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Ian Williams aka Fetch
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Year on Year mileage comparison

4:39pm, 26 Feb 2021
There's a new graph in town :-) And for bonus points, you can pretend that you're the Emperor, making force lightning - except it's multi-coloured and friendly all-inclusive lightning :-)

It's exactly like the annual targets graph, except that instead of showing just one year, it shows all your training years. There are also boxes at the top that show you where you were at on this day in previous years. And you can put your mouse/finger on it and wiggle it about for more fun.


(or Train > Summary & Analysis > Year on Year)
Click here to suggest fetcheveryone's blog for today's highlights.


  • Can’t beat a multicoloured graph
    4:42pm, 26th Feb 2021
  • I like that. Good work. 👍
    Mr. K.
    4:43pm, 26th Feb 2021
  • Ooh, I like! Thank you Fetch, you spoil us :-)
    4:51pm, 26th Feb 2021
  • Cute. That looks very pretty!
    5:20pm, 26th Feb 2021
  • Very nice! Thanks.
    5:25pm, 26th Feb 2021
  • Is fab, thanks Fetch :)
    5:31pm, 26th Feb 2021
  • Very nice, I can see me checking that one regularly :)

    However I have a dark pink line and a red line on my graph that are so close in colour it’s hard to tell them apart.
    Fragile Do Not Bend
    6:03pm, 26th Feb 2021
  • Ooh, pretty rainbows rainbow
    6:11pm, 26th Feb 2021
  • I saw that looks impressive
    7:01pm, 26th Feb 2021
  • Thank you so much!!!
    7:07pm, 26th Feb 2021
  • I like it but it's depressing
    7:45pm, 26th Feb 2021
  • What a stonkingly wonderful graph. I could lose a lot of my life fiddling with that :-)
    8:56pm, 26th Feb 2021
  • Very cool
    8:58pm, 26th Feb 2021
  • Nice. Did we lose the streaky graph again though?
    8:59pm, 26th Feb 2021
  • This is wonderful 💖
    6:32am, 27th Feb 2021
  • Love it! Thanks Fetch👍
    10:42am, 1st Mar 2021
  • Agree with them...
    Dave W
    6:24am, 2nd Mar 2021

Elevation graphs

1:53pm, 25 Feb 2021
For quite some time now, Fetch (the server, not me referring to myself in the third person) has ignored elevation data from watches.

It used to be that this data was quite ropey. Rather than including it, I would instead take a sample of your route (512 evenly-spaced points), and send these to a lookup service (provided by Google). This would give a reasonable estimate of elevation along the route.

There are a few difficulties with that approach:

1) the longer your route, the wider the gap between the points. Even on my local five miler, that's potentially enough to miss most of a road bridge.

2) the lookup happens when you view the page for the first time. When the data comes back, the page reloads. This is that weird flicker you may see when you first view a run.

3) because the lookup ONLY happens if you view your run, ascent and descent figures appear as zeroes in your training log until you've gone for a look.

4) Google count these lookups in their charging model. I would rather not have to be at the mercy of their quotas, or at least would like to be able to use our allowance for other things e.g. 'Follow roads'.

5) because the elevation data arrives separately, it always has to be 'mashed in' with other stuff to create various graphs.

6) newer watches are better at doing elevation, thanks to barometric doo-dahs.

So as of this morning, I've gone back to importing the raw elevation data from FIT and TCX files (if anyone's got a GPX file with altitude data, get in touch - but most of the files these days are FIT tbh).

That's it really. I wanted to have a blog to point to in case anyone noticed :-)
Click here to suggest fetcheveryone's blog for today's highlights.


  • I thought my Garmin 235 did gpx but I dunno - it goes to Garmin Connect which then sticks it straight into your pipeline without so much as a by your leave :-o
    1:59pm, 25th Feb 2021
  • So even if the altutude data is "duff" (i.e. comes from a watch which doesn't have an altimeter in it) that is what will be displayed? Just asking for clarity!! If that is the position, it would be "nice" (for me at least!) to have the option to request "google altitude data" to replace the GPX / FIT file data, but "nice" doesn't mean "waste your expensive Google Maps credits on it" if that value proposition doesn't really work.
    2:01pm, 25th Feb 2021
  • Interesting development Fetch! I’m not always sure that the barometric elevation from my FR935 is that great, eg on a long run if a weather front comes through you can start and finish at very different altitudes. Would it be possible to include a sense check for circular routes that the start and finish elevations are reasonably close? I also get other anomalies, so trusted your data more!
    2:05pm, 25th Feb 2021
  • the more credits you can pour into Follow Roads the better as far as i am concerned, much more important to me than ascent and descent.
    2:09pm, 25th Feb 2021
  • bja61 - I've seen my elevation drift too (I've got a 935 as well) - but based on my experimentation so far, definite hills show up nicely (even if the starting altitude is off), so it's useful for comparing climb to changes in pace and heart rate.
    2:10pm, 25th Feb 2021
  • @larkim - it might be possible to retain it as an option for the user, if the elevation is duff. I might let this bed in for a bit first though.
    2:11pm, 25th Feb 2021
  • Hoping to do lots more hill running this year, but have a barometric altimeter on my watch, so I'm happy with this. Thanks.
    K5 Gus
    2:18pm, 25th Feb 2021
  • Barometric doodahs sometimes get it wrong too, but coolio, as you say, mostly decent now. Saves a bit o Google overhead (Mega Hz as well as Mega Bucks) all good. :-) G
    2:19pm, 25th Feb 2021
  • Thanks Mr Fetch :-)
    2:46pm, 25th Feb 2021
  • fetch - happy either way and if using the watch data is more efficient for the site that’s great too. I agree with Chrisity that follow roads is a higher priority!
    2:47pm, 25th Feb 2021
  • My Samsung Health app has elevation data which is in GPX when I stick it on here - I only use it for walks - if it helps.
    3:57pm, 25th Feb 2021
  • I like the challenge of not following roads ;)
    3:57pm, 25th Feb 2021
  • I used to record my runs on the *cough* strava *cough* app and then download the GPX file and copy across (old Garmin took ages to find satellites). I don’t know if that file would have altitude? I can copy one across if you want to see one?
    5:27pm, 25th Feb 2021
  • Ah this makes sense now. I was doing a challenge last year which was counting elevation. I had to upload my data on a different app (but not *that* one) and the figures were really quite different to the Fetch figures (Fetch was always more generous in how far up I had run).
    5:50pm, 25th Feb 2021
  • You must have a pretty good 'cache' of elevation at various points by now so perhaps you don't always have to go back to Google?
    6:15pm, 25th Feb 2021
  • Or you could build your own database from the watch elevation data.
    6:16pm, 25th Feb 2021
  • Ah, so that's why my elevation graph is insane today. I guess I'll have to fix my watch.
    9:28pm, 25th Feb 2021
  • I don't think I have ever looked at my elevation data, but in this part of the country that is absolutely fine 🙂

    8:59am, 26th Feb 2021
  • Oh. This seems like quite a retrograde step for folk who are just chugging along with an old-tech watch, or a low-tech watch today. Or even just using phone GPS?
    You probably have the numbers on how many people this will affect in which direction.
    How did Sport Tracks used to do it?
    paul the builder
    8:59am, 26th Feb 2021
  • As mentioned earlier in the comments, the option could be added to override the raw data.
    9:11am, 26th Feb 2021
  • Ian, I gave the elevation a good test today on my run
    Garmin tells me I had 964m of elevation gain
    Your telling me I had:
    Elevation Asc 1139.4000000001m
    Could it be rounded to the nearest m?
    And why are the 2 elevations different?
    4:16pm, 27th Feb 2021
  • I've just fixed the rounding. My algorithm is just summing every single increase, point to point, to calculate the ascent. It's possible that Garmin are ignoring small changes.
    4:23pm, 27th Feb 2021
  • Just realised that the feedback form I sent half an hour ago regards missing ascent data from Ascent Graph and Monthly Summary is probably linked to this change as the problem seemed to start from Thursday
    K5 Gus
    5:25pm, 1st Mar 2021

It's all kicking off in chess club!

10:25am, 25 Feb 2021
Four days of February left... and things are so hot in Fetch Chess Club that you could paint it orange and sell it as fire!

For all you excited spectators, here's a summary of the ups and downs, and the divisions to watch! They all have to finish by the end of February, at which point one player gets promoted and one player gets relegated from each division.

Div 1
Jules forfeited all his games at the start of the month because he was too busy - so he'll be the one to drop to D2. These masterminds of chess put so much thought into each game that none of the current players are actually involved in any games at the moment. They all have their hands on their temples, summoning up the answers to the universe. Or maybe they're just busy.

Div 2
Congrats to SPR, the uncatchable leader! Just one game left to finish. At the other end, Salty Dog has asked to pull out, so he'll be the D2 fall guy.

Div 3
All games completed. Well done bja61 - you're going up, with only one loss! With no relegated player from D2, Totriornottotri survives to fight another month!

Div 4
Just one game left in the best division! It won't affect the outcome though. Goofee wins, with the most dominant performance we've seen so far. At the other end, rhb is relegated - but takes a crumb of solace with him, thanks to his draw with Goofee.

Div 5
One game left, but it's mid-table. Maclennane goes up, with 6 wins out of 8, but with losses to the bottom two players. That's how fickle chess can be, folks :-) Weath heads south to visit some new stadiums.

Div 6
It really is all to play for, in the "officially least completed" division. MisterTea, Meglet, bigleggy and chunkywizard are all within one point of each other, and any of them could take the prize. But only if they play their games! *looks over top of glasses*. Sadly, it's curtains for mr d, but hopefully he will find more luck in D7 next month.

Div 7
Cheg has just done enough to claim victory - he's half a point up on JK chameleon with a game in hand. Meanwhile, the father and son duo of Angus Clydesdale and FlyingScotsman look set to part ways, unless Angus can win all three of his remaining games to send Smugbloke down.

Div 8
A very tight finish! GimmeMedals has played out to end on 5.5, but HappyG is on her heels with a score of 5, but a game in hand. Can he push DeeGee to completion and claim that final point for outright victory? A draw would be enough, thanks to his head-to-head record against GimmeMedals. It's not all over for DeeGee though - he still has two games to finish AND three games to start in the next four days. Can he do it and save himself? BarefootEm and Diogenes are looking over their shoulders.

Div 9
Still six games to complete in D9, so in theory, any one of the five players could rise to the top like a floaty thing! Push those pieces people!

Div 10
The most dominant performance in the league goes to Bamber, with eight straight wins. A late joiner to the league, no-one would bet against him doing the same for the next few months. At the other end of the table, roberton is set to join D11 on March 1st.

Div 11
Even though Oranj could finish level on points with Scorge, it's the latter who will go up, thanks to a double win in their head-to-head games. But wait, what's this? EdJ could finish level too! He needs to beat Scorge to do so, but then it'll come down to rankings. Potentially our closest finish! At the other end, Gary Fatbloke descends to D12. Never mind, Gary.

Div 12
Our final division. Snail and Tazsedai are in contention for promotion. Snail has a point advantage, but both have a game to finish. These games are against quimby, hoping to register her first win. Can she pull off a shock defeat to decide the D12 title?

Joining Next Month
bgillam, Gobi and Treborstreet have chalked their names up to join the divisions. This means there'll be a 13th division next time round - but if there are any of you still reading this who fancy joining in, we can just add more! Go here, and add yourself before the end of Feb if you want to play: fetcheveryone.com/chess.php
Click here to suggest fetcheveryone's blog for today's highlights.


  • Thanks Fetch
    10:44am, 25th Feb 2021
  • Excellent work Fetch. Looking forward to the new Div 3.
    10:48am, 25th Feb 2021
  • Great round-up! I'm really enjoying the league system, it's pushed me to study the game properly for the first time which has been very interesting.
    10:50am, 25th Feb 2021
  • The roving correspondent missed my update on Div 8 where I have lost my Queen to DeeGee and it's all over bar the singing, so GM takes Div 8 by 0.5 point. Nailbiter! :-) G
    11:02am, 25th Feb 2021
  • This is very exciting!
    11:20am, 25th Feb 2021
  • Great write-up Feetch. Has been great fun to play again after a chess gap that was even bigger than the gap I took with running!
    11:22am, 25th Feb 2021
  • Come on you whites!
    Alice the Camel
    11:35am, 25th Feb 2021
  • Interesting to hear how everyone's doing. I've felt reasonably well-matched with the others in my division, though I was worried at one point Bamber might be a bit disadvantaged with his modern artillery and air support.
    Funky Chicken
    11:38am, 25th Feb 2021
  • All to play for - Amen to that!
    11:39am, 25th Feb 2021
  • ed would win D11 if he beats me, he's ahead on ranking. trying to make sure he doesn't!
    12:22pm, 25th Feb 2021
  • Awesome write up Fetch, its been an exciting month!
    1:09pm, 25th Feb 2021
  • @Scorge - as you currently have the lower ranking, you'd win. I think that's we decided a few weeks ago anyway :-)
    1:13pm, 25th Feb 2021
  • This is super exciting!
    1:23pm, 25th Feb 2021
  • Great write up, thanks fetch! All the D3 matches have been well matched and were very enjoyable. I suspect I may well be back in D3 next month!
    1:38pm, 25th Feb 2021
  • Good write up.

    Have you sorted my parachute payment for next month? There must be a way to help D2 players to close the gap to the big guns ;-)
    1:51pm, 25th Feb 2021
  • Cracking write-up, and confirms the regular discussions on the thread about promotion/relegation. Fails to capture my atrocious start this month losing my first three games within a day of the league starting...
    JamieKai *chameleon*
    3:28pm, 25th Feb 2021
  • Nice summary 👏. As someone who's ventured to a fair amount of (football) stadia (following the mighty Tricky Trees) then I'm defo up for seeing fresh pastures in my new division.
    3:47pm, 25th Feb 2021
  • "At the other end of the table". That's me!
    8:20pm, 25th Feb 2021
  • Missed this earlier. Excellent write-up. Cheg is holding me off magnificently, Smugbloke has sneaked up on my King and, worst of all, FlyingScotsman has decided he doesnae want any pocket money for the rest of his life! :) :)
    Angus Clydesdale
    9:46pm, 25th Feb 2021
  • No chance of me going up. I seem to be losing games on time left right and centre at the moment, and gifted Oranj a pair of knights earlier whenI was trying to multi-task.
    10:46pm, 25th Feb 2021
  • Excellent summary - will we get one from SPR on the Cup Comps?
    11:19pm, 25th Feb 2021
  • great summary, and how exciting to have 12 divisions!
    8:24am, 26th Feb 2021
  • Only just seen this, nearly better than the rugby! 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿👑👑👑
    7:45pm, 28th Feb 2021

Music By year: 1991

12:59pm, 23 Feb 2021
Time to do another year of my album purchases. With my new CD player warmed up, 1991 saw me start to explore my musical tastes.

The White Room - The KLF
A glimpse into a surreal world - and I loved it. Definitely (probably) founding members of the illuminati. The perfect antidote to the formulaic.

ex:el - 808 State
Perhaps the first indication that I was going to enjoy electronic stuff. After suffering at the hands of Phil Collins at the tail end of 1990, this showed me that drum patterns and loops didn't have to sound vapid.

Out of Time - R.E.M.
It took a while for me to get my head around the non-singles on this album, but it's one I go back to pretty regularly. An example of a band that can be so joyful at times, and deeply dark at others - eased into my consciousness with help from the familiar sound of B52's Kate Pierson on Shiny Happy People.

Fellow Hoodlums - Deacon Blue
On the day I bought this, we found out that someone my dad knew had committed suicide. Some of the songs really chimed with how I felt about that. Probably one of my earliest memories of Scottish people outside of their rugby team and Russ Abbott parodies.

Diamonds and Pearls - Prince and The New Power Generation
What a very sexed-up man. I haven't listened to this in a little while, but Money Don't Matter Tonight is lovely - and the whole album just oozes. Oozes what, I can't quite put into words, but it's great.

Achtung Baby - U2
I didn't experience this until '94, and first year of university. The only U2 album that makes the list, and full of some quite wonderful angst. Plus I finally understood why The Fly knocked Bryan Adams off number 1. I was grateful all along ;-)

Fond memories, but you had to be there
Move to This - Cathy Dennis
Me, the shy teenage boy at an all boys school. Her, the lady with the penchant for catsuits. It was kind of inevitable. C'mon and Get My Love (with D'Mob) is still a great tune, and since her performing career, she's written some *enormously* well-known hits for other performers.

Spartacus - The Farm
Like Move To This, I bought this in America, on our one and only family US holiday. I can't remember much about the tracks now, but the singles take me back to fond memories of GCSE years.

The Greatest Hits - Salt-n-Pepa
Sassy ladies, absolutely nailing it. Push It is a throwback to the dodgems at Butlins, making new friends, spending all my money playing Outrun and Operation Wolf in the arcade.

Stars - Simply Red
I nearly put this in 'Shrug', but it's the memories, ain't it. I don't think I would listen to it now, but I am smiling as I think of it all.

World Power - Snap!
This one nearly made the 'Fond' list, but really it just wasn't up to much. I liked the album cover most of all.

Joyride - Roxette
For some reason, this is one of several Roxette albums I bought. I probably liked Look Sharp the best - I can remember the upbeat and optimistic euro stylings :-)

Leisure - Blur
I didn't buy this at the time - I picked it up 4-5 years later off the back of owning and loving Parklife. Aside from There's No Other Way, I didn't really get into this at all.

Greatest Hits II - Queen
Queen seem to be one of those bands that everybody *should* like. And I guess I had a phase of it, probably coinciding with a lot of publicity around Freddie's death in this year. They are all undoubtedly well-worn classic songs, but not something I would sit down and listen to.

Sugar Tax - Orchestral Manoeuvres in the Dark
I really liked Pandora's Box, and bought this on the strength of that. One of the few albums I owned on cassette. I enjoyed it at the time, but a recent replay on iTunes did NOT go well.

Real Love - Lisa Stansfield
Emotions - Mariah Carey
Sorry. Both of these probably attributable to my age. If there's only room for one teenage crush, then as previously mentioned, Cathy Dennis gets the nod.
Click here to suggest fetcheveryone's blog for today's highlights.


