but I know now that I'll be one pissed off angry woman if it's not at least a sub 5. Sub 4.30 much better!
4:58:39 4:58:39 4:58:39 44.01
Dagenham GOAT
Dagenham 88 Runners
2:57:55 3:18:30 3:10:00 3:19:29 60.40
3:51:48 3:51:48 3:29:59 4:43:31 42.50
3:19:56 4:09:00 3:40:00 4:14:00 47.75
4:00:13 4:00:13 4:09:43 59.25
Portobello RC
3:37:51 3:54:08 3:54:08 53.50
Dave B
3:14:44 3:29:19 4:00:00 3:55:38 51.13
Dave Pace
4:45:00 5:07:09 5:07:41 44.92
Stonehaven Running Club
3:23:29 3:23:29 3:30:00 3:39:17 55.06
3:24:57 3:34:21 3:34:21 56.59
Dumfries RC
3:46:00 3:40:00
daz1927 Not sure if too soon after Shakespeare (where I crashed and burned) to PB, but nothing ventured nothing gained.

Went off waaaaay too fast (first 4 about sub-6:50), but was still on schedule until about 15/16 miles.  Started to tire, so eased off and tried to enjoy the event, which I did :-)
Village Vipers
3:13:57 3:26:41 3:14:59 3:26:41 60.09
dazzabat Went through the half on schedule but suffered badly after that. Had to run/walk the last ten miles, just too hot for me.
Dudley Kingswinford RC, Midland Masters A C
3:39:53 4:35:59 4:00:00 4:35:59 43.75
DCB Too hot by far.  Was well on target for the sub-3:15 for about 15 miles then the wheels fell off.
Cheddar Running Club
3:13:29 3:20:11 3:15:00 3:39:14 58.13
Debstir Very tough conditions for a marathon. Very hot, water stations were a joke. 6 minutes outside my PB but happy with that, glad to just finish in that heat! Full race report to follow in blog.
4:28:36 4:34:41 4:34:41 48.00
Devonrose My first full marathon! OMG :)
3:48:48 3:48:48 3:44:00 3:48:48 54.29
Dickie York On the train up to Edinburgh now.  Weather looks like it could be a bit too warm, so loads of water today and on the race.
5th marathon of the year, been on 3.03 / 3.04 last 2 races, hope to crack the 3 hr mark again this time.
See the rest of you guys on the course!  Good luck to you all.
Postrace update****
Unofficial time 2.56.30 pb by 3min!!!! Official time should only br a couple of seconds either way. Massive grin on my face considering the heat today.  Mucho beer tonight!!!!!!
Pocklington Runners
2:41:18 2:56:30 2:58:00 2:56:30 69.20
dippycat Thrilled to bits with my time - I have my gfa!  Too hot though.  Dreadful to hear from my friends who finished in 5:30 that they ran out of water.
Hyde Park Harriers
3:41:45 3:41:45 3:42:00 3:41:45 59.92
Brighton & Hove Women's Running Club, UKnetrunner
4:14:22 4:30:40 4:20:00 5:00:13 47.62
Donald S
Harmeny AC
3:11:36 3:27:52 3:36:50 63.15
British Military Fitness
4:14:00 4:14:00 4:14:00 49.74
ebox Who'd have thought Edinburg could get so hot. I'll do better next time. (at least if I don't stop and walk for thirty mins)
Claremont Road Runners
3:32:42 3:39:00 4:00:26 58.04
Elli of the North My knee went around half way point so last half was hopping on draggin my left leg
4:41:42 4:50:31 4:50:31 44.73
emdee omg how hot? 3 minutes quicker than FLM though, so PB :)
100 Marathon Club
3:04:56 4:16:14 3:50:00 4:16:14 47.02
3:33:08 3:36:44 3:36:44 59.95
3:49:00 3:49:00 3:49:00 52.62
everready Again a very hot day and someone stole bottles of water
4:42:37 4:49:06 4:30:00 4:49:06 41.77
Fae Fife Second marathon in two years and looking forward to the big event.  >>>Update
3:28:48 3:38:37 3:36:45 3:38:37 61.49
Fartinbill Beautiful day but unbelievably hot.  Real struggle from 18 miles to the end.  Stopped to walk quite a few times which is dissapointing but unavoidable.
Kinross Road Runners
3:29:14 3:33:46 3:56:12 51.01
Fat Dave First marathon.  Anything under 5 hours would be amazing.  More hope than expectation though.  Really just want to enjoy it.
Truro RC, Truro Running Club
3:56:35 4:07:26 4:59:59 4:11:16 47.95
fit40 Would love to get sub 3.45 but playing it safe by putting 4hrs - to be honest with this being my first mara I just want to get round in one piece!!
Heaton Harriers & AC
4:41:21 4:41:21 4:00:00 4:41:21 46.86
Fox on a run Talk about cutting it fine ! Was 3.15.20 on gun time so relieved to get  'Good For Age' chip time confirmation the following day

Warm conditions.
Stockport Harriers & AC
2:59:19 3:14:45 3:14:59 3:14:45 63.78
Foxster Fantastic!
100 Marathon Club
3:33:20 3:38:17 4:00:00 3:55:21 57.12
froggyfeet Hot, hot, hot! Do more long training runs and wear a hat!
