Settled into our lovely B&B in Bath, overlooking the rugby ground. Full of delicious cheeseburger from one of the local gastropubs. It turns out I have no peripheral vision. Looking forward to a lazy day drinking coffee, eating pasties, and mooching tomorrow.
Spoke to my boy - he got star of the week for his timeline homework
Set him up with an email address and we've been trading nose-picking pics
Finished reading 'The Second Coming' - it was a lot of fun, and worth a look if you fancy the sound of it - although I would have liked a *slightly* different ending - seemed like one story was sort of abandoned.
That's 4 books in 2 months (England's Lane, The Lost World and American Rust beforehand), so I'm on track for 24 in the year, but I've just picked up the 900 page 'Gravity's Rainbow', so that's gonna take some doing
Spoke to my boy - he got star of the week for his timeline homework

Finished reading 'The Second Coming' - it was a lot of fun, and worth a look if you fancy the sound of it - although I would have liked a *slightly* different ending - seemed like one story was sort of abandoned.
That's 4 books in 2 months (England's Lane, The Lost World and American Rust beforehand), so I'm on track for 24 in the year, but I've just picked up the 900 page 'Gravity's Rainbow', so that's gonna take some doing

Today I did the mail out of the 'Training Plan' article, as you might have seen (please share, vote, all that stuff, ta), and then did some stats aiming to extend the 'half to marathon" prediction work that I did last year, to look at other distances. Riegel's ^1.06 power curve only really seems to work in the 5k to 10k range (for most of us). Further than that and it gets a fair bit steeper. Having fun with the numbers - article at some point
I once worked with a lovely Indian guy who declared with a smile that we were all making excellent progress. He clarified this by explaining that there was only an hour until home time.
Didn't get round to running today. It was lovely all day, but then in the time when I thought about running, it went hail crazy. In truth, I wasn't too bothered, but Katie and I will definitely get out tomorrow to assess where we both are. With everything very much crossed, I think I still have the chance of a PB on Sunday. The wind will be coming from Bristol, so I shall breathe it in as I run towards it, and enjoy it at my back on the return part of the course.
Missing the boy this evening, but I'm already thinking about some more music to try him on - I'm thinking a bit of Nirvana. Just need to find a film where they use it in the soundtrack.
Some great cwching from t'wife to help me through it, and an unexpected but very welcome hug from youngest step-boy
Tomorrow is going to need a list. Hopefully kicking off an exciting co-operation project, but can't say too much about that just yet.

I once worked with a lovely Indian guy who declared with a smile that we were all making excellent progress. He clarified this by explaining that there was only an hour until home time.
Didn't get round to running today. It was lovely all day, but then in the time when I thought about running, it went hail crazy. In truth, I wasn't too bothered, but Katie and I will definitely get out tomorrow to assess where we both are. With everything very much crossed, I think I still have the chance of a PB on Sunday. The wind will be coming from Bristol, so I shall breathe it in as I run towards it, and enjoy it at my back on the return part of the course.
Missing the boy this evening, but I'm already thinking about some more music to try him on - I'm thinking a bit of Nirvana. Just need to find a film where they use it in the soundtrack.
Some great cwching from t'wife to help me through it, and an unexpected but very welcome hug from youngest step-boy

Tomorrow is going to need a list. Hopefully kicking off an exciting co-operation project, but can't say too much about that just yet.

Everyone needs a little cwching and hugs.Wazelle the Gazelle10:48pm, 27th Feb 2014
Hugs are goodnorthernslowcoach11:06pm, 27th Feb 2014
Don't force it on him, Punk's all about doing what your parents hate, remember?!Angus Clydesdale
Nirvana is great music - and don't forget subsequent stuff like Foo Fighters and Me First & The Gimme Gimmes (to name but a couple of commercial scions). Maybe try Snowboarding/Skating games where it's on the soundtrack (I suspect films with Nirvana on soundtrack are going to be 18s). Tony Hawks stuff?11:57pm, 27th Feb 2014 -
And of course, don't forget the importance of hugs!Angus Clydesdale11:59pm, 27th Feb 2014
Fun with numbers? Bring itGregP
Although if you're not careful I'll send you my latest set of spreadsheets.
7:07am, 28th Feb 2014 -
Can't beat a good hug xxSarahWoo8:41am, 28th Feb 2014
"exciting co-operation project" ...Sounds interesting.Ness5:08pm, 28th Feb 2014
I felt like I'd been beaten up with a shovel when I got out of bed this morning - but not because of any illness (hooray), but probably because I'm not used to running. But it soon passed, and I feel like I'm nearly back to top form. No run today, but I'll give it another tester tomorrow. Just need to get Katie there now, but come what may, we'll have a nice weekend in Bath. To echo Katie's blog, I'd highly recommend this place: 77pulteneyst.co.uk
By now you might have seen that the 'New Notifications' linky at the top of the page is now behaving a little bit differently - instead of loading a whole new page with a list of your notifications, it slides open, meaning that you should have less of a wait to see it. Generally you folks seem to like it
Picked the boy up from school today, and they had "open books" day, where parents could see the work that the kids were doing. He and I spent a nice ten minutes looking through his stuff - all the things he can never remember when I ask him "what did you do today?". Generally he's doing good, but it was a bit annoying to see that the teacher had written "where [sic] you concentrating on this?" on one of his pieces of work - and that wasn't the only example.
After that, he had karate - and today they were practising various kicks, along with the speed drills that they seem to do every time. His hands are getting blurrier every time I watch. I've learnt the correct way to tie a karate belt too
Then it was a quick change in the car, and off to cubs. This evening they were designing bridges made out of paperclips and straws etc - I've got a cool blueprint for my fridge. He also came back with a self-published "Diary of Funny Things", which he's aiming to fill up, inspired I think by 'The Bunny Suicides'.
Still enjoying The Second Coming - it's a similar style to some of the Ben Elton books I've read in the past, and there's some chillingly accurate characterisation of real-world figures
Must remember to take a second book with me this weekend, as I'm sure to finish it.
Hold the phone - I've just had it confirmed that I have two places to give away at each of the following races:
Great Ireland Run 6 April
Great Edinburgh Run 27 April
Great Women's Run 11 May
Great Manchester Run 18 May
Great Trail Challenge 1 June
Great North 10K 13 July
Great North Run 7 September
Great Yorkshire Run 28 September
Great Scottish Run 5 October
Great Birmingham Run 19 October
Great South Run 26 October
More news on that soon
By now you might have seen that the 'New Notifications' linky at the top of the page is now behaving a little bit differently - instead of loading a whole new page with a list of your notifications, it slides open, meaning that you should have less of a wait to see it. Generally you folks seem to like it

Picked the boy up from school today, and they had "open books" day, where parents could see the work that the kids were doing. He and I spent a nice ten minutes looking through his stuff - all the things he can never remember when I ask him "what did you do today?". Generally he's doing good, but it was a bit annoying to see that the teacher had written "where [sic] you concentrating on this?" on one of his pieces of work - and that wasn't the only example.
After that, he had karate - and today they were practising various kicks, along with the speed drills that they seem to do every time. His hands are getting blurrier every time I watch. I've learnt the correct way to tie a karate belt too

Then it was a quick change in the car, and off to cubs. This evening they were designing bridges made out of paperclips and straws etc - I've got a cool blueprint for my fridge. He also came back with a self-published "Diary of Funny Things", which he's aiming to fill up, inspired I think by 'The Bunny Suicides'.
Still enjoying The Second Coming - it's a similar style to some of the Ben Elton books I've read in the past, and there's some chillingly accurate characterisation of real-world figures

Hold the phone - I've just had it confirmed that I have two places to give away at each of the following races:
Great Ireland Run 6 April
Great Edinburgh Run 27 April
Great Women's Run 11 May
Great Manchester Run 18 May
Great Trail Challenge 1 June
Great North 10K 13 July
Great North Run 7 September
Great Yorkshire Run 28 September
Great Scottish Run 5 October
Great Birmingham Run 19 October
Great South Run 26 October
More news on that soon

Is there a theme to these races ?minardi
love the slidey thing
10:11pm, 26th Feb 2014 -
I do not want to win a place in the Great Women's Run (Queen Victoria, Mrs Pankhurst, Madame Curie, etc)McGoohan10:20pm, 26th Feb 2014
Like the notifications enhancement - nice work boyoSeratonin10:39pm, 26th Feb 2014
Can I have the Great Scottish one pleaseIrontubs10:42pm, 26th Feb 2014
How very Tony the Tiger...they're grrrrrrrreeeeaaaat!Lalli11:33pm, 26th Feb 2014
I once had to have words with a teacher who, amongst a number of other careless comments, had written, *Make sure you write in* missing out the word *sentence*GimmeMedals5:29am, 27th Feb 2014
Doh - I lost the s....GimmeMedals5:29am, 27th Feb 2014
That is a great list of races.Ness6:31am, 27th Feb 2014
That is a fantastic set of races. Competition time I think.....hang on, SEXISM!!! Where's the great MAN's run?Ocelot Spleens8:53am, 27th Feb 2014
We are about to have a run-in with the P1 teacher at school, whose spelling is about on a par with her pupils! Nice race list (don't fancy them though, too busy for my taste) and IAngus Clydesdale
the slidey noti button. A good day's work, no?
9:41am, 27th Feb 2014 -
That's Great. You're just hoovering up freebies and prizes at the moment. As a sort of partial marketing professional / academic interest, do you solicit these things, are they unsolicited offerings or is it related to the great NatMag-Rodale / RW connection? :-)GHappyG(rrr)10:19am, 27th Feb 2014
Sometimes I get cheeky, sometimes I get offeredfetcheveryone10:20am, 27th Feb 2014
I really feel that teachers should be able to spell and punctuateforest plodder12:26pm, 27th Feb 2014
I only went and ran today
14 days after my last 'convincing' run (following a very ugly effort on day 7), I finally made it out for a run that felt ok. A bit more 'productive' than I'd like, but it's SUCH a relief. There's that magic moment where you realise your mind has wandered, and you know you've reached the special place.
Big-ups and hollah's to everyone who's stuck in a non-running hell at the moment. It'll come, and it'll feel great when it does.
Today's other news:
500GB of unclaimed space found on server
Gallery allowance raised from 10MB to 25MB per person
Button for deleting endless route lists added.
Katie's iced ginger sponge is pure filth.
Previous item was not a euphemism
Blog every day in March for a chance to win the Ira Rainey book
That there blog by equestrienne is worth a read
*and finally*
If the dog wakes me up at 5.30 again, I'm going to mount his head over the fireplace.

14 days after my last 'convincing' run (following a very ugly effort on day 7), I finally made it out for a run that felt ok. A bit more 'productive' than I'd like, but it's SUCH a relief. There's that magic moment where you realise your mind has wandered, and you know you've reached the special place.
Big-ups and hollah's to everyone who's stuck in a non-running hell at the moment. It'll come, and it'll feel great when it does.
Today's other news:
500GB of unclaimed space found on server

Gallery allowance raised from 10MB to 25MB per person
Button for deleting endless route lists added.
Katie's iced ginger sponge is pure filth.
Previous item was not a euphemism
Blog every day in March for a chance to win the Ira Rainey book
That there blog by equestrienne is worth a read
*and finally*
If the dog wakes me up at 5.30 again, I'm going to mount his head over the fireplace.

hurrah for a run *bong*northernslowcoach9:47pm, 25th Feb 2014
I've deleted my route lists except ofr the ones I've decided to keep. Good news on the increase in Gallery allowance - I'm sure it will be well used. I hope Dog has read your blog to avoid becoming a talking point on your feature wall.GimmeMedals9:48pm, 25th Feb 2014
No, not StevenFizz :-)
we'll take him off your hands.
9:50pm, 25th Feb 2014 -
ooo - more space for picciesbigleggy10:07pm, 25th Feb 2014
mine is waking up early too... not sure if its the rabbits waving at her through the window who are at faultD210:23pm, 25th Feb 2014
Erm... if I delete my enormous routes list will it adversely affect my Conquercising? But ta for the increased gallery space. What have you unleashed. Oh dear, what have you unleashed.McGoohan11:29pm, 25th Feb 2014
Yeah! For more gallery space. Good job you don't reside in the Ness household. I get up at a quarter to five for my morning training runs! :oNess6:28am, 26th Feb 2014
You can be arrested for mounting the dog under the 2003 Sexual Offences Act. Just saying, like.GregP6:51am, 26th Feb 2014
*bong*fleecy7:33am, 26th Feb 2014
I don't need a dog to wake me up early...my brain does that too well at the moment.Garfield9:01am, 26th Feb 2014
*gong*? No? Just putting it out there. Good work that man.Iron_Mum9:11am, 26th Feb 2014
Oh *bonjour* Dahling.KatieB10:41am, 26th Feb 2014
i am going to harness that mind wandering moment, and use it as the benchmark of success that merits a good run! thanks....MazH10:52am, 26th Feb 2014
Thanks for the 25MB *bong* *gong*HappyG(rrr)
1:13pm, 26th Feb 2014 -
25MB? Bonza! Worth more than a bit coin.Watford Wobble9:51pm, 26th Feb 2014
Damn auto correct 'bitcoin'.Watford Wobble9:52pm, 26th Feb 2014
Illness update: improving again, still a bit of a wheeze. I'll hopefully run tomorrow and assess the situation. Whatever the outcome, still a nice weekend in Bath to look forward to.
I forgot to mention that one of my favourite bits from the weekend was driving around with the boy listening to the soundtrack from School of Rock. We've got quite a few movie soundtracks now, and it seems like a great way to give him an eclectic view of music. Made me want to investigate some Led Zeppelin and Cream too
I got an email from the web server provider yesterday to say that one of our partitions was up to 90% utilisation, so I've spent a fair bit of time today just working on housekeeping. Fortunately there were some easy wins, with log files and mail files that could be wiped, and some *very* old backups (2007).
I've started reading The Second Coming, and it's making me giggle. God (who swears like a wounded pirate) has been on a fishing trip, leaving Renaissance Earth ticking along nicely. He returns a week later (in heaven time) and its 2011, and the world is in a right state.
I forgot to mention that one of my favourite bits from the weekend was driving around with the boy listening to the soundtrack from School of Rock. We've got quite a few movie soundtracks now, and it seems like a great way to give him an eclectic view of music. Made me want to investigate some Led Zeppelin and Cream too

I got an email from the web server provider yesterday to say that one of our partitions was up to 90% utilisation, so I've spent a fair bit of time today just working on housekeeping. Fortunately there were some easy wins, with log files and mail files that could be wiped, and some *very* old backups (2007).
I've started reading The Second Coming, and it's making me giggle. God (who swears like a wounded pirate) has been on a fishing trip, leaving Renaissance Earth ticking along nicely. He returns a week later (in heaven time) and its 2011, and the world is in a right state.