  • oh, 3 of the good here......none of the rest.
    Ocelot Spleens
    1:00pm, 23rd Feb 2021
  • What's also interesting is that you have your music catalogued by year of release. All mine is alphabetical, it would be a major exercise to then sort by original year too!
    I saw Deacon Blue on the Fellow Hoodlums tour, at Symphony Hall in B'ham. At one point Ricky Ross had all the amps turned off and he briefly sang on stage without a microphone, to show how amazing the acoustics are in that Hall. Spectacular!
    1:04pm, 23rd Feb 2021
  • 808 State were glorious. They played a gig at Castlefield in Manchester when the city was bidding for the Olympics. I also saw them at an all nighter in London (possibly the Astoria). They were brilliant, but I should have gone home after their set. As it was, I stayed on and it got to about 5:00am and I just curled up in a corner and fell asleep - quite an achievement considering the chest crushingly loud bass thumping all around me.
    1:18pm, 23rd Feb 2021
  • ex:el - 808 State... what an album!
    Nadders (aka monsenb1)
    1:18pm, 23rd Feb 2021
  • Lift is my fave track on that one..
    Nadders (aka monsenb1)
    1:18pm, 23rd Feb 2021
  • Interesting to see what is in your collection. In that year, I was working as a trainee accountant and hating every minute of it! I don’t recall having much time to listen to music. The next year I jacked it in and went back to university to do my teacher training. A much better option.
    1:21pm, 23rd Feb 2021
  • Sigh - I don't really have it catalogued - I've been using the Wikipedia lists of albums by year, and picking out the ones I owned.
    1:33pm, 23rd Feb 2021
  • KLF and 808 state, I danced a lot to these! Cathy Dennis write Toxic for Britney didn't she? Sing on Leisure though is class.
    2:04pm, 23rd Feb 2021
  • I'm old :(
    2:22pm, 23rd Feb 2021
  • I haven't listened to Achtung Baby for years but there was a time I played it to death. Easily the best U2 album. Out Of Time gets an airing at least once a year...
    2:31pm, 23rd Feb 2021
  • (Looking forward to 1992 - that was the year Generation Terrorists came out)
    2:32pm, 23rd Feb 2021
  • Diamonds and pearls was epic and I think still is.
    2:42pm, 23rd Feb 2021
  • Now you're talking. Cathy Dennis catsuits! Out of Time. 808 State ' In your Face!' advertising The Word every Friday. KLF . Prince. Achtung Baby - playing it to death and really getting into the whole U2 immersive tour 'thing.' '30 Something' by Carter (30 yrs old last week)

    - 'My era' and I bloomin' loved it, thanks for the memories !
    Albert O Balsam
    2:43pm, 23rd Feb 2021
  • Ahh, I see!
    Good call by McG - I saw the Manics on that tour, too :-)
    3:34pm, 23rd Feb 2021
  • Cathy Dennis, 808 State & KLF. Now that's a party. 'Alexa, play...'
    3:36pm, 23rd Feb 2021
  • I loved that 808 state album. Diamonds and Pearls is just utterly fabulous.
    4:02pm, 23rd Feb 2021
  • 808 State got scratched to the point of being unplayable it was used so much. But AoB tops the lot with '30 Something' which is still among my most-played.
    4:12pm, 23rd Feb 2021
  • Carter. Now you're talking.
    5:22pm, 23rd Feb 2021
  • Out Of Time is inextricably linked with my son's birth and early months for me, it brings tears of joy and melancholy for a time gone just to see the title written down.
    5:51pm, 23rd Feb 2021
  • Out of Time is a strange mix of the sublime (Near Wild Heaven / Half a World Away / Country Feedback) and the bland. Three absolute dingers and alot of filler.
    Paul N
    6:42pm, 23rd Feb 2021
  • I wonder what happened to my cassette copy of Ex:El? 808 State's Ninety was one of the first albums I ever bought. I didn't get REM at all until I randomly bought Out of Time - within twelve months, I'd 'acquired' tapes of every full album back to Murmur.

    Other ones I got - Smashing Pumpkins - Gish (worth it for Rhinoceros), Electronic (not really worth it), Pixies - Trompe Le Monde (still disappointed now), Massive Attack - Blue Lines (but years later), MBV - Loveless (ditto) and Nirvana - Nevermind (listened to it non-stop for two years).
    7:23pm, 23rd Feb 2021
  • Diamonds &Pearls is one of favourites too. Some fantastic songs on there.
    Minnie Mad
    9:41pm, 23rd Feb 2021
  • Achtung Baby is really good. I dug it out for the first time in ten years last year. Not really a duff track on the album.
    10:30pm, 23rd Feb 2021
  • Achtung Baby was U2's last great album! Also love Out of Time :-)
    Little Nemo
    11:04am, 24th Feb 2021
  • Great collection. Nowt wrong with a bit of Lisa Stansfield :-) But no Screamadelica on the list! :-o
    9:10am, 25th Feb 2021
  • Very strong albums from U2 and REM. I haven't played Diamonds and Pearls for years, loved that album back in the day, will have to give it a spin! Enjoyed reading this plus all the comments, a real trip down memory lane!
    11:05pm, 25th Feb 2021
  • BBC ripping off my idea today: bbc.co.uk
    9:28am, 26th Feb 2021
  • :)
    10:26am, 26th Feb 2021

10k Analysis: Part 4 - Weekly Training Habits

2:51pm, 22 Feb 2021
This week, it's time to start delving into the training data of our batch of intrepid 10k runners, to see if we can determine the secrets of success ;-)

Some people use Fetch as just a place to store their race history - but most people also log their training data too. I mean, why wouldn't you? :-)

The first bit of 'data cleaning' is to decide what qualifies as a complete record of training. A few people will maybe just add a couple of training entries manually, and then abandon the whole process. We need a good way of excluding these people, so we get good consistent data.

Looking at the ten week period before a 10k, my strategy was to only include runners who had logged *something* on at least eight of those ten weeks. That implies a decent level of engagement with the training log.

I found 3466 runners with training on at least eight of the ten weeks preceding their 10k PB attempt. Of these, 2796 had recorded something in all ten weeks.

An easy graph to get started - it shows the number of runners who run X days per week:

The clear favourite is the three day week. If you're training more than three days a week, that means you need to do back-to-back days at least once a week. I know that's a factor for me - I like my rest days too :-)

You probably know which category you're in - and this next graph shows the average weekly mileage of the runners in each group:

As a three-dayer, it seems I am currently running just above the median of 19 miles a week. The vertical bars on the graph show the variation in these figures [10th and 90th percentiles] - so if you're above or below the average, that's cool, you're not alone! Interestingly, the biggest variation is amongst the seven-dayers - perhaps this is down to streaking, where mileage is not as important as consistency.

So who are all these busy runners? Is there a correlation between number of days per week and 10k time? Well, it looks like a good shout. I arranged the 10k runners by race time, and looked at the number of days per week that each group trained. The top 10% of runners averaged 5.5 days per week, whereas most of us further down the field are closer to 3 days per week. But once again, there's quite a bit of variation in the data, with some in the top group managing 6.8 days per week:

And finally, I looked at the median weekly mileage of our runners. Once again, I sorted them by time. The top 10% of runners run a median of 48 miles per week!

But even with that lofty group, the variation stands out. At least 10% of those speedy runners train off no more than 27 miles per week. And what's more, there are plenty of slower runners who are running more than 27 miles per week.

Clearly there's more delving to be done! I should say right now that I don't believe any of this will yield some magic formula that will turn everyone into superafleets - but it's still fun to look at.

Next time, I'll be looking at pace. If you do all your training at 12 minutes per mile, it seems unlikely that you will manage 5 mins per mile in your race - but what is a typical differential? And is it possible to work out what proportion of our training we should do at race pace, for best results? Or quicker? Place your bets on whether I'll come up with anything useful, this time next week :-)
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  • Some food for thought.
    Fenland Flier
    3:24pm, 22nd Feb 2021
  • Is it worth overlaying age onto the number of days training and end result, too? I suspect with the general/overall declining performance against age you might end up with a flatter graphs - so us older folks with more time to run sort of average out with our performance in races. Or something!
    3:38pm, 22nd Feb 2021
  • (BTW, that's interesting as it stands!)
    3:39pm, 22nd Feb 2021
  • I bet there is some sort of inverse correlation going on too. Those with a natural ability to run faster (and without getting injured) are more likely to train more and harder. A bit chicken and egg - do they run faster because they train more or train more because they can run faster?
    Elsie Too
    3:43pm, 22nd Feb 2021
  • I find it interesting that you use speed of runner as the x axis, my initial reaction would to be graph days/distance run as the x axis being the variable that people could control and seeing what that does to speed.
    5:27pm, 22nd Feb 2021
  • Fascinating!
    6:23pm, 22nd Feb 2021
  • Between age, times, distances, rest days there’s a lot of variables there!!! Very interesting though!
    9:36pm, 22nd Feb 2021
  • I’m aware that some of my triathlete friends are running very fast times on not much running - because they are swimming and cycling as well each week. Yet their core fitness and speed is astonishing.
    6:29am, 23rd Feb 2021
  • I wonder how many of the higher mileage people were training for a 10k, or were actually training for a half or marathon, and the 10k was a by product? Most of my PBs have come as a result of the increased mileage when training for a marathon, whereas if I was only training for a 10k, I would probably do far fewer miles, but at a faster pace. Where was I going with this???
    7:56am, 24th Feb 2021
  • Next blog will be interesting. I know I run most miles too quick, as in the back of my mind i think I'll lose some pace if I am not pushing myself hard every run. My injury history suggests this is not a clever thing to do so I am trying to do more easy miles, so it will be interesting to see if more easy miles can retain the speed and lessen injuries.
    5:33pm, 24th Feb 2021
  • I assumed that everyone ran 6 days a week and the hardcore people ran every day so that was interesting news.
    8:31pm, 24th Feb 2021
  • I know, right.
    8:51pm, 24th Feb 2021

Tagging virtual races

1:38pm, 18 Feb 2021
I'm probably a bit late to the party, but I've added the ability to mark a race as virtual.

If you go to any of our race listings, you can click 'Edit Listing', and toggle between 'Make Virtual' and 'Make Normal' (what's the correct and snappy term for a non-virtual race?)

I've switched all the relevant ones from my portfolio (Doctor K Cups and a Sheepy Shuffle), and I've also amended any events in the database that actually contain the word 'virtual', as well as the 'Fake parkrun' series. If you could amend any races you've come into contact with, that'd be great.

Races marked as virtual will display 'VIRTUAL EVENT' above the title, and will not show a map. Apologies to the Fake parkrun series - I know they had some fun picking different locations.

I've amended the 'Add a race' page, to include a clear 'Is this a virtual event?' tickbox. I will also try to work out a way to represent these in the race search. Up 'til now, each race needed a latitude and longitude - so I will try to filter or indicate these in any results.

If we're being optimistic, there might be actual races to attend at some point this year - and it'd be handy to have a way to see the wood from the virtual trees.

All thoughts and bug reports welcome :-)
Click here to suggest fetcheveryone's blog for today's highlights.


  • Real? Actual? Non-Virtual? Top banana banana :-) G
    1:42pm, 18th Feb 2021
  • Actual races to attend. I so hope so.
    TBR (TheBeardRunner)
    2:05pm, 18th Feb 2021
  • In Person?

    How would you like us to treat a race that has both a virtual and non-virtual option? Eg I ran the virtual edition of the Durrell Challenge last year, which could be run on the route if you were in Jersey or as a virtual event for anyone not in the island. Should we split it into two separate events?
    2:06pm, 18th Feb 2021
  • Excellent, many thanks! Not looked at it yet, but for the North Staffs league, the virtual races are given a limited time window in which to complete the event; so it would be good if a date range could be selected for the event, although I guess that involves a lot more meddling with the gubbins in the background.

    Here's a link to this weekend's as an example: my.raceresult.com

    ...and how it appears on here: fetcheveryone.com/races/potters-10-mile-virtual-5153889
    2:16pm, 18th Feb 2021
  • bja61 - I would say go with two separate events in that case.

    Sigh - barring any amendments, you could include that in the description field I guess.
    2:51pm, 18th Feb 2021
  • In person - is the term I use. Hopefully that term will phase out though.
    Mr. K.
    2:51pm, 18th Feb 2021
  • Yes, that's pretty much what I do, and pick a random date in the middle for the actual listing. Hopefully there won't be many more to add now, anyway!
    3:16pm, 18th Feb 2021
  • Meat Space Race.
    4:23pm, 18th Feb 2021
  • Probably a daft question, but if I wanted to find a virtual race (say, a fake parkrun) on the "Fetcheveryone Race Finder" page, how would I do it?
    5:08pm, 18th Feb 2021
  • That’s on the TBD list. All the existing ones will have a latitude and longitude, so I’ve got a bit of time before the (0,0) ones start popping up.
    6:05pm, 18th Feb 2021
  • Nice one Ian. I added a couple of virtual races earlier this year, mainly to give me something to focus on. Another Fetchie added it to their race calendar. I love the idea of someone else doing at the same time.
    7:05pm, 18th Feb 2021
  • I did some virtuals more than a decade ago: the Worldwide Half arranged from a USA website and podcast, and the Xperiathon. I have gone back and altered these listings.

    Secondly, what about virtuals where you build up the distance over several days and enter the total as the result. (One example recently was the Lakeland Lapland virtual ultra.) I have held back from giving my actual result in these because it makes my WAVA look artificially good for some long distances. Is there some way these could be marked and excluded from WAVAs and leagues or tables?
    9:40pm, 22nd Feb 2021

Chasing rainbows

11:15am, 18 Feb 2021
Thanks for all your comments on the rainbow shirts blog. Based on blog comments and the number of likes on Faceplant and Twatter, and assuming you don't all storm out of this blog, I think we have enough to do an order.

I wanted to respond to a few of the comments:

1) v-necks - I think all the female cut shirts that we've done over the last few years have been v-neck, so I'm happy to do that again.

2) vests - I think I could adapt the design to make a vest. Instead of the sleeves, I was thinking about rainbow side panels.

3) didn't like it at all? I might order a batch of more traditional red Fetch shirts at the same time, depending on demand.

4) what sort of rainbow?....

That's the one that's given me the most pause for thought. I'll be honest here - as this was just a draft design, I went searching for rainbow images, and found a nice set of blocky colours that looked good together.

I *am* fully aware that rainbow flags are a symbol of LGBTQ+ groups - for the last couple of years, the Fetch logo has reflected the flag during pride month. I am all for supporting the diversity of people, and the design of this shirt hopefully shows that.

I didn't realise that there were different variations though. It got me googling - you can read about some of the variations of pride flags here: pride.com

I also noted the comments about how the rainbow flag has been used for other purposes over the last twelve months. I last saw my family in August - and as we drove there, through various small villages, there were multiple rainbow flags flying from their houses. Back in the day I was headbutted at a rugby club disco for "dancing as though I was gay", so I wondered whether there was some mass coming-to-terms with diversity. But when I mentioned this to my parents, they explained the NHS connection, which I'd somehow missed up til then. And I hadn't even begun to think about religious associations.

My thinking then, is that I wouldn't want a rainbow that indicates support for any one group over any other. We're for everyone. That's the message. And the most universal symbol of that, at least as far as I see it, is the visible light spectrum. I hope that's ok.
Click here to suggest fetcheveryone's blog for today's highlights.


  • Oooo, vest with side panels you say?
    That's a bingo.
    Raetomic Kitten
    11:25am, 18th Feb 2021
  • I’m in for a traditional Fetch Classic if the order goes in.
    11:50am, 18th Feb 2021
  • I haven't made the link between bleeding nipples and a rainbow Fetch shirt yet. What did I miss?
    11:57am, 18th Feb 2021
  • I must have taken it down from the gallery - or maybe I just put it on Twitter. The corners of the FETCH on my front had turned red - and I wondered how it might look if the logo was multi-coloured.
    12:00pm, 18th Feb 2021
  • Argues internally about the need for another new shirt...
    12:01pm, 18th Feb 2021
  • "dancing as though you were gay"? I think you need to teach me, sensei - I appear not to have been taught the dance of my people ;)
    JamieKai *chameleon*
    12:02pm, 18th Feb 2021
  • I have occasionally wondered which of my moves signified this. You probably need to speak to the guy who headbutted me - he was obviously the expert.
    12:07pm, 18th Feb 2021
  • One day, at Congleton parkrun, someone saw my Fetch buff and said: "Is that Man United?" in a somewhat incredulous and slightly aggressive manner. Some folks will see what they want to see.
    12:17pm, 18th Feb 2021
  • +1 rainbow side panels!
    12:20pm, 18th Feb 2021
  • How about red or black shirts with rainbow side panels and poss rainbow writing ? Vest with rainbow side panels and writing ? I’m guessing we’re looking at Easter time delivery with warmer happy weather to show them off .. a poll ?
    12:28pm, 18th Feb 2021
  • And of course traditional fetch shirts with extra power built in as usual.
    12:29pm, 18th Feb 2021
  • Surely no group can claim ownership of the frequencies of colours of light and that they refract through a prism in a specific order, bending more the higher the frequency, such as naturally created by sun light through water drops. Can they? Great design. :-) G
    12:33pm, 18th Feb 2021
  • HappyG the pride rainbow is 6 colours instead of 7 in a traditional rainbow 🌈 😁
    12:41pm, 18th Feb 2021
  • Happy - no-one is trying to take ownership of light frequencies :-) Have a read of the pride link in my blog.
    12:43pm, 18th Feb 2021
  • Brilliant
    1:00pm, 18th Feb 2021
  • Interesting to read the pride article. Didn’t realise the meanings of each flag and I’m a bit more knowledgeable now
    2:03pm, 18th Feb 2021
  • Could you do the rainbow s colour gradients instead of bands, to make it different from the traditional flags?
    Sam Jelfs
    9:23am, 19th Feb 2021
  • I fancy a rainbow vest 🌈
    Derby Tup
    10:06am, 19th Feb 2021
  • 👍
    12:05pm, 19th Feb 2021

Rainbow Shirts

5:18pm, 16 Feb 2021
Just gathering opinions... a while ago my own bleeding nipples led to the idea of a rainbow Fetch shirt. And here's my first go at it. Would you buy one? Leave a comment if so, and I'll work out what to do.

Click here to suggest fetcheveryone's blog for today's highlights.