3:10:32 3:51:29 4:00:00 3:51:29 53.77
gadge Not enough long runs in training. Heavy legged after 13 miles. Slight foot injury, no water from mile 17 to 23.
4:53:58 4:53:58 4:30:00 4:53:58 44.51
3:40:18 3:40:18 3:40:18 59.49
Mornington Chasers
3:09:51 3:17:51 3:17:51 60.91
Sunderland Strollers
3:26:17 3:37:25 3:37:25 55.42
gilly b This was to be my 1st & last marathon. Training had gone brilliantly, everything would be fine on the day as long as it wasn't too hot! Felt ok until mile 16/17 then when I reached the next water station to find that the water had been 'stolen'(!), I decided that I'd walk the rest of the way - although I made sure that I ran passed Fetchpoint, I couldn't let the Fetchies down! Due to my disappointing performance, I've now signed up for Loch Ness, which will by my last marathon!
4:09:13 4:09:29 4:36:21 49.70
Girlie Am entered for this.  Have entered time as 4:50, not expecting to get that, but to get 5 hrs would be fabulous.  Not sure if I can crack 5hrs this time as training has been interupted by injury. To sneak a PB would be cool
***UPDATE** A PW as the heat was too much. I had also been fighting off a cold int he few days before this.
Ran first 10 miles with JennyWren, great company and we had a laugh:-) I was struggling so set her free then, I rallied at 11-15 but then got beaten by the weather again.
Happy with time considering conditions, water situation was a disgrace
Lonely Goat RC
4:48:30 5:25:29 5:06:00 5:25:29 41.67
Girvan Ruth A lot slower than Zurich, but had to walk quite a bit near end.  Really enjoyed it though.
Girvan AAC
4:07:50 4:07:50 4:23:33 50.65
grammcen Too hot too close to London so ended up with a worse time than I hoped but hey I finished.
Motherwell AC, Royal Mail Run GMC
3:18:46 3:41:45 3:50:00 4:01:03 49.99
3:43:00 3:10:00
Halvedin3 Hot, hot, hot. Amazed to have run this time. Very happy.
2:44:00 3:15:00 3:30:00 3:15:00 61.92
Hamster1207 Gawd it was hot. Well on target at 18 miles but the heat got to me and I became dehydrated even though I was full of water and lucozade. Struggled home but many thanks to
Cosmic Hillbashers, jogscotland, Jogscotland Hazlehead
3:47:57 3:55:27 3:37:00 3:55:27 53.20
Hamsterwheel Hopefully give it a go.Gave it a go on a bloody hot day and was happy to get my first marathon out the way.
Girvan AAC
3:25:31 3:25:31 3:40:00 3:25:31 58.63
happygasman Very very hard run , slightly disappointing time . really nice to meet so many people during the race and back at the racecourse
4:25:20 4:51:42 4:51:42 48.76
Heelandcoo Woo hoo!
Claremont Road Runners
3:37:24 3:41:24 4:00:00 3:41:24 58.66
hellen was going for sub 4 but hate the heat, decided to give up that idea early on and treat it as a training run thus minimising the pain
100 Marathon Club, Barrow Runners
3:12:21 3:52:20 4:27:46 49.24
3:58:26 3:58:26 4:29:21 48.43
Hendo Phew what a scorcher.
3:37:31 3:37:31 3:37:31 55.39
Hendo79 shite!
Inverclyde AC
2:38:05 3:10:27 3:10:00 4:04:00 49.38
Greenock Glenpark Harriers
2:44:41 3:10:27 3:05:00 3:11:56 62.78
herbies gone bananas
3:18:28 3:18:28 3:18:28 60.71
4:49:09 4:51:56 3:45:00 4:51:56 41.27
Holburnmum bloody hot, no water, fab fetchies !
Jogscotland Hazlehead
5:19:20 5:19:20 5:00:00 5:46:53 39.60
Wrekin Road Runners
3:59:20 3:59:20 4:30:00 4:10:07 48.17
2:43:07 2:53:04 3:05:36 66.92
Pocklington Runners
3:28:22 3:28:22 3:15:00 3:35:28 57.65
3:10:12 3:39:44 3:09:00 3:39:44 54.83
3:02:13 4:11:34 4:11:34 47.90
Bedford Harriers AC
2:56:56 3:12:27 3:15:00 3:18:02 63.80
4:30:43 4:49:30 4:49:30 46.58
Garscube Harriers
3:56:39 4:27:00 4:27:00 53.06
5:05:39 5:35:00 5:35:00 43.07
JAMES007 Considering the temperatures in the 20's on the day to finish in the time i did in the end i was very pleased.
Struggled on the off road bit approx 17/18 mile stage.
4:04:23 4:22:56 4:22:56 45.83
Victoria Park - City of Glasgow AC
2:41:29 4:23:07 4:23:07 45.79
JAnders Finished 41st.  Very pleased with the run in tough, hot conditions.  A good course with pb potential on a cooler day.
Telford Harriers
2:45:48 2:45:48 2:45:00 2:46:48 72.24
Jane B
Eynsham RoadRunners
4:13:47 4:20:25 4:20:25 51.26
Janie T
York Knavesmire Harriers
4:55:28 4:55:28 4:55:28 44.24
Woking AC
2:33:02 2:35:11 2:40:18 75.17
jayodee on for quick time until they ran out of water at mile 17 - walked for three miles in a sulk! oh and until the next water station
Bournville Harriers
4:29:10 4:29:10 4:30:00 4:29:10 45.58
jennywren Third marathon - determined to get under 5 hours.
