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Shakespeare Marathon

Listed by ToBaldlyGo
  • Rated 79%
  • 26.2mi
  • Road
Entrants (76)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
Alex B Rejected from FLM2009; I want to make this my sub 4 hour attempt for my second marathon. Bring it on!
*update* Managed a PB by 18 mins so very pleased, and that's despite forgetting to take my jelly babies!!
Fareham Crusaders
3:39:52 3:50:05 3:55:00 3:50:05 52.72
Alun Par Superstar Very happy with my first marathon and what a good day
3:53:43 4:19:00 4:15:00 4:19:00 46.62
Anna Finn
3:40:54 4:01:18 4:02:35 53.78
Baldy Dave Not racing just planning to get round in about 4 hours.Abingdon now my target marathon for the year.
3:21:37 3:38:43 3:59:59 3:58:07 53.52
Barky Why note :-)
Shelton Striders
3:35:57 3:41:45 3:45:00 3:41:45 56.97
3:58:49 4:00:15 4:00:15 55.08
3:59:32 3:59:32 5:05:05 5:22:36 37.35
Cant run, dont make me. M50+ cough
4:12:54 4:12:54 4:12:54 53.65
Bournville Harriers
3:34:00 4:02:55 4:02:55 53.54
MK Lakeside Runners
3:32:14 3:45:46 3:45:46 57.38
Bournville Harriers
3:20:36 4:02:56 4:02:56 49.60
Crash Hamster Accidental pB :o)
Pirate Ship Of Fools
3:29:11 3:47:34 3:47:34 55.52
4:19:17 4:19:17 4:19:17 49.58
daz1927 I want my sub-3:15!!!!!
Blew it :-(
Village Vipers
3:13:57 3:26:41 3:14:59 3:31:34 58.71
dockers Bit dissappointed wanted under 4 hours, but still fairly respectable
3:50:15 4:07:05 4:00:00 4:07:05 53.56
duncman VERY HOT!
3:55:32 3:55:32 3:55:32 51.16
eL Bee! Raced this
Quite pleased
Cumberland AC
2:59:43 2:59:43 3:29:00 2:59:43 69.70
Foxy didn't get a London place & Shakespeare is an ideal event as a final warm up for the 10 in 10 at Windermere. 

Running with Fetchie steady edwina. 

we had a good day, didn't make the sub 5 but got round in almost 5 hours 30, dressed as Elvis for the day & that's always a good laugh :) 

Met a few new Fetchies & El bee & velociraptor who are doing the 10 in 10. 

a lovely
100 Marathon Club, MK Lakeside Runners, Milton Keynes Lakeside Runners
3:09:27 3:09:27 5:00:00 5:30:15 36.49
Franky Hot Hot Hot
4:18:26 4:41:23 4:25:00 4:41:23 44.52
2:51:30 3:04:10 3:10:00 3:04:10 65.42
Gobi Paddock wood went ok but I still lack long runs - half way in around 1.20 and see what happens. I expect to fade.

Ran with Rach targetting 1.20 pace until the turnoff. Got her to 12 miles with no drama to me. 5th place at the split and could see 2nd. Caught 2nd at 15 miles and ran together until 18 where I dropped him up the hill. Unfortunately at 19.5 things started to go wrong as my left leg started to cramp 20-25 2 spasms and 3 stretch stops slowed me down. Hung on to finish a sore but content 2nd. I needed to know where I was and to be honest it not that bad.