  • Yes! Me, me!
    5:23pm, 16th Feb 2021
  • Afraid not - this one doesn't really do anything for me and unfortunately, I've already got enough shirts to be going on with! :)
    5:23pm, 16th Feb 2021
  • Yes! :-)
    5:23pm, 16th Feb 2021
  • Absolutely yes
    5:23pm, 16th Feb 2021
  • Three blogs in a day! Sharkie Fetch ;-) The shirt: no thanks
    5:25pm, 16th Feb 2021
  • Ooo yes please 😁
    5:27pm, 16th Feb 2021
  • (Picky point: The colours are all in the wrong order! Not a rainbow.)
    5:28pm, 16th Feb 2021
  • Is that why you don’t want one? :-)
    5:29pm, 16th Feb 2021
  • Yes. Could you offer an option to donate to a LGBTQ charity?
    5:29pm, 16th Feb 2021
  • Yes, please!
    Cats Whiskers
    5:32pm, 16th Feb 2021
  • (No, but if I had in principle, it would have had me gibbering :-p )
    5:32pm, 16th Feb 2021
  • Oooo I like! But I also have enough shirts..do I need this one?
    5:32pm, 16th Feb 2021
  • Yes!
    5:34pm, 16th Feb 2021
  • Definitely yes and probably one for Girl too
    5:34pm, 16th Feb 2021
  • Yes. Whatever order the colours are in. I've already got shorts with rainbows on to co-ordinate with it.
    5:35pm, 16th Feb 2021
  • Oh yes please!
    5:36pm, 16th Feb 2021
  • Yes, as you can never have enough shirts :)
    5:37pm, 16th Feb 2021
  • Not for me thanks. I think that I can have too many shirts unlike Corrah 😀
    Eynsham Red
    5:42pm, 16th Feb 2021
  • Rainbows, I'm in!
    5:44pm, 16th Feb 2021
  • Not for me. I wore all-black at Brighton Pride. Someone has the represent the goths.
    5:46pm, 16th Feb 2021
  • I'd love one, especially if it came with a V neck rather than a round one, but I have done a fair bit of decluttering in lockdown and I.Have.Enough.Kit!
    5:53pm, 16th Feb 2021
  • Nope
    5:57pm, 16th Feb 2021
  • I’m unlikely to get one, but it’d be more appealing to me if the rainbow stripes were across the body of the shirt, a bit like the Road Cycling World Champion jersey with a white background. You could have the traditional Fetcheveryone red and yellow on the sleeves/trim.
    6:02pm, 16th Feb 2021
  • Another one her would rather a v neck 😁
    6:03pm, 16th Feb 2021
  • Perhaps, yes. Cost dependent
    6:12pm, 16th Feb 2021
  • It's nice - but hasn't the rainbow got enough connotations? Some of the more vocal in the LGBTQ+ community were already unhappy about the "Rainbow to support the NHS" knobbery, as they felt it was taking away from the Pride flag...

    But this is all a bit of a moot point - as a non-runner, I'm not a customer here :) If I was a runner, I'd be a conflicted maybe.
    JamieKai *chameleon*
    6:13pm, 16th Feb 2021
  • Not for me. It's bound to clash with my complexion.
    6:17pm, 16th Feb 2021
  • Yes please!
    6:18pm, 16th Feb 2021
  • Yes, please! And maybe a rainbow vest?
    6:21pm, 16th Feb 2021
  • I quite like this so it’s a yes from me 👍
    6:23pm, 16th Feb 2021
  • Yes if it had a v neck
    6:25pm, 16th Feb 2021
  • Which sort of rainbow is this one, Fetch?
    Rain and sun, NHS, UCI, or LGBT?
    Bright Strider
    6:28pm, 16th Feb 2021
  • I like it but wouldn’t run in it. I prefer bright colours running on pavement-less rural roads. The sleeves aren’t enough colour for driver-alert.
    Raggedy runner
    6:41pm, 16th Feb 2021
  • Yes!
    6:43pm, 16th Feb 2021
  • Yes defo
    6:46pm, 16th Feb 2021
  • I’d also love a v neck option
    6:47pm, 16th Feb 2021
  • Probably not.
    6:48pm, 16th Feb 2021
  • Goth version
    6:50pm, 16th Feb 2021
  • not for me, thanks.
    7:01pm, 16th Feb 2021
  • Not a fan of black shirts so a no for me on this one.
    7:08pm, 16th Feb 2021
  • Where I work, this would be called appropriation ;-)
    7:12pm, 16th Feb 2021
  • Yes please. :)
    7:16pm, 16th Feb 2021
  • Love it
    7:16pm, 16th Feb 2021
  • maybe...
    Jen HB
    7:16pm, 16th Feb 2021
  • I like the rainbow but I don’t like a black tee
    7:20pm, 16th Feb 2021
  • Yes pls and thank you.
    7:23pm, 16th Feb 2021
  • The rainbow one is excellent
    eL Bee!
    7:31pm, 16th Feb 2021
  • Quite like the monochrome one too
    But then I *am* as interesting as the John Major Spitting Image puppet!!
    eL Bee!
    7:34pm, 16th Feb 2021
  • Yes
    7:42pm, 16th Feb 2021
  • Probably a bit too many colours for my liking. Two or three at most.
    Surrey Phil
    7:49pm, 16th Feb 2021
  • Probably. I'm a sucker for brights.
    7:49pm, 16th Feb 2021
  • I would really like it. And just maybe a long sleeved version?
    7:52pm, 16th Feb 2021
  • I like it, I have more than enough shirts, especially short sleeved, but knowing me, would probably buy...
    7:58pm, 16th Feb 2021
  • I love it. I'd buy one
    8:27pm, 16th Feb 2021
  • Not for me
    8:53pm, 16th Feb 2021
  • I like the 'traditional' Fetch colours and variations of them. I got why the Avoid shirts were green but personally I think this one is diluting the brand too much, so no I wouldn't buy it
    9:02pm, 16th Feb 2021
  • I love all things rainbow what sort of rainbow would you be using?
    9:12pm, 16th Feb 2021
  • Not for me I like the colours but I never run in a t shirt. Long sleeve in winter vest in summer.
    9:15pm, 16th Feb 2021
  • Rainbow please!!! I love this. A V neck would just make it better imho
    9:46pm, 16th Feb 2021
  • Yes love it
    10:11pm, 16th Feb 2021
  • Also like the goth version
    10:13pm, 16th Feb 2021
  • Rainbows!
    Lizzie W
    10:27pm, 16th Feb 2021
  • Big Yes from me.
    10:30pm, 16th Feb 2021
  • Probably not in that style. Not Fetchy enough and seems a bit "Fetch- the LGTBQ+ version". May be more likely to buy if it had an actual rainbow shape rather than just the colours, but still probably not. Sorry x
    10:40pm, 16th Feb 2021
  • Oh dear. Too much virtue-signalling for my palate. Not for me, thank you.
    Angus Clydesdale
    12:46am, 17th Feb 2021
  • I like both fetch's version and mcgoo's goth one,would definitely order whichever one was available.
    Raetomic Kitten
    7:27am, 17th Feb 2021
  • It's a no from me !
    7:37am, 17th Feb 2021
  • Yes, although I’d prefer the rainbow in the right order please...
    8:07am, 17th Feb 2021
  • A definite no from me.
    Watford Wobble
    8:25am, 17th Feb 2021
  • Not for me, thanks!
    ♪♫ Synge ♪♫
    8:27am, 17th Feb 2021
  • Nah, but only because I've currently got plenty of shirts with every virtual race sending a new one this year rather than bling.

    After last years' "Avoid Everyone" you're not going to do one for coming out of lockdown that says "Fetch a Few People, but not too many, not yet" :-)
    8:39am, 17th Feb 2021
  • No thanks.
    8:55am, 17th Feb 2021
  • Sigh might be onto something - one with a built in facemask? ;-)
    9:38am, 17th Feb 2021
  • They do look good - happy with 'stripes' whatever order.

    But I do have quite a few Fetch shirts now. Long sleeved winter shirt (so thicker) is probbaly next on my preferred list, but not sure how stripey long sleeves would look.
    9:55am, 17th Feb 2021
  • Yes :)
    10:16am, 17th Feb 2021
  • Not loud enough, you need to uphold your reputation Fetch! I would prefer black sleeves and rainbow trunk.. :)
    Nadders (aka monsenb1)
    10:50am, 17th Feb 2021
  • I agree with the comments that it’s too tame for a fetch top.
    Could the rainbow be louder with the red, yellow of fetch and other colours equally bright? It would look less like it was jumping on the ‘rainbow bandwagon’ then.

    For me the rainbow represents Pride but the last 12 months have seen it hijacked and over used/commercialised.
    Fetch merchandise stands out from the crowd so dare to make it a different rainbow.
    Would also prefer the body to be stripes rather than just the sleeves.
    11:08am, 17th Feb 2021
  • Not for me, but only because I never ever wear a T for running. If there was a vest option I'd get it but no sleeves = no rainbow in that case so I guess you're only thinking of a T.
    12:10pm, 17th Feb 2021
  • Not for me, thank you
    Albert O Balsam
    2:09pm, 17th Feb 2021
  • No thanks.
    2:54pm, 17th Feb 2021
  • Yes, I do like the rainbow version!
    5:55pm, 17th Feb 2021
  • Yes, how about a v neck?? xx😊😊😊😊
    6:34pm, 17th Feb 2021
  • Yes, how about a v neck?? xx😊😊😊😊
    6:34pm, 17th Feb 2021
  • Yes, I'm loving the goth and rainbow version. Obvs. As the first thing I always do is cut the sleeves off my t-shirts. Because that is the Queer Law. Also, Hi!
    9:28pm, 17th Feb 2021
  • Yep
    8:22am, 18th Feb 2021
  • Don't forget that the rainbow was taken on by Christians before the NHS and LGBTQ. And includes all 7 colours of the rainbow. It's a no from me as no longer running and don't need more shirts... Sorry...
    8:43am, 18th Feb 2021
  • The earliest mention of an actual rainbow that I know of is in the Old Testament, in the story of Noah.
    Bright Strider
    9:25am, 18th Feb 2021
  • Not for me like that - I just don't like garments with sleeves that are a different colour to the body. I may well be interested if the rainbow was down the sides - where the white & yellow bits are on the 'standard' kit. No idea if that's possible.
    10:07am, 18th Feb 2021
  • Yes from me
    7:40pm, 18th Feb 2021
  • Yep - keen on this - full rainbow version for me!
    1:29pm, 19th Feb 2021
  • Definitely yes, just as it is.
    3:22pm, 21st Feb 2021


11:45am, 16 Feb 2021
A bonus second blog from me today!

The image picker is now available on threads too - there's a button just underneath the box where you type your comments. I've done this one a bit differently. At absolute peak blogging, we have maybe 100 people creating a blog each day. But forum pages get about 25,000 reads per day. Adding up to 16 images for each user to every one of those 25,000 page views would only serve to give the server an unnecessary headache.

So instead, there's a neat little 'Add an image' button, which will grab those 16 images if and only if you actually need them.

Anyway... my test picture is Lance, my plant.

Since September of last year, he's been on home made life support. The jumble of wires and circuits balanced on the box on the left is a Raspberry Pi, controlling a relay (that's the little blue box), which pumps a bit of water to him once a day. The dangling yellow and green wires are meant to attach to a moisture sensor, so that the Pi could detect whether his earth was dry - but he seems to have done wonderfully well with a two second squirt once a day - and I couldn't get the moisture sensor working anyway.

A Pi is about £45, and they're fun to make projects with. But it's overkill for something like this. They've recently released the 'Pico', which is tinier still, only £3.60, and can feed Lance:

On the weekend we carefully switched off Lance's life support, and moved him over to the Pico. Time will tell whether he accepts his new circuitry, but it seems to be going ok so far. Next jobs for Lance are a repot, and seeing how small a box I can fit his circuitry into :-) And to think of another use for my Pi. If you like stuff like this, join the Pi Club and show us your bakes: fetcheveryone.com/forum/pi-club-58721/
Click here to suggest fetcheveryone's blog for today's highlights.


  • nice techie work all round
    11:50am, 16th Feb 2021
  • I didn't realise you had a large body of water outside your back window
    12:00pm, 16th Feb 2021
  • That's in Notts - and it's just because the field is flooded.
    12:01pm, 16th Feb 2021
  • McG he built Katie her own open water swim pod.
    12:16pm, 16th Feb 2021
  • I quite like that pics thing.
    Ocelot Spleens
    12:37pm, 16th Feb 2021
  • Mmmm, pi...
    12:38pm, 16th Feb 2021
  • That’s amazing! Pic thing looks good too, thank you.
    12:48pm, 16th Feb 2021
  • I was also wondering about the garden lake
    1:16pm, 16th Feb 2021
  • That is quite some (over) engineering you have going on.
    1:35pm, 16th Feb 2021
  • Why is your plant called Lance ?
    1:45pm, 16th Feb 2021
  • The add image button feels like it’s in the wrong place! I keep almost clicking on it instead of submit post or whatever the big button says. But that might be me getting used to it...
    1:47pm, 16th Feb 2021
  • Yeah - on the forum I nearly clicked on the image button instead of the post button. Maybe have the post button on to and add image below - or, certainly on desktop you could have them side by side so less scroll down needed?
    Elsie Too
    2:11pm, 16th Feb 2021
  • In my mind, it doesn't feel right to have a submit button before all of the potential content of the post. See if you get used to it :-P
    2:29pm, 16th Feb 2021
  • But its CHANGE ;-)
    Elsie Too
    2:34pm, 16th Feb 2021
  • If you want to go get your image codes the old way, I can delete it all ;-)
    2:38pm, 16th Feb 2021
  • @bigleggy - I can't really remember. I like giving human names to non-human things - hence our dog is called Stephen.
    2:39pm, 16th Feb 2021
  • I remember a conversation in my garden where I asked you his name. I used to have a similar plant and his name was Colin (no idea why)
    Elsie Too
    2:41pm, 16th Feb 2021
  • I used to have a rubber plant called Herman. No idea now why I called it that.
    5:15pm, 16th Feb 2021
  • Did you tweak something with the buttons? It seems much more obvious now, so I’m assuming you did :)
    6:21pm, 16th Feb 2021
  • Nope :-)
    6:25pm, 16th Feb 2021
  • Ah lol clearly I have just adapted quickly then! I love the new blog photo tweaks though, sooooo much more user friendly :)
    6:32pm, 16th Feb 2021
  • I agree about those buttons. How many times do people actually put a pic in a post?

    Perhaps the buttons could be side by side, i.e. [Add an image] [Submit your comment] ?
    8:51am, 17th Feb 2021
  • I've made the add image button a less dramatic colour now, to make the submit button stand out.
    8:52am, 17th Feb 2021
  • Now that I DID notice as an actual change, makes a big difference, thanks :)
    9:31am, 17th Feb 2021

Blog writing improvements

6:31am, 16 Feb 2021
No, my blogs haven't got any better :-) But the page where you construct your blog has had a bit of gussying up.

The thumbnail images are now over on the right on desktop, and there are more of them (16 vs 8). And whereas before they were showing a cruddy top-left corner sliver of each image, now they aim to show a larger portion of the image, to make it easier to select the right ones. They are square too, rather than the weird rectangles that they were before.

I've also added an 'Upload a new image' button, just above the images. When you click this, it will attempt to back up whatever text you've written in your blog so far, and then it takes you to the usual upload image page. When you're done uploading your image, it'll bring you right back to the 'Write A Blog' page.

If you're writing a long blog, the text box gets taller and taller, so it's easier to review what you've written.

I've tidied up the status messages that appear in the page header, so that's all a bit neater; and I've also made the 'action' buttons green - something which I'm slowly trying to standardise across the site.

Here's the before screenshot:

and here's the after screenshot:

I'll see if I can apply something similar to forum posting.

Have an A1 day!
Click here to suggest fetcheveryone's blog for today's highlights.


  • That looks good. I'll have a try after breakfast.
    CogNoscensme AHA
    6:48am, 16th Feb 2021
  • Cool, thank you.
    6:53am, 16th Feb 2021
  • I noticed something was different when I wrote my blog last night. Thanks.
    7:12am, 16th Feb 2021
  • I noticed yesterday and really appreciate the changes, thank you!
    7:22am, 16th Feb 2021
  • Nice, sounds like good improvements. Now to work out what to write today! By the way, how many people are still on a blog a dy for the year? Also, how are the badges coming on? ;-)
    7:26am, 16th Feb 2021
  • Great changes thanks x
    7:28am, 16th Feb 2021
  • Thank you :)
    7:40am, 16th Feb 2021
  • BUG ALERT! Just tried uploading some photos after writing some text and the text was lost 😔 luckily it was only about 10 words but be careful of the new feature for now!
    7:44am, 16th Feb 2021
  • Nice
    7:49am, 16th Feb 2021
  • Nice refinements!
    8:07am, 16th Feb 2021
  • That is very helpful, thank you
    8:08am, 16th Feb 2021
  • Very nice work Fetch! Thank you! :)
    8:09am, 16th Feb 2021
  • Chunky, I think the blog autosaves at regular intervals, not constantly, so that's always a risk?
    ♪♫ Synge ♪♫
    8:16am, 16th Feb 2021
  • It should trigger a back up when you press the add image button - but it might not have time to do so in some cases. But... like Synge says, the backup happens every 60 seconds anyway, so you should never lose more than a minute of edits.
    8:17am, 16th Feb 2021
  • Thanks Fetch. Great changes.
    8:28am, 16th Feb 2021
  • Up early Fetch?
    Just tested and it looks & feels good.