Bollington Harriers
4:43:34 5:14:51 4:55:00 5:14:51 50.38
Jezzer My 2nd marathon, hoping to get sub 3.15. Offical time 3:15:47 so a bit disappointed to have missed out on sub 3:15, but it was hot! Still a big PB!
Chorlton Runners
3:15:47 3:15:47 3:14:59 3:15:47 71.27
Manchester Harriers & AC
5:56:00 5:56:00 5:56:00 37.88
JKC Norfolk first marathon. warm day. got a good for age time
3:02:50 3:06:55 3:06:55 69.38
Ochil Hill Runners
3:26:50 3:26:50 3:50:14 57.48
Joe Hawk
Datchet Dashers
2:56:05 3:18:06 3:21:37 59.76
Jogalog Disappointed.  Was hoping and on target for 4:30 until there was no water for two stations.
Wimbledon Windmilers
4:58:37 4:58:37 4:58:37 43.78
Jogging Jon With the heat and legs still heavy from the District Double took it easy. Then from just after half way had to run the best part of 10 miles with no water, and without water no gels. Slowed to run / walk and finished. Kept revising target and in end pleased to have finished faster than the Windermere time.
100 Marathon Club, Wrekin Road Runners
5:17:38 4:24:20 5:10:13 41.08
Dagenham 88 Runners
4:26:24 4:26:24 4:39:57 46.42
Newcastle Tri Club, Audlem Cycling Club
4:04:12 3:40:00
julbags Wah!  First marathon, hoping to make the start line uninjured and just finish.  Far too hot for me but I made it to the end.  Hoped for closer to 4 hours but am pleased with my time as I can't run in the heat.  Judging by how ill I felt when I finished it was as well I wasn't out there much longer.
4:16:24 4:16:24 5:00:00 4:16:24 51.26
Julia M
4:57:52 4:57:52 4:57:52 43.60
karinsmiles Horrible race, OK until about 18 miles but battling the heat all the way, then lost my running partner (careless!) and then everyone knows the water stations story.
Harmeny AC
4:18:13 4:22:31 4:49:21 50.90
Karlos23 Av 11 minutes per person slower than 2008
3:54:45 4:21:06 4:21:06 46.78
kaysdee Hellishly hot!
Heaton Harriers & AC
3:27:29 3:50:34 3:44:55 3:50:34 56.58
keets First marathon - As it was hot decided to run the best I could and just enjoy it. Was running comfortably until the middle of mile 21, then the heat became unbearable. Big thanks to Roo for pacing me the last couple of miles. Splits 04:03:35
10k: 00:53:59
Half: 01:55:53
30k: 02:44:24
Marathon: 04:03:35
4:03:35 4:03:35 4:03:35 50.14
KevR Mile	Split	HR
1.0	06:45	171
2.0	06:45	171
3.0	06:45	171
4.0	07:00	172
5.0	07:00	172
6.0	07:03	176
7.0	06:46	178
8.0	06:47	178
9.0	06:52	179
10.0	06:59	178
11.0	06:55	176
12.0	06:55	176
13.0	07:02	174
13.1	01:30:31	
14.0	07:10	173
15.0	07:22	174
16.0	07:25	171
17.0	07:25	171
18.0	08:32	160
19.0	07:42	162
20.0	08:08	161
21.0	08:34	158
22.0	08:34	158
23.0	08:34	158
24.0	07:55	155
25.0	07:55	155
26.0	08:30	156
26.2	02:10	162
Oxford Tri
3:12:50 3:17:29 2:59:59 3:17:29 61.01
Reading Joggers
3:52:23 3:52:35 3:52:35 56.35
Carnegie Harriers
3:42:23 4:15:00 4:15:00 52.24
KGM great race,very hot but no complaints
3:14:32 3:35:35 3:45:00 3:35:35 55.89
4:07:43 4:07:43 4:07:43 48.64
kstuart If i can make it will be aiming for a PB, sub 4 would be nice but anything sub 4:10 would do. A smidge hot on the day and puking in the bushes slowed me down a tad, that and the lack of water.
Trail Running Association, FERC
3:58:03 4:13:12 4:05:00 4:34:34 43.88
3:24:36 3:58:23 3:58:23 50.54
Lemon10 My first marathon, and my husband's 10th, and as it was our wedding anniversary, we jogged round together. We absolutely loved it!  No water at the first station but plenty at the rest, guess they had replaced supplies by the time I plodded round.  My aim was to finish in one piece before my flight home on Monday, so I was thrilled with 5 hours 57 minutes.  Now planning my next and aiming for sub 5.45!
5:57:00 5:57:00 6:30:00 5:57:00 36.71
lennoxr Kept good pace to 20 miles but then the extreme heat conditions caused severe cramps. Did not concentrate well enough on keeping hydrated and paid for it. Lesson learned.
Maidenhead AC
2:54:34 3:09:34 3:04:59 3:09:34 64.97
5:29:21 5:29:21 5:55:50 5:59:00 43.59
Limmynis Hot hot day. Not much air, although sea breeze in places. Tough run, especially about 17-22 miles.