30.12 - 31.09 - 30.46 - 31.27 - 32.38 - 7.52
Cannock & Stafford AC
2:38:57 2:40:25 2:45:00 2:44:01 73.95
2:44:00 3:15:00 3:25:00 3:20:07 60.34
hellen Dissapointed not to get sub 4 but it was too hot so gave up and decided to save myself for Edinburgh
100 Marathon Club, Barrow Runners
3:12:21 3:52:20 3:59:00 4:09:48 52.78
herbies gone bananas
3:18:28 3:18:28 3:35:47 55.84
ifor Just hope I can get round.
4:43:00 4:43:00 4:15:00 4:43:00 42.58
jayodee pb very good course _ very hot day!
Bournville Harriers
4:29:10 4:29:10 4:04:00 4:40:00 43.82
Jenni-far-far my first marathon. So delighted to have actually done it! Was relaxed and enjoyable until about 18 miles, then it started to get painful. plodded on at a reasonable pace, but those last couple of miles sure hurt! I did it - hoorah!
FERC, Chasewater Runners
4:21:00 4:43:46 4:43:46 48.09
3:58:43 3:58:43 4:29:00 4:10:00 51.98
3:09:59 3:09:59 3:09:59 63.42
jonotinx My first Marathon - chuffed to break 4 hours but found the last 4 miles or so hard going!
3:43:35 3:53:38 4:15:00 3:53:38 51.92
Joopsy 1st of 3 maras in 2 weeks
VEGAN RUNNERS UK, Witham Runners
6:02:00 4:35:33 5:00:00 4:53:12 41.37
Kallywag First marathon so I guess it'll be a PB.  Certainly too worried to make a prediction!  Great course, happy with first marathon :-)
Bude Rats
3:55:36 4:26:02 4:26:02 49.95
kenster Felt good and in control till the heat got the better of me on the last 10k.Really enjoyable course!
Cambuslang Harriers, Campbeltown Running Club
2:29:49 2:53:31 3:07:09 64.38
KoughKandi Entered 23/12/08. First marathon.*UPDATE, ran on injured hip*
4:25:09 4:25:09 5:22:37 42.88
lady alton This will be my second marathon, first was FLM in 08 when I was happy just to get round with a run walk strategy.  would like to be under 5 hours this time but not holding my breath at all!
Collingwood AC
3:43:25 4:51:33 5:00:00 4:54:26 48.55
LambChop Hoping to PB. Will be running with Beast for a large portion, he is going to blow his PB out of the water so your spondoolies have never been safer there!!
Hermitage Harriers RC
4:52:20 4:56:38 4:55:00 4:56:38 44.07
LateStart Really pleased with this result!
3:48:21 3:48:21 3:59:59 3:48:21 55.81
March AC
3:06:45 3:56:35 3:56:35 56.42
Liverbird Not a bad guess methinks!
Pirate Ship Of Fools
4:55:56 4:55:56 4:55:00 4:55:56 44.56
Long Shanks
Wellingborough & District AC
3:40:49 3:40:49 3:35:00 3:40:49 55.31
2:51:28 3:57:33 3:57:33 58.74
MJT_09 Signed up all the way back in October! Tis my first marathon and im absolutely buzzin, just 3 days after my 20th birthday too :)... Going for below 4 hours if I can as I did a good half-mara in 1h42mins.. so I think it's possible. We'll see though!
3:53:51 3:53:51 3:59:00 3:53:51 51.94
morganpeet First Marathon and probably last!!  Lovely course, beautiful weather and would recommend it to anyone.  Found the last 6 miles hard and probably the longest 6 miles of my life.  Quite pleased with the time considering the problems with my knee and lack of running in the last 3 weeks.
4:20:37 4:20:37 4:20:37 51.47
Mr Guy
3:36:23 3:43:41 3:50:12 52.34
Mr UE ok, so I haven't overtrained, mainly a little undercooked but that maybe a good thing.  Anything can happen on the day but I really want a sub 4-hour pb.  ONly other marathon completed (FLM 07) was a disappointing 5hr 6 mins so I have some unfinished business with marathons.....we'll see.....
 RESULT.........lovely race, i rolled out some consistent miles at just over 8.30 pace.....no real wall problems which was a pleasant surprise..very friendly runners and excellent drinks stations, views are great too if you have time to look !  I cratwheeled at a 3.45 finish, a full 1hr 20 minutes quicker than my 2007 FLM disaster...oh yes
3:30:04 3:41:38 3:50:00 3:45:51 54.08
ms croft
Ranelagh Harriers
3:21:41 3:28:35 3:20:00 3:30:00 62.25
Naomi P Probably not racing this one, just don't really want to be in London on the day of FLM so will use this as a nice social training run. *Update* Oops, really wasn't going to race this - haven't tapered, did 2 hard speed sessions this week, got very drunk twice, was running as Lara Croft complete with guns, grenades and leg holsters, but got carried away and enjoyed running it hard. Hit the wall at mile 17, had a bit of a walk and a drink (of lucozade sport, nothing stronger), got a second wind, motored down the wonderful Greenway and got very close to my PB :-)
3:28:37 3:38:59 4:15:00 3:43:45 58.03
Neal S
3:42:49 3:42:49 3:42:49 54.08
100 Marathon Club, South London Harriers
3:10:24 3:10:24 3:10:00 3:11:21 64.91
PaulaMc My second marathon.  First was FLM 08 in 5.11.24.  I'd like to do sub 4.30 cos I know I can.
Update: nearly pulled out at mile 17, felt sick and dizzy.  Walked a lot.  Didn't get 4.30 but still a 14min PB.
4:21:03 4:57:42 4:30:00 4:57:42 45.29
Hatch Warren Runners
3:07:05 4:02:47 4:02:47 49.63
Wye Valley Runners
3:34:36 3:44:02 3:44:02 55.91
rhb Ambitious target... :) (updated) made to look quite easy! :)
Chorlton Runners
2:59:07 3:04:37 3:15:00 3:04:37 65.27
Rob Runner Ran Blackpool hard two weeks ago for 3:14 and London qualification. Looking to enjoy this one instead of busting a gut!!  UPDATE: Changed race plan after good start at getting to half way in 1:33. Second half was tough though, with the heat and the gruelling and lonely
Didcot Runners
3:09:35 3:14:04 3:30:00 3:17:54 63.30
rockin rory Nice marathon to run.  The start was gridlocked otherwise a well organised event. Plenty of water stations and well marshalled.
3:40:00 3:47:37 4:05:00 3:47:37 59.06
Southwest Roadrunners
3:50:57 3:55:21 3:55:21 51.54
run-forest-run My first marathon ! Always wanted to run one, now 40 so hell why not ! Unsure of what to expect, but really looking forward to it. I have 2 plans for my first marathon, the first is to get round alive ! and the second is to get round alive !
Good luck to all you fetch runners out there....See you at Stratford.
Ivanhoe Runners, Peel Road Runners, South Derbyshire Road Runners AC
3:01:41 4:06:47 4:15:00 4:20:00 47.37
Massey Ferguson RC
3:44:55 4:05:37 4:20:00 46.34
3:22:07 5:12:00 5:12:00 41.61
3:17:17 3:50:34 3:39:59 4:22:51 45.84
Southwest Roadrunners
3:17:49 3:17:49 3:17:49 62.26
Maverick Runners
4:24:02 4:37:13 4:58:50 49.28
South Cheshire Harriers
4:09:33 4:09:33 4:09:33 51.51
Southwales22 Not sure why ive got it into my head to do another mara after being so blatent about not doing one this year, will just see how it goes on the day...
4:01:12 4:53:56 5:00:00 4:53:56 44.23
stacky Pb but just could not get under 3.30,the greenway section on 2nd lap made sure off that,then at 25 slight ascent on main rd seen it slip away,no complaints about organisation superb,bottles of water and luco sport plentiful,good medal no tshirt ,no goody bag,hope i get in london next year as could not face greenway again.
Dunstable RRC, Boxfit Tri Club
3:26:32 3:27:53 3:29:00 3:30:38 62.12
Steady Edina
The Prestwich Plodders
5:30:14 5:30:14 5:00:00 5:30:14 40.42
100 Marathon Club
3:40:08 3:53:22 3:54:13 54.89
100 Marathon Club, Roadhoggs Leicester AC
3:42:12 3:40:41 4:00:00 3:47:40 59.59
3:24:08 3:29:35 3:30:00 3:52:39 56.74
Tatty Bogle Target is 4.30. My ultimate aim is sub-4, but maybe I'll do that next time.