    Although I often write & edit off-line then copy in. I also still use your test formatter at fetcheveryone.com/textformatter.php to make sure the pics are in the right order.
    Any chance of a 'test' format option from the entry page?
    8:31am, 16th Feb 2021
  • Thank you. I'll play later!
    8:45am, 16th Feb 2021
  • Hi Fetch, I'm guessing it was less than a minute before I uploaded the photos. If you could get it the backup when you press the add image button in all cases that would be good :-)
    8:53am, 16th Feb 2021
  • I really liked it when I blogged last night - thank you :)
    8:54am, 16th Feb 2021
  • Thank you. Looks great. :)
    9:01am, 16th Feb 2021
  • Nice work Sir!
    9:06am, 16th Feb 2021
  • CW - in most circumstances it should be fine. The button triggers a backup, and then there’s a one second delay before you are redirected, which should give enough time for the backup to send the text to the server. In most cases.
    9:06am, 16th Feb 2021
  • Maybe make it 2 seconds? It definitely killed all of the text I had written (which I think was 2 sentences!). It's an annoyance, no more, but I would like to be able to rely on it rather than having to wait 60 seconds just to be sure.
    9:14am, 16th Feb 2021
  • It's a huge improvement, especially the photo thing.
    9:30am, 16th Feb 2021
  • I like this. I noticed it yesterday when I didn't have a picture to upload :-)
    9:31am, 16th Feb 2021
  • Righto, off to create some bloggage! :)
    Angus Clydesdale
    9:33am, 16th Feb 2021
  • Nice! I'll have to have a play :)
    9:52am, 16th Feb 2021
  • That looks tons better! Thank you
    Alice the Camel
    9:59am, 16th Feb 2021
  • They look like useful improvements. Thank you.
    9:59am, 16th Feb 2021
  • *Primes pitchfork*
    Oh, hang on - these are rather useful changes. Ta.
    *Puts pitchfork away. For now.*
    10:15am, 16th Feb 2021
  • Brilliant
    10:23am, 16th Feb 2021
  • I noticed you had been tinkering - thank you.
    10:42am, 16th Feb 2021
  • Love it thankyou
    11:11am, 16th Feb 2021
  • These are great... Can I ask a blog question? Can I set one blog entry to buddies only, but leave the rest as public? I only seem to be able to make them all public or all buddies only?
    11:28am, 16th Feb 2021
  • @BarefootEm - at the bottom of the entry page there's a dropdown - display this blog to everyone, buddies, completely private - changing that applies just to that entry x
    11:36am, 16th Feb 2021
  • Thank you @Autumnleaves
    11:54am, 16th Feb 2021
  • On my phone the Notifications used to give me blog titles. But now they don’t. Or am I making that bit up?
    Angus Clydesdale
    11:55am, 16th Feb 2021
  • I haven't been anywhere near that Angus - they should still do that.
    11:58am, 16th Feb 2021
  • I’ll have to wait until I get some more Fetch. I’ll let you know.
    Angus Clydesdale
    12:19pm, 16th Feb 2021
  • Appreciate it - however in my blog today there's an unwanted newline after the words "The Downs Link".
    1:42pm, 16th Feb 2021
  • Must’ve been a phone glitch. All working normal now! :)
    Angus Clydesdale
    4:44pm, 16th Feb 2021
  • Have to say made it so much simpler putting pics in the blog. Thanks Fetch 😊
    TBR (TheBeardRunner)
    6:08pm, 16th Feb 2021
  • Any chance of locating the "add new image" button on the forum pages *below* the "submit your comment" button instead of above it? That way, you would arrive at the button most people are likely to want most of the time first as you scroll down the page.
    ♪♫ Synge ♪♫
    8:36pm, 16th Feb 2021
  • Good idea Synge
    8:44pm, 16th Feb 2021
  • As a general rule, I don't feel that the submit button on a form should be *amongst* the elements, where possible. But I've made the 'Add new image' button a different colour now, which should hopefully make the bright green 'Submit Your Comment' button even easier to spot :-)
    8:51am, 17th Feb 2021
  • Thanks! That's easier to aim for now, and the layout will become familiar. 😀
    ♪♫ Synge ♪♫
    12:31pm, 17th Feb 2021

10k Analysis: Part 3 - Accuracy of human predictions

1:05pm, 15 Feb 2021
Thanks once again for all your comments on last week's blog. I promise I will do some gender graphs in a future week, and will also see what I can work out regarding 'longevity of PB career' or something like that :-)

This week, as promised, I want to look at how accurately we predict our 10k times.

When you add a race to your Fetch portfolio, you can add a predicted time - and you can amend this prediction as often as you like. Some folks will pluck a nice target out of the air, others will base it on training performance, and some of you may use a predictor like the Fetch one: fetcheveryone.com/training-calculators-racetimes.php

I found 2121 suitable 10k runners who had entered a prediction for their race. I grouped them into 30 second categories. The '0' category represents everyone who was +/-15 seconds of their prediction; whilst the '30' category is everyone who was 15-45 seconds slower than their prediction; the '60' category is all those who were 45-75 seconds slower than their prediction, etc. The minus figures to the left of centre show the groups of runners who beat their predictions.

Overall, 93% of runners managed to get within 5 minutes (300 seconds) of their prediction. Unless you're going into a 10k with no time evidence at all, then I think you'd expect to be able to predict within this range! Of the 7% who were way off, two thirds of them went way faster than they hoped. I've seen this first hand at Fetch Miles - folks who have never run a mile race before are never quite sure what they are capable of.

This tendency towards a conservative estimate is played out in the graph. The extreme left of the graph represents runners who went way faster than predicted - there are more of them than in the corresponding "way slower than predicted" category.

Can we do better with a bit of maths?

Let's see whether 5k times can give a useful steer on 10k predictions. There are some obvious caveats to get out of the way. The 10k might be hilly, whilst the runner might have done all his or her prior running downhill. On ice. At 32,000ft above sea level. Before breaking a leg. Or changing their mind about running hard on the day. But with that pinch of salt sprinkled, let's look for a pattern.

Filtering our 10k runners, I found 1153 who had recorded a PB attempt at 5k during the previous ~3 months. The following graph plots 5k time (along the bottom) against 10k time (up the side). It appears that there is a strong correlation between 5k and 10k times:

You can try the equation on the graph yourself. Convert your 5k time to seconds, multiply it by 2.07, and then add 36.93, to get your 10k prediction.

If we dump the human predictions, and use this formula to predict the times for our 10k runners, we get a similar but different graph showing the errors made by our formula:

So it's a very similar shape to the human predictions, as you might expect - but to me it seems to avoid the tendency towards underestimating ability. The tail-off on the left- and right-hand sides of the graph look more symmetrical.

Overall, the formula out-performed the human predictions. 97% of formula predictions were within 5 minutes; compared to only 91% of human predictions; 78% of formula predictions were within 2 minutes; compared to 69% of human predictions; and 51% of formula predictions were within 60 seconds of the outcome; compared to 45% of human predictions. In short, don't rule out gut instinct and extra information that might produce mitigating circumstances, but use the formula for a good baseline prediction.

Where next?
It's time to look at training patterns, to see if we can establish some hints for beating the prediction. Imagine several runners with identical 5k times. In the ten weeks before the 10k, one runner does 20 miles; another does 200 miles; and a third does 1000 miles. It's likely that the low mileage runner may be underprepared; the high mileage runner may be exhausted; and our Goldilocks runner in the middle is just the right combination of trained and rested. Tune in next week for more mining!
Click here to suggest fetcheveryone's blog for today's highlights.


  • Top graphology. Nice work! :-) G
    2:15pm, 15th Feb 2021
  • Out of interest, what's the fit like on a y=2^1.06 line?
    2:38pm, 15th Feb 2021
  • People over estimate, under estimate, they're shy of an all out commitment, might not realise the connection between 5k and 10k, or HM and 10k, stuff might change on the day, weather for a start, confidence or lack of in training, or maybe just no idea, all sorts. The 5k/10k thing is very good, what is the HM to 10k graph like, I ran 1 HM way before a 10k? Is that odd?
    Ocelot Spleens
    3:06pm, 15th Feb 2021
  • @anthonyj89 - Riegel (Mr 1.06) yields a slightly better average error (85.2 vs 85.8), and gets a few more "within 60s" results (51.0% vs 49.7%). The formula in the graph does better if the criteria is a bit broader e.g. Riegel gets 88.8% of predictions within 3 minutes, but the graph formula gets 89.5% of predictions within 3 minutes. Generally, Riegel performs well up to about 10 miles, if I remember right - and then the 1.06 exponent starts to be a bit on the low side.
    3:14pm, 15th Feb 2021
  • @Ocelot - I think as a rule of thumb, the longer the race, the more opportunities there are for more things to have an impact :-)
    3:15pm, 15th Feb 2021
  • On the gender graphs, it would be interesting to know how these graphs differ for men and women. Anecdotes from swimming events are that men are much more likely to predict that they are going to be faster than they actually are.
    3:40pm, 15th Feb 2021
  • I don't know about anyone else, but my "prediction" tends to be more of a "target I think I can beat if nothing goes wrong". If most people are the same, I think that would explain the bias
    3:41pm, 15th Feb 2021
  • Fascinating! And certainly close enough to my best 5k and 10k times from 2019 to be convincing, given the minor variability of conditions on the day, elevation etc.. Thanks!
    4:57pm, 15th Feb 2021
  • The training volume will be interesting in terms of training length - is it better to run a couple of 5k training runs each week or one 10k run per week - same volume but I suspect the the 10k runner will be used to the distance and will have longer recovery time between training runs.
    5:48pm, 15th Feb 2021
  • Excellent analysis!
    6:05pm, 15th Feb 2021
  • Would also be interested in the gender/prediction stats.
    8:01pm, 15th Feb 2021
  • Interesting. My 35:36 where I targeted 35 but was heat affected predicts 16:54-55. 11 days after running the 10000m, I ran 16:40 for 5000m which was a limit run at the time (and bang on target). 35 according to your model needs 16:36. 16:40 would be 35:07 and my current PB predicts ~ 34:36. I think an HM/marathon biased runner would aim for tighter conversions but I think the model fits what would aim for.
    8:30pm, 15th Feb 2021
  • Current PB being 16:26.
    8:30pm, 15th Feb 2021
  • Enjoyed this. Might use it with my stats xlass
    8:54pm, 15th Feb 2021
  • Love the data geekiness
    roger, may be the faster brother ag
    9:27pm, 15th Feb 2021
  • Interesting - and pretty accurate in my case. Look forward to the genderised versions!
    11:12am, 16th Feb 2021
  • Fascinating as ever Fetch.

    The detail I'd love to be able to see would be the distributions by quartiles, and how the fitted prediction changes (if at all) over these quartiles.
    stuart little
    9:33am, 18th Feb 2021
  • Since you know it takes zero time to run zero km you should run a regression through the origin, ie, no constant.
    2:32pm, 20th Feb 2021

Music by year: 1990

4:26pm, 12 Feb 2021
The other day I discovered that Wikipedia have a list of albums for each year. The criteria for the list is for an album to have made the top 10 in any week during that year. I thought it'd be a nice musical journey for me to look year by year, to see what memories it brought back.

Until 1990, my access to music was listening to Radio 1 and Red Dragon FM (103.2 and 97.4). Red Dragon was small enough that you could phone up and get the DJ to read out messages to your friends. My sister had a hifi with two tape decks, but my only use for it until the nineties was bootlegging ZX Spectrum games. That was a good day, when I realised that the graphic equaliser was capable of making or breaking a copy.

Anyway... back to the music. I got my own hi-fi for Christmas 1990, and my first few albums - all on CD. I was never really a 'singles' person. My first ever album was Choke, by The Beautiful South - which I still like. And the other three are a bit more cringey - Phil Collins - But Seriously; Paula Abdul - Forever Your Girl; and 'The Hit Pack', which had some bangers on it, but also 'Fog on the Tyne' by Gazza :-) I don't think The Hit Pack features in Wikipedia's 1990 list, but here's a track listing: en.wikipedia.org

Here's the list of everything from Wikipedia that I recognise as either having owned, copied, or listened to a significant number of times. I'm hoping the four categories will work well for each year. These are albums that were charting in 1990, even though a few of them were released in 1989. There will be albums I owned that didn't chart high enough. And I'm including albums from the list that I've bought since 1990, not just the ones I bought at the time. It's not a big list - buying CD's was a costly business for a teenager! I think things get a bit busier in the following years.

Choke - The Beautiful South
The Rhythm of the Saints - Paul Simon (a more recent listen)
Cosmic Thing - The B-52s

Fond memories, but you had to be there
Pump Up the Jam - Technotronic
Please Hammer, Don't Hurt 'Em - MC Hammer
Boomania - Betty Boo

Club Classics Vol. One - Soul II Soul
Look Sharp - Roxette

Forever Your Girl - Paula Abdul
...But Seriously - Phil Collins


I'll do 1991 next week. Thank you for indulging me readers.
Click here to suggest fetcheveryone's blog for today's highlights.


  • I think 1990 was also the year I got a CD player (added to my hifi separates), and I didn't buy much vinyl after that (if any). I think my first CD was Journeyman by Eric Clapton. It was in ADD :-) (I remember discovering the significance of "AAD", "ADD" and "DDD" on the back of the CD box - en.wikipedia.org )
    4:38pm, 12th Feb 2021
  • This is great heart
    4:39pm, 12th Feb 2021
  • I think I spent every Saturday in Our Price and Woolworths buying or checking out music.
    4:47pm, 12th Feb 2021
  • Choke still gets a regular listen here.
    5:06pm, 12th Feb 2021
  • You should check out the Twitter feed of @Richards7370 who has been running polls on the best albums of every year/decade. There’s a big discussion on each year before the vote as people nominate their favourites.
    5:18pm, 12th Feb 2021
  • We've obviously got completely different tastes as my list doesn't include any of the ones you mention - but does include quite a few I still enjoy listening too on itunes. You've set me wondering now about reviewing the list myself to see how many I have - and how many of them end up classified as shrug or wtf! :)
    5:29pm, 12th Feb 2021
  • I have Boomania on a picture disc! Choke is a good album. I went to see Beautiful South in Morecambe as part of the WOMAD festival, before Choke was released, I think. We were playing pool in Frontier Land before the gig when Paul Heaton and Dave Hemingway came in and started playing on the next table.
    5:31pm, 12th Feb 2021
  • OMG, Technotronic is my guilty pleasure from that era! Must be a Valleys thing...
    5:32pm, 12th Feb 2021
  • So *checks notes* it turns out in 1990 I did buy "But Seriously" (shrug) but the only others that got to number one were "ChangesBowie" (good) and "Only Yesterday - Carpenters (wtf?)"
    5:39pm, 12th Feb 2021
  • OMG - I think I ended up owning that too.
    6:01pm, 12th Feb 2021
  • Like this! :)
    6:26pm, 12th Feb 2021
  • I love Choke (and The Beautiful South in general 😁 )
    6:30pm, 12th Feb 2021
  • Soul II Soul is the only record on the listen I’d have listened to them or now
    Derby Tup
    6:46pm, 12th Feb 2021
  • 1991 next? Bring on The Rave 😜
    7:08pm, 12th Feb 2021
  • I didn’t buy many albums released in 1992. I have Soul II Soul - Club Classics Vol II, Mantronix - This Should Move Ya, and Happy Monday’s - Pills, Thrills & Bellyaches, none of which would be on the Shrug list. There are plenty of others I’d choose to buy now. I think I was adding older albums to my newish CD collection.
    7:21pm, 12th Feb 2021
  • Sorry, the Soul II Soul was “A New Decade”
    7:24pm, 12th Feb 2021
  • I was still buying tapes in 1990 - my CD days were a while away!
    7:32pm, 12th Feb 2021
  • (And I meant 1990, of course)
    7:44pm, 12th Feb 2021
  • The Hits Tape was my first tape which I got with the Walkman I received for my 7th birthday (1985). It was a predecessor to the hit pack.

    1990 looks a bit crap. Give it a year or 2 and things got more interesting.
    7:58pm, 12th Feb 2021
  • FergusG
    8:00pm, 12th Feb 2021
  • I used to have the hits tape awww memories
    8:35pm, 12th Feb 2021
  • My sister actually had The Hits Album as a 12", if I remember right. Before she got into the goth stuff :-)
    9:11pm, 12th Feb 2021
  • Cosmic Thing is a great album and also gave the band some commercial success in the UK. I still think that 'Roam' is a much catchier song than 'Love Shack'. As for INXS, X was not their best effort, but a few good tracks on there, however, they were a decent band at their peak.
    7:09am, 13th Feb 2021
  • I liked Technotronic too. All my friends made me feel guilty about this! I was at Uni at the time! 😀
    Minnie Mad
    7:15am, 13th Feb 2021
  • Yeah, it's quite fun looking back on these old listings. I browse Spotify a lot so it's great to listen to old stuff sometimes. Funny how a few stand the test of time, but many do not. I guess that's the mark of "good" music? :-) G
    8:18am, 13th Feb 2021
  • MC Hammer. Now that us a blast from the past. And you're right, you had to be there.
    8:59am, 13th Feb 2021
  • That was before I moved to this country so I don't recognise half of what was there!
    10:46am, 13th Feb 2021
  • I left school in 1990 ! Had forgotten all about Betty Boo till the other week when I saw aTV show about the 90s i used to love “betty boo is doing the doo” mainly coz I’d change the Lyrics to “betty boo is doing a poo”
    12:46pm, 13th Feb 2021
  • Some crackers form 90 and I was right in my Manchester scene. Happy Mondays, Charlatans and Inspiral Carpets were huge ones for me. Also had Madonna’s Immaculate collection which just wasn’t cool amongst my mates but I loved her.
    2:37pm, 13th Feb 2021
  • I love a music post! Perhaps I might steal this idea one day, although I might have to start in 1979 when I got my first tape recorder!
    4:55pm, 13th Feb 2021
  • I’ve got Now That’s what I call 1990. ‘Twas a good year for music... good memories, anyway.
    8:37pm, 13th Feb 2021
  • Violator, Life and The House Of Love is about it I think.
    Ocelot Spleens
    10:14pm, 13th Feb 2021
  • Jivebunny -- what on earth was that all about? Shout out to Sinead O Connor and Nothing Compares 2 U, a heartbreakingly good cover.
    9:26am, 15th Feb 2021

Smacking bots

11:56am, 11 Feb 2021
The Google Ads on the site are a necessary part of how I go about covering the costs of running the site and paying me a wage. Thankfully, your donations now play a massive part - but the ads are still very important.

Anyway... this isn't a sales pitch - I just wanted to share the quest I went on this morning :-)

There are also two kinds of ways that ads earn money for the host website. Simply presenting the ad earns one rate (referred to as CPM - 'cost per mille' i.e. cost per 1000 ad impressions - usually relatively small). Whereas if the viewer interacts with the ad by following its link, that earns a bit more (CPC - cost per click).

There's a place on Google where I can log in to see the tally of ad revenue for site during the given month. There's usually a bit of a peak in November and December, as all the advertisers are keen to push their products during buying season.

On the first of each month, Google decide how much of this revenue they are going to hand over!

In the last few months of 2020, the average payment has been about half of what the tally suggested. Google disregard any revenue generated by 'Invalid Traffic', and if the invalid traffic gets too high, they can even suspend the ads, effectively killing off any revenue. This happened to FE for about a week in December, and was a wee bit of a concern at the time.

The invalid traffic didn't used to be an issue. Back at the start of 2020, it'd be about 10% of the ad revenue, so something definitely changed. Google have tightened up their policies - see searchenginejournal.com - and it's effectively up to website owners to work out what that means for them.

I'd never encourage any Fetchie to click on ads habitually - and so whilst there might be one or two of you that see it as a little boost to the coffers, I don't believe that as a community we are any more or less likely than any other site to try to 'game' the system - and so this didn't seem like the place to start.

A lot of the articles I read suggested that bot traffic is to blame. Bots work similarly to search engines. Give one a web page to get started (e.g. the Fetch home page), and it will search that page for all the links on it. Then it will visit all of those pages, and repeat the process. When a search engine does this, it's looking at the content, with a view to understanding what the page (and site) is all about. The major search engines are pretty good about not following ad links from their competitors, and would be foolish to follow their own. But when our nefarious bot does the same, fewer shits are given! It's looking for opportunities to exploit that page, either through security flaws, or (as suspected in this case) of following ad links.

There are (at least) a couple of reasons why bots target adverts. They can inflate the 'clickthrough' rate, to fool unsuspecting advertisers into thinking they are getting good traffic. Or (as I discovered this morning), they can even attempt to hold the host website to ransom, by swamping their normal ad traffic with fake stuff, so that Google cut off their revenue: krebsonsecurity.com

Luckily, Google Analytics is quite handy for getting stuck in to the data. A few articles I read suggested grouping all the ad data by the city or town of origin (yes, it's surprising how much data Google is capable of divining - I hope you trust me with it), and looking for outliers. So if the majority of cities and towns are generating say £1 per 1000 viewers, and one city or town is generating £50 per 1000 viewers, then that traffic should be treated as suspect.