I hope you are both recovered enough to at least enjoy Bath even if a PB attempt has to be shelved for the time being xMrs Jigs (Luverlylegs)10:36pm, 24th Feb 2014
TSC sounds interesting.Lalli8:52am, 25th Feb 2014
You're my Richard and Judy (HappyG(rrr)
) - that's another fun sounding book to read! I've deleted all my routes. Hope that's helped with tidy ups. :-)G
2:31pm, 25th Feb 2014 -
Be careful when deleting back-ups, my personal tidying went horribly wrong. I've cleared a few routes though.Fizz :-)7:59pm, 25th Feb 2014
Illness update: on the mend, still got a bit of a cronkety cough, but I think the battle for creative control of my lungs has been won
Got my micro-lie-in this morning (7.45), and the boy seems to have recovered completely from xbox sadness, and they're all back to making up games with complicated rules that never quite get finished.
We went to Bramcote Park with the dog and a rugby ball and ran around for an hour. Stephen met two Alsatians that tired him out in a tongue-lolling fashion.
The swimming was ditched in favour of a lazy afternoon, but I did get the boy to make a banana loaf with me, using the new scales and electric whisk I got for Christmas. He's got the rest of it to carve up for his packed lunches.
Dropped him off
then back to see my lovely
but tired
Nearly finished American Rust - heading for an exciting finish! Then I'm not sure what to go for. Might choose books at random from the pile until I agree

Got my micro-lie-in this morning (7.45), and the boy seems to have recovered completely from xbox sadness, and they're all back to making up games with complicated rules that never quite get finished.
We went to Bramcote Park with the dog and a rugby ball and ran around for an hour. Stephen met two Alsatians that tired him out in a tongue-lolling fashion.
The swimming was ditched in favour of a lazy afternoon, but I did get the boy to make a banana loaf with me, using the new scales and electric whisk I got for Christmas. He's got the rest of it to carve up for his packed lunches.
Dropped him off

Nearly finished American Rust - heading for an exciting finish! Then I'm not sure what to go for. Might choose books at random from the pile until I agree

The :-)s definitely have itIron_Mum10:16pm, 23rd Feb 2014
Do you have a lot of debates with yourself? I sometimes give myself a shortlist of 6 DVDs, then choose one, change my mind, put another one in and then give up half way through. Glad you're feeling better btw. :-)GHappyG(rrr)4:44pm, 24th Feb 2014
Another day done. Still got a cough, and it's left me with a bit of a sore throat now that we're at the end of the day. Medicating with hot chocolate.
Another early start with the boy rising at 7.10. I don't know what's happened to his 8am waking - but with three late nights and two early mornings under his belt, I'm eternally optimistic of a micro-lie-in tomorrow morning.
Took him to karate - he's made some nice progress since the last time I got to take him - they're practicing grappling and pinning and escaping now; and he's moved from the class where he was one of the oldest to one where he's one of the youngest.
We called in at Asda on our way back home, and found a can of hairspray (Asda Value Hairspray - 37p - because we're worth it!), a piezo grill lighter (about a quid), for the spud gun, and a book for the boy.
The grill lighter came apart easily, and inside there are two wires, the ends of which are held in proximity to each other by the casing. We drilled two little holes in our combustion chamber and screwed in two screws, angling them so that the pointy tips were just a few mm apart. Then all we needed to do was wrap the two wires around the screws, then duct tape the firing button to the outside of the pipe.
It was working very well, and I'd run out of excuses - it was time to test fire it. I made the boy watch from the window, and told him I loved him (just in case), and went to the bottom of the garden to fill the chamber with hairspray. The book is cautious about the amount to use, so I didn't go OTT. I squirted some in, jammed the cap on quickly, aimed it in the vague direction of nobody we know, and clicked the firing button. Nothing
Several more attempts went the same way, and then the mechanism of the igniter, free from its protective casing, decided to disintegrate. End of play :-/
We did a few more experiments, squirting the hair spray into an empty tin can, and lobbing a match in, just to verify that the spray would sustain a flame - and that worked - so we still satisfied some basic pyromania urges. It does look like the spray is heavier than air, which might influence the way we fill the chamber up, and how it's positioned when we try to set it off. Back to ebay to find a sturdier sparking mechanism now, and we'll regroup next week. We demand satisfaction!
The boy experienced the wrong end (is there a right end?) of some exclusion / ganging up tactics on Xbox this evening. Tried to encourage him not to retaliate, but to carry on trying to treat people the way he'd like to be treated (whilst I calmed myself with some imaginary punching of the protagonists). We took the dog out for an empty-by-torchlight, which was nice and took his mind off things. Y3 seems to be a big year socially.
Tomorrow we're planning to take dog and rugby ball (it's a full size one, so hopefully too big for him to get his jaws around before legging it) to the local park, then we'll do some swimming at the leisure centre, and then sit in the cafe upstairs and share some chips with tomato sauce.
Another early start with the boy rising at 7.10. I don't know what's happened to his 8am waking - but with three late nights and two early mornings under his belt, I'm eternally optimistic of a micro-lie-in tomorrow morning.
Took him to karate - he's made some nice progress since the last time I got to take him - they're practicing grappling and pinning and escaping now; and he's moved from the class where he was one of the oldest to one where he's one of the youngest.
We called in at Asda on our way back home, and found a can of hairspray (Asda Value Hairspray - 37p - because we're worth it!), a piezo grill lighter (about a quid), for the spud gun, and a book for the boy.
The grill lighter came apart easily, and inside there are two wires, the ends of which are held in proximity to each other by the casing. We drilled two little holes in our combustion chamber and screwed in two screws, angling them so that the pointy tips were just a few mm apart. Then all we needed to do was wrap the two wires around the screws, then duct tape the firing button to the outside of the pipe.
It was working very well, and I'd run out of excuses - it was time to test fire it. I made the boy watch from the window, and told him I loved him (just in case), and went to the bottom of the garden to fill the chamber with hairspray. The book is cautious about the amount to use, so I didn't go OTT. I squirted some in, jammed the cap on quickly, aimed it in the vague direction of nobody we know, and clicked the firing button. Nothing

Several more attempts went the same way, and then the mechanism of the igniter, free from its protective casing, decided to disintegrate. End of play :-/
We did a few more experiments, squirting the hair spray into an empty tin can, and lobbing a match in, just to verify that the spray would sustain a flame - and that worked - so we still satisfied some basic pyromania urges. It does look like the spray is heavier than air, which might influence the way we fill the chamber up, and how it's positioned when we try to set it off. Back to ebay to find a sturdier sparking mechanism now, and we'll regroup next week. We demand satisfaction!
The boy experienced the wrong end (is there a right end?) of some exclusion / ganging up tactics on Xbox this evening. Tried to encourage him not to retaliate, but to carry on trying to treat people the way he'd like to be treated (whilst I calmed myself with some imaginary punching of the protagonists). We took the dog out for an empty-by-torchlight, which was nice and took his mind off things. Y3 seems to be a big year socially.
Tomorrow we're planning to take dog and rugby ball (it's a full size one, so hopefully too big for him to get his jaws around before legging it) to the local park, then we'll do some swimming at the leisure centre, and then sit in the cafe upstairs and share some chips with tomato sauce.

Where i come from a spud gun is basically some kids by the side of the road throwing potatoes at passing busesMcGoohan8:22am, 23rd Feb 2014
Lynx deodorant also works well in a spud gun... We did have a lot of failures before getting the propellant / air ratio right. Awesome fun when they go!MrsVanoord8:31am, 23rd Feb 2014
Your son is very lucky. What a fun Dad.Wazelle the Gazelle8:57am, 23rd Feb 2014
I think I want to make a spud gun too.Ness8:58am, 23rd Feb 2014
Your hair's looking great: what's your secret?fleecy9:30am, 23rd Feb 2014
The spudgun is progressing, slowly.
I spent about £25 on plumbing parts today (that's nearly *all* my pocket money!), and found a plumbers merchants that actually have a proper stock room (they let me in). They smiled, but didn't seem shocked as I explained what I needed. It's made me wonder whether I could be a plumber one day (if I can work on my cleavage). I've always thought that being an electrician would be better. If you get it wrong, it's just dark, whereas if you get plumbing wrong, it's wet. And if you get it really wrong when you're an electrician, it's over quickly.
The boy and I watched The Hunger Games this evening - I've seen it quite a few times, so I could tell him when the gruesome parts were coming. He did pretty well with it, although the first half had quite a lot of pause/explain moments.
Got him to bed, and watched the rugby, fully prepared to fast forward through the gruesome bits. If the media representation of what goes on inside the team is accurate, then it was quite clear to see that a lot of them were playing like their lives depended on it. Gethin Jenkins deserved man of the match, he was everywhere on the pitch. Except for his up-and-under, lol. My parents have fed him. They said he's very quiet. Love watching Wales. Hoping for an England win tomorrow (you heard it Katie), but only by one point, and with some tournament-ending injuries to anyone who plays well. If we beat England, and France can have their one moment of 'I don't know what' against Ireland, then it's still on!
A bit more progress on the chestiness score tonight please. I've had a bloody gutsful.
I spent about £25 on plumbing parts today (that's nearly *all* my pocket money!), and found a plumbers merchants that actually have a proper stock room (they let me in). They smiled, but didn't seem shocked as I explained what I needed. It's made me wonder whether I could be a plumber one day (if I can work on my cleavage). I've always thought that being an electrician would be better. If you get it wrong, it's just dark, whereas if you get plumbing wrong, it's wet. And if you get it really wrong when you're an electrician, it's over quickly.
The boy and I watched The Hunger Games this evening - I've seen it quite a few times, so I could tell him when the gruesome parts were coming. He did pretty well with it, although the first half had quite a lot of pause/explain moments.
Got him to bed, and watched the rugby, fully prepared to fast forward through the gruesome bits. If the media representation of what goes on inside the team is accurate, then it was quite clear to see that a lot of them were playing like their lives depended on it. Gethin Jenkins deserved man of the match, he was everywhere on the pitch. Except for his up-and-under, lol. My parents have fed him. They said he's very quiet. Love watching Wales. Hoping for an England win tomorrow (you heard it Katie), but only by one point, and with some tournament-ending injuries to anyone who plays well. If we beat England, and France can have their one moment of 'I don't know what' against Ireland, then it's still on!
A bit more progress on the chestiness score tonight please. I've had a bloody gutsful.

Cutting it fine - 6 mins to goMcGoohan11:55pm, 21st Feb 2014
Sometimes knowing when its coming to a gruesome scene is worse you know its coming and when it does it scares you more. Well it did with me watching Carrie years ago (not the recent version)Night-owl12:09am, 22nd Feb 2014
My Dad was an electrician. When he got it wrong, it cured his arthritis for a good week.quimby12:15am, 22nd Feb 2014
Plumbing is just water, electrics is science and can kill you. Don't ever put them togetherDiogenes12:17am, 22nd Feb 2014
Good that you are turning the corner in the battle against the phlegm.. Hopefully it will get a bit better everydayWazelle the Gazelle7:39am, 22nd Feb 2014
only just saved the sock!D210:12am, 22nd Feb 2014
I think I once heard that if you stand in a bucket of water and poke wire coat hanger into a socket it clears your chest of snot stuff.runnerbean12:00pm, 22nd Feb 2014
I've seen your cleavage, your _)_) doesn't look too bad from what I remember.Ted7:15pm, 22nd Feb 2014
Photos of spud gun progress pleasenorthernslowcoach8:12pm, 22nd Feb 2014
So very tired this evening, this will probably be a short one.
Up at 6.45 to make it north to see my boy. The early part of the morning was spent with him showing me his new Lego Movie game for Xbox, which he's enjoying a lot. Then I introduced him to Stephen's new stick-chasing game, which we also had fun with.
Back for lunch, and then we picked a plumbers merchants in Long Eaton to find the pipes we needed - and they looked at us like we were asking for the most unlikely items. Luckily I also texted our local plumber Jim, and he called me to say that he'd give me some off-cuts of pipe, if we promise to point our spud gun away from the houses
I still have to find the 3" to 2" reducer, some PVC cement, a cap for the end of the explosion chamber, and some kind of sparking device. I think the latter will be a dismantled piezo thing.
Tonight we watched Real Steel - dysfunctional father and wordy child find common ground in brutal robots - great fun.
After a bit more Deathly Hallows (Ron has just come back, thanks to the deluminator. It seems he doesn't get read any when I'm not around), and a bit of reading to himself (Beast Quest), I put him to bed and fell asleep on the dog, watching Alan Partridge standup (fast-forwarding through all the other characters).
Time to pass out.
Up at 6.45 to make it north to see my boy. The early part of the morning was spent with him showing me his new Lego Movie game for Xbox, which he's enjoying a lot. Then I introduced him to Stephen's new stick-chasing game, which we also had fun with.
Back for lunch, and then we picked a plumbers merchants in Long Eaton to find the pipes we needed - and they looked at us like we were asking for the most unlikely items. Luckily I also texted our local plumber Jim, and he called me to say that he'd give me some off-cuts of pipe, if we promise to point our spud gun away from the houses

Tonight we watched Real Steel - dysfunctional father and wordy child find common ground in brutal robots - great fun.
After a bit more Deathly Hallows (Ron has just come back, thanks to the deluminator. It seems he doesn't get read any when I'm not around), and a bit of reading to himself (Beast Quest), I put him to bed and fell asleep on the dog, watching Alan Partridge standup (fast-forwarding through all the other characters).
Time to pass out.