3:57:13 3:58:06 4:00:00 3:58:06 55.81
Lincsfella had a great day personally but organisation was very poor
3:48:23 4:02:57 4:02:57 50.70
Lisrun Not done this one before and I am looking forward to it ! :-) Pacing :-) *Update* I enjoyed it. It was very hot and it wan't good that they ran out of water at the water stations from about 15m to 20m - many thanks to Toolilac who was going in the other direction and gave us her water bottle as she was nearly finishing her relay leg. Great run by Pestomum on her first marathon
100 Marathon Club, North East Marathon Club
3:53:11 3:53:11 4:55:00 5:20:21 45.28
Little Jen
3:40:47 3:40:47 3:40:47 58.98
4:45:00 4:45:00 4:45:00 46.11
3:33:33 3:40:30 3:40:30 55.39
Liverpool RC
3:36:11 3:59:55 3:59:55 54.49
3:27:40 3:28:03 3:25:00 3:28:03 58.71
Lycra Hurricane A pb, but not under 4 hours...that'll come next if I am sensible and the conditions are OK.
Bedford Harriers AC, Rushden Runners
4:01:53 4:06:30 4:00:00 4:06:30 57.15
mad4it Haven't got a clue when i'll finish but the aim is to run the whole way, no walking allowed
5:09:18 5:22:10 5:00:00 5:22:10 44.37
mafioso get in, people doubted me but i pulled it out of the bag, 14 minutes off of my pb!
Stadium Runners
4:01:44 4:01:44 4:30:00 4:01:44 49.84
4:20:35 4:20:35 4:36:00 47.62
Dumfries RC
4:38:01 4:38:01 4:20:00 4:38:01 50.53
Bogs of Somerset
5:18:22 5:18:22 5:18:22 40.97
4:20:15 4:20:15 4:20:15 49.89
Falkirk Victoria Harriers
3:33:55 4:26:26 4:26:26 45.22
marshbbad Broke down at 18, horrendous and really hot 32 degrees
Stourbridge RC
4:17:00 4:17:00 4:00:00 4:17:00 46.88
MartyK Didn't have any of the organisational isues that other fetchies have seemed to have, but I did struggle in the heat.  I'm in 2 minds about whether or not to complain about the heat though as the weather is rarely that good, plus there was next to no wind which most folk reckoned would be the killer on that course.  Chuffed to pieces to get sub 4-hrs.  Fetchpoint was amazing, though I was abit catatonic when passing on the return journey, and the evening do was top-notch.  I may even do another marathon someday (though I wasn't thinking that at the finish line).
3:57:16 3:57:16 3:59:00 3:57:16 50.78
Wrekin Road Runners, codrc
4:50:29 4:50:29 5:10:00 4:50:29 41.57
McNewbie 1st Marathon, wowee, all the niggles aside, I am SO coming back next year :)
5:15:00 5:15:00 6:00:00 5:38:11 38.40
3:59:18 4:42:01 4:42:01 46.27
mgadsden Very hot conditions, but managed a new pb. Finished 101 overall
Telford Harriers
2:49:47 2:57:36 2:57:36 67.84
Newburgh Dunes RC
3:09:15 3:50:17 4:30:00 4:23:00 45.81
3:12:14 3:27:41 3:27:41 58.02
Miss Sweden My 3rd marathon. I'm really hoping I'm not ill for this one. I'm determined I've got a
North Shields Polytechnic AC
4:27:26 4:31:41 4:20:00 4:31:41 48.24
4:55:57 5:05:17 4:49:00 5:05:17 49.95
monkey harris my 41 st birthday,so looking foward to it,no london place there is always somewhere else:-)
4:33:28 5:02:12 4:20:00 5:05:46 40.62
Monster Feet Fourth year running...GFA or bust!
3:46:29 3:46:29 3:45:00 3:46:29 57.33
Eastern Veterans AC, Riverside Runners
3:14:58 3:21:35 3:36:59 64.31
3:37:48 3:37:48 3:45:55 53.33
North Herts Road Runners
3:56:00 4:48:00 4:48:00 41.84
The Darkside Running Club
Wrekin Road Runners
3:49:24 3:59:05 4:30:02 50.22
Redcar RC
4:15:45 4:46:57 4:46:57 47.28
4:26:00 4:26:00 4:26:00 48.96
Naomi P Very pleased with this result after a week of shocking training and a lot of difficulty with the injured foot. I was hoping to get round comfortably and, if things went well, get sub 4. It was gloriously sunny today, and I run well in the heat so was able to push quite hard. The lack of fitness shows though, if it weren't for the 4 weeks of missed speed training (due to the injury) I could have easily got a PB here. Perfect conditions for me - warm, no wind, fast flat course, plenty of room, and a very scenic course (not really Edinburgh but perhaps the nicer for being out of town?). Sorry to hear lots of people had a bad race with water shortages etc..
3:28:37 3:38:59 3:50:00 3:47:59 56.95
Bellahouston Road Runners
2:59:46 3:23:45 3:23:45 59.14
5:25:09 5:25:09 5:25:09 40.70
Kenilworth Runners
3:11:30 3:48:54 3:29:59 3:48:54 55.67
Nic.1 Temp. 24c. ran out of water 3, 17 and 20 miles also one other, had trouble at 24 needed loo had to go into pub., lost 2.30 mins. but better than FLM.