I tried this, and found a few dodgy places - Malmesbury, Rugby, and Littlehampton stuck out. Hardly Mos Eisley! It'd be possible to block traffic from these places, but... I even know people who live there, and I don't really want to block entire populations of people (nor give them ad free for nowt, perish the thought ;-) ). What's more likely is that there's someone with a compromised computer in one of these places, or that the IP address has been spoofed to look like it's from random places.

But there was another trend. One particular browser version (an 18 month old version of Chrome) generated 49% of my ad revenue during the last six months of 2020. And even more finger-pointingly, it did this off just 0.4% of the total number of page views that had ads on them.

If this all proves to be true, then it's pretty lazy of whoever instigated it (for the record, I don't for a minute think that it's anyone who uses the site, nor is it a targeted effort. More likely it's a random bot or bots that have found their way to Fetch by crawling links). It's very possible to pretend to be any browser you like, when making a request for a web page using code. I'm f**ked if they read this ;-)

If I'm right, it'll mean that my ad revenue total at the end of this month will be smaller, but crucially, it'll be closer to a genuine figure, and will hopefully stave off any possibility of Google cutting off our ad revenue.

Right, time for more tea.
Click here to suggest fetcheveryone's blog for today's highlights.


  • Gosh! I have read this twice and think I understand it though I think I need more coffee now.
    12:05pm, 11th Feb 2021
  • At least Whiteparish didn't show up as the bot source. You'd have narrowed it down, if that was the case.
    Do you play whack-a-mole with the bots - eg running a few tests, or even asking non 'account' users to do a 'tick every box that contains a runner or cyclist' real person test?
    Or reject/bounce known dodgy IPs / MAC addresses etc? Or do the bots keep jumping to new 'variants' ?
    12:13pm, 11th Feb 2021
  • Phew *puts kettle on*
    12:13pm, 11th Feb 2021
  • On an aside to the revenue streams have you thought about signing up to something like brave rewards, where people can tip you with BAT, today it works out at about 40p per token.
    12:16pm, 11th Feb 2021
  • I'm so glad I don't have to understand and find a solution to this sort of thing. Are you able to block 49% bot, or is this what Google have already done by disregarding invalid traffic?
    12:17pm, 11th Feb 2021
  • Did we ever get an "over my head" emoticon?
    12:22pm, 11th Feb 2021
  • Please don't make us do 'tick every box that contains a traffic light'. I have just done pages and pages of that because my new lenses don't allow me to see hidden traffic lights.
    12:24pm, 11th Feb 2021
  • No plans to make people jump through hoops. The bots don't log in anyway. I do occasionally block IP addresses though.

    Dio - I haven't stopped the bots, I've just don't show the ads to the bots.

    Pedro - I did look at Brave a few months back, on the suggestion of another user, but it didn't seem to work very well. There's a Paypal donate button if anyone wants to give me a tip :-)
    12:31pm, 11th Feb 2021
  • I used to work in Rugby and can confirm it's well dodgy, the office used to have bars at the window.
    12:32pm, 11th Feb 2021
  • This blog has left my brain so confused I might just have to go out for a run. Maybe that was the intention?
    12:39pm, 11th Feb 2021
  • that's more than my little brain can process. I'm glad you're on it!
    12:40pm, 11th Feb 2021
  • alternatively: "what minardi said"
    12:40pm, 11th Feb 2021
  • Now, because I misread your title, I was looking throughout for the link to food - 'snacking' bots - expecting to find that in fact 49% of your advertising revenue was from Fetchies who had gone off to a Cadbury's link...
    Oscar the Grouch
    1:05pm, 11th Feb 2021
  • I come here for a break! Genuine work conversations in standup this morning about handling a form entry with an invisible captcha if we don't get a timely bot-chance-number from the Google service... We have an SEO team who bang on about impressions and analytics and now site speed, and don't let us remove any old stuff. Mostly over my head.
    1:13pm, 11th Feb 2021
  • I would happily click on adverts if it came to that, for the cause and all that.
    Ocelot Spleens
    1:14pm, 11th Feb 2021
  • Well done. So many ways for actors on the web to damage your site, whether revenue, ransom, hack or just overload and it's a total waste of your admin time having to prevent them. Unfortunately there's a whole crime and security industry involved now, so it's not going away. Good work. :-) G
    1:18pm, 11th Feb 2021
  • Fucking Malmesbury, typical ;-)

    Interesting. Although I had to google Mos Eisley.
    paul the builder
    1:24pm, 11th Feb 2021
  • I'm worried about Linds driving in those specs now
    1:52pm, 11th Feb 2021
  • Could we have "tick every box that contains a cake" and then you include scones and jaffa cakes in the options? :-)
    2:03pm, 11th Feb 2021
  • I love this sort of blog #data
    Albert O Balsam
    2:33pm, 11th Feb 2021
  • Littlehampton is pretty close to Mos Eisley, aka Worthing.
    3:17pm, 11th Feb 2021
  • Set up a cross training activity for 'jumping through hoops', add a few badges for hoops jumped, or time spent doing it, and you'll be on a winner.

    Also worried about LindsD & driving!
    3:31pm, 11th Feb 2021
  • Goodness, it's getting too technical for me. And there was me, getting cross with bit-coin sellers from the USA trying to join our village community page!
    3:52pm, 11th Feb 2021
  • My boss holds a grduge against a former employee who left to set up a direct rival company of their own. The boss games the google ads to spend the rivals marketing budget every month so they don't appear as Ad number 1 on particular search phrases. I will confess to giving him a hand in this venture :-) Interesting stuff !
    4:10pm, 11th Feb 2021
  • Mastering ad words to make the most of search queries is a whole extra branch of very dark art. I've only done a very limited amount of advertising that way (like about £50 worth, one time), and didn't find it very successful. Better to concentrate on making the site better for the people that do find us.
    4:15pm, 11th Feb 2021
  • I often appear to be in Rugby, according to IP geolocation, which suggests other BT users (i.e. a lot of people) might also
    6:41pm, 11th Feb 2021
  • I think I need tea for reading that!
    7:53pm, 11th Feb 2021

29 slices - my seven days of dinner

3:02pm, 9 Feb 2021
Last week, I kept a note of everything I ate. The accountability was quite handy to help me avoid snacking. It's also pretty weird to see it all stacked up, particularly if you sort it into order :-)

I also took a picture of my main meal every day for a week.

Monday - Butternut Squash Risotto

Tuesday - Salmon Ramen

Wednesday - Veggie burgers

Thursday - Thai Green Curry

Friday - Cabbage & Bacon pasta

Saturday - Jumbo sausage and chip shop chips - ssshhh!

Sunday - Shepherd's Pie

Beyond the main meals, there were:
29 slices of bread (mostly toasted, with either Marmite or peanut butter)
Lunchtime leftover bolognese
2 bowls of carrot and parsnip soup
8 sesame crackers
Lunchtime leftover risotto
1 fried egg
2 litres of ginger ale
A bowl of porridge with golden syrup
Some cheddar (for inbetween two slices of toast)
2 polos :-)

After my run today, the scales told me I was 12st6 - which represents a loss of 9lb's since Christmas. The main difference has been the absence of chocolate, crisps and alcohol. I haven't given any thought to portion control - just trying to make sure I get everything I want at meal times.

As a kid, I didn't eat vegetables. It was only when I got to my twenties that I ate them at all - and then they were usually chopped into tiny pieces in a 'throw-it-all-in' bolognese scenario. So I'm quite pleased that my weekly rotation includes butternut squash, carrots, parsnips, kale, kidney beans, avocado, french beans, cabbage, and brocolli - as well as having two vegetarian main meals :-) Probably nowhere near as some of you healthier Fetchies eat, but everyone is different.

Let's see your seven dinners :)
Click here to suggest fetcheveryone's blog for today's highlights.


  • 29 slices of bread!!! I'd probably eat that amount in a month. Congratulations on the weight loss
    3:04pm, 9th Feb 2021
  • As someone following the Blood Sugar Diet all I could think of looking at those photos was what a lot of starchy carbs :-0 yet you lost weight! Well done!
    3:09pm, 9th Feb 2021
  • Are we rating the plates as well? Love the sound of Mondays.
    TBR (TheBeardRunner)
    3:12pm, 9th Feb 2021
  • 29 slices of bread is about 6 months worth for me lol
    3:13pm, 9th Feb 2021
  • Bread excepted, I think I eat about twice that :-o (Bread: half to sameish). My weight, mind you, is not particularly reducing. More soup!
    3:18pm, 9th Feb 2021
  • I’ve been trying to cut out snacking. No weight loss though bu my weight hasn’t gone up either so it could be worse.

    The cabbage and bacon pasta looks interesting.
    3:20pm, 9th Feb 2021
  • Things you didn't eat as a child...that's a blog goldmine. I still havr carrots hidden in spag bol, I mean I'm nearly 60 and I do the hiding!
    Ocelot Spleens
    3:27pm, 9th Feb 2021
  • Marmite OR peanut butter? No, Marmite + Peanut butter! 😋
    3:32pm, 9th Feb 2021
  • Portions look small to me! But I would have a lot less bread also. Well done on the weight loss.
    3:59pm, 9th Feb 2021
  • Well done. Amazing how it stacks up!

    Good call StuH.
    Lunch today - wholemeal toast with peanut butter. Couldn't find any Marmite, so had to sprinkle some salt on instead.....

    Guilty pleasures!
    4:07pm, 9th Feb 2021
  • I'm on a cake and biscuit diet so my weight is creeping up.
    CogNoscensme AHA
    4:20pm, 9th Feb 2021
  • I was going to write what StuH wrote - I've just had Marmite peanut butter on celery. Well done on the veg consumption. The cabbage and bacon pasta looks really good.
    4:51pm, 9th Feb 2021
  • That is an interesting concept... I might give this a go... I am somewhat scared of the concept of adding up how many slices of bread I consume in a week though... I fear it may be higher than yours and reading some of these comments, I am guessing this is a bad thing (I know this is a bad thing!)
    5:24pm, 9th Feb 2021
  • Well done on the weight loss and abstinence, keep up the great work!
    6:30pm, 9th Feb 2021
  • Ooh nice idea. Not much bread here, I tend to eat cheese and crackers now. I suspect portion size is my biggest trip up. See ya in seven.
    7:29pm, 9th Feb 2021
  • Very nice and well done on the weight loss. Did you cook all those meals yourself?

    Perhaps I'll resurrect my food diary next month.
    8:03pm, 9th Feb 2021
  • Curry sauce on the chips?
    8:22pm, 9th Feb 2021
  • Now you've made me hungry 😂 *slopes off to the toaster collecting marmite AND peanut butter on the way*
    11:11pm, 9th Feb 2021
  • I am definitely a fan of marmite and peanut butter together (ideally in a toasted sandwich with grated carrot, apple and bean sprouts)
    1:02am, 10th Feb 2021
  • I don’t eat vegetables, Infact I wouldn’t eat one of your meals, my seven would look a lot like steak and chips, roast dinner no veg, roast dinner no veg, roast dinner no veg, fishfingers and alphabites, bacon and alphabites, sausage roast dinner! I don’t eat anything healthy and biscuits are a staple cornerstone of my diet! 😂
    8:28am, 10th Feb 2021
  • Hubby didn't eat much in the way of vegetables or fruit when he was a child...I've always wondered how he didn't end up obese though he used to get a lot of exercise/time spent outdoors doing things, so it all got burned off.
    12:17pm, 11th Feb 2021

10k Analysis: Part 2 - Age and Performance

2:50pm, 8 Feb 2021
Thank you to everyone who commented on last week's 10k analysis blog. Your comments have given me lots of ideas for further analysis - so much so that I'm heading off on a diversion from this week's planned blog.

Firstly, quite a few of you picked up on the fact that you don't always log something as a PB effort, and yet it it should still be worthy of consideration, because you still put the effort in. Aiming for a season's best, or just aiming to do your best on the day, is still noteworthy.

My goal wasn't to exclude all these efforts. Instead, I was thinking "how can I filter this data to find runs that I **know** are all-out efforts?". So even though using the 'PB Attempt' flag reduced my data set by 95%, those 4829 runners still produced a 'cleaner' data set.

This also raised questions. Why are only 5% of 10k performances marked as PB efforts? Well, the comments give us some anecdotal suggestions to explain why many of us don't tick that box. But there are also usability issues to factor in. If you only use the mobile site (like a whole 50% of our users), you may never have seen the 'PB Attempt' box. In fact, the only place you see it is when you view your Race Portfolio page on a desktop / large screen. The option is not there when you follow the 'Add to your Portfolio' button on a race listing, which would seem to make sense. So it requires you as a user to actually go looking for it, on a desktop, and to be pretty persistent. And therefore I'd say we don't have reliable data here :-) I'll work on those usability issues after I've finished this blog!

The most common theme was 'age vs performance', so this week I wanted to offer up some graphs that illustrate a few age-related things.

I looked at the ages of the runners completing *all* 90,000 10k performances in the database. Obviously, I had to discard some of these, because not everyone inputs their DOB. Pro Tip: adding your DOB means you get WAVA scores, and various useful filters in lots of places around the site. If you don't like sharing your DOB on the internet, just fib by a few days.

Here are the number of runners in each age bracket:

The most popular category is the 35-39 bracket, and there's a gradual decline in the number of 10k racers after that. I wondered whether the population of the site as a whole would look the same - but the most popular age category for Fetchies in general is 45-49, whereas the 35-39 bracket is only the fifth most populous.

Next up, I wanted to look at what performances were possible in each age categories. I looked at the best times recorded by every runner in each age category.

This next graph shows the number of sub-XX runners in each age category. For example, the dark blue columns show the percentage of runners getting sub-40 minute 10k times. The 20-24yo runners scored best here, with 22.1% of their performances being sub-40. The sub-40 minute times start to tail off, but there are still a few for runners in their 60's.

As each category falls away, you can see a bit of growth in the one that follows. So the diminishing sub-40 category yields to the sub-50 category, which in turn yields to sub-60. The trend breaks up a little in the 70+ age category - this is probably down to the limited data (only 24 runners in this category, compared to 3000+ in the busiest categories).

That's it for this time. Do please leave a comment with your observations, questions, and suggestions for future weeks. Barring any further change, I'll be going back to my original plan for next week - looking at the accuracy of the predictions we make, and whether we tend to over- or under-estimate our outcomes.
Click here to suggest fetcheveryone's blog for today's highlights.


  • I do tend to mark pb attempt, I have also run a number flat out that were never going to be a pb becanse of the state of my fitness, so I think the WAVA v age (as always) will tell us a bit more. The little uptick (a modern covid word there), for the 65-69 sub 40 bracket is a bit mad/encouraging? The disappearance of the sub 90 for 70+, maybe people just stop going to races once they're that age and a weeny bot slower than they were. The 60-70 mins is steady for all ages.
    Ocelot Spleens
    3:03pm, 8th Feb 2021
  • Interesting graphs. I think the age distribution could relate to some of last week's comments ie that as you move to the right of the graph you are less likely to set a lifetime PB and that your PB may well be before recording runs on Fetch. The age demographics of the site generally sound more similar to parkrun stats.
    3:28pm, 8th Feb 2021
  • The age graph would be interesting split into gender?
    3:53pm, 8th Feb 2021
  • Top graphage! :-) G
    4:00pm, 8th Feb 2021
  • Fascinating stuff! Going off at a tangent, and apologies for the vagueness of what follows: I read somewhere, possibly in a thread on here, that runners tend to have a 'life expectancy' in terms of how many years they can sustain improvement for, from the year they start running - irrespective of how old they are when they begin. I wondered what the data would be like from here - number of years running & a measure of deterioration in performance over time. What would be a meaningful measure of deterioration is of course the challenge!
    4:12pm, 8th Feb 2021
  • Pretty. I'm interested, but not sure what to do with the data!
    4:30pm, 8th Feb 2021
  • Don't get older? :-)
    4:32pm, 8th Feb 2021
  • The sub 50 bracket is very constant across all ages and interestingly may show that the better years are as you ‘mature’?
    7:29pm, 8th Feb 2021
  • I'd be interested to see the same data but with WAVA rather than time, for those of us who will never run a pb again - unless we run further or the 2.83 mile race becomes a recognised distance.
    8:24pm, 8th Feb 2021
  • I'd like to third Rosehip's comment about gender.
    9:11pm, 8th Feb 2021
  • I love a good graph, and data analysis really does it for me, almost as much as running does.
    9:23pm, 8th Feb 2021
  • Interesting that it looks like there are more sub 40min in the 65-69 age category than in the 60-64 age group. Could this be the vast majority of us retire at 65 and have more time for running?
    9:25pm, 8th Feb 2021
  • I never mark a race as PB attempt as PBs are not longer on my radar ☹️
    ♪♫ Synge ♪♫
    9:19am, 9th Feb 2021
  • Could you somehow pick up races where (best WAVA for distance - WAVA for race < 5%) to identify effortful performances?
    ♪♫ Synge ♪♫
    9:25am, 9th Feb 2021
  • ... where best WAVA for distance > 70% (choose your threshold here!)
    ♪♫ Synge ♪♫
    9:30am, 9th Feb 2021
  • Synge - this latest one doesn’t filter by the PB Attempt flag. It uses each runner’s best performance for each active year.
    9:37am, 9th Feb 2021
  • Ah! Sorry, I read the first paragraphs and jumped down to the pretty pictures!
    ♪♫ Synge ♪♫
    9:48am, 9th Feb 2021
  • Just on Sigh's point, for me PB attempts need me to be in top shape and with the right course and conditions. I am way beyond the point where just training means that PBs are possible most times out. I dont often run 10k, so you wont see this much in my log, but when we did Parkruns you would see that I maybe had a couple of PB attempts a year but also a regular number of pretty good runs but I knew they would not be PBs. I think these will be the harder runs for you to identify and make use of in data
    12:32pm, 9th Feb 2021
  • Gender as well as age please. It makes a huge difference!
    5:08pm, 9th Feb 2021
  • I'm with Synge as well, I think. At 55 this year, my PBs are most likely to be limited to best WAVA score as opposed to fastest overall time. The graph does show a scary "falling off a cliff" at 55 too :-(
    8:56am, 11th Feb 2021

Pass it on

9:21am, 2 Feb 2021
Have a read of Oscar the Grouch's blog:


In it, he explains how he is planning to 'check in' with random Fetchies during February, just to see how they're doing. One of the people he contacted was me - and we have had a nice chat about how we were doing, and what was troubling us.

I thought it was such a good idea that I've just contacted two Fetchies at random (I scrolled back a few pages in the forum and picked some people who had posted).