Have you seen The Lego Movie yet? We're taking our youngest. He's 15 so we may have to make him crouch a bit and wear shorts.McGoohan11:12pm, 20th Feb 2014
Awesome. Everything is cool when you're part of a team.Angus Clydesdale12:30am, 21st Feb 2014
My son's going to see The Lego Movie tomorrow with a couple of friends - he's 18!ThorntonRunner6:37am, 21st Feb 2014
I very rarely go to the talkies, but I might see the Lego movieOcelot Spleens10:02am, 21st Feb 2014
Real Steel - Took my boys to the cinema to see that - Great filmbigleggy12:48pm, 21st Feb 2014
Still not better :-/
Wheezing a bit, and my throat is a bit sore again.
But other than that I've had a productive day, got myself a list going on.
Got five copies of a book called 'Fat Man to Green Man' to give away to folks who blog every day during March.
Also got a race place to give away to a random person who adds a race to our listings during March.
Got an article done: http://www.fetcheveryone.com/cms-56
and hopefully another one soon in the Guardian
Hoodies on the shop (4 left).
Death in Paradise seems to be getting worse.
Chocolate, wife and dog on the sofa getting better though
Early start in the morning, and a weekend of spudgunning ahead
Wheezing a bit, and my throat is a bit sore again.
But other than that I've had a productive day, got myself a list going on.
Got five copies of a book called 'Fat Man to Green Man' to give away to folks who blog every day during March.
Also got a race place to give away to a random person who adds a race to our listings during March.
Got an article done: http://www.fetcheveryone.com/cms-56
and hopefully another one soon in the Guardian

Hoodies on the shop (4 left).
Death in Paradise seems to be getting worse.
Chocolate, wife and dog on the sofa getting better though

Early start in the morning, and a weekend of spudgunning ahead

Line of Duty is very good, are you watching that?Diogenes12:14am, 20th Feb 2014
northernslowcoach7:17am, 20th Feb 2014
It's a b*gger, this lurgy, isn't it?SarahWoo8:37am, 20th Feb 2014
it does take a while, give yourself a restD29:02am, 20th Feb 2014
Shame about DiP, I've got that to watch tonight. Been watching Criminal Minds latest series - very dark.Lalli12:45pm, 20th Feb 2014
We've just signed up for a month of Netflix, so we've got Series 1 of The Bridge to look forward tofetcheveryone12:53pm, 20th Feb 2014
Back running again today, after a week of feeling pretty awful. It wasn't pleasant - I must have been a scary sight running along the embankment, sweating like a poorly horse, and coughing like a cement mixer full of bricks.
The dog did his bit to spoil any attempt at a smooth rhythm by doing a couple of poo stops, and to eat another poo that had been left to fend for itself by its former owner. It's quite the most disgusting thing that he does, but at least during the winter it's only usually animal poo. In the summer, there are areas we either have to avoid, or where we keep him on the lead. There's a very pretty meadow near us which is often covered in picnic mess, and there's usually a strong correlation with my dog appearing from the undergrowth with human turd smeared around his face :-/
Here's what the boy and I need to assemble to make our spudzooka (from Backyard Ballistics):
Hacksaw (tick)
Shaping file (tick, I think)
3ft of 2" schedule-40(?) PVC pipe
3-to-2" diameter reducing bushing
14" of 3" PVC pipe
Can of PVC primer
Can of PVC cement
3" coupling, one side smooth, one side threaded
Drill with 1/8" and 5/16" drill bits (got the drill)
flint and steel lantern sparker
Large adjustable wrench (tick)
Duct tape (tick)
3" threaded PVC end cap
Broom handle for stoking (tick)
Can of aerosol hairspray
Safety glasses, earplugs and gloves (mostly tick)
Sharp knife
and a bag of potatoes
There's no specific range promised, but they do suggest that you make sure there's nothing important within 25 yards of the back, and 200 yards of the front
The dog did his bit to spoil any attempt at a smooth rhythm by doing a couple of poo stops, and to eat another poo that had been left to fend for itself by its former owner. It's quite the most disgusting thing that he does, but at least during the winter it's only usually animal poo. In the summer, there are areas we either have to avoid, or where we keep him on the lead. There's a very pretty meadow near us which is often covered in picnic mess, and there's usually a strong correlation with my dog appearing from the undergrowth with human turd smeared around his face :-/
Here's what the boy and I need to assemble to make our spudzooka (from Backyard Ballistics):
Hacksaw (tick)
Shaping file (tick, I think)
3ft of 2" schedule-40(?) PVC pipe
3-to-2" diameter reducing bushing
14" of 3" PVC pipe
Can of PVC primer
Can of PVC cement
3" coupling, one side smooth, one side threaded
Drill with 1/8" and 5/16" drill bits (got the drill)
flint and steel lantern sparker
Large adjustable wrench (tick)
Duct tape (tick)
3" threaded PVC end cap
Broom handle for stoking (tick)
Can of aerosol hairspray
Safety glasses, earplugs and gloves (mostly tick)
Sharp knife
and a bag of potatoes

There's no specific range promised, but they do suggest that you make sure there's nothing important within 25 yards of the back, and 200 yards of the front

- Nice Project and it wouldn't surprise me if this blog just flagged up on a terrorist watch list somewhere
4:53pm, 18th Feb 2014 -
That just what I was thinking, after buying that book and that other book and now blogging this, you are definately on a list to be kept an eye on! As long as they read the blog about your reaction to chick flicks below as well you should be ok though.Elsie Too5:01pm, 18th Feb 2014
Is your garden 200 yards long then?fleecy5:20pm, 18th Feb 2014
LOL at the chick flicks commentVicksterH
I now have a mental picture of a load of guys with guns watching when harry met sally, bemoaning their lack of female friends...
5:24pm, 18th Feb 2014 -
dogs can be gross...D26:04pm, 18th Feb 2014
We need to see spudzooka progressnorthernslowcoach8:31pm, 18th Feb 2014
...and then some people kiss their dogs on the mouthMcGoohan8:52pm, 18th Feb 2014
When we got Leka, the first thing she did was to clear our back garden of all the cat poo that was ever laid down. Closely followed by slugs, which we had to chase her around to get off her given the lung worm thing. This was not a fun job following the first course she'd consumed! Boke!Lalli8:54pm, 18th Feb 2014
The 3" pipe, pipe coupling and end cap could be replaced by a pop bottle?Heavyweight9:15pm, 18th Feb 2014
I have 1/8" and 5/16" drill bits. For next day delivery call 01327 1243 5768 quoting the long digit number of your credit card and 3 digit security number.Watford Wobble9:38pm, 18th Feb 2014
Slept in until 9 this morning, thanks to the Night Nurse
Today was a day off work, so after a lazy start we went for a mooch around Milton Keynes for a couple of hours, mainly drinking coffee and eating sandwiches in Pret. Bought the boy a new onesie with skulls on it
Out for a walk with the dogs, and Stephen enjoyed chasing sticks so much that he's been exceptionally quiet all evening. The embankment is full of dead wood, although some of it has clearly been murdered by the wind. The wind has disappeared though, much to the disappointment of the kite flyer in our party. But it was a lovely walk, one to remember.
Cabbage and bacon pasta for tea, followed by one of our favourite movies, certainly my favourite rom-com - 50 First Dates - lots of funny bits, and quite a lot of bits where we both got dust in our eye at the same time. Love it!
I will run again tomorrow, I think I'm up to it

Today was a day off work, so after a lazy start we went for a mooch around Milton Keynes for a couple of hours, mainly drinking coffee and eating sandwiches in Pret. Bought the boy a new onesie with skulls on it

Out for a walk with the dogs, and Stephen enjoyed chasing sticks so much that he's been exceptionally quiet all evening. The embankment is full of dead wood, although some of it has clearly been murdered by the wind. The wind has disappeared though, much to the disappointment of the kite flyer in our party. But it was a lovely walk, one to remember.
Cabbage and bacon pasta for tea, followed by one of our favourite movies, certainly my favourite rom-com - 50 First Dates - lots of funny bits, and quite a lot of bits where we both got dust in our eye at the same time. Love it!
I will run again tomorrow, I think I'm up to it

Good to hear you are feeling better.D29:57pm, 17th Feb 2014
Sounds like a good dayMrs Jigs (Luverlylegs)10:17pm, 17th Feb 2014
aw, you big softie.RuthB210:31pm, 17th Feb 2014
Good old Night Nurse. Glad you're on the mendSarahWoo6:45am, 18th Feb 2014
But you're behind the times: crouch, bind, setThorntonRunner7:52am, 18th Feb 2014
Glad your on the uprichmac12:15pm, 18th Feb 2014
I'm feeling a million times better than I did yesterday
I coughed and spluttered my way through the night, waking Katie up a few dozen times. I even crept off to the bathroom to have a good cough, only to discover that she'd decamped into another room, and that I was in the one next door, waking her up some more :-/
She had an early start, and avoided waking me up, so I surfaced some time around 7.30, but then stayed in bed 'til about noon I think
I did some steaming with Olbas Oil, which left me feeling like the inside of my skull had been sandblasted with extra strong mints. I was still feeling pretty awful at this point, but I dragged myself to Tesco to buy some medication and dog food. I read recently about a study that said that tablets that were certain shapes and sizes were seen to be more effective by the taker. I ended up with some Day & Night Nurse, which are colour-coded to indicate what time of day you should take them. I feel like the train in Back to the Future III, and Doc Brown has chucked the first of his coloured logs into the fire
All in all, when I finally got the dog out for his walk at about 4pm, I was feeling top of the world. It's been such a beautiful day, though I've not seen much of it. It was lovely walking around in mild, still, dry air - and the dog had a great time with all the branches that have been snapped off over the last few days of wind. Spring is coming, and as if to celebrate, Bedford Council have gritted all the roads.
Tonight I have to take the 'Night' pill - and I'm wondering how that's going to go. I'm a deep sleeper at the best of times, so I expect to reach a fabulous new level of unconsciousness tonight.

I coughed and spluttered my way through the night, waking Katie up a few dozen times. I even crept off to the bathroom to have a good cough, only to discover that she'd decamped into another room, and that I was in the one next door, waking her up some more :-/
She had an early start, and avoided waking me up, so I surfaced some time around 7.30, but then stayed in bed 'til about noon I think

I did some steaming with Olbas Oil, which left me feeling like the inside of my skull had been sandblasted with extra strong mints. I was still feeling pretty awful at this point, but I dragged myself to Tesco to buy some medication and dog food. I read recently about a study that said that tablets that were certain shapes and sizes were seen to be more effective by the taker. I ended up with some Day & Night Nurse, which are colour-coded to indicate what time of day you should take them. I feel like the train in Back to the Future III, and Doc Brown has chucked the first of his coloured logs into the fire

All in all, when I finally got the dog out for his walk at about 4pm, I was feeling top of the world. It's been such a beautiful day, though I've not seen much of it. It was lovely walking around in mild, still, dry air - and the dog had a great time with all the branches that have been snapped off over the last few days of wind. Spring is coming, and as if to celebrate, Bedford Council have gritted all the roads.
Tonight I have to take the 'Night' pill - and I'm wondering how that's going to go. I'm a deep sleeper at the best of times, so I expect to reach a fabulous new level of unconsciousness tonight.

You're probably asleep now.KatieB7:35pm, 16th Feb 2014
The power of placebo effectsfleecy
There was an interesting study on this recently, even when patients were told they were getting a placebo thet still improved their symptoms
7:54pm, 16th Feb 2014 -
Get well soonNight-owl8:12pm, 16th Feb 2014
Sleep wellnorthernslowcoach9:52pm, 16th Feb 2014
My tour of symptoms today took me on a delightful tour of painful sinuses. It feels like I'm wearing a skull that's one size too small for its contents.
Despite that, we've had a nice day, walking the dogs in the wind, clambering over and around several fallen trees, and clinging to each other in places.
The utility room is clearing down nicely. I'm looking forward to being able to board it out.
Late afternoon was reading American Rust on the sofa, and a nice little doze.
This evening we had our belated valentines tea: fancy scotch eggs (with runny yolks) for starter, then steak with rosti potatoes and curly kale, and half a bottle of wine. Too stuffed for pudding, but we did fit some chocolate in.
We've started watching Salamander, but have temporarily abandoned it during episode 3 as our eyes were crossing thanks to all the nice food and wine.
Dog being a tool all evening, stealing a freshly-baked banana loaf off the counter.
The boy scored three tries at rugby today
Despite that, we've had a nice day, walking the dogs in the wind, clambering over and around several fallen trees, and clinging to each other in places.
The utility room is clearing down nicely. I'm looking forward to being able to board it out.
Late afternoon was reading American Rust on the sofa, and a nice little doze.
This evening we had our belated valentines tea: fancy scotch eggs (with runny yolks) for starter, then steak with rosti potatoes and curly kale, and half a bottle of wine. Too stuffed for pudding, but we did fit some chocolate in.
We've started watching Salamander, but have temporarily abandoned it during episode 3 as our eyes were crossing thanks to all the nice food and wine.
Dog being a tool all evening, stealing a freshly-baked banana loaf off the counter.
The boy scored three tries at rugby today

Sudafed, the proper stuff. Sterimed or whatever that stuff's called that's basically salt solution you squirt up your nose. Basin full of boiling water with Vicks added, towel over head and inhale. It'll take your mind off it all even if it doesn't work...sallykate10:08pm, 15th Feb 2014
I agree, sudafed really helps.Ness10:14pm, 15th Feb 2014
Or do this funny massage, or even better get someone else to do it for you. Using your finger tips, strike your bones along your eyebrows, cheekbones and bridge of your nose - as if you are playing staccato piano - so fast and quite hard. Do it for up to 5 minutes if you can. Apparently it is the vibration that makes it work... standby for the river of slime to be freed.Wazelle the Gazelle10:19pm, 15th Feb 2014
Well done the boyDiogenes10:51pm, 15th Feb 2014
I do find steaming bowl of water and albas oil, only a couple of drops, is great for clearing out sinuses. Have tissues near by though.*Anj*9:17am, 16th Feb 2014
A disturbed night of very complicated dreams, waking up at one point to switch on the light to check for crawling things on the floor. I think this is something I get during the 'eye' of a cold as my body is trying to shrug it off, and sleep is fractured.
Spent a large portion of the day on the sofa in a sleeping bag, zoning in and out of consciousness, and also trying to complete a level of Lego Marvel Superheroes for my boy. He's been through all the levels once before, but the memory stick corrupted :-/ But we've had a lot of fun with it - Lego games are the best.
He came home happy to have half term, with his 100% attendance certificate, and demolished a mountain of beans and sausage. I measured him - he's nearly at 140cm, which is 'Access All Areas' height for theme parks. We took him on 13 at Alton Towers last year, and he was nearly as scared as I was.
Back to Bedford, socks for my Valentine
and a nice evening watching Inside Number Nine, the end of Arachnophobia, and the ever so clunky Alan Davies thing.
My books have arrived, including 'Backyard Ballistics'. Some of the builds are a bit dangerous looking
I expect I've gone on some sort of FBI watch list for buying it
I will be better tomorrow!
Spent a large portion of the day on the sofa in a sleeping bag, zoning in and out of consciousness, and also trying to complete a level of Lego Marvel Superheroes for my boy. He's been through all the levels once before, but the memory stick corrupted :-/ But we've had a lot of fun with it - Lego games are the best.
He came home happy to have half term, with his 100% attendance certificate, and demolished a mountain of beans and sausage. I measured him - he's nearly at 140cm, which is 'Access All Areas' height for theme parks. We took him on 13 at Alton Towers last year, and he was nearly as scared as I was.
Back to Bedford, socks for my Valentine

My books have arrived, including 'Backyard Ballistics'. Some of the builds are a bit dangerous looking

I will be better tomorrow!