50 Marathon Club, Reading Joggers, Wargrave Runners
3:28:33 5:01:48 4:45:00 5:01:48 54.78
Pudsey Pacers RC
3:43:37 3:43:37 4:00:00 3:54:01 57.32
Nun Warthead
4:08:27 4:08:27 4:15:25 50.33
Ojo Paced well until mile 17 when something went a bit wrong.  Like, running too slow!  Will adjust training accordingly.  Stil, great time meeting people and getting support :-)
Mossley Hill AC
3:10:03 3:10:03 3:10:03 63.41
Falkirk Victoria Harriers
3:15:43 3:15:43 3:21:57 67.18
5:33:03 5:33:03 5:33:03 36.18
Paprika Bloomin Hot!
Cobra RC, Newport & District RC, Fell Runners Association
4:19:15 4:20:56 4:15:00 4:20:56 49.84
Paul Salmon
Wootton Bassett Hounds RC
3:49:20 4:01:22 4:00:00 4:01:22 51.46
pdmacmill nightmare of a run...
diagnosed 6 weeksbefore with a cartlage tear and pig headedness made me try this, first 15 miles was okay with me cutting back on time and on course for 4.20, knee gave way at 18 mile marker with sharp pain shooting up my leg so literally hobbled and walked the last 8 mile coming home in 5hours 23....:(
Garden City Runners
4:19:00 5:23:00 4:30:00 5:23:00 37.30
100 Marathon Club, Serpentine RC
2:49:15 3:15:57 3:15:57 62.33
4:22:48 5:04:02 5:04:02 39.63
philbo 1st marathon ,  training going well up to now ( 05/04/09 ), I'm sure by race day ill be bricking it !!! *  What can i say , bitter sweet really , disappointed with my time i had hoped for better but in that heat at least i finished,  and it was my 1st marathon, so I've put a bench mark down, now to beat it * .
4:38:32 4:55:32 4:45:00 4:55:32 45.08
3:46:30 4:25:59 3:50:00 4:25:59 46.31
pinkladykat frist full marathon looking forward to it and is my hubbys home town so will have family there  

for my frist time i did have a good time thank to fetch poin and all the runners 

but due to lack of water and poor marshels  i was not happy the cute part of the route
Ripon Runners
5:20:40 6:09:37 6:30:23 6:09:37 35.95
pj bongo Delighted to get a PB in that heat. Bloody hell it was sweltering! Finished in 410th place overall.
10k: 00:42:37
Half: 01:33:08
30k: 02:13:31
Marathon: 03:18:11

Mile by mile
01m: 6:35 - 06:35
02m: 6:48 - 13.23
03m: 7:00 - 20:24
04m: 7:12 - 27:36
05m: 7:17 - 34.54
06m: 7:11 - 42:06
07m: 7:08 - 49.15
08m: 7:02 - 56:17
10m: 14:11 - 1:10:28
11m: 8:10 - 1:18:39
12m: 6:16 - 1:24:55
13m: 7:20 - 1:32:16
14m: 7:10 - 1:39.27
16m: 14:44 - 1:54.11
17m: 7:06 - 2:01:18
18m: 8:00 - 2:09:19
19m: 7:14 - 2:16:34
20m: 7:45 - 2:24:20
22m: 16:49 - 2:41:09
23m: 8:15 - 2:49:24
24m: 9:09 - 2:58:34
25m: 9:01 - 3:07:35
26m:  8:36 - 3:16.11
26.2m: 1:59
3:15:07 3:15:07 3:15:00 3:18:11 78.49
Wallsend Harriers AC
3:18:13 3:46:23 3:46:23 53.22
plodding hippo No water twixt miles 14-22, too hot, chest pain and general CBA
Lucky to do a sub five
100 Marathon Club
4:16:46 4:16:46 4:46:03 48.02
plodding on Shin splints!!!! training up in smoke just want to get round now.
Kinross Road Runners
3:53:23 4:15:00
4:34:01 4:34:01 4:00:00 4:34:01 43.97
3:26:58 3:26:58 3:45:45 57.56
4:18:36 4:18:36 4:18:36 51.62
3:36:53 3:48:28 3:45:00 3:48:28 59.38
4:33:01 4:33:01 4:44:28 43.66
2:44:23 3:01:32 2:59:59 3:02:54 65.88
RedSquirrel mile 24 was a bad mile severe stomach cramps half jogging half crawling, next time train longer distances.
3:33:00 3:56:00 4:00:00 3:56:00 55.64
rich77 First marathon, looks like a good first timers course.  Prediction may change depending on training plan completion
Richard Simkiss 'Twas very hot! Lost around 45secs per mile in the last 3 miles and a few seconds on the couple of miles before that. Happy with the result for a first bash.
McCarkiss Endurance Project
2:29:57 2:52:38 2:50:00 2:52:38 69.80
robncfc hot!
Norwich Road Runners, Tri-Anglia
4:37:28 4:54:04 4:54:04 43.13
rockin rory Hot day otherwise an enjoyable marathon.  Plenty of support though water ran out for slower runners around nineteen miles. Definate one for 2010.