How about it? Maybe just make sure you point people back at Oscar's blog (or this one) to make sure they understand that you're not a stalker. NB if you are a stalker, please desist.
Click here to suggest fetcheveryone's blog for today's highlights.


  • Thanks for sharing this, Fetch.
    9:26am, 2nd Feb 2021
  • What a lovely idea.
    Fenland Flier
    9:28am, 2nd Feb 2021
  • Nice idea. I think I sort of do this (checking in, not stalking, obv!) anyway. Cos I'm a nosy so and so! :-) G
    9:29am, 2nd Feb 2021
  • I kind of already do this too, but I like that someone has formalised it :) well done Fetch and Oscar x
    9:35am, 2nd Feb 2021
  • I read the blog at the time and thought it was a lovely idea - I must try this (in a not-a-stalker way!)
    9:39am, 2nd Feb 2021
  • heart
    10:34am, 2nd Feb 2021
  • Great idea!
    10:42am, 2nd Feb 2021
  • great idea
    10:43am, 2nd Feb 2021
  • I wondered why my blog had gathered some added traction! :-) Thanks, Fetch :-)
    Oscar the Grouch
    10:54am, 2nd Feb 2021
  • Just perfect - another reason why this site is the best place on the internet
    12:20pm, 2nd Feb 2021
  • Thanks both for bringing to everyone's attention - it's a lovely idea :)
    1:32pm, 2nd Feb 2021
  • :-)
    1:55pm, 2nd Feb 2021
  • Great idea. On a 'staying well together' call at work the other week a colleague mentioned he was doing this by picking a random number from the internal directory and calling someone different every day. He was getting positive responses too.
    4:53pm, 2nd Feb 2021
  • Is this like Wowbagger the infinitely prolonged?
    4:53pm, 2nd Feb 2021
  • maybe not in alphabetic order though ZTP?
    4:55pm, 2nd Feb 2021
  • I am rubbish at replying to people ;-) but it is ever so sweet nonetheless
    6:11pm, 2nd Feb 2021
  • heart
    8:31pm, 2nd Feb 2021
  • :-)
    9:56pm, 2nd Feb 2021
  • How lovely!
    11:01am, 3rd Feb 2021

10k Analysis: Part 1 - Distribution of best 10k times

3:36pm, 1 Feb 2021
The Fetch database contains 11 million training entries, and half a million race performances. I work hard to give you lots of ways to analyse your own data - but it's also great for looking at broader trends amongst runners. For example, our marathon predictor is based on data from real-world race performances - and it's more accurate than many of the more popular prediction methods. You can try that here: fetcheveryone.com/training-calculators-improvedriegel.php

Anyway... I wanted to look at 10k data, and see what sort of juice I could squeeze out of the data. For the next few weeks (hopefully 5-6), I'll be publishing my findings, one graph at a time. I've looked at how accurate people are when they make a race prediction; using 5k time as an input to making a prediction; the number of days training per week, and typical daily mileages; average training pace and how it relates to race pace; and the amount of time spent running at race pace in training. I am also hoping that the comments on each blog will seed ideas for more analysis.

But here's a simple one to get you started.

New runners often worry about whether they will be quick enough to enter a race. I came last in quite a lot of races in school, and second last in the entire form at the 100m. It certainly stuck for a while. It's not nice to imagine that everyone else will be finished whilst you are still slogging your guts out. Today's analysis will hopefully provide some reassurance.

There are 90,000 10k performances in our database. That doesn't mean that these are all flat-out efforts. Some people like to race for the day out; or the medals; or to keep a friend company. Others feel that their best times are behind them; or in front of them.

When adding a race to your portfolio, you can indicate whether it's a PB attempt or not - and it's these that I want to focus on. There are 4829 such performances - and today's graph shows you how well these people did:

There's a whole sixty minutes between our fastest and slowest recorded 'PB attempt' performances. Only 3% of runners managed to go quicker than 35 minutes at the sharp end. The most popular time is 46 minutes, and the median time was just a smidge under 47 minutes. Most of the field (92%) complete in under an hour, but that still leaves 8% of runners who take just a little bit longer.

Comparison can only get you so far. It's a "cliche because it's true" that you should only aim to better your own performance. But it's also fascinating to see what sorts of things those faster runners do. None of us can magically run faster, but we CAN structure our training in a way that gives us the best chance to improve.

In future weeks, I'll be looking at the training regimen of typical runners at each level of performance to look for noticeable differences in the habits of quicker runners. But next time, I'm looking at predictions. YOUR predictions. How accurate are we? And do we tend to over- or under-estimate our outcomes? Also... if there's anything you would like me to try to explore, leave a comment.

To get notified when I write a blog, click 'Add to favourites' right up there at the top of this blog. But be prepared, I will probably blog about seagulls or belly button fluff between now and the next installment :-)
Click here to suggest fetcheveryone's blog for today's highlights.


  • Very interesting distribution. That would also be interesting to look at if same distribution existed for age (either by doing WAVA or just breaking down into age brackets). Top statto Fetch. :-) G
    3:46pm, 1st Feb 2021
  • Pace for each 1k in the 10k against the overall pace! Let's see how well fetch pace their 10ks. Ideally even, my money is on too fast early.
    Ocelot Spleens
    3:49pm, 1st Feb 2021
  • My next 10000m goal will hopefully be to be in that 3% under 35 mins. I don't do them very often though. Need a 5000m/ 5k analysis for something that would be a more immediate goal when we get back to racing.
    3:49pm, 1st Feb 2021
  • Very interesting! By the way, how many people blogged every day in January and will there be a badge? ;-)
    3:52pm, 1st Feb 2021
  • Was surprised to see only just over 5% of 10k race times are marked as PB efforts. Maybe if people's 'best times are behind them' they never class it as a PB effort even if giving it full beanz. Maybe 'Best Effort' would be a more helpful flag.
    3:52pm, 1st Feb 2021
  • Not that I've ever been at the sharp end, but have you accounted for any that are short or long, or trail rather than road? Many of my races have been off road, so I've run several 6.5 mile 10km races, and a few that could be classed as fell runs..! I've probably still ticked the PB box because I was running it 'properly' but it wouldn't really match a flat 25-lap oval.

    One idea - I'm now coming back to running more regularly after a few years in the wilderness. I'm now a few pounds (kilos) heavier. My pace has obviously slowed since I was last a regular runner, but is there enough data to compare average run pace with weight?
    3:53pm, 1st Feb 2021
  • How about the age at which 10k race times start to deteriorate? I bet that's quite a wide range, depending upon when the person began in the first place; is there any trend, i.e. decline after x years irrespective of starting age?

    Also; does the colour of the fluff vary with the colour of your shirt? :-)
    3:53pm, 1st Feb 2021
  • My 10,000m PB was a blow up. 17:30 to halfway, 18:06 to the finish for 35:36.72. Was a very hot day and should have revised target but I was actually quite happy that I didn't lose more time given I fell off the pacer at halfway.
    3:53pm, 1st Feb 2021
  • Do you have any sensible kind of predictor on how "improvers" improve? i.e. Training distances, types, pace etc.? (Or is it all just down to the desire to not be the fat boy at the back - I regularly was that kid at school sports days, cross country etc..)

    Also, I'm looking forward to the seagull blog. ;-)
    4:42pm, 1st Feb 2021
  • Why is the fluff in your belly button always blue?
    4:50pm, 1st Feb 2021
  • My PB's were all over 30 years ago, so there is no way that I could aim for any now, at the age of 75. How about aiming for PB's in age categories for veterans?
    4:57pm, 1st Feb 2021
  • Would be interesting to see the distribution of "best 10ks" for all those who have run 10k (rather than those tagged PB attempts) as possibly a different/perhaps slower distribution
    5:29pm, 1st Feb 2021
  • very good point from @Sigh as regards your deterioration, I could run a 37 minute 10k at 50 years of age, but now at the age of 64 i,m around the 48 minute mark, everyone is different tho..
    at the end of the day
    5:55pm, 1st Feb 2021
  • It's nice to be the popular kid for once, 😁
    I dream of being at the sharp end, and run with folk that are, but I know I'm probably where I should be. I've also been towards the other end too. It is reassuring to know there are others like you, and that there's no reason you can't improve if you want to.
    6:44pm, 1st Feb 2021
  • I never aim for a PB because I don't like the pressure
    10:49pm, 1st Feb 2021
  • My 61 year old brother still hankers after his PBS from his 30s and 40s, but like other posters - he would never detail a race as a PB effort. I do mine annually. It’s a better indication of my current performance and speed. A PB for the year tells me I was running flat out and as hard as I could - which is what I think you were looking for with the 'PB effort'. Perhaps a ‘trying to achieve best time for the year' would attain a higher percentage than 8% in that case.
    6:42am, 2nd Feb 2021
  • Top work statto. I used to love these when you did them a few years back and looked at the quirky fields like weather :)
    8:27am, 2nd Feb 2021
  • Because I like graphs :-) : the same, split male for female. Times for all 10Ks. A graph, or graphs, based on season's best. I also like mrmedia's suggestion of a Season Best attempt button. My 10K PB was a bit of a black swan, but I'm guaranteed at least one SB a year :-) and might even have a crack at another. If there are ever any races, that is.
    10:00am, 2nd Feb 2021
  • I just checked my last 10km race was 2012 quite a while ago. Will we have races this year , real ones that is. Maybe next year. Would this be the biggest gap between races of the same distance
    10:40am, 2nd Feb 2021
  • Here's my own geeky data, which shows what distances I got PB's in for each year, how old I was, how many times I ran each distance that year, and what my annual mileage was.

    This doesn't show the pace per mile of the current PB's which is on my Fetch profile, so for example my current PB's over 5 mile and 10k are both at approx the same pace, just achieved years apart.
    11:20am, 2nd Feb 2021
  • Sigh, that is a heck of a geek data set! Am in AWE. Given I've never got under 66 mins for 10k (loads of reasons I'm so slow, even at full beans) I don't know whether to feel happy to have company in the 8% or desperately demoralised that 92% of Fetch folk are under an hour!
    2:06pm, 3rd Feb 2021
  • I'm in the 8% too. I don't tend to use the PB flag as like a couple of others have mentioned, I tend to just run the race as a run to be enjoyed, I don't like the feeling of running flat out. My best 10k time (63 min something) was at an event but one I had forgotten my watch so had no idea about pace and just enjoyed it. Be interesting this last year the lack of events and increase in virtual 10k. I don't class myself as a racer anyway but I don't think a virtual race would ever feel the same as a standard non lockdown 10k
    7:18am, 8th Feb 2021