Hope so.Helegant11:58pm, 14th Feb 2014
Sounds like a great book!:)Garfield8:08am, 15th Feb 2014
A pile of books, lovelynorthernslowcoach8:36am, 15th Feb 2014
A quick one tonight as I'm nearly ready to sleep.
We had a nice time at the quiz last night, although I'm not sure I was in any fit state to be in company, and built up a nice little collection of snot rags and empty Guinness glasses.
Our extension is complete! When I say extension, it's more accurately a shed attached to the side of the house to keep teenagers bikes in. The bikes will move out of the utility room, leaving it much clearer and ready to start its own transformation into luxury padded cell.
The car is back from the garage, £108, they've de-seized the gearbox motors, and so far it seems to be running ok (although it ran perfectly well for a fortnight before).
The boy spent the first ten minutes post-school pick-up talking in raspberries. I think I was just starting to understand him when he got bored.
Cough is improving. It doesn't feel like a teaspoon in a waste disposal unit any more, and it's not too painful to cough - but I've got a dry throat that means I'm doing plenty of coughing still. Woke up with a headache, but I think that was more to do with the Guinness at the quiz - but it miraculously disappeared when I banged my head on the roof of the shed.
We had a nice time at the quiz last night, although I'm not sure I was in any fit state to be in company, and built up a nice little collection of snot rags and empty Guinness glasses.
Our extension is complete! When I say extension, it's more accurately a shed attached to the side of the house to keep teenagers bikes in. The bikes will move out of the utility room, leaving it much clearer and ready to start its own transformation into luxury padded cell.
The car is back from the garage, £108, they've de-seized the gearbox motors, and so far it seems to be running ok (although it ran perfectly well for a fortnight before).
The boy spent the first ten minutes post-school pick-up talking in raspberries. I think I was just starting to understand him when he got bored.
Cough is improving. It doesn't feel like a teaspoon in a waste disposal unit any more, and it's not too painful to cough - but I've got a dry throat that means I'm doing plenty of coughing still. Woke up with a headache, but I think that was more to do with the Guinness at the quiz - but it miraculously disappeared when I banged my head on the roof of the shed.

Sounds like the boy may share Dad's "delight" in coding, encourage itsnogard8:50am, 14th Feb 2014
£8 for a can of WD40 and £100 finding somewhere to spray it?Nightjar1:36pm, 14th Feb 2014
Hope the coff is goingnorthernslowcoach8:12pm, 14th Feb 2014
I'm feeling a bit under the (rather shitty) weather today. I was up at 5am with the sort of cough that feels like your lungs are made of tin foil. I've been intermittently snotty all day, but mostly, it's a general feeling of light-headedness, coupled with the tiring task of trying to breathe gently through any unblocked orifii.
Unless I'm very lucky and recover quickly, my four-runs-a-week streak is likely to come to an end after 14 weeks. Today's long run was called off with the first cough of the morning, (Katie went out and did a fabulous 13) and we'll just have to see how the rest of the week pans out.
But I'm ok. Whatever's going on, I'm always ok, right in my very middle. I'm told I'm an optimist, and I'd like to think that's true. Whenever Wales are three tries down with ten minutes to go, I always think we can do it.
I was born with spina bifida myelomeningocele, which is the most serious kind. The vertebrae don't close up properly, and the spinal cord protrudes out of the hole in a little sack. Usually this means that the nerves are damaged, and usually it means paralysis of the lower limbs, both kinds of incontinence and hydrocephalus.
I arrived during the heyday of Welsh rugby, Welsh everything in fact, between the 1975 and 1976 Grand Slams, led by Merv 'The Swerve' Davies and his fabulous moustache. I was born at home, in a little cottage next to a railway line in the Rhymney Valley, and my parents had no pre-warning about the spina bifida.
When I was six days old, Mr Weekes the neurosurgeon (who saved the life of the above-mentioned Merv, just three months later) told my parents that the likelihood of total success was like winning the pools twice. Every now and then, I catch my breath, and remember that. Even though it may have been embellished by emotion, I think about how my life and that of my family could have been that much different. And I think about how just sometimes, just when you need it, things can go your way.
Unless I'm very lucky and recover quickly, my four-runs-a-week streak is likely to come to an end after 14 weeks. Today's long run was called off with the first cough of the morning, (Katie went out and did a fabulous 13) and we'll just have to see how the rest of the week pans out.
But I'm ok. Whatever's going on, I'm always ok, right in my very middle. I'm told I'm an optimist, and I'd like to think that's true. Whenever Wales are three tries down with ten minutes to go, I always think we can do it.
I was born with spina bifida myelomeningocele, which is the most serious kind. The vertebrae don't close up properly, and the spinal cord protrudes out of the hole in a little sack. Usually this means that the nerves are damaged, and usually it means paralysis of the lower limbs, both kinds of incontinence and hydrocephalus.
I arrived during the heyday of Welsh rugby, Welsh everything in fact, between the 1975 and 1976 Grand Slams, led by Merv 'The Swerve' Davies and his fabulous moustache. I was born at home, in a little cottage next to a railway line in the Rhymney Valley, and my parents had no pre-warning about the spina bifida.
When I was six days old, Mr Weekes the neurosurgeon (who saved the life of the above-mentioned Merv, just three months later) told my parents that the likelihood of total success was like winning the pools twice. Every now and then, I catch my breath, and remember that. Even though it may have been embellished by emotion, I think about how my life and that of my family could have been that much different. And I think about how just sometimes, just when you need it, things can go your way.

Cor and indeed, BEAM. Optimism, you know it makes sense.Sharkie4:43pm, 12th Feb 2014
Battlecat4:45pm, 12th Feb 2014
Great blog, thank you.B.4:50pm, 12th Feb 2014
And now I find I am reading your blogs in a Welsh accent, which makes them even better.Iron_Mum
How utterly, hair-on-the-back-of-the-neck-tingling wonderful. You were clearly born for a purpose.4:52pm, 12th Feb 2014 -
Wow.Dvorak4:57pm, 12th Feb 2014
I used to be a big fan of Max Boyce (and I'm not even Welsh at all!). One of my favourites was "The Divine Intervention". There was a line in it, relating to rugby match between Wales and England, that your blog has just reminded me of. "It wasn't really fair for them, with God on our side."GimmeMedals5:04pm, 12th Feb 2014
Crikey. It's nice to remember that sometimes things go so stupendously rightDrell5:06pm, 12th Feb 2014
what a great blogminardi
but boo to the manful thing
5:07pm, 12th Feb 2014 -
You ARE the boy who lived! And look at all this stuff you created for usTheScribbler
You didn't just survive - you thrived
Hope the tin foil snotty cough thing goes away soon.
5:21pm, 12th Feb 2014 -
It will always be ok.Joopsy5:30pm, 12th Feb 2014
BEAM indeed!fleecy5:32pm, 12th Feb 2014
I'm glad they did indeed go your waysantababy5:42pm, 12th Feb 2014
Love this blog - love optimism.Night-owl6:06pm, 12th Feb 2014
That blog has just cheered me right up... thanksRon Burgundy6:10pm, 12th Feb 2014
Fantastic blog which makes me very happy. Ah, Mervyn DaviesLazyDaisy
Great stuff.
7:17pm, 12th Feb 2014 -
Very glad for that surgeon. Where can we buy him a pint?RuthB27:17pm, 12th Feb 2014
thanks for sharing
8:16pm, 12th Feb 2014 -
Being optimistic is the best way to approach the difficulties of life :-):-). Glad you "won the pools"!Flatlander8:16pm, 12th Feb 2014
And that optimism has created this amazing community of over 66k people. I for one am very grateful for your being here. Hope the sniffles clear up soon.Siouxsie8:31pm, 12th Feb 2014
Wow, good for you Fetch.-x-x-
I'm glad that the good guys win sometimes
8:42pm, 12th Feb 2014 -
Always half fullphal
8:54pm, 12th Feb 2014 -
Every day above ground is a good day.Johnny Blaze9:14pm, 12th Feb 2014
That's a lovely story. "Good-stuff happens"Helegant10:03pm, 12th Feb 2014
Great bloggageJigs10:53pm, 12th Feb 2014
Ah, a little smile here from me, on a train home after a long day, some terrible football and looking forward to seeing my people at home in 30 minutes.OllyW11:19pm, 12th Feb 2014
Maybe that's why I love this site - brain child of a real-life optimist. In my father's obituaries (he was in the newspaper business, so he got a few write ups. He wasn't important or anything, it was just his cronies using some column inches) he was called "The Scottish Optimist". My dad and I weren't that close, so he didn't pass much on to me but I'd be happy if I could live up to that name. :-)GHappyG(rrr)9:26am, 13th Feb 2014
God knows I needed to hear an upbeat and positive story today. This was it, I reckon.Northern Exile10:54am, 13th Feb 2014
Aww Fetch, you're the bestjennywren12:29pm, 13th Feb 2014
I enjoyed reading that :Djog-on12:50pm, 13th Feb 2014
plodding hippo12:55pm, 13th Feb 2014
You have to be optimistic in everything you do, I don't know anything about the condition but well done to your parents & the surgeon for making a brave decision to operate.ogee
Merve the Swerve eh.... looks back fondly at the golden age of Welsh Rugby.1:09pm, 13th Feb 2014
Today's mission - to reduce the feedback pile. There are currently 55 live items in my feedback pile. It's been growing steadily whilst I've been redeveloping the graphs on the training log, nagging away at the back of my head like a tick.
I'm still coldy, but after a nice lie-in with tea this morning, and seeing Katie getting into her kit to go coach her running ladies, I decided that attack was the best defence, so I got into my kit too. The dog came too, and we ran out to the bridge over the bypass and back, following a trail of toffee wrappers that some tool had left all the way. For our efforts, we were treated to a wonderful display by a flock of several hundred birds - they glided around in the sky in formation, changing direction with a beautiful chaos - and not once did they fly into each other!
Home for porridge, a shower, and to tackle the feedback!
Before I get going, some features of the glasses view:
1) the off- and on-able graph lines in the top graph.
2) the split breaker. No longer does it show your split times in hard-to-work-out seconds, and the data table beneath it should also be useful.
3) cadence and power graphs for those that record it
4) a few nods to the different requirements of swim/bike/run - colour coded graphs, no ascent/descent for swims, more appropriate split options for swims.
5) works when you've not got any lat/lng data in your file - good for turbo, treadmill, pool swims
6) no automatic saving of route e.g. "Imported from your Toaster - 2014-02-10" - but you can name & save the route with one click if it's a special one. If you play Conquercise or Fetchpoint, you don't have to do ANYTHING differently. I've had reports of a few bugs in Fetchpoint as a result of the change, but I should be able to sort those out, no bother.
7) the ground work for changing the top graph into a javascript-based one that will integrate directly with the map slider, and show a tooltip for wherever you are on the graph. Playing with that in dev.
8) reclaiming the notes field for notes. It still captures the basic split information, but the pace/hr bands etc are now in their own graphs. Similar updates to user profiles are on the cards so you can see how others are training (but expect it to be restrictable by the owner).
9) Some cute little icons for the weather / conditions. If you always leave these options as 'perfect', 'still' and 'none' then you won't see anything. Think of it as a way of capturing conditions that might have had an impact on your run.
10) Little blue (i)'s that give a bit more information about each of the sections, for those that need a bit of guidance.
11) When you import from a file, you can now pre-choose your sport - and rather than being taken to the 'edit' screen, you're taken to the 'view' aka the 'glasses' view.
12) Some folks have been concerned that watch elevation data gets ignored. This is on purpose, as GPS-based elevation data is notoriously inaccurate (sometimes I can do a loop and when I get home I find that the house is 20m higher than when I left). When you're taken to the glasses view, the elevation profile should pop up on the top graph after a few seconds, and the ascent/descent likewise. If it doesn't happen, try refreshing the page.
Smell you later
I'm still coldy, but after a nice lie-in with tea this morning, and seeing Katie getting into her kit to go coach her running ladies, I decided that attack was the best defence, so I got into my kit too. The dog came too, and we ran out to the bridge over the bypass and back, following a trail of toffee wrappers that some tool had left all the way. For our efforts, we were treated to a wonderful display by a flock of several hundred birds - they glided around in the sky in formation, changing direction with a beautiful chaos - and not once did they fly into each other!
Home for porridge, a shower, and to tackle the feedback!
Before I get going, some features of the glasses view:
1) the off- and on-able graph lines in the top graph.
2) the split breaker. No longer does it show your split times in hard-to-work-out seconds, and the data table beneath it should also be useful.
3) cadence and power graphs for those that record it
4) a few nods to the different requirements of swim/bike/run - colour coded graphs, no ascent/descent for swims, more appropriate split options for swims.
5) works when you've not got any lat/lng data in your file - good for turbo, treadmill, pool swims
6) no automatic saving of route e.g. "Imported from your Toaster - 2014-02-10" - but you can name & save the route with one click if it's a special one. If you play Conquercise or Fetchpoint, you don't have to do ANYTHING differently. I've had reports of a few bugs in Fetchpoint as a result of the change, but I should be able to sort those out, no bother.
7) the ground work for changing the top graph into a javascript-based one that will integrate directly with the map slider, and show a tooltip for wherever you are on the graph. Playing with that in dev.
8) reclaiming the notes field for notes. It still captures the basic split information, but the pace/hr bands etc are now in their own graphs. Similar updates to user profiles are on the cards so you can see how others are training (but expect it to be restrictable by the owner).
9) Some cute little icons for the weather / conditions. If you always leave these options as 'perfect', 'still' and 'none' then you won't see anything. Think of it as a way of capturing conditions that might have had an impact on your run.
10) Little blue (i)'s that give a bit more information about each of the sections, for those that need a bit of guidance.
11) When you import from a file, you can now pre-choose your sport - and rather than being taken to the 'edit' screen, you're taken to the 'view' aka the 'glasses' view.
12) Some folks have been concerned that watch elevation data gets ignored. This is on purpose, as GPS-based elevation data is notoriously inaccurate (sometimes I can do a loop and when I get home I find that the house is 20m higher than when I left). When you're taken to the glasses view, the elevation profile should pop up on the top graph after a few seconds, and the ascent/descent likewise. If it doesn't happen, try refreshing the page.
Smell you later