A massive PB, really pleased. Wanted to go faster but it was so hot! Ran all the way too. :)
Trentham RC
4:52:21 4:52:21 4:22:00 4:52:21 44.49
the hickmanator
Dudley Kingswinford RC
3:23:17 3:45:58 4:20:00 3:56:37 55.30
Tiggers mate Roo Started off well, and relaxed but went to pot after c 10ml.  Horrid cramps in last 6ml every time I tried to pick up the pace. Very disappointed
Sparkhill Harriers
3:08:05 3:41:30 3:46:35 67.30
Trapper Last 4 miles lost the plot a bit - need to be more positive.  Yes hot, yes lost a bit of training - but need to work at the mind games a bit harder next time.
4:02:32 4:02:32 3:59:59 4:02:32 50.78
Trevtherev5 Chip time was 4H 42M 26S - the first 13 miles was completed in 2 hours and I knew that the 2nd course was going to be punishing!!! The sun blazed down for the majority of the afternoon & I finally had to go to the loo after 18 miles - this affected my running as I never got back into the rhythm that I had built up to that stage!  The last 7 miles was agony, especially the greenway/gravel track(?) but I didn't slow down to walking pace as I wouldn't have had the energy to start up again!  Thighs were burning at this stage and I had cramp during the last mile before stepping up the pace with a sprint finish to the line for a PB - wo hoo!!! 

Support around the course was amazing & encouraging - even the cheerleaders!!!!  

Full respect to all fetch finishers - I might get the tee-shirt, Jenny-Far-Far who I passed before the final corner for encouraging me, Foxy Davy & Edwina - ah ha hum!!!! and anyone else who finished after 04H 43M 44.  I stayed for another hour+ at the line cheering & clapping all the runners home with Philippa my finance (I was in the red/navy blue tracksuit on the right hand side just after the finishing line!!!!!

I saw Phil & Mick cross the line - brilliant!!! Got a chance to speak to the family after the race - so humble!!!!!
4:43:44 4:43:44 4:45:26 4:43:44 44.15
Velociraptor I can't even begin to tell you how much better than London this race is :) 
A good one for me - paced it reasonably well (including a negative split), squashed some ferocious gremlins, and came away with a 7-minute PB.
Cumberland AC
3:36:39 3:36:39 3:40:00 3:36:39 63.85
Vi Ninety Day Challenge
Burton AC
5:54:34 5:54:34 5:54:34 34.05

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