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Add A Race - Usability followup
Cadence Filter - a little tweak
F'Laps Leaderboard - help me kick the tyres
June (11)
Today’s Task
Here's something cool
F'Laps - get togethers
Forum tagging
F'Laps - broken delete link :-/
F'Laps - your opportunity to withdraw gracefully :-)
Usability - look what's changed
RW Refugees welcomed
Oscar's Everyone Day
New training entry view is live
Snap Poll :-)
May (7)
Easy Street
Track me on Sunday
V2 Training Beta
New Training Log Beta
Five Noahs
Diamanté Celebration Spatula Kit
Marmite Excalibur
April (13)
In case you haven't cancelled it yet...
Weasels and spiders
Blog Listings Change (nowt major)
Six New Badges! Adding pics to Conquercise zones.
Night Races - Can you help?
Sifting Chunks: Gradient versus Pace
Audible Free Trial - You get free audiobooks, I get five quid!
A donation from JH
Andy Townsend :-)
GCU50: Citizen on Patrol
Fetchpoint: The Game - Where I'm Headed
Fetchpoint: The Game - a consultation
Heavy Roller please
March (11)
I can eat fifty eggs
Oscar the Grouch :-(
If a Fetch fails in a forest...
Trialling a new weekly update email
Lasting Power of Suspicion
Fetch Virtual Challenge 2024 *bunting*
Swittle's Funeral
Tea & Trails Podcast
Down to my last pen
A bench for swittle
February (8)
The Lightning Struck Tower
This year so far in pictures
Three Noahs
Fetch is as strong as you make it.
100k - what do I need?
Paywalls are BS: I'm on a podcast!
January (11)
Chasing Round Numbers - A Cautionary Tale!
MOTM - Decision Made (and a competition for EVERYONE!)
MOTM - a chance to rethink
Training Home Page updates
How much walking will I do?
Training Plans - Further Updates
Training Plan List
Butter Police
Why no app?
Useful Chat!
Festive Fetch Calendar - Winners
2023 (136)
December (6)
Nearly forgot...
Jam today
Removing another bit of Google's invasiveness
Fancy an extra challenge over the next 12 days?
Chewie, we're home!
Two tips for today's advent challenge
November (13)
Spammy McSpamface
40 days and 40 nights
EfM confirmed!
New Training Log Beta! 😲 (aka Change Is Not Good)
Escape from Meriden
Waiting for your training?
Route of the Century?
I didn't know I owned a nutcracker
Design our anniversary shirts/vests!
Holiday Reading - plenty of fiction :-)
Swimming in a metaphor
Off World
October (11)
To think I tried to mop it up!
Vote Please: How many F'Laps will you try to do?
F'Laps 2024
Long Run
So it still needs a name...
Front Garden Ultra?
The Boy is a man!
Festive Fetch Calendar
Creative K's
September (7)
Training Edit Screen - time to ditch it...
Stock check
The Doctor K Cup - October 7th!!!!
Removing the training edit screen
A Happy Applecart
Happy 19th Birthday!
Forgotten pictures
August (14)
Just in case
Weekly Total Hours
Dim Brys Dim Chwys
All hail our robot overlords!
Your local parkrun
Fool on the hill
Survey Follow Up
A survey?
Did you know?
I made a thing
VC Day
FBI Agent
What keeps you going?
Be careful what's in your paste buffer (and July training update)
July (13)
Respecting your eyeballs since 2004
Hot Stuff, coming through
Ocean Colour Scheme
18 years, 10 months, 13 days and counting...
Ooof #fail
Our listings need you!
Pics from the end of the swim
A whispered, half-remembered dream
Try the Heatmap!!!
100 Running Words (and my June summary)
July Virtual Mile
June (8)
Last Big Swim
I can't be the only one...
Which is the real me?
The legendary sixth samosa!
WSW Main Page Layout Changes
May Summary (contains swimming!)
Hoodies pre-order closes at 10am
May (17)
A new WSW challenge
Tagging images
Another Sweatshop Competition
Did you get an email?
Fifty Years Ago - Part VIII
Fifty Years Ago - Part VII
Fifty Years Ago - Part VI
Help on a slippery slope
Fifty Years Ago - Part V
Fifty Years Ago - Part IV
Fifty Years Ago - Part III
Chuck-off: Round 2
Not my king?
Fifty Years Ago - Part II
Fifty Years Ago
And that was April
April (10)
Centurion Safari!
Sheep treats (and a routes feature)
And I’ll sail her up the west coast, through villages and towns.
15,746 places to 💩
Track Your Blood Pressure
A couple of quick fmail updates
Rusty Metal and a Cycling Grudge Match
Please help me kick the fmail tyres!
Onset of Summer Watch. Have you got Onset of Summer? +fmail!
March (10)
And that was March
Try the new fmail system
Can you help my boy?
Tell A Friend?
Some Sweatshop Competitions
Sign up to our 2023 Virtual Challenge
Review: FORM Smart Goggles
UTMOST vs Treadmills
February (13)
And that was February
This year's Virtual Challenge
What does Points make?
Automatic Everything Collector
Peaky Finders
FAO Fitbit users
My favourite training graph
You've got this.
Coffee Survey (for my stepson)
Access all the tips
Tiny Usability Changes
Cod science
Hot Tips
January (14)
Monthly Infographic Bug Fixes
No, but really...
Have a play with the monthly infographic
It's not ready yet, but...
Introducing Fetch Premium
Help me design a new Monthly Infographic...
Still following?
Definitely Not Betting
Do you follow? (plus burp chat)
Advance warning for stalkers!
I'm back (and the Fetch LS, SS and NS shirts preorder is open)
Attention Fitbit Users
Review 50 albums in 2023 (badge!)
2022 (144)
December (8)
Treasure Hunt Day 1 - the best gift
Important updates to the Fetch Relay
Introducing the Fetch Relay 2023
Who Am I? (Solved, thanks) And How Am I?
Confessions :-)
12 Days of Christmas Treasure Hunt
Chewie, we’re home!
A few pics from the Foffice :-)
November (24)
Yesvember - Day #30 (and Festive Fetch Calendar Eve!)
The Fetch Festive 160.934 :-) [Yesvember #Day 29]
You'd better watch out... (plus Yesvember Day #28)
Brace Yourself (and there's one spare bobble hat!) and Yesvember - Day #26
Hats in the post! Plus Yesvember Day #25
Look what arrived!
Yesvember - Day #24
Training Graph Manager - usability update (Yesvember Day #23)
Yesvember - Day #22 - Cheating?
Last chance to enter the Advance Performance comp
Yesvember - Days #11 thru #14 (plus Jumpy Boy)
Weather on the training home page watch. Have you got weather on the training home page? (Yesvember - Day #10)
Oh, and... it's Yesvember - Day #9
Another bit of the internet fenced off
Yesvember - Day #8 - taking steps
Yesvember - Day #7
Yesvember - Day #6
Yesvember - Day #5
The curse of swimming GPS
Yesvember - Day #4
The Les Mis effect
Yesvember - Day #3
Yesvember - Day #2
Yesvember - Day #1
October (15)
October gives way to Yesvember!
Anyone fancy a threeway?
More thoughts on races
Racing, post-pandemic
Contracts exchanged!
Competition Time!
Last call for Flobble Hats
A record year for swimming?
Woburn Lido
Order your Bobble Hat! If you like.
I appear to have entered a race! (plus new Garmin import queueing system)
Eric the Eel
Get your hobbit on
The Doctor K Cup: Saturday 8th October!
I felt the touch of the kings and the breath of the wind
September (16)
Take This Bus To Cuba
Fetch Bobble Hats
Training View tweaks (switch maps, game overlays, mile markers)
Training View tweaks (and a play button bug fix)
A long ride and a cold swim.
Play Button
UTMOST Wava & Bike Division Rebuilds
New UTMOST leagues for cyclists and WAVA fans
The Doctor K Cup
Chance encounters
Do I ditch our Facebook stuff?
A keeper, from my feedback inbox...
Ultra distances - update
Adding ultra distances to Fastest Fetchies league.
Try the new Training Groups pages
August (11)
Training Groups Update - Coming Soon
Garmin Queue Issues
Donations without reference numbers :-)
New Elbow Laws
No longer the 3398th fastest Fetchie over 10k!
Pulling counties into league tables
What was I thinking?
County Champion?
Just bear in mind that you asked for this.
Wahoo and Coros users
How to make half a million quid (batteries not included)
July (6)
Club Listings
Book giveaway :-)
Updated Race Portfolio
Updated Targets Page
Exactly ***1*** Spare Ladies L Cycling Jersey
Search All Blogs :-)
June (10)
Imagine you could search all the public blogs...
Banking Scandal at Fetch Towers!
7pm on Baker Island #everyoneday
#EveryoneDay - Sunday 26th June 2022
Spare Challenge Coasters
The North West Passage
Feature Request Voting - Know Your Limits!
UTMOST Division 8: YIKES!
Shepperton Weight Gain Programme
UTMOST Division 9! Sub-50 10k :-)
May (16)
Four hours left :-)
Division 10: No hope of escape?
Book giveaway :-)
Division 11: No place left to hide
New HR Analysis
They're here! Well, not exactly *here*, but...
A quick Darth Mode update
Darth Mode! And a few biscuits for the hyperdrive.
Division 12: Two hours of pushing broom
Dark Mode: Beta
PB Potential? Fancy a quickie? ;-)
Division 12: Running Out Of Road?
Thank you everyone!
Making UTMOST moves :-)
Do you want a Fetch shirt?
I did my UTMOST :-) (plus new sharing infographic)
April (7)
Today's plan
A plug for some races
Raspberry Pavlov
Win a book :-)
United Colours of Cross Training
A little Streetview adventure
March (11)
The lockers are a pound.
Advice for Gym Noobs!
Feedback made easier
#EveryoneDay June 26th 2022
Fetch Virtual Challenge 2022 🎈
Thanks Chunky: parkrun routes!
Sniffer Dogs
Fetch Cycling Jerseys - Update
Route Plotting tweak
The Crow: A Pipedream!
February (7)
Fetch Kit Spares
Updated Race Listing Pages
Introducing Rundle!
I appear to be training for an OWS event!
Fetch Cycling Jerseys!!!
Does you wantz free shoez?
Post Office tomorrow - kit spares
January (13)
Updated Flanci Design (now with more Fetchness)
Badge Collection Graphic!
Updated elevation trace
Book Lists :-)
Updated sharing infographic - do you like it?
Spare Fetch Kit
Badge page refresh / feature requests
Flanci / Fetch Leggings
New Badge Pages
New hill badges
Join me on my fitness journey!
Are you the farmer?
Blog every day challenge - finishers
2021 (187)
December (14)
Book List
Ten years ago today...
A big slobbery elephant snog.
If you don't like hills, this must be getting tiring :-)
When does a hill end?
Hill finder - prototype v2
Hill Finder - prototype
2022 Targets
Chewie, We’re Home! Happy Fetch Independence Day!
Embed badges, plus a new badge :-)
Updated people page
Seeking map
Streak Watch
The new Fetch buffs are here…
November (23)
Almost there...
The Fetch Library
Update your thread titles
Ascent dissent
Mute a thread
Training Import Queue
I fell off (but not really!)
Croeso i Fetcheveryone. Ydych chi'n siarad Almaeneg, Swedish neu Eidaleg?
New mobile nav
Last call for shirts
Just a trim please
Brought to you by wind power
300 miles later
Golden Ticket Shocker!
Banjobax (aka KOG)
Home and Away kit preorder - with long sleeve option
A little competition - win a copy of Daniels' Running Formula
Garmin testers - thanks
Add your grub stops!
Points Of Interest: Grub Stops
Garmin-owning testers wanted
October (19)
New home and away shirts and vests
Benchmark league - a few more updates
Benchmark league table
Hill areas
Preorder is now open!
'b'uffs then
Necktube design #1 & #2
Buffs (well, neck tubes)
Report dodgy GPS stuff
An apology for people who follow my training
New cycling and swimming badges
New Conquercise Feature: Grids
Sprouting a tiny biking antler :-)
Have a try of the cycling gradient analysis
Struggling with my big ring
Cycling: gradient vs pace
A question for cyclists
For Doctor K
September (14)
New comments (FID 1212)
Forum post previews
Garmin imports with a snippet more info
Gallery upload options
Golden Tickets
"No need to panic donate", says Williams
Forum Quotes
Spoiler Alert!
20th of March and all that.
Have you signed up yet?
This bit of crappy Upminister nearly cost me my f***ing life.
A guide with no pages
To steal a catchphrase from a wise lady...
Multiple choice polls
August (11)
Pre-Race Training - Updated
A connection!
New Member of the Month sponsor
Best Weeks - bug fixes
Your Best Week Ever
Rainbow Kit - preorder is open
Age Bests - filtering out the mistakes :-)
Sign up, sign up, for the Doctor K cup
A message from my lovely wife ❤️
Another batch of rainbow kit?
Spares: Event Clips, Swim Hats and a few rainbow tops
July (10)
A bunch of site goodies :-)
Hello kitty
Holy Simmering Mercury Batman!
A heart rate question
Sleepy Shuffle?
365 graph
Slipping on ma noob shoes
World's Sexiest Bridges
June (11)
Benchmarks - a *tiny* little improvement
Race Leaderboards - some small improvements
Race Finder - Update
Up there ^
Routes - more updates
Last call for FE Event Clips
Server update
Minor code problem
Some little updates to your route list
Feature requests - two years on!
More than just a rainbow
May (8)
Rainbow Kit - update on delivery time...
Fetch Ron Hill Cycling Jerseys
Pre-order your rainbow kit now :-)
Jimi Hendrix vs Run DMC
The return of parkrun - a poll
Something in the woodshed...
Default to walk
A tour of the Fetch Office
April (11)
Instabanned :-)
I has Instagram
Fetch Event Clips
Castle Challenge Coaster!
My chess rating
Jab - symptom watch
This just in...
REVIEW: XMiles selection box
Let FE pay for your coaching qualifications :-)
Castle Challenge - A Quick Blog
March (18)
The Fetcheveryone Castle Challenge
Running vs Cycling Cadence
Fetch vests and shirts (and swim caps)
Elevation vs Follow Roads
£500 of England Athletics courses up for grabs!
TomTom users
Music by year: 1993
10k Analysis: Part 7 - Length of Training Runs
Music by year: 1992 (plus some 1991 additions)
Bot sniffing win :-) plus daily blogger count!
User profiles
10k Analysis: Part 6 - Training Pace Again
Time to update your injuries :-)
User profile - sticker button.. EDIT and race standard
More user profile adjustments
User Profile tweaking
Cute story of the week*
10k Analysis: Part 5 - Training Pace
February (17)
Year on Year mileage comparison
Elevation graphs
It's all kicking off in chess club!
Music By year: 1991
10k Analysis: Part 4 - Weekly Training Habits
Tagging virtual races
Chasing rainbows
Rainbow Shirts
Blog writing improvements
10k Analysis: Part 3 - Accuracy of human predictions
Music by year: 1990
Smacking bots
29 slices - my seven days of dinner
10k Analysis: Part 2 - Age and Performance
Pass it on
10k Analysis: Part 1 - Distribution of best 10k times
January (31)
Mobile Usability Team Helping All Fetchies...
Salmon Ramen Recipe :-)
Salmon Ramen (for TBR)
Backup dog
The best GPS watches in the world... volume 1
Pick it...
People who liked...
Obscure bugs
Zen & The Art of Heart Rate Training
FIT file import - temporary issue
Keep the change, ya filthy animal
The honeymoon is over
Dirty data
Mobile Usability
Stay sticky
It's Hip To Buy Squares
Related Threads - Exposé :-)
The Batshit Association
Tag Team
Feed the monster!
An ad for Fetch Chess Club :-)
Estimating VO2Max
Three little birds
A not uncommon swelling
Church Mouse January
Honey, where's my super suit?
Not here.
2020 (128)
December (6)
Blog A Day 2021?
9 years ago today
Chewie, We're Home! Happy Fetch Independence Day :-)
Be Prepared
Becoming an effluencer
A few Fetch Mugs left
November (10)
The Festive Fetch Calendar is back!
FIT file import
Thank you, mysterious Fetchie!
UTMOST in the age of COVID-19
This'll cheer you up for sure...
Lost in translation?
Annual Infographic... updating now.
In theory...
October (11)
Training Plan Analysis
Mini plans with the training plan
5k with The Boy :-)
Welcome to tomorrow
Thank you
Become tradeable!
Pre-Race Training Volume
Doctor K Cup Week
Last orders
Advice for a friend
Trader Makeover
September (6)
The shop is open!
Hoodie Colour!
New Fetch Hoodies
A big up/holler!
A benchmark derailed by GPS data *nerd*
August (8)
10k analysis
Officially a Sheepy Shuffler!
Pi Watering
Pre-order Avoid Everyone Face Masks
I got sent these...
Other sites? :-O
Benchmarks - an infinitely configurable set of ladders.
Try the monthly infographic :-)
July (10)
Update on Monthly Training Infographic
New Infographic
Monthly Summary (with a little tweak)
A quick Garmin update
Open Water / Wild Swimming Database
Avoid Everyone - spares
OWS Locations
Thread-level search
New Sharing Graphic & New Pastures
My first lamp post
June (16)
Replacing the Who's Training page
Combining some pages
In pursuit of the Gridmaster Ultra
15th Anniversary Kit - Spares
A new How To video
Training Plan Updated
Black Lives Matter
Avoid Everyone Spares + Second Batch
Wikipedia page
Another YouTube video for sharesies :-)
Getting data to Fetch from **other places**
Feature Voting - some further updates
Feature Voting - speeded up
Another How To video - this time, Conquercise
Fantastisches Tweeten
May (13)
A video for sharing
Fetch Introductory Zoom Presentations
A promise to all Fetchies
Fetch Virtual Weekend: Replacement Bus Service
How has Fetch use changed?
Fetch Weekly Virtual Races
Zoom Meeting - Thursday 9 til 10am
WAVA Standards Update
WAVA Standards + Poll
Fun with Age Grading :-)
New Badges Day
The test shirt fabric has arrived :-)
April (14)
Zoom Podcast - watch the video
What is WBC?
If you did the free Amazon trial...
Some small amends (and shirt version)
Pre-orders open
I was only joking, but...
If Fetcheveryone did lockdown merch
Site outage - Thursday 16th April 11pm
On exercising responsibly
My Sports Quiz - how would you have scored?
Your creative thinking required
WBC My Favourite Teacher (a bit later than the deadline)
Updated Training League
Server Downtime, Thursday 9th 00:01BST to 04:00BST (and thank you!)
March (13)
New Fetch Game: Hide and Seek
Free trial of Audible
Do you have a good memory?
New Opt-In for Fetch Miles
New Badges for Fetch Miles
The Fetch Five: Don't Let CV19 Win!
Amending event dates and notifying of cancellations
A green light comes on over your head, and you can get on with life
Most Popular Shoe Brands 2019
A review
Android: Session I
Compare Your Training
Book Now to avoid disappointment :-)
February (10)
Imports from Suunto, Fitbit, Polar and TomTom.
Plot A Route - mobile improvements
Happy tugging!
Something to play with
Adding A New Feature
February Treasure Hunt
Server Downtime
Miles = Smiles
Build Your Mile
Pop Will Eat Himself: Update
January (11)
Clarence the Cadence Kitten
Trim your trails :-)
Seven Day Leaderboard
Let's try that again
Some minor blog amendments
Try the new Forum Search Prototype
Pop Will Eat Himself
A card from HowFar?
Thank you HowFar? (Statement, not a question)
Take the red pill
Climb every mountain
2019 (134)
December (7)
The Christmas Poem
Where your treasure is...
Listen to the dog breathe
Chewie, We're Home
Thursday's Challenge
Which GPS?
Fetch Shop (of sorts)
November (12)
The zeroth challenge
Polar users - auto import
Calling all Polar users
Mobile Optimisation
Calling all Android users
Did your ads disappear?
Pin that sucker down :-)
Easier tagging
Category now editable from VIEW
Kit now editable from VIEW
Working towards tagging
Manual Add Training bug
October (16)
Boring Cricket Blog
Books Part 2
Books :-)
Training tags Part 2
Training tags
Let's Jazzercise
My precious
Cricket Week 4: Footage :-)
Forum Training Threads
Benny Neutrino Returns
Cricket Week 3: Wingardium Leviosa!
Benny Neutrino's Filter Tips
Cricket Week 2
Continuing Amazon Affiliate Saga
In case you haven't seen...
September (11)
Updated: Spare Anniversary Kit
Affiliate links
I did a cricket!
Fetch365 - enjoy responsibly
My dear old things
Buddies vs Follow
Server Invoice Day
Our new MOTM sponsor
Fetch Power!
Race Listings: Please Read
August (5)
Everyone *rainbow*
Almost there...
Quick blog
Country Badges
A new set of badges
July (6)
Pre-orders open
Anniversary Shirts v2
Fetch 15th Anniversary Shirts
Fetch Fest 2020
Shout Outs
Missing imports from Garmin yesterday
June (13)
Who Squares Wins: 64 screenshot
Who Squares Wins: 64 Player Edition
Training summary - older pages
Training sub-menu rejig
Try the infographic
Steady Edina
Annual Summary Infographic
The height of daft things
The training summary - the morning session
The training summary - a wordier blog
Try the annual summary thing
How to listen to the Fetch Podcast
12 month summary mega-graph!
May (15)
£79.99 off the bottom line
parkrun reviews - now with routes
Fix It Friday; Project Joker Week 2; and some shout outs.
Fetch Kit Cupboard Sale
The bonus ball
Project Joker - Week 1
Fix It Friday
A quick update on the server
Fetch 15th Anniversary Kit
There is a good service operating
In case you're wondering...
Trouble auto importing from Garmin?
Fix It Friday: Stuff that came to me in dreams
April (12)
Feature Voting - now with virtual badges :-)
The moment of triumph!
New Feature Voting
Fix It Friday: What would your horse be called?
Marathon Pacing: tyre-kickers required
Fix It Friday: Back to Basics
Podcast Poll
Fix It Friday: The League Of Everyone
Dom, dom, dom, I've got DOMS, I've got DOMS!
Crouch, Touch, Pause.... longer pause... what am I doing again?
Training Log - Update
Site Update: New Font
March (15)
Fix It Friday: An Endless Mission
Naming and faming :-)
2nd in my age category!
Fix It Friday: Brought to you by Surprise Inset Day
New training log
Route Matching - Ready :-)
Fix It Friday