Crikey, you have been hard at work! fun for us thoughMrs Jigs (Luverlylegs)1:18pm, 11th Feb 2014
Oooh, sounds good.Lalli1:43pm, 11th Feb 2014
Oddly, I found myself following a trail of Toffees the other day. Open pocket I suspect. I was going to check out the glasses view on last nights steady run this morning but the stoopid internet went down (thanks Virgin).Nightjar1:51pm, 11th Feb 2014
Could be the water table floating up your house?Diogenes1:59pm, 11th Feb 2014
As mentioned elsewhere on other occasions, I'm interested in #8. I think it will be a real loss if we can't see each others' HR values (inc. max HR). And not just buddies-buddies either.paul the builder2:37pm, 11th Feb 2014
I think flocks in flight are amazing. I like the new training log bits. Can't pretend to understand much of what you've written, but it all looks goodAlice the Camel7:00pm, 11th Feb 2014
Great work. I like the weather icons.GimmeMedals7:15pm, 11th Feb 2014
I really must do more training so that I can check these things out, except my head is now full of snot too which keeps falling out of my noseWine Legs1:38pm, 12th Feb 2014
I'm skirting around the perimeter of a cold, trying to keep up enough momentum to avoid falling in. On the up side, the boy is improving.
Woke up at 4am this morning to empty my ENTIRE head of snot.
Took the little shed apart at the side of the house, to carry it through to the back of the house, to reassemble it. Hit my knuckles with a hammer - but not too hard. Nearly set fire to the shed trying to drill out a rusty screw.
I've finally got the glasses view live
A few bugs by the looks of things (some of the Fetchpoint markers not quite getting with the programme), but generally good I think.
Chips for tea
I've been sent the new edition of Daniels' Running Formula to review
And I've bought myself another batch of new books:
The Second Coming
Backyard Ballistics (for me and the boy)
Gravity's Rainbow
The Cuckoo's Calling
The Penguin History of the USA
The Catcher in the Rye
Lemsip and bed.
Woke up at 4am this morning to empty my ENTIRE head of snot.
Took the little shed apart at the side of the house, to carry it through to the back of the house, to reassemble it. Hit my knuckles with a hammer - but not too hard. Nearly set fire to the shed trying to drill out a rusty screw.
I've finally got the glasses view live

Chips for tea

I've been sent the new edition of Daniels' Running Formula to review

The Second Coming
Backyard Ballistics (for me and the boy)
Gravity's Rainbow
The Cuckoo's Calling
The Penguin History of the USA
The Catcher in the Rye
Lemsip and bed.

I hope you manage to ward it off.D29:54pm, 10th Feb 2014
I just bought the new edition of Daniels. Sylvia likes that it really does include novice marathon training times for people who just want to get round.Nightjar10:01pm, 10th Feb 2014
I'll be interested to know what you think of Catcher in the Rye.GimmeMedals4:56am, 11th Feb 2014
A new edition of Jac Daniels - I'll have to look at thatNight-owl8:09am, 11th Feb 2014
Aunt Bessies home cut oven chips are the way forward.Heavyweight8:18am, 11th Feb 2014
Look forward to hearing what you think of Cuckoo's Calling. I bought it for my Mum for Christmas then nicked it off her (as you do - I love books, never mind illegal downloads and file sharing websites, we've been sharing media for 40 plus years in my family) and... I rather liked it!HappyG(rrr)
Couldn't read CITR again. I tried to re-read it after school and it was just painful! I'm passing ZTAMM on to my boy. I wonder what he'll think of it. Happy Tuesday (and hope you dodge the snot bullet) :-)G8:50am, 11th Feb 2014 -
On the subject (can someone bully Gav to come back and read this?) has anyone re-read Jonathan Livingstone Seagull recently? I read it, I guess, 30 years ago and don't want to read it again in case it isn't as good as I remember.GregP9:11am, 11th Feb 2014
A quick blog tonight.
The boy is a bit better, and we had a nice time doing a timeline of his life for homework. We went large, and covered the whole ping pong table with paper and photos.
The lime green dream machine has returned me safely to Bedford, and to a nice evening of chicken casserole and wine and cwching up.
Nice to get lots of RT's for the glasses overhaul - over thirty last time I looked
Caught up with the first episode of Inside Number Nine. Made me want to rewatch The League of Gentleman.
Night peeps
The boy is a bit better, and we had a nice time doing a timeline of his life for homework. We went large, and covered the whole ping pong table with paper and photos.
The lime green dream machine has returned me safely to Bedford, and to a nice evening of chicken casserole and wine and cwching up.
Nice to get lots of RT's for the glasses overhaul - over thirty last time I looked

Caught up with the first episode of Inside Number Nine. Made me want to rewatch The League of Gentleman.
Night peeps

Another early start, with the boy letting me know that he couldn't open his eyes because they were 'all crusty'. As it was 6.20, I asked him if maybe he'd consider not trying for another couple of hours. But to no avail - he got in with me just before seven, and we were up by ten past - if by 'up' you accept 'groaning pile of manlard on sofa'.
He's struggled today, poor lad - but he was still up for going to his rugby training, despite having 'Victorian Orphan with strangely persistent cough' eyes. We were just leaving when my car did that thing it did the other week - no gears, no start, and right in the middle of a three point turn
Luckily, the boy's best friend also goes to training, so I called his dad and he swung by to collect him.
I was gutted to miss his session, but I managed to get the car over to the garage, where they've promised to assess the damage on Monday morning. They've lent me a lime green Fiesta for the week (because if it's the computer bit that's gone tits up, it can take a week to get them back from their specialist mender). It's nice to drive a clean car, but I keep coasting up to roundabouts and forgetting all about having a clutch.
Collected my boy from his friend's house, and came home for a dose of Calpol. We watched the 6N together, which wasn't the most cheerful experience, but it was nice that he wanted to do it. Then it was the usual blend of Fifa14, Minecraft, disembodied friends speaking out of the telly, YouTube, spaghetti bolognese, Mythbusters, and shoving the dog out of the way. Oh, and Twister lollies for sore throat medication.
He's sleeping well now, after another dose of Calpol and half an hour of Deathly Hallows (they've just escaped from Bathilda-Nagini). It's so unusual to see him unwell, I had to keep *him* talking when it was time for lights out - normally *he's* the master of drawing it out.
Dog = a perfect disk in his favourite spot on the corner of the sofa.
Katie = being missed by me an awful lot.
There's some talk today about the nature of blogging - lots of positives and mutual support, but also people doing themselves an injustice when it comes to appraising their own contributions. For me, it's just a diary, and if you've struggled through enough of mine, you've probably seen there's a pattern, and that generally, not a lot of exciting things happen, in the grand scheme of things. When you spew it all up, often there's nothing but spew - but very occasionally the daily retching process can bring up something unexpected.
He's struggled today, poor lad - but he was still up for going to his rugby training, despite having 'Victorian Orphan with strangely persistent cough' eyes. We were just leaving when my car did that thing it did the other week - no gears, no start, and right in the middle of a three point turn

I was gutted to miss his session, but I managed to get the car over to the garage, where they've promised to assess the damage on Monday morning. They've lent me a lime green Fiesta for the week (because if it's the computer bit that's gone tits up, it can take a week to get them back from their specialist mender). It's nice to drive a clean car, but I keep coasting up to roundabouts and forgetting all about having a clutch.
Collected my boy from his friend's house, and came home for a dose of Calpol. We watched the 6N together, which wasn't the most cheerful experience, but it was nice that he wanted to do it. Then it was the usual blend of Fifa14, Minecraft, disembodied friends speaking out of the telly, YouTube, spaghetti bolognese, Mythbusters, and shoving the dog out of the way. Oh, and Twister lollies for sore throat medication.
He's sleeping well now, after another dose of Calpol and half an hour of Deathly Hallows (they've just escaped from Bathilda-Nagini). It's so unusual to see him unwell, I had to keep *him* talking when it was time for lights out - normally *he's* the master of drawing it out.
Dog = a perfect disk in his favourite spot on the corner of the sofa.
Katie = being missed by me an awful lot.
There's some talk today about the nature of blogging - lots of positives and mutual support, but also people doing themselves an injustice when it comes to appraising their own contributions. For me, it's just a diary, and if you've struggled through enough of mine, you've probably seen there's a pattern, and that generally, not a lot of exciting things happen, in the grand scheme of things. When you spew it all up, often there's nothing but spew - but very occasionally the daily retching process can bring up something unexpected.

that last metaphor sits well with the title of your previous blog.B.11:08pm, 8th Feb 2014
Aye can relate to the retching process, although last few days have been devoid of all things unexpected, unless you count falling off a turbo :-). Hope the boy is better soonIrontubs11:09pm, 8th Feb 2014
Carrots?oi you11:13pm, 8th Feb 2014
Hope he's better soon. I think the spew can be interesting because you're interesting in the people who are retching.SarahWoo9:01am, 9th Feb 2014
Oi, are you comparing our finely crafted words to vomit?fleecy
*takes umbrage*
I blog to entertain myself more than others, if it was just a diary that would be dull cos my daily life is even more boring than yours (I have an allotment FFS!) But the nice thing about blogging is that you can talk about exactly what you fancy9:25am, 9th Feb 2014 -
Och poor lad and poor you with the car and general life things.katypie
I'm enjoying the bloggage in my current fat lady state. I'm reading more than I would normally and writing more than I have in a while. Hope the car doesn't cost too much to fix and the boy improves quickly
9:28am, 9th Feb 2014 -
I like to look back on old blogs to see what happened. Some days are like a diary, some are comments on topical issues, some are written to (hopefully) entertain the reader. Some even refer to runningGimmeMedals
If someone doesn't want to read it, they can opt not to.
9:35am, 9th Feb 2014 -
I too use the blog as a diary for my own use. Others seem to be a little more on the entertainment side of them. I'm just not that sort of person, though my race blogs might catch a little more attention than my day to day ones.Garfield10:01am, 9th Feb 2014
Fingers crossed that it's not the car computer/management system - we've had to wave goodbye to our lovely Jaguar S type because to fix the system was going to cost more than the car is worthminardi11:22am, 9th Feb 2014
Wales were poor, weren't theyLazyDaisy
Not what you need when you're feeling poorly yourself. Hope the boy and the car are fully fit and functioning asap.
3:14pm, 9th Feb 2014 -
northernslowcoach8:08pm, 9th Feb 2014
*snigger at "manlard"*RichHL9:45pm, 9th Feb 2014
Today started very early when the boy sidled into my bed at 5.30 announcing he had a blocked nose. I stumbled off to get him a tissue, and we snoozed and coughed and snorted until about 7.20. It's hard to relax when you know that at any moment you could very well get hoofed in the nuggets by a wriggler.
He made it to school (just worked out that his last day off sick was in 2011), and I came back home to work. It was another full session on the training glasses view - working on finishing up the last few features. It's not perfect yet, but I've really had a guts full of it being not ready. Any day. Promise.
Carrots and houmous for lunch, as the dog looked on enviously
My tempo run was ideal to do just before school pickup - you'd think that arriving 40 minutes earlier than usual would give you the pick of the parking spots, but it seems there are plenty of parents who have a car that they leave parked permamently outside the school, just for the kudos of being nearest.
The weather was *much* better than last week, although the wind was pretty strong. I also felt like I needed a wee for most of the four miles, although it instantly ceased to be a problem as soon as I stopped. I ran it just a few seconds faster than last week, but more betterer than that, my HR was a little lower. (Last week, 59.6% of my run was in the 175bpm bracket, this week it was only 13.1%. I'm taking this as meaning that my heart / cardioshizzle has become a tiny bit more efficient at what I'm asking it to do.
I'm now not sure what pace to aim for in Bath. 8:04 would be enough to give me a PB although that's relying drastically on the course and my watch being in perfect synchronisation. On the absolute upper end of plausibility, 7:38 would give me sub-1:40, which would be lovely, but I can't help thinking it's a step too far this time. But then beating my half marathon PB has been a murky horcrux around my neck for a long time now. My '8 at race pace' this coming week will be a very good yardstick for how things are coming along.
The boy survived the day, and seemed quite chirpy when I collected him
We had pizza for tea, and after a bit of XBoxing, we watched 'School of Rock'. It's one of our absolute favourites to watch together, and though he commandeered my laptop for some CBBC website action, it was nice to laugh together at all our favourite bits.
Post-film there was just enough time for Barcelona (the boy) to beat Stoke City (me, chosen at random) 4-3 on golden goal. Harry and Hermione have just gone to Bathilda Bagshot's house. Tonight's in-bed reading was the Guinness Book of Records.
Oh... book. I wrote a little bit more last night - not in any sequence, just a couple of paragraphs about scenes that had came into my head. Alongside scraps here and there, I am somewhere near having a first chapter - but it doesn't feel ready yet. One way or another, whatever Chapter 1 looks like by the end of February, I'll post in my blog.
Pretty tired now, and with a tiny calf knot. It's interesting how doing some higher mileage (20+ now for the last five weeks) can bring niggles to the surface. Thankfully they've all been transient twinges that have passed within a few days. Maybe there's just one niggle, but it's moving around. #badscience
Toot toot.
He made it to school (just worked out that his last day off sick was in 2011), and I came back home to work. It was another full session on the training glasses view - working on finishing up the last few features. It's not perfect yet, but I've really had a guts full of it being not ready. Any day. Promise.
Carrots and houmous for lunch, as the dog looked on enviously

My tempo run was ideal to do just before school pickup - you'd think that arriving 40 minutes earlier than usual would give you the pick of the parking spots, but it seems there are plenty of parents who have a car that they leave parked permamently outside the school, just for the kudos of being nearest.
The weather was *much* better than last week, although the wind was pretty strong. I also felt like I needed a wee for most of the four miles, although it instantly ceased to be a problem as soon as I stopped. I ran it just a few seconds faster than last week, but more betterer than that, my HR was a little lower. (Last week, 59.6% of my run was in the 175bpm bracket, this week it was only 13.1%. I'm taking this as meaning that my heart / cardioshizzle has become a tiny bit more efficient at what I'm asking it to do.
I'm now not sure what pace to aim for in Bath. 8:04 would be enough to give me a PB although that's relying drastically on the course and my watch being in perfect synchronisation. On the absolute upper end of plausibility, 7:38 would give me sub-1:40, which would be lovely, but I can't help thinking it's a step too far this time. But then beating my half marathon PB has been a murky horcrux around my neck for a long time now. My '8 at race pace' this coming week will be a very good yardstick for how things are coming along.
The boy survived the day, and seemed quite chirpy when I collected him

Post-film there was just enough time for Barcelona (the boy) to beat Stoke City (me, chosen at random) 4-3 on golden goal. Harry and Hermione have just gone to Bathilda Bagshot's house. Tonight's in-bed reading was the Guinness Book of Records.
Oh... book. I wrote a little bit more last night - not in any sequence, just a couple of paragraphs about scenes that had came into my head. Alongside scraps here and there, I am somewhere near having a first chapter - but it doesn't feel ready yet. One way or another, whatever Chapter 1 looks like by the end of February, I'll post in my blog.
Pretty tired now, and with a tiny calf knot. It's interesting how doing some higher mileage (20+ now for the last five weeks) can bring niggles to the surface. Thankfully they've all been transient twinges that have passed within a few days. Maybe there's just one niggle, but it's moving around. #badscience
Toot toot.