3:40:00 3:47:37 4:15:00 3:59:00 56.25
Roma 23 degrees did not help with the pb attempt.  May have to do this race again and pray for cool weather - there's a good time to be had if the conditions are right.
Thetford AC
4:39:08 4:48:36 4:45:00 4:48:36 50.00
Rosemount Raver
JogScotland Rosemount, Jogscotland WFT Aberdeen
6:40:39 6:40:39
runlittlemanrun 10k: 00:50:21
Half: 01:49:52
30k: 02:40:35
4:15:50 4:15:50 4:15:50 47.10
3:24:50 3:53:16 3:53:16 51.66
Running Caz A scorcher ... did well to make it to the finish at all. Ran 8:-8:30min/mileing til 18M then spent 5M run/walking and rehydrating with 2 bottles of water and 2 bottles of Lucozade Sport. Got going again for a geed couple of miles at the end and finishing 8:39. Had the weather been cooler I'm quite confident I could have got 3:4something.Doh!!
Cobra RC
3:39:46 4:02:50 4:02:50 53.97
4:12:59 4:57:19 4:57:19 40.53
3:28:40 4:37:00 4:37:00 45.79
Birtley AC
2:40:45 2:41:51 2:43:06 77.46
3:56:42 3:56:51 3:56:51 50.87
2:56:50 3:00:09 3:11:10 63.03
Harmeny AC
3:30:56 3:57:00 3:59:00 3:57:00 56.59
Very, very hot.  Probably went too fast early on.  Great day
4:39:00 4:39:00 4:30:00 4:39:00 46.55
Scopey 2nd marathon - very hot day - freak weather - was hoping for 3:45......
Mickleover Running Club
3:09:22 3:31:27 3:59:04 50.51
Scorpio My first full marathon so really pleased with my time. Gosh it was a fabulous day and so hot.  Some water stations ran out of water but thank fully my logistic support team supplied much needed water enroute other wise I may well hace collapsed like some unfortunate guys did.
4:49:20 4:49:20 5:00:00 4:49:20 48.23
4:10:11 4:14:29 4:14:29 47.66
Scott S
3:35:25 3:40:33 4:46:42 42.12
Scrappy Doo OMG...I just entered...what have I done...aaaaaaaaaahhhhh...it's my first...will I live to tell the tale...OK back on here...well its all been said...was on target for a 3.30 to 3.45 until mile 18 then all hell broke lose with cramps...my running buddy calf went so had two choices to stay or go...I decided to sty with him since we'd done all our training was only fair...not to say that my time would have been much better...anyway not put me off determined to do more now!!!!
Sandbach Striders
4:16:59 4:16:59 4:00:00 4:16:59 50.47
Edinburgh Running Network
4:13:06 4:05:00
Fairlands Valley Spartans RC
3:33:31 3:40:14 4:09:10 48.36
SeasiderSue Shambles of a race .Was badly dehydrated at 17 miles after getting no water at 3 of the previous drink stations.Had to get to finnish by walking/jogging and it took almost an hour longer than it should!! Felt ill at finnish, its put me off doing this one again .
5:35:18 5:35:18 5:35:18 44.41
Selfish Git!!! Quite possibly will be my 50th Marathon and 6th consecutive Edinburgh to boot ...... Be very nice and fitting,  if I could PB, 29 years after my inaugural 3:23 at Inverclyde Marathon way back in 1981 (although, I did manage 3:21 in Paris 2003). I’m also toying with the idea of running in fancy dress for the occasion. I will have a better idea of my predicted time after Lochaber and Hamburg. I better do some training however I’ve been inspired by BLNM last weekend (4:27 after FA training for 13 weeks with the exception of a ½ marathon in Glasgow).
Greenock Glenpark Harriers
3:21:05 3:15:00
Shortcut Cam Bloody hot.
FERC, LDWA, Southern Navigators
3:21:07 3:44:32 3:44:59 3:44:32 54.02
Falkirk Victoria Harriers, Polmont Joggers
3:13:41 3:27:37 3:37:26 60.18
3:49:03 3:49:03 3:57:05 52.39
sirchutney It was as hot as hell. Still have nightmares about the pain!
3:45:57 4:03:13 4:06:18 49.59
3:48:33 3:52:58 3:55:00 3:52:58 60.30
York Knavesmire Harriers
3:15:46 3:27:53 3:34:57 56.17
Smout Marathon No 2 - back to Edinburgh.  Can't resist as it is on my doorstep!  Looking to get 15 minutes off this time eek!
Update Monday 25th May....
I've adjusted my time to a bit slower.... head has gone walking slightly last few weeks, taper has been exaggerated  somewhat and to top it off been having belly trouble in the last couple of days bleugh :o(

Post Race Update - sorry for those whose bet.  I really wasn't sure how to play it as all running an training was going well so didn't want to make obvious
Portobello RC, UKnetrunner
3:09:00 4:18:49 3:55:00 4:18:49 50.18
Smugbloke Arrrrgh - my biggest loads of bets ever.  I promised great profits and lost it all.
I really did try hard - honest!!
3:17:51 3:28:16 3:14:59 3:28:16 59.64
6:08:57 6:08:57 6:08:57 35.46
5:58:33 5:58:33 5:58:33 36.91
Squeaky Malcolm
3:58:41 5:02:14 4:00:00 5:02:14 41.45
SSLHP (Shoes smell like horse piss)
Dragons RC
3:34:38 4:00:24 4:00:24 54.92
Steve Ho once again a total disapointment for me. Was totally beaten by the hot weather...