What's your unit of measurement?
Ciderthon competition
Fix It Friday: Stroopwafels of Doom!
Route Matching - Update
This week's cool list
Me in the river
Big Fetch Miles 2019
Fix It Friday: Fingerprints!
February (13)
A Maths Challenge
Fetch Legends: Activate!
Whose coat is this jacket?
Fix It Friday: The Fix Awakens
Joining the awesome list...
Fix It Friday
Naming and faming :-)
Fix It Friday - Monthly Summary
Training Month Summary
Podcast Q&A
If you can't read this, don't panic.
*redsaber* The force is strong with these Fetchies!
Fix It Friday *bluesaber*
January (9)
Some shout outs :-)
Fix It Friday!
Podcast Ep 3, plus some naming and faming :-)
Fix It Friday
Fetch Chaos
Oooh! Second chance Berlin trip! And new subbers, podcast episode, and Trader.
My week of running
Naming and faming - this week :-)
Naming and faming :-)
2018 (138)
December (8)
A Christmas Message (in podcast form)
Rungeon :-)
Hey, Everyone!
France Trip Vote
Happy Fetch Independence Day
Actual free trip to France (incl. flights)
Sombrero's Lovely Cards
November (14)
Hoodies + other spares
Spare Fetch Kit
Festive Fetch Calendar 2018
Book Giveaway - Can We Run With You, Grandfather?
Fix It Friday
Bedford Harriers Half - place offered
Updated Kit Bag
Family Fortunes :-)
Any adidas experts out there?
No Fixes Today - just two challenges
Big Fetch Mile Cardiff
Fix It Friday
Festive Fetch Calendar 2018
October (14)
Hello landlubbers
Embedded polls
Member of the Month
Fix It Friday
Spare Fetch shirts and vests
Fix It Friday
My Fetch Mile
One thing's for sure, we're all gonna be a lot thinner.
Fix It Friday - 'Ave It!
Automatic route matching
Automatic route matching
One last reminder for those cycling jerseys
Fix It Friday - Forensics and User Experience
September (14)
Fix It Friday
Server Downtime 2.30pm 26th September
Never Again
Fix It Friday!
Handling your weirdness
Cards ordered :-)
Just wondering...
Fix It Friday :-)
Try the Fetcheveryone Tutorial
40 days and 40 nights
Fix It Friday
ARION insoles - review part 1
Fetch Shirt - Black Ones, and sizing
Shirts and Vests Pre-Order
August (14)
Fix It Friday
Blog Height squished
Site Outage Last Night
New Mobile Nav
Fix It Friday
New feature - how you doin'? :-)
Sunflower spread
Fix It Friday
A new pre-race mileage graph
Fetch Social: Draycote Water September
Fix It Friday: The Supermarket Analogy
A run with _andy :-)
Suunto 9 Review
Fix it Friday
July (5)
Fix It Friday!
Five Get Wet In Devon
Big Glasgow Weekend - Part 1: Gies A Cwtch
Tom Williams Interview - Final Part
Glasgow Big Fetch Mile Results and Pics
June (17)
Abingdon Week 17 - P&D Booster rockets
Interviewing Tom Williams: Part III
Walking League (and one just for Nellers)
Follow Roads - continued
Week 18 in the bag
Tackling turds
Abingdon Marathon Training: Week 18
Interview with Tom Williams - Part 2
Five Questions (ready for serious answers)
Kick some tyres for me
Interview with Tom Williams - Part 1
Five Questions
Follow Roads saga
Google maps progress, plus Abingdon plans
Training Summary - Infographics
Who Squares Wins - ranking update
May (10)
Training log maps converted
More mapping updates
Who Squares Wins - The Wizard's Hat
De doo doo doo... another one bites the dust...
Invisible changes
Silverstone 10k
Three year throwback
Why your support makes the difference
Some high mileage Fetchies
dryrobe winner
April (14)
Interviewing Tom Williams
Swimming Caps!
New batch of shirts and vests
You make big mistake my friend
Glasgow Big Fetch Mile announced
Two tickets to the Running Awards
Pics from Dudley Big Fetch Mile
Notes for London Marathon Fetchpointers
Results from today's Big Fetch Mile
Who Squares Wins - prototype board
Attention London Marathoners!
New game - coming soon
March (9)
Intervals, Solidarity, Swimming and Fmail
Ready to give the new fmail a try?
More on fmail
New fmail system
Win a dryrobe :-)
For jabberknit...
Updating the Training Home page
Pics from Bedford Big Fetch Mile
Sledgends :-)
February (13)
Buffs On Sale
Big Fetch Mile Bedford
Vlog :-)
Marathon Talk
Important GDPR stuff - PLEASE read
A page of historical importance
Vlog :-)
Road Rash, Marathon Prediction and T-Shirts
This :-)
Capturing the dog
It's BACK!
Enter Wilmslow Half Marathon
An advertisement
January (6)
Local Fetchies - Opt In
Revealed: World's Best Shoes
How I chose the Big Fetch Mile venues
Big Fetch Mile 2018 - Venues & Provisional Dates
Try adding an image to your training entry
Mileage Targets 2018 - Update
2017 (147)
December (12)
Mileage Targets 2018
Thank you
Brownie Recipe :-)
Fetch Hoodies + Buffs SALE Update
Chewie, We're Home
Fetch Hoodies SALE - what's left
Fetch Hoodies! SALE!!! (and Buffs available too)
Chewie, We're Home
Sharing pics
Fetch Jingle Mile Cambridge photos
Glorious Failure: Bedford Harriers Half Marathon
November (20)
Serpents, hamstrings and inversions
A special anniversary approaches...
Hamstring and prototype updates
Training Log Prototype - Today's Improvements
Red Venom sale
For what it's worth...
Training Log Prototype - Update #2
Training Log Prototype - Update
Big Fetch Mile - venue hunt
RT for a Garmin
Training Log Prototype - To Be Fixed
The Weekly vLog (by me)
Thanks :-)
New Training Log Prototype - Available Now
Thanks for following
VLog - footage from the Cardiff Big Fetch Mile
Big Fetch Mile[s] 2018
Win a place in the Surrey Half
I vont to scan your barcode.
October (12)
Big Fetch Weekend :-)
Fetch Mile Results
Festive Fetch Calendar :-O
Calling Parkers everywhere!
In which I decorate a cake.
Regent's Park Fetchie Discount
Elevation in colour
"I didn't come here to walk to Sparta!"
New elevation info
Chicken Ballot-ine, with a side order of beef
New training log headers
Ballot day tomorrow - help needed
September (19)
Weekly vLog - COCONUTS!!!
River Thames Half Marathon
The lollipop update
On failing gracefully
Doctor K Day
Fetch Kit Sale - Updates
Weekly vLog
Fetch Kit Sale
Training Log View Update
Fetcheveryone Weekly? Vlog?
Fetchie Race Discount - Regent's Park 10k
Training Log Tags - Live
Training Log Tags
Weekly vLog - Derby Mile, and a pause to salute the legendary Doctor K
24 hours later
Doctor K donation page
Doctor K
Fetch Weekly vLog
Derby Mile - tomorrow!
August (8)
Race Prices; and an alien earworm
Straight outta Cromford - the Fetch Weekly vLog!
A Fetch vLog! With prizes!
Quick search location for sharing
New WAVA graph
Weird FIT file thing
Back from me 'olidays :-)
Linking race results to training log entries
July (12)
Race Pricing - crowdsourcing
Appdate for Android and iPhone
Fetch Mile - Cardiff?
Race listing omelette
Coding and town planning
Please review your races
A2B winners
Motivational Sounds - the final 10
Two more Big Fetch Miles? :-)
Bedford Fetch Mile Results
June (19)
Big Fetch Mile
Motivational Sounds
Fetch fug - updated design
Fetch fug (available at the Fetch mile)
I've done the naughtiest thing ever.
Donating Blood - my Vlog
Fapp In the App Store :-)
Can I kick it?
This just in...
For Bean
Your app status is Waiting For Review
Fetch Caps
Garmin Communicator Plugin
Fetch App - strong and stable testing
HTTPS is here
Fetch App progress
https access to the site
May (14)
Fetch App
Site down at 11pm
Round and round the garden
Try the new home page layout
Server down tonight @ 11pm
Browser testers wanted
The Big Fetch Mile!!!
Site *NOT* down tonight. [cough]
Bluffer's Competition - Winner
Bedford parkrun timelapse
Return of the cap
April (8)
Fetchpoint (London and Milton Keynes!)
Base camp, VMLM
Just for D2
Off to the awards
Hoodies - it's on!
Updated Training Home Page
March (6)
'Train' page
Project Joker
Hoodies and Londons
Hands up, hands UP! Draycote Water 10
Bluffer's Competition
Project Joker
February (12)
Running Awards shortlisted
Route Plotter now with OpenStreetMap
Plan for Bluffer's comp
Update to Route Plotter
First update to the route mapper
For Angus
Virtuous Circles
Competition coming soon
Race Guide Ads
Club La Santa vLog
Fetch Fixtures
January (5)
Word Clouds
Buckets Ready
New Home Page
Do me a favour...
Limited Companies, filing accounts, that sort of thing
2016 (128)
December (11)
Festive Fetch Calendar - Winners
Festive Fetch Calendar - Winners
Five Years Ago Today
Pantsfest! May the stains be ever in your favour!
Photoshop SOS
Attention: Fitbit users
Bedford Half 2016
Luton Fetchmob: Breaking Point
Vote Fetch!
Breaking news: Paris Marathon
November (21)
How to end a LiveChat.
Define wrong
TomTom Runner 3 Review - Any Questions?
Movember: Project Beard: Day 24: Beardraggled
Festive Fetch Calendar 2016
We're gonna be in the Hudson
Hey Chiefy
I've written summat
Going Postal
A special mention
Training Log Beta
Spare Hoodies
Updates to Training Beta
Movember: Project Beard - Day 8 (The Seven Day Itch)
Vote for Fetch
Training Log Detail View - Some Changes
Aberdeen University Study
Consultation V2
Fetchpoint - October Winners and November Prizes
October (16)
Alien nuggets!
Keeping a tight lid on the biscuit tin
Training Log Beta
100 Running Words
Fetchmob, December 3rd
Where to mob?
Little things
That All-Time Mileage League
The sudoku that keeps on giving.
Sub-25 for 1km :-)
Fetchmob - December 3rd
New Training Log Preview
Fixed the overlap...
Why the new training log isn't ready yet...
September (12)
Doughnut or Donate
Training Log - Sneak Peek
Fetch Shop Sale! Old stuff clearout!
The consultation system...
Garmin support for timezone info
The GMT/BST/Timezone problem
Training Log Consultation...
Training Log - Consultation
Fetch Social Runs
Subscriber shirts, vests and hoodies, and determination.
Fetch Voluntary Subscriptions
August (3)
Ze Gryndylows! My first #OWS :-)
Testing Fetchpoint exclusion zones
Fetchpoint scoring system
July (7)
Conquercise Prize Draw?
Fetch Games: Checkpoints (and what's wrong with them)
More owls...
Your Favourite Fetch Game?
Even More Utmost Than Before...
15 days later...
June (10)
Five days on...
A quick thank you...
What do you think?
If you'd be so kind...
Which watch?
Run Bedford 10k
Import from a TomTom
Attention TomTom users
May (10)
Race Distance poll
An ungainly fish
A five year plan
What Club La Santa can learn from parkrun
Cream Me Up, Scotty
Greetings from Club La Santa
And a quick poll...
Club Charter
A poll about intervals
More owls!
April (11)
Robin Hood and his Merry Dad :-)
Warning: Dull - some screen res stats
Responsive Design Update
For all you marathoners
A Poll
Ditching the forum categories?
Moving to Responsive Design
Sandy 10: Be Kind To Horses
For Adam and Jamie
March (11)
Bacon Smoke!
Benchmarks Update
Bath - Race Report
An annoying eight-year-old.
Let's Cook and Cut and Paste :-)
Let's Cook :-)
RIP Gramma
Book Winners
Dog farming
Site header update
February (5)
Book Giveaway
Pi Club
Pi Project Update
Because I'd like to check the blogging badges are working...
January (11)
Snooker Freak
Badges - Another Update
Unlockable Badges - Update
Unlockable Badges
TomTom Runner 2 Review
Gallery updates
Snowball coding and Fetch Unlockables!
Achievement Medals - what do you reckon?
Run The Sum
2015 Book List (and a bit of a review / plan)
Festive Fetch Calendar - Winners
2015 (175)
December (7)
Red Red Wine
A Poll
Gis a job!
Bedford Half
Vote for Fetch
Now you've hopefully got the idea...
November (13)
The Festive Fetch Calendar
Don't get excited or anything...
Slightly Dismal Friday
Pre-order your Fetch Buff now :-)
A message from our sponsor
Dr Fetch will see you now
Only the grumbliest, achiest chocolate... :-)
The Stanford Experiment
Buff Design
Snugs - Review
Love, Commitment, Support
The pre-wedding blog!
Good morning Fetchers, good morning Everyone
October (9)
Monthly Totals
Did you write a blog yesterday?
The First Rule of Web Server Maintenance
The gain line
The zipper challenge!
Sugar daddy
Now in colour!
Competition Time!!!
September (14)
Teach your kids (or yourself) to code
Sticky Training Choices
Goodies: GetMore water and the Alcatel OneTouch Watch
Shirt size guidelines
This nearly made it...
Subscriber Shirt Design
I've got wood!
New Beginnings
Some more questions answered
Some responses to your comments
Standing on the shoulders of Fetchies
August (8)
24 hours in the south
24 hours in the north
Fetchies Assemble!
Thank you
Better knowledge than riches
Fitbit Urge
The villainous Mr Fetch!
Uncomfortable rear
July (8)
Why don't you play Conquercise?
Another week of strange training
Book Giveaway - Winners
GPS Reviews
Criteria for reviewing a GPS
Auto-bike-detector :-)
Win some bookses :-)
Half Way!
June (13)
Time Lapse Clouds
TomTom Bandit - very QUICK first impressions
My wings are like a shield of steel!
Running plus Cycling update
Stalkers Paradise!
Recommend me a bike :-)
Holy Steamrollers Batman!
Rest day (no such thing)
We will now imitate the flight of a goose :-)
You made me ink! Snorkel safari :-)
Good morning from CLS :-)
May (10)
Club La Santa :-)
The AWESOME Power of Fetchies!
Home Insurance Shaftage :-/
Editing Forum Posts
The Future!
Some London Marathon stats
Walking On The Moon
Hardest parkrun?
New found wisdom
Week 1
April (11)
Marathon vLog
I owe some hugs!
And that concludes the voting from the Danish judges
Adventures in geocaching
Your video clips wanted!
Jelly with no spoons
Random Ultra
Suncream in my eyes - a review of 'Running and Stuff'
Books what I've read this year
Measuring the effect of wind
Wind Roses
March (18)
Watching the tide roll away
A great week of running!
Happy Jigs Wisdom!
Mobile Fetch
I don't do this very often...
Breathless Optimism
20 miles yesterday
This Week's vLog
Decision Trees and the sub-4!
Democracy Street
Mayan Maths
Bath Half (at last)
Still a chicken
Costume Drama in Bath
TomTom importing
Updated 'Train' page
February (29)
An Unexpected Journey
Wind picking up...
An unplanned kit alarm
Race Pace Test
2nd place
Week ends
Barking carrots
Bedroom pizza
Top of the mountain
Blogs get the mobile treatment
Supersonic Katie, and a marathon pace question
Back home
Racing parkrun ;-)
Unblocking the sink
Start in Darkness
Some times I'd like
Mobile Site - Forum Section
All-Time Leaderboards
Sword fighting
PB Attempts
Duct tape and WD40
Big Elephants Can Always Understand Small Elephants
Shoe horning
Training vLog Week 13
Big February Project
January (35)
Cake, invalidated
Small sips
LiRF, award shortlist, beginners, books, boy.
Dog Available :-)
New Recipe Section
Another threshold run
New Beginnings
But far more importantly...
Fetch Beginners Programme
Give it a go :-)
Training vLog - Week 11
Threshold Run (a running blog)
Long day, short blog
(Lack of) Pump Action
A thread to follow
This Boy Can
Local Leaderboards for Checkpoints
February 18th
The Travelling Checkpoint Salesman
Acorn Antiques
Bearing Up
Deleted Bridges and Dodgy Lasers
I'm Batman!
Healthy and Appy
Punch O'Clock!
The plan, then.
Ten mile toes
On Parliament
Bold Claims, and a Challenge for 2015
2014 (262)
December (9)
A trip to Wales (vLog)
Christmas Messages from Fetchies
FERC London Marathon Places - Draw
It's gone in my sock...
Festive Fetch Five
This Week's Training
To the Post Office!
Training vLog - Week 4
November (12)
I Am Groot!
Slightly Dismal Friday
Week 3 - in which I nearly drown my wife!
I said yes :-)
Free Daps! aka Test GORE-TEX® footwear this winter!
Training vLog - Week 2
More chances for VMLM entries
Marathon Talk
My first training vLog :-)
Second place?
In :-)
Questionnaire about personality traits amongst runners
October (16)
Adidas API
Horseplay minimiser
Running with the big dog
Flat and Windy
Who'd like to test the Garmin API then?
Advantage Borg
Milk Tray Reps in the Rain
Hatfield 5k, and some other running thoughts
Site layout changes
Vote for Training Plans
Maths help
September (8)
A quick device poll
Garmin Connect API
Cake at the lake :-)
Empowering Women
This Week's Training
Tick :-)
Article help
First outing with the Harriets
August (7)
Book club and Harriers
A treasure trove for bookish types
What I did on my Summer Holidays
Local decoration
The Fisher King
Mojitos and no mosquitos!
July (26)
James Mason
Missing Week
Camping View
Wild Camping
Transalpine Race
In brief
Urgent! Pair of runners wanted!
Fetch Kit Available to Pre-order :-)
Fetch Anniversary Kit - Preview
API and FAK!
That dog has a puffy tail
More books
Reverse Moses
Zombies vs Plants
Shovel required
Catcher in the Rye
My sister the psychologist
Drink your strong limey drink
Keep me in the loop
Bread knives, hedgehogs and the dog in the night time
June (34)
Checkpoints video
Happy boys and giggly imps
Spring loaded
Elbow grease
Fetch 10th Anniversary Kit
Fetch YouTube Tutorial - Race Guide
Finding the Library folder on a Mac
Sonic screwdriver
Live wires
Wiring help needed
Garmin Express Experiment
Scalded sloth
New Forum Layout
Further updates to the blog layout
New blog layout
First woodpecker
Beastin' parkrun
All was well
Marking Territory
The People's Poet Is Dead :-(
Holy Water
Throwing shapes
Life moves pretty fast
Recursion is beautiful
Win an OS Explorer / Landranger map of your choice
Intervals with a Suunto Ambit 2S
Economy done two ways
May (31)
Vorsprung Durch Lego Technic
How do I liberate my boy from his XBox?
Life in the Woods
Intervals with a TomTom
Tree fluff
More camping
Zen and Camping
Not eaten by bears
Bear food
Camping List
Camping Venn Diagrams
Floppy dog
Routes but not Rathbone
Illustrator wanted
The Cosmic Ballet Goes On
Silverstone 10k :-)
Quick one
Superhuman snooker
Chapter 1
April (29)
King Bin
Quiet day on Feedback Mountain
Go directly to parkrun. Do not pass Godzuki.
A day in Wales
The Lost Diadem of Fetchbook
Falling asleep in my dinner
God gave rock and roll to you.
Sugar Mule
Not bad, consid'rin.
Can U Dig It?
A weekend in Wales
Looking forward to Oliver!
Thank you, and more App talk
Pyjamas at both ends.
Thump. Saturday has started.
Sore tum :-/
Zombies aside... first impressions of the new TomTom
TomTom Runner Cardio Press Event
Am I pregnant?
March (31)
Cornflakes Cornflakes Cornflakes Cornflakes Cornflakes Cornflakes Cornflakes
Sandy 10
Me on YouTube
New graphs live
Follow the dot
Only the best for the Captain's table
Mrs Diahann Wagner is GOING HORNY
Sport Relief Win
Hot dogs, quick blogs
Toton Sidings
A sign!
Owen Farrell visualisation technique
Booster fails to ignite
Myton Rugby Run (5 Miler)
Rugby before rugby
Sweetcorn antidote
Custard factory
I did some intervals :-)
Speed work?
Many things
A bit cabbagey here.
Angry Wasp
Rainbow's End
Core Dump
Bath Half (in detail)
A quick overview
Down to business in Bath
February (28)
Made it to Bath
Unexpected hugs
I like to go a-wandering
Spring cleaning
Because We're Worth It
I don't know what!
Thanks Jim
Enough now
Clearing the pipes
Crouch, Touch, Pause...
Medication, that's what you need.
Symptom Tour
Hello FBI
Dazed day
Why I'm an optimist
Mobius birds
Snotty knuckles
In this house...
Retch Everyone
Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also
Angry Birds
Clarkson averse
Good day :-)
January (31)
*bunting* *cake*
Bigger Boys
Pretending to be Saga Norén
Waiting for the AA
Ship shape
Technology takes you further
Love Garden
High Heel Striker
Bit of a rubbish one
Hot Re-fills
Coding Grinch
An august prediction
Some Running Goals for Q1
Wipe-clean dog
Breaking it down
Snakes and Ladders
Bigger Ponds
Drink Your Weak Lemon Drink
All in All
Panning the pancake
Does JK Rowling own a dog?
Back to the kitchen table
Steve Davis shoes
Pigs on a water slide
19 books :-)
2013 (29)
December (3)
Engine Management Light
Hannibal Vector
November (3)
Speed skating
Cool Hand Grandpa
October (3)
Minecraft Cake
Random dump
September (2)
Blog by Email!
Catchup blah
August (3)
Big Green Caterpillar
Questions answered - final CLS blog
Last Days at Club La Santa
July (10)
A nice morning of swimming and tennis
Please Read: Questions for a sports coach
Hitting the straps
First Impressions at Club La Santa
Mile High Blog
Clocking off
For the second week running...
Another Club La Santa catchup
The Floor In The Plan
June (3)
Club La Santa
Bulk Uploading, and win a book
FERC Charities 2011-2012
March (1)
Bath Weekend
January (1)
Meet Steve
2012 (39)
December (2)
Tired Now Boss
Bath - Week 14 + Foodbank
November (3)
White Level Reading
Bath - Week 15
Bath - Week 16
October (2)
C'mon Dave
July (1)
RIP Arnie
June (2)
Rub some bacon on it
18 weeks
May (9)
Techy not tetchy
Time for a techy blog
Time to walk the dog
Stevington 12k
Properly coldy
Still a bit coldy
New blog design live
A bit coldy
Blogs Redesign
April (2)
March (8)
A long run up
Running Tick
Sport Relief Mile
Back once again
Swimming sweetcorn and other vegetables
Joy Rides, Sticks and Medals
Training Tip
February (9)
Katie, ICT, and some more MySQL
May The Ground Force Be With You
Well done Batman.
Optimisation Crossword
Snow Days
Gallery, and parkrun
January (1)
There Are Some Really Sexy Girls On Fetch

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