"Getting hoofed in the nuggets" just made me chortle-snort and woke up MrsJigs, next to me.Jigs12:28am, 8th Feb 2014
That made me chuckle toofleecy
Good tempo-ing there fetch!
7:59am, 8th Feb 2014 -
Bring your niggles to the front room next time you're passing. I like getting rid of those.KatieB8:05am, 8th Feb 2014
LOL... I'm also giggled at the "hoofed" bit.Ness8:51am, 8th Feb 2014
*gigling* even!Ness8:51am, 8th Feb 2014
I thought, from the title, that the opening few lines were going elsewhere - but I guess that was the idea! Looking forward to chapter 1.Alice the Camel8:57am, 8th Feb 2014
carrots were a favourite of our pooch too.Irontubs2:52pm, 8th Feb 2014
I'm excited about the bookTheScribbler3:16pm, 8th Feb 2014
Quads have been a bit stiff since yesterday's run - but I got out today for a wee snip of a three just before school pickup. I'm pretty sure it helped to grease everything up, but the constant heavy rain and cold meant it wasn't the most fun run I've had.
The running is still going to plan - just a four mile tempo to fit in tomorrow, and that's everything done for the week. This is the 'difficult' week of our fortnightly cycle, being the weekend when I have most time with my boy - so it does mean I have to cram the running in a bit. Still, it means there's more recovery time.
This week will be about 27 miles by the time tomorrow is done, and then next week I'd like to do another 14 miler, and also an eight mile try-out at half marathon pace - a bit like a test flight
In exciting non-running news, today I've spoken to a nice man called Barry who's going to construct a little wooden hut (aka 'the extension') against the side of the house. We have a long narrow utility room running the length of the side of the house - and at the moment it's full of teenagers bikes. The plan is to migrate the bikes into the hut, and to make the utility room into something a bit nicer. Like a study / snug / library / padded cell.
The 'glasses' view plods onward. I keep thinking that it'll be ready in one more day - but I keep finding more things that I want to retest, so I'm taking my time. It's performing fairly well now for the majority of files I've been sent to test with (thanks everybody), but I'm still tinkering around with things to try to preempt all the 'does it do this?' and the 'could it do this?' and the 'I'd have thought it would do this!' comments that I've been writing down as they occur to me. Today I've been working on importing pool swim data via FIT files, and assuming the examples (thanks Kimbles) are common ones, then it's looking good. I've also been looking at providing a time- and distance-based x-axis, which involves a not insignificant amount of data mashing (adds butter and splash of milk).
I was thinking about another bit of stattiness for an article. When I look back at Bath Half last year, I ran from about mile 4 to 10.5 at almost exactly 85% WHR (and my WHR% for the whole race is 84%). My mile pace over that period was sandwiched between 7:57 and 8:07. I was thinking about looking at various HM races where the runner has used a HRM, and seeing if there's a typical WHR, either for each runner, or in general. And if there's any consistency, I could look at each runner's training, and find runs where they'd run for a lengthy period at (say) 85%WHR, to see what pace they managed in training. If there's a link, then feasibly we could look at predicting HM pace based on (say) 85%WHR pace. Usual caveats about having done sufficient mileage etc.
A nice evening with my boy (he got his purple and white belt - don't mess!). We chilled out on the sofa and watched one of the 'Wimpy Kid's and played Club Penguin until the laptop got hot. Tomatoey sausage pasta wasn't exactly a success, so the quest to broaden his palette continues. We're slowly chugging our way through The Deathly Hallows (Harry and Hermione are walking through the snow at Godric's Hollow), and chuckling our way through The Bunny Suicides. Tiring but fun weekend to follow.
The running is still going to plan - just a four mile tempo to fit in tomorrow, and that's everything done for the week. This is the 'difficult' week of our fortnightly cycle, being the weekend when I have most time with my boy - so it does mean I have to cram the running in a bit. Still, it means there's more recovery time.
This week will be about 27 miles by the time tomorrow is done, and then next week I'd like to do another 14 miler, and also an eight mile try-out at half marathon pace - a bit like a test flight

In exciting non-running news, today I've spoken to a nice man called Barry who's going to construct a little wooden hut (aka 'the extension') against the side of the house. We have a long narrow utility room running the length of the side of the house - and at the moment it's full of teenagers bikes. The plan is to migrate the bikes into the hut, and to make the utility room into something a bit nicer. Like a study / snug / library / padded cell.
The 'glasses' view plods onward. I keep thinking that it'll be ready in one more day - but I keep finding more things that I want to retest, so I'm taking my time. It's performing fairly well now for the majority of files I've been sent to test with (thanks everybody), but I'm still tinkering around with things to try to preempt all the 'does it do this?' and the 'could it do this?' and the 'I'd have thought it would do this!' comments that I've been writing down as they occur to me. Today I've been working on importing pool swim data via FIT files, and assuming the examples (thanks Kimbles) are common ones, then it's looking good. I've also been looking at providing a time- and distance-based x-axis, which involves a not insignificant amount of data mashing (adds butter and splash of milk).
I was thinking about another bit of stattiness for an article. When I look back at Bath Half last year, I ran from about mile 4 to 10.5 at almost exactly 85% WHR (and my WHR% for the whole race is 84%). My mile pace over that period was sandwiched between 7:57 and 8:07. I was thinking about looking at various HM races where the runner has used a HRM, and seeing if there's a typical WHR, either for each runner, or in general. And if there's any consistency, I could look at each runner's training, and find runs where they'd run for a lengthy period at (say) 85%WHR, to see what pace they managed in training. If there's a link, then feasibly we could look at predicting HM pace based on (say) 85%WHR pace. Usual caveats about having done sufficient mileage etc.
A nice evening with my boy (he got his purple and white belt - don't mess!). We chilled out on the sofa and watched one of the 'Wimpy Kid's and played Club Penguin until the laptop got hot. Tomatoey sausage pasta wasn't exactly a success, so the quest to broaden his palette continues. We're slowly chugging our way through The Deathly Hallows (Harry and Hermione are walking through the snow at Godric's Hollow), and chuckling our way through The Bunny Suicides. Tiring but fun weekend to follow.

Have funnorthernslowcoach7:54am, 7th Feb 2014
I was thinking about getting a HRM for training; you may have just sold me on the ideaminardi9:24am, 7th Feb 2014
Oooh, exciting news about the hut and the padded cell progress - Katie was telling us about that when we visited a wee while agoWine Legs
(just catching up on blogs...)
1:31pm, 12th Feb 2014
Back from 14 miles, in various loops, around the sights and sounds and smells of Bedford. I did the first four on my own, and got splashed in the stereotypical car+puddle scenario (I gave good bird in return), then met up with Katie who was planning on 10. We did short loops to make sure we were never too far from home, because she's got a sore bony bit, but everything seemed to work out ok.
Mercifully the weather was much better than last week - a bit windy in places, but otherwise great. I was aiming to keep my HR below 145 for the majority of the run, and did so pretty well up until we'd done 11 miles - but then the urge to get it done took over, so the last couple were pushed a bit faster. It's nice to feel able to do that in the last few miles, and it's good practice for end-of-race hanging on.
My legs feel a bit tight, and the bottoms of my feet feel a bit almost-blistery sore - but everything seemed to work pretty well. I had a few transient niggles on the way round (right ankle, left inner quads), I guess that's par for our peak mileage.
Katie made us porridge
and so assuming I don't fall asleep on my keyboard I've got the rest of the day to work through the various files I've been sent to try out against the new glasses view.
Weird dreams last night - they've mostly faded now. It's hard to recall the specifics, but they mostly centred around feeling inept, clumsy, hopeless, and failing. I've no idea where it came from, aside from knowing that each scenario represented a feeling from the past where I've felt like that - it was a bit like a showcase of every moment from my life where I've felt doubt in myself.
Right then, I think it's my turn in the shower. Middle step son has remarked that our living room smells a bit 'raw'
Mercifully the weather was much better than last week - a bit windy in places, but otherwise great. I was aiming to keep my HR below 145 for the majority of the run, and did so pretty well up until we'd done 11 miles - but then the urge to get it done took over, so the last couple were pushed a bit faster. It's nice to feel able to do that in the last few miles, and it's good practice for end-of-race hanging on.
My legs feel a bit tight, and the bottoms of my feet feel a bit almost-blistery sore - but everything seemed to work pretty well. I had a few transient niggles on the way round (right ankle, left inner quads), I guess that's par for our peak mileage.
Katie made us porridge

Weird dreams last night - they've mostly faded now. It's hard to recall the specifics, but they mostly centred around feeling inept, clumsy, hopeless, and failing. I've no idea where it came from, aside from knowing that each scenario represented a feeling from the past where I've felt like that - it was a bit like a showcase of every moment from my life where I've felt doubt in myself.
Right then, I think it's my turn in the shower. Middle step son has remarked that our living room smells a bit 'raw'

We need a resident Fetch psychologist to analyse all these weird dreams.Alice the Camel12:57pm, 5th Feb 2014
Must have been cheese in the diets in UK/Fetch population - Missus dreamt of her old house (in New Zealand from 15 years ago) had been knocked down and turned into a cafe (I blame Grosse Point Blank). And I dreamt a kid was driving really cool radio controlled cars around a garden (wasn't my garden. Or house. Or kid.) which grew into a bigger artic truck, which couldn't fit into a garage and nearly took its roof off, but then was reversed down the hill, trashing garden, knocking down a fence and finally crashing into a house across the street. As I rushed over to try and pull the kid out of cab, I remembered though it was full size, it was remote control, so kid wasn't in the cab, and I was relieved. And then I woke up.HappyG(rrr)
Call the doctor.
Nice 14 miler. I find myself hurrying when it is sore, or weather is poor or I'm hungry. Must resist! :-)G1:06pm, 5th Feb 2014 -
good runningnorthernslowcoach9:15pm, 6th Feb 2014
I ran five miles today, and saw a dead coot, and a dead seagull, within about 200 yards of each other. They looked freshly dead. I half expected to see a pterodactyl picking them off.
The run went well - I forgot about worrying about my groin, which must be good news. I wore two different GPS's so I could get a bit of test data for the new glasses view, and they both went wrong in their own special way. The first suggested that I'd done five miles within the first couple of minutes. The second one recorded my pace all over the place, and did a fair bit of scribbling.
But hey, I don't actually care
I'm writing my blog now so I can go to bed this evening without having to go back downstairs to get the laptop. For those asking about blogging by email - here's the page with the details on it:
It's been a tiring day working on the code. The glasses view is coming on nicely, but I'm deep in the belly of data smoothing, and every time I think I've got something that works and looks pretty and informative, up comes a counter example that looks like the doodles of a serial killer.
Nice bits:
My boy went to school dressed as a viking, and he sent me a picture
Fish finger sandwiches for lunch
Walking the dogs with Katie xx
I'm thinking about another few articles:
1) does consistency generate better performances? Take two sets of half marathon runners. They have similar mileage, similar long run profiles, similar paces, similar number of training runs. One set runs a regular amount each week e.g. four times a week (like me!), the other set run sporadically e.g. seven times one week, one run the next. Which group do better? I'm expecting that even though I could produce two such groups from the data available, there'd still be other variables that would mist up the windows of understanding.
2) Just how much harder is marathon training? Last year I did an article that showed the Riegel formula doesn't hold for the vast majority of runners when you go up to marathon distance - most likely because the amount of training required to turn in the 'equivalent' performance at marathon is higher than anticipated. So if you looked at the mileage of marathon runners that scored X% WAVA at marathon, how would that compare to the mileage required to score X% WAVA at half marathon. To avoid extra complications, I think it would be useful to use a consistent age group.
Long run planned for tomorrow. Eeeeeeep.
The run went well - I forgot about worrying about my groin, which must be good news. I wore two different GPS's so I could get a bit of test data for the new glasses view, and they both went wrong in their own special way. The first suggested that I'd done five miles within the first couple of minutes. The second one recorded my pace all over the place, and did a fair bit of scribbling.
But hey, I don't actually care

I'm writing my blog now so I can go to bed this evening without having to go back downstairs to get the laptop. For those asking about blogging by email - here's the page with the details on it:
It's been a tiring day working on the code. The glasses view is coming on nicely, but I'm deep in the belly of data smoothing, and every time I think I've got something that works and looks pretty and informative, up comes a counter example that looks like the doodles of a serial killer.
Nice bits:
My boy went to school dressed as a viking, and he sent me a picture

Fish finger sandwiches for lunch

Walking the dogs with Katie xx
I'm thinking about another few articles:
1) does consistency generate better performances? Take two sets of half marathon runners. They have similar mileage, similar long run profiles, similar paces, similar number of training runs. One set runs a regular amount each week e.g. four times a week (like me!), the other set run sporadically e.g. seven times one week, one run the next. Which group do better? I'm expecting that even though I could produce two such groups from the data available, there'd still be other variables that would mist up the windows of understanding.
2) Just how much harder is marathon training? Last year I did an article that showed the Riegel formula doesn't hold for the vast majority of runners when you go up to marathon distance - most likely because the amount of training required to turn in the 'equivalent' performance at marathon is higher than anticipated. So if you looked at the mileage of marathon runners that scored X% WAVA at marathon, how would that compare to the mileage required to score X% WAVA at half marathon. To avoid extra complications, I think it would be useful to use a consistent age group.
Long run planned for tomorrow. Eeeeeeep.

