
Last on at 11pm, 17th Jul 2017
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About Me
I first started in running in 2007 after signing up for the Stafford Half Marathon for a New Year’s resolution. On Boxing Day morning of that same year while running through the parks and paths of North West London, I decided I wanted to run in the 2008 London Marathon. After completing it under 4 hours and having no intention of training for and competing in one again, I have been running regularly in events and marathons ever since.

I regularly compete in 5K Parkrun's and try to compete in an overseas marathon once a year. I try to maintain a consistent level of fitness throughout the year, rather than dipping and rising around specific event training. But easier said than done.

My goals are to run a sub 3 hour marathon, increase my age grading % for half and marathons, and to build a running website/blog:-)
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