Manchester Tri
3:22:07 3:39:57 3:50:00 4:06:52 48.81
steve randtoul
Orion Harriers, Woodford Green AC with Essex Ladies
3:17:24 3:20:01 3:20:00 3:20:01 60.24
100 Marathon Club, Roadhoggs Leicester AC
3:42:12 3:40:41 4:00:00 3:59:45 56.59
Stig-OT-Dump Has anyone seen my wheels? They came off around mile 19! Wow that was hot!  Training in Glasgow, sunshine was the only type of weather I've not run in this year and it took it's toll.  Learnt a lot from my first time but if I'd planned my run, and run my plan, I reckon I could have done better (sounds like my old school reports) :(
3:16:02 3:25:19 3:15:00 3:25:19 60.49
SueW I won an entry to this marathon in the Scotsman.  No problem with long runs but it's only a week after (hopefully) running the West Highland Way over 3 days.  This one is purely for pleasure!  
**Watch time.  Satisfied after running 121 miles in 10 days!!
Carnegie Harriers
3:56:27 4:40:00 4:30:00 4:40:00 49.78
Sunbed Athlete Garmin measured it as 26.42.
Ran good up to 20 miles.Went thru 20 miles in 1.58 but took 40 mins for last 10k so not happy with that aspect.
A medal & a Top 20 place was what I aimed for & got 1 of those targets.Was 21st place overall.Team Gold for the Scottish Marathon C'ships.Missed out on an individual Vet35 medal(think I was 5th).
Way too warm for running but made the most of it.Calves were very sore from 22miles on.
Great to see Santababy getting a super PB as did my pal Boab who smashed his.(must have been Santas cooking that got him the PB or Puddingtons crumble)..WELL PLEASED for him.Great guy.God to see clairevc doing great after FLM.
No jaffa cake from oldmum...tut tut..well done to those guys on Fetchpoint...
Cambuslang Harriers, Scottish Veteran Harriers Club
2:27:20 2:38:37 2:38:37 76.47
Sushi Sorry guys if you bet on me but the HEAT won!!!
4:02:43 4:13:18 3:52:00 4:13:18 52.70
4:09:45 4:09:45 4:26:00 47.68
Tarmac Runner Have trained hard this year for my spring marathon so all going well should be on for a pb. Managed about 10 runs around the 20 mile distance and focased for this race.Got to be worth a flutter. :-((((   Sorry all that bet on me had a bad run in the heat still amazed to be nearly an hour slow .
Cobra RC
3:44:59 4:13:18 3:20:00 4:13:18 48.62
tazzzman Unbelievable conditions for my first Marathon, so hot.  I copped well with heat until about mile 20 when my feet started to swell and my ankle injury started to make life difficult.  Can't complain though as broke 4 hours.  Went through half marathon stage in 1:47 which I was pleased with.  With a bit more training I think I could knock off 10-15 minutes.  Very good day though although tougher course than I expected.  Edinburgh is an amazing city.
3:30:34 3:51:50 4:00:00 3:51:50 52.32
The Belly Is Gaun Tae Get Ye Knew the weather was going to be too hot, therefore did not push it, still made mistakes though,two toilet stops, watch malfunction, missed mile markers, ( will take garmin in future). Still a bit disappointed that pace slowed dramatically after 13M. However it was about getting round in the best shape possible and fighting another day.
Plus points nun tablets and gels. Need to concentrate better as 26th mile was 8.27 and last bit 1.36.
Ride 63
3:37:59 3:57:14 3:57:14 52.36
The Captain
3:57:10 3:57:10 3:57:10 50.91
The Chippie
3:31:51 3:45:38 3:30:00 3:45:38 53.40
The Craw
3:29:10 3:29:10 3:29:10 59.89
the vicious chicken
4:52:35 4:52:35 4:52:35 44.38
theraithrover Really pleased with 4:17 in 1st marathon, considering the heat. Most pleasing was that my fastest mile was mile 26 (9:10)! Disappointing lack of water at mile 21. Badly affected some who slowed to a stroll as a result. Atmosphere at the racecourse was fantastic.
South West Veterans AC
3:57:34 4:17:01 4:30:00 4:17:01 54.29
Tigerlily Finished it.  Would love to say I enjoyed it but I didn't.
4:19:43 4:52:19 4:52:19 45.66
Tiggia Not an official time due to the bollox up of the organisers.  Shoddy race.
Stadium Runners
6:09:00 6:09:00 5:30:00 6:09:00 35.52
Reading Roadrunners
2:27:48 2:30:02 2:30:02 80.31
TK30 Heat was unbearable and lack of water didn't help!!!  First marathon was an experience, glad I finished bit disappointed with my time but it has only made me determined to do the next marathon in the time I know I'm capable of ;-)
JogScotland Chryston
5:02:07 5:12:14 5:12:14 41.71
3:56:00 4:18:08 4:18:08 49.13
Sandhurst Joggers
5:07:16 5:07:16 5:07:16 39.21
Purple Patch Runners
5:28:52 6:07:00 6:07:00 37.67
Trimm Dich
Kilbarchan AAC
3:09:05 3:34:12 4:15:00 3:58:12 50.58
Trini Running this with friends 5 weeks after FLM so aiming to finish without injury
Kent AC
3:24:24 3:50:00
Triplet Dad Third Edinburgh in a row, trained poorly in 2007, got sick before the event in 2008, so this year it's all going to go perfectly....hoping for sub 4 hrs if possible, although closer to 4:30 is more likely. Update - it all went horribly wrong in the heat, ran on schedule for 14 miles but started having vision problems and had to walk.