Now I want a fish finger sandwichnorthernslowcoach5:45pm, 4th Feb 2014
Article number 1 sounds interesting.... Thanks for the linkAlice the Camel6:03pm, 4th Feb 2014
There are always other variables to mist up the windows of understandingfleecy
Iron Mum's blog on alternative words for running would make a fantastic article!6:32pm, 4th Feb 2014 -
The articles sound good. I'm particularly interested in the half marathon and training - I know which has the best outcome for me, but that might not be the same for everyone.GimmeMedals6:49pm, 4th Feb 2014
The "other factors" - injury. Is that why inconsistent training? You'd have to eliminate that. Ditto not achieving at marathon - were there reasons for gaps in training? Will all be interesting though. :-)GHappyG(rrr)9:13pm, 4th Feb 2014
I've been talking about the difficulty of marathon training with friends at the running club this evening. According to my 5k time, I should run a marathon 1 hour 38 mins quicker than i have done so far. Not much of an ask!Arjin9:16pm, 4th Feb 2014
It's been head down, get on with it today. Mostly that's involved working on the update to the 'glasses' view on the training log, which will hopefully make it onto the live site tomorrow or Wednesday.
Here's a pic of the top bit of it:
The highlights:
The Super Graph will mature into a full functional multi-line graph - with pace, elevation, heart rate, beats per mile, and power and cadence if your watch records them. All the lines will be off- and on-able, and you can show distance or time along the bottom axis.
Heart Rate bands, Power bands, cadence bands etc will all have their own little graphs.
Tooltips against every graph to help you work out what they're saying - probably most useful for noobs.
New split breaker thing - much easier to look at your run splits in lots of different ways.
In other things:
- the boy has been roller skating, and has cajoled me into giving it a try
- we watched the last episode of The Bridge
- nothing really.
Sorry this isn't a more interesting blog. Sometimes they just go nowhere. I churn out this verbal effluent every day in the hope that I'll somehow produce something interesting. You've been a diamond for reading this far.
Here's a pic of the top bit of it:
The highlights:
The Super Graph will mature into a full functional multi-line graph - with pace, elevation, heart rate, beats per mile, and power and cadence if your watch records them. All the lines will be off- and on-able, and you can show distance or time along the bottom axis.
Heart Rate bands, Power bands, cadence bands etc will all have their own little graphs.
Tooltips against every graph to help you work out what they're saying - probably most useful for noobs.
New split breaker thing - much easier to look at your run splits in lots of different ways.
In other things:
- the boy has been roller skating, and has cajoled me into giving it a try

- we watched the last episode of The Bridge

- nothing really.
Sorry this isn't a more interesting blog. Sometimes they just go nowhere. I churn out this verbal effluent every day in the hope that I'll somehow produce something interesting. You've been a diamond for reading this far.

I'm looking forward to the new view - it looks interesting. Thank you.GimmeMedals10:25pm, 3rd Feb 2014
Looking forward to playing with the new graphs, thanksMsG10:36pm, 3rd Feb 2014
Looking good with the new developmentseL Bee!
"Speed" option for the cyclists??10:48pm, 3rd Feb 2014 -
I go roller skating with the kids sometimes, if you can get a few lessons that helps loadsfleecy
It's good fun, and good exercise!
11:45pm, 3rd Feb 2014 -
Can you please tell us how to email blogs again? I'll listen more carefully this time.Alice the Camel5:49am, 4th Feb 2014
I'm with the Buzzy OneGregP6:42am, 4th Feb 2014
Ooh that looks good. Looking forward to it.Lalli8:47am, 4th Feb 2014
There's a thread for the glasses view now: http://www.fetcheveryone.com/viewtopic.php?id=55606fetcheveryone9:28am, 4th Feb 2014
I was expecting you to have belched the Marseilleise or something! *glasses*HappyG(rrr)
is coming along nicely. :-)G
3:04pm, 4th Feb 2014 -
Looks great. Wonder if it will work for me as I just get empty maps and graphs at the moment. Excitingmacapple9:20pm, 4th Feb 2014
Largely a lazy day today, although I did wake up at 7am. Managed to finish 'The Lost World' which was a lot of fun. Having been quite disappointed by the dated 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea, it seems that Arthur Conan Doyle has done what Jules Verne hasn't (at least in my opinion) - and survived the test of time. Recommended.
Uploaded the 'Top Ten Races of 2013' - surprised by the number of negative votes for the article - but then, I suppose I've not exactly gone in-depth with anything. I'll be sure to report back to the editorial team, and just to be on the safe side I will sack the entire washing up staff
A trip to the station to take eldest step-boy to his train back to University (these days, it seems like there are a lot more reading weeks and timeouts than I recall from 20 years ago
Out with the dogs and youngest step-boy for some flinging round of a mini-rugby ball, and that's pretty much constituted all our activity for the day, unless you count chopping vegetables. We half dozed through the Ireland Scotland game, and listed our old TV cabinet on Freecycle (but the person who came forward for it didn't turn up :-/).
Had a lovely chat with my boy just now about Viking gods (Thor - the one with the hammer; Dave - the one with the screwdriver; Clive - the one with the spirit level... you get the idea).
Groin hasn't been any trouble today, so I'm optimistic for a good running week ahead. There's a 14 on the cards, another tempo, and another couple of 'runs', although I'm tempted to do some 2k intervals too
as it's four weeks to Bath.
Toodle doo. Sorry for reporting a dull day, but it was just what was needed. I'm off now to read my book (just started 'American Rust' by Philipp Meyer), because the alternative is Top Gear, and frankly I'd rather chew my own fingers off.
Uploaded the 'Top Ten Races of 2013' - surprised by the number of negative votes for the article - but then, I suppose I've not exactly gone in-depth with anything. I'll be sure to report back to the editorial team, and just to be on the safe side I will sack the entire washing up staff

A trip to the station to take eldest step-boy to his train back to University (these days, it seems like there are a lot more reading weeks and timeouts than I recall from 20 years ago

Out with the dogs and youngest step-boy for some flinging round of a mini-rugby ball, and that's pretty much constituted all our activity for the day, unless you count chopping vegetables. We half dozed through the Ireland Scotland game, and listed our old TV cabinet on Freecycle (but the person who came forward for it didn't turn up :-/).
Had a lovely chat with my boy just now about Viking gods (Thor - the one with the hammer; Dave - the one with the screwdriver; Clive - the one with the spirit level... you get the idea).
Groin hasn't been any trouble today, so I'm optimistic for a good running week ahead. There's a 14 on the cards, another tempo, and another couple of 'runs', although I'm tempted to do some 2k intervals too

Toodle doo. Sorry for reporting a dull day, but it was just what was needed. I'm off now to read my book (just started 'American Rust' by Philipp Meyer), because the alternative is Top Gear, and frankly I'd rather chew my own fingers off.

Sounds like a pretty good sort of SundaySarahWoo8:28pm, 2nd Feb 2014
Chopping vegetables countssallykate8:41pm, 2nd Feb 2014
that's a good sundaynorthernslowcoach8:53pm, 2nd Feb 2014
People give negative votes? Outrageous.Diogenes9:02pm, 2nd Feb 2014
Know what you mean about reading weeks, my lad only does 1-and-a-bit days a week anyway.Alice the Camel7:30am, 3rd Feb 2014
Yeahl, I've just commented - what could possibly be Bad or Awful about a list of races? But I suppose there is some inherent contention in a list. It's democracy, and we know that 60% of people don't vote for the government, so you're doing better than them! :-)GHappyG(rrr)10:20am, 3rd Feb 2014
Good Sunday. Like the sound of that.GregP6:43am, 4th Feb 2014
Nice day today
Cold and windy start, walking the dogs before parkrun. Stephen was like a coiled pillock - he found an aluminium pie dish, and went running round with it held aloft in his mouth, before stopping to destroy it. It took a lot to get it off him, but on the plus side, he didn't spot the small animal skull that was nearby - that would have been fun.
Bedford Park was VERY soggy and covered in puddles - and we currently have in excess of 200 runners, so the first quarter of a mile was a bit like being in the middle of a big city half marathon - impossible to get going. There was also a scary angry man walking in the opposite direction to the runners, effing and jeffing at the top of his voice because of the 200 people running full tilt towards him.
We picked up some pace, and Katie worked hard to make up for lost time - pushing herself much harder than she was willing to believe was possible when we'd talked about it pre-race
I reined in my urge to do an impression of a samba band*, but I did have a little smile to myself when I caught her doing Terminator Arms
Most bestly, she finished really strongly, and she will definitely be running faster soon.
The gang was all there, with Silver Shadow and Nightjar, who did a great job of being there despite being in the throes of an MOT in Northampton; and the Jigses like calm elegant wingmen as we paced around Katie (I also pretended I was one of the president's bodyguards for a mile or so); and Elsie and B, the latter earning a candy cane from my raffle prize for his beaming enquiries about them
A trip to Ikea to spend a £20 voucher began with hot dogs, coke and chips! Then we managed to spend £130 on a new TV cabinet, some doormats, and a duvet cover.
Back home in time to watch the rugby. I can't begin to explain just how excited I am that the 6N is back. Wales were lucky - they looked rusty and a bit tired, and Italy were well up for it (waiting to see how everyone else bats against them before saying that Wales played badly). Very glad we won, and hopefully got all the kinks and slow starting out of the system before the Ireland game.
Coincidentally, it takes almost exactly 80 minutes to assemble a TV cabinet, including the time it takes to assemble it wrongly several times, and a few stoppages for swearing, and shifting the dog out of the way.
Dinner was a lovely chinese takeaway to celebrate eldest stepson getting a great internship for 2014-15, and then Splashtrash, followed by the always epic Truman Show.
And in case I don't see you - good afternoon, good evening and good night.
*around mile 3 in Bath Half, there's a hilly square, packed with crowds and a samba band to drive the runners on. It's both wonderful and daunting at the same time. So when we're going up hills in our training runs, sometimes I like to recreate the scene, so as to help our race preparedness. That and I'm a bit of a tool at times

Cold and windy start, walking the dogs before parkrun. Stephen was like a coiled pillock - he found an aluminium pie dish, and went running round with it held aloft in his mouth, before stopping to destroy it. It took a lot to get it off him, but on the plus side, he didn't spot the small animal skull that was nearby - that would have been fun.
Bedford Park was VERY soggy and covered in puddles - and we currently have in excess of 200 runners, so the first quarter of a mile was a bit like being in the middle of a big city half marathon - impossible to get going. There was also a scary angry man walking in the opposite direction to the runners, effing and jeffing at the top of his voice because of the 200 people running full tilt towards him.
We picked up some pace, and Katie worked hard to make up for lost time - pushing herself much harder than she was willing to believe was possible when we'd talked about it pre-race

The gang was all there, with Silver Shadow and Nightjar, who did a great job of being there despite being in the throes of an MOT in Northampton; and the Jigses like calm elegant wingmen as we paced around Katie (I also pretended I was one of the president's bodyguards for a mile or so); and Elsie and B, the latter earning a candy cane from my raffle prize for his beaming enquiries about them

A trip to Ikea to spend a £20 voucher began with hot dogs, coke and chips! Then we managed to spend £130 on a new TV cabinet, some doormats, and a duvet cover.
Back home in time to watch the rugby. I can't begin to explain just how excited I am that the 6N is back. Wales were lucky - they looked rusty and a bit tired, and Italy were well up for it (waiting to see how everyone else bats against them before saying that Wales played badly). Very glad we won, and hopefully got all the kinks and slow starting out of the system before the Ireland game.
Coincidentally, it takes almost exactly 80 minutes to assemble a TV cabinet, including the time it takes to assemble it wrongly several times, and a few stoppages for swearing, and shifting the dog out of the way.
Dinner was a lovely chinese takeaway to celebrate eldest stepson getting a great internship for 2014-15, and then Splashtrash, followed by the always epic Truman Show.
And in case I don't see you - good afternoon, good evening and good night.
*around mile 3 in Bath Half, there's a hilly square, packed with crowds and a samba band to drive the runners on. It's both wonderful and daunting at the same time. So when we're going up hills in our training runs, sometimes I like to recreate the scene, so as to help our race preparedness. That and I'm a bit of a tool at times