Edinburgh Running Network
4:16:51 5:52:00 4:30:00 5:52:00 35.89
3:39:39 3:47:19 3:47:19 53.01
ugly This is my key race of the year.If i keep fit and well i''m very confident of breaking 3hrs.
Going up there with Sango who did it with me last year and we had a great time.UPDATE....3 Garmins,1 ahead of schedule 1 bang on time and 1 behind schedule(mine)what do you do!I could of ran my own race and sped off but to run by yourself on such a hot day would of been suicidal so with Sango by my side we did battle.Other runners jumped on the back and we were 5-6 strong with Al(1200)taking his turn upfront as well as Sango and me we were going along pretty good.As we headed for home it was time to push on and with the gradient in my favour i picked up the pace 6.50's Sango dropped off the pace and was crying(don't worry i wiped his tears later)at 20mi 2hr 17min i gave it my all trying for 3hrs,Fetchpoint gave me a lift in the final few miles,last 2miles 7 min and 7.09 not quite good enough.Sorry anyone who bet on me,enjoyed race got G.F.A AND 147TH place..Well done all and THANKS FETCH..
new eltham joggers
2:58:06 3:02:13 2:59:59 3:02:13 73.11
Mornington Chasers
3:06:59 3:06:59 3:06:59 64.44
Ultra Kanga Kazzaaaaah!! Nice, easy run with KKD and Dark Knight from RW.  Far slower than my usual pace so had no probs with the heat or the usual 'jelly legs'!
100 Marathon Club
4:06:30 4:52:36 5:46:00 39.98
Haddington East Lothian Pacemakers
3:03:57 3:10:40
Uniqua The Pink Knight
3:49:00 3:49:38 4:16:00 51.19
WACA 6.50, 6.50, 7.27, 6.56, 7.06, 7.14, 7.14, 7.04, 7.18, 7.29, 8.18, 6.26, 7.15, 7.22, 7.28, 7.44, 7.28, 8.21, 7.44, 8.08, 10, 10, 12, 10, 10, 10.33.  

First 20 were putting me on for 3.15 but I then had real trouble.  Legs were soooo heavy.  Breathing and heart were fine but just couldn't run, sooo tired and wrecked.  Beautiful day though and really did enjoy the event and everyone there.  G8 to see everyone from the club finish safely and with smiles.
Pocklington Runners, Civil Service Runners & Riders
3:07:32 3:07:32 3:15:00 3:29:15 58.86
Wreake Runners
4:26:34 4:50:34 4:50:34 43.48
WeebleNana Hoping my calf (or anything else!) won't go this time, so I can get nearer 5 hours. Update: Well it was a PB, but I really suffered due to the heat and the fact that the water stations ran out and I was going for about 10 miles with no water.
York Knavesmire Harriers
4:11:59 5:19:16 5:19:16 43.02
weeman Hopefully, since it's my first marathon and a guestimate time!
5:01:16 5:01:16 4:30:00 5:01:16 39.99
Whippet123 Not really disappointed with my time. I couldn't have done any better!

I can't even blame the weather or the lack of water. It's purely on account of the additional weight that it was such a very hard race. That'll learn me!!!!
5:25:06 6:07:22 5:25:00 6:07:22 39.28
2:57:35 4:24:30 4:24:30 45.55
Wicked D a tough race and pleased to get under 4hrs given the conditions
3:43:51 3:58:47 3:43:00 3:58:47 53.84
Will Crash A PB but the hottest race I,ve ever done.
3:41:29 3:51:01 3:45:00 3:51:01 52.27
Xan How hot wasit !!! Congrats to everyone that finished, my first marathon but not my last :)
3:41:07 4:27:23 4:30:00 4:27:23 45.16
xtina my first marathon and I am well excited already. Love the sea and reading all the 2008 reviews looks like I will see a lot of that  - bonus. LOOKING FOR HOTEL RECOMMENDATIONS -ANYONE? heh :)
Yeti Eeeek! first marathon!###  Too damn hot! Pace when running was good, just couldn't sustain it for longer than 1/2 mile at a time from about 16 onwards
Bournville Harriers
5:06:24 5:06:24 4:55:00 5:06:24 42.58
4:21:59 4:26:38 4:45:40 44.23
z1000jeff That was the worst day I've ever spent in a pair of running shoes. It was absolutely torture and the first time ever in a race or any other run that I've had to stop for a rest. I'm embarrassed to post my time. TOTAL FAIL :-(
3:33:38 3:57:42 3:59:00 4:06:00 52.72
3:52:00 3:52:00 3:52:00 55.90
Zippy 123 Too hot...absolutely bombed at 20 miles.  I WILL beat 4 hours!!
Sinfin RC, Derby City Council Running Club
4:08:27 4:08:27 3:59:59 4:08:27 48.50

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