Rugby was great, wasn't it? MrsC is and sounds West Coast Scottish but was actually born on the windswept West coast of Wales. So we've got 2 teams, look you. Looking forward to tomorrow too. Wins all round, I hope.Angus Clydesdale12:24am, 2nd Feb 2014
I too had thoughts of Presidential bodyguards with something like a scene from Clint Eastwood's 'In the line of fire'.Jigs12:38am, 2nd Feb 2014
'make way for the President of PBs'fleecy
Excellent visualisation technique on the hills there8:07am, 2nd Feb 2014 -
We weren't thereFizz :-)
I thought we were in your gang
Pleased you had a good day though8:46am, 2nd Feb 2014 -
You can both be Fonzy - you wander in occasionally in your leather jackets and fix the jukeboxfetcheveryone10:24am, 2nd Feb 2014
Genuine LOLFizz :-)9:09pm, 2nd Feb 2014
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Audible Free Trial - You get free audiobooks, I get five quid!
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Andy Townsend :-)
GCU50: Citizen on Patrol
Fetchpoint: The Game - Where I'm Headed
Fetchpoint: The Game - a consultation
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I can eat fifty eggs
Oscar the Grouch :-(
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Lasting Power of Suspicion
Fetch Virtual Challenge 2024 *bunting*
Swittle's Funeral
Tea & Trails Podcast
Down to my last pen
A bench for swittle
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The Lightning Struck Tower
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Three Noahs
Fetch is as strong as you make it.
100k - what do I need?
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Respecting your eyeballs since 2004
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Ocean Colour Scheme
18 years, 10 months, 13 days and counting...
Ooof #fail
Our listings need you!
Pics from the end of the swim
A whispered, half-remembered dream
Try the Heatmap!!!
100 Running Words (and my June summary)
July Virtual Mile
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Last Big Swim
I can't be the only one...
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Fifty Years Ago - Part VII
Fifty Years Ago - Part VI
Help on a slippery slope
Fifty Years Ago - Part V
Fifty Years Ago - Part IV
Fifty Years Ago - Part III
Chuck-off: Round 2
Not my king?
Fifty Years Ago - Part II
Fifty Years Ago
And that was April
April (10)
Centurion Safari!
Sheep treats (and a routes feature)
And I’ll sail her up the west coast, through villages and towns.
15,746 places to 💩
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A couple of quick fmail updates
Rusty Metal and a Cycling Grudge Match
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And that was March
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Review: FORM Smart Goggles
UTMOST vs Treadmills
February (13)
And that was February
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Automatic Everything Collector
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No, but really...
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2022 (144)
December (8)
Treasure Hunt Day 1 - the best gift
Important updates to the Fetch Relay
Introducing the Fetch Relay 2023
Who Am I? (Solved, thanks) And How Am I?
Confessions :-)
12 Days of Christmas Treasure Hunt
Chewie, we’re home!
A few pics from the Foffice :-)
November (24)
Yesvember - Day #30 (and Festive Fetch Calendar Eve!)
The Fetch Festive 160.934 :-) [Yesvember #Day 29]
You'd better watch out... (plus Yesvember Day #28)
Brace Yourself (and there's one spare bobble hat!) and Yesvember - Day #26
Hats in the post! Plus Yesvember Day #25
Look what arrived!
Yesvember - Day #24
Training Graph Manager - usability update (Yesvember Day #23)
Yesvember - Day #22 - Cheating?
Last chance to enter the Advance Performance comp
Yesvember - Days #11 thru #14 (plus Jumpy Boy)
Weather on the training home page watch. Have you got weather on the training home page? (Yesvember - Day #10)
Oh, and... it's Yesvember - Day #9
Another bit of the internet fenced off
Yesvember - Day #8 - taking steps
Yesvember - Day #7
Yesvember - Day #6
Yesvember - Day #5
The curse of swimming GPS
Yesvember - Day #4
The Les Mis effect
Yesvember - Day #3
Yesvember - Day #2
Yesvember - Day #1
October (15)
October gives way to Yesvember!
Anyone fancy a threeway?
More thoughts on races
Racing, post-pandemic
Contracts exchanged!
Competition Time!
Last call for Flobble Hats
A record year for swimming?
Woburn Lido
Order your Bobble Hat! If you like.
I appear to have entered a race! (plus new Garmin import queueing system)
Eric the Eel
Get your hobbit on
The Doctor K Cup: Saturday 8th October!
I felt the touch of the kings and the breath of the wind
September (16)
Take This Bus To Cuba
Fetch Bobble Hats
Training View tweaks (switch maps, game overlays, mile markers)
Training View tweaks (and a play button bug fix)
A long ride and a cold swim.
Play Button
UTMOST Wava & Bike Division Rebuilds
New UTMOST leagues for cyclists and WAVA fans
The Doctor K Cup
Chance encounters
Do I ditch our Facebook stuff?
A keeper, from my feedback inbox...
Ultra distances - update
Adding ultra distances to Fastest Fetchies league.
Try the new Training Groups pages
August (11)
Training Groups Update - Coming Soon
Garmin Queue Issues
Donations without reference numbers :-)
New Elbow Laws
No longer the 3398th fastest Fetchie over 10k!
Pulling counties into league tables
What was I thinking?
County Champion?
Just bear in mind that you asked for this.
Wahoo and Coros users
How to make half a million quid (batteries not included)
July (6)
Club Listings
Book giveaway :-)
Updated Race Portfolio
Updated Targets Page
Exactly ***1*** Spare Ladies L Cycling Jersey
Search All Blogs :-)
June (10)
Imagine you could search all the public blogs...
Banking Scandal at Fetch Towers!
7pm on Baker Island #everyoneday
#EveryoneDay - Sunday 26th June 2022
Spare Challenge Coasters
The North West Passage
Feature Request Voting - Know Your Limits!
UTMOST Division 8: YIKES!
Shepperton Weight Gain Programme
UTMOST Division 9! Sub-50 10k :-)
May (16)
Four hours left :-)
Division 10: No hope of escape?
Book giveaway :-)
Division 11: No place left to hide
New HR Analysis
They're here! Well, not exactly *here*, but...
A quick Darth Mode update
Darth Mode! And a few biscuits for the hyperdrive.
Division 12: Two hours of pushing broom
Dark Mode: Beta
PB Potential? Fancy a quickie? ;-)
Division 12: Running Out Of Road?
Thank you everyone!
Making UTMOST moves :-)
Do you want a Fetch shirt?
I did my UTMOST :-) (plus new sharing infographic)
April (7)
Today's plan
A plug for some races
Raspberry Pavlov
Win a book :-)
United Colours of Cross Training
A little Streetview adventure
March (11)
The lockers are a pound.
Advice for Gym Noobs!
Feedback made easier
#EveryoneDay June 26th 2022
Fetch Virtual Challenge 2022 🎈
Thanks Chunky: parkrun routes!
Sniffer Dogs
Fetch Cycling Jerseys - Update
Route Plotting tweak
The Crow: A Pipedream!
February (7)
Fetch Kit Spares
Updated Race Listing Pages
Introducing Rundle!
I appear to be training for an OWS event!
Fetch Cycling Jerseys!!!
Does you wantz free shoez?
Post Office tomorrow - kit spares
January (13)
Updated Flanci Design (now with more Fetchness)
Badge Collection Graphic!
Updated elevation trace
Book Lists :-)
Updated sharing infographic - do you like it?
Spare Fetch Kit
Badge page refresh / feature requests
Flanci / Fetch Leggings
New Badge Pages
New hill badges
Join me on my fitness journey!
Are you the farmer?
Blog every day challenge - finishers
2021 (187)
December (14)
Book List
Ten years ago today...
A big slobbery elephant snog.
If you don't like hills, this must be getting tiring :-)
When does a hill end?
Hill finder - prototype v2
Hill Finder - prototype
2022 Targets
Chewie, We’re Home! Happy Fetch Independence Day!
Embed badges, plus a new badge :-)
Updated people page
Seeking map
Streak Watch
The new Fetch buffs are here…
November (23)
Almost there...
The Fetch Library
Update your thread titles
Ascent dissent
Mute a thread
Training Import Queue
I fell off (but not really!)
Croeso i Fetcheveryone. Ydych chi'n siarad Almaeneg, Swedish neu Eidaleg?
New mobile nav
Last call for shirts
Just a trim please
Brought to you by wind power
300 miles later
Golden Ticket Shocker!
Banjobax (aka KOG)
Home and Away kit preorder - with long sleeve option
A little competition - win a copy of Daniels' Running Formula
Garmin testers - thanks
Add your grub stops!
Points Of Interest: Grub Stops
Garmin-owning testers wanted
October (19)
New home and away shirts and vests
Benchmark league - a few more updates
Benchmark league table
Hill areas
Preorder is now open!
'b'uffs then
Necktube design #1 & #2
Buffs (well, neck tubes)
Report dodgy GPS stuff
An apology for people who follow my training
New cycling and swimming badges
New Conquercise Feature: Grids
Sprouting a tiny biking antler :-)
Have a try of the cycling gradient analysis
Struggling with my big ring
Cycling: gradient vs pace
A question for cyclists
For Doctor K
September (14)
New comments (FID 1212)
Forum post previews
Garmin imports with a snippet more info
Gallery upload options
Golden Tickets
"No need to panic donate", says Williams
Forum Quotes
Spoiler Alert!
20th of March and all that.
Have you signed up yet?
This bit of crappy Upminister nearly cost me my f***ing life.
A guide with no pages
To steal a catchphrase from a wise lady...
Multiple choice polls
August (11)
Pre-Race Training - Updated
A connection!
New Member of the Month sponsor
Best Weeks - bug fixes
Your Best Week Ever
Rainbow Kit - preorder is open
Age Bests - filtering out the mistakes :-)
Sign up, sign up, for the Doctor K cup
A message from my lovely wife ❤️
Another batch of rainbow kit?
Spares: Event Clips, Swim Hats and a few rainbow tops
July (10)
A bunch of site goodies :-)
Hello kitty
Holy Simmering Mercury Batman!
A heart rate question
Sleepy Shuffle?
365 graph
Slipping on ma noob shoes
World's Sexiest Bridges
June (11)
Benchmarks - a *tiny* little improvement
Race Leaderboards - some small improvements
Race Finder - Update
Up there ^
Routes - more updates
Last call for FE Event Clips
Server update
Minor code problem
Some little updates to your route list
Feature requests - two years on!
More than just a rainbow
May (8)
Rainbow Kit - update on delivery time...
Fetch Ron Hill Cycling Jerseys
Pre-order your rainbow kit now :-)
Jimi Hendrix vs Run DMC
The return of parkrun - a poll
Something in the woodshed...
Default to walk
A tour of the Fetch Office
April (11)
Instabanned :-)
I has Instagram
Fetch Event Clips
Castle Challenge Coaster!
My chess rating
Jab - symptom watch
This just in...
REVIEW: XMiles selection box
Let FE pay for your coaching qualifications :-)
Castle Challenge - A Quick Blog
March (18)
The Fetcheveryone Castle Challenge
Running vs Cycling Cadence
Fetch vests and shirts (and swim caps)
Elevation vs Follow Roads
£500 of England Athletics courses up for grabs!
TomTom users
Music by year: 1993
10k Analysis: Part 7 - Length of Training Runs
Music by year: 1992 (plus some 1991 additions)
Bot sniffing win :-) plus daily blogger count!
User profiles
10k Analysis: Part 6 - Training Pace Again
Time to update your injuries :-)
User profile - sticker button.. EDIT and race standard
More user profile adjustments
User Profile tweaking
Cute story of the week*
10k Analysis: Part 5 - Training Pace
February (17)
Year on Year mileage comparison
Elevation graphs
It's all kicking off in chess club!
Music By year: 1991
10k Analysis: Part 4 - Weekly Training Habits
Tagging virtual races
Chasing rainbows
Rainbow Shirts
Blog writing improvements
10k Analysis: Part 3 - Accuracy of human predictions
Music by year: 1990
Smacking bots
29 slices - my seven days of dinner
10k Analysis: Part 2 - Age and Performance
Pass it on
10k Analysis: Part 1 - Distribution of best 10k times
January (31)
Mobile Usability Team Helping All Fetchies...
Salmon Ramen Recipe :-)
Salmon Ramen (for TBR)
Backup dog
The best GPS watches in the world... volume 1
Pick it...
People who liked...
Obscure bugs
Zen & The Art of Heart Rate Training
FIT file import - temporary issue
Keep the change, ya filthy animal
The honeymoon is over
Dirty data
Mobile Usability
Stay sticky
It's Hip To Buy Squares
Related Threads - Exposé :-)
The Batshit Association
Tag Team
Feed the monster!
An ad for Fetch Chess Club :-)
Estimating VO2Max
Three little birds
A not uncommon swelling
Church Mouse January
Honey, where's my super suit?
Not here.
2020 (128)
December (6)
Blog A Day 2021?
9 years ago today
Chewie, We're Home! Happy Fetch Independence Day :-)
Be Prepared
Becoming an effluencer
A few Fetch Mugs left
November (10)
The Festive Fetch Calendar is back!
FIT file import
Thank you, mysterious Fetchie!
UTMOST in the age of COVID-19
This'll cheer you up for sure...
Lost in translation?
Annual Infographic... updating now.
In theory...
October (11)
Training Plan Analysis
Mini plans with the training plan
5k with The Boy :-)
Welcome to tomorrow
Thank you
Become tradeable!
Pre-Race Training Volume
Doctor K Cup Week
Last orders
Advice for a friend
Trader Makeover
September (6)
The shop is open!
Hoodie Colour!
New Fetch Hoodies
A big up/holler!
A benchmark derailed by GPS data *nerd*
August (8)
10k analysis
Officially a Sheepy Shuffler!
Pi Watering
Pre-order Avoid Everyone Face Masks
I got sent these...
Other sites? :-O
Benchmarks - an infinitely configurable set of ladders.
Try the monthly infographic :-)
July (10)
Update on Monthly Training Infographic
New Infographic
Monthly Summary (with a little tweak)
A quick Garmin update
Open Water / Wild Swimming Database
Avoid Everyone - spares
OWS Locations
Thread-level search
New Sharing Graphic & New Pastures
My first lamp post
June (16)
Replacing the Who's Training page
Combining some pages
In pursuit of the Gridmaster Ultra
15th Anniversary Kit - Spares
A new How To video
Training Plan Updated
Black Lives Matter
Avoid Everyone Spares + Second Batch
Wikipedia page
Another YouTube video for sharesies :-)
Getting data to Fetch from **other places**
Feature Voting - some further updates
Feature Voting - speeded up
Another How To video - this time, Conquercise
Fantastisches Tweeten
May (13)
A video for sharing
Fetch Introductory Zoom Presentations
A promise to all Fetchies
Fetch Virtual Weekend: Replacement Bus Service
How has Fetch use changed?
Fetch Weekly Virtual Races
Zoom Meeting - Thursday 9 til 10am
WAVA Standards Update
WAVA Standards + Poll
Fun with Age Grading :-)
New Badges Day
The test shirt fabric has arrived :-)
April (14)
Zoom Podcast - watch the video
What is WBC?
If you did the free Amazon trial...
Some small amends (and shirt version)
Pre-orders open
I was only joking, but...
If Fetcheveryone did lockdown merch
Site outage - Thursday 16th April 11pm
On exercising responsibly
My Sports Quiz - how would you have scored?
Your creative thinking required
WBC My Favourite Teacher (a bit later than the deadline)
Updated Training League
Server Downtime, Thursday 9th 00:01BST to 04:00BST (and thank you!)
March (13)
New Fetch Game: Hide and Seek
Free trial of Audible
Do you have a good memory?
New Opt-In for Fetch Miles
New Badges for Fetch Miles
The Fetch Five: Don't Let CV19 Win!
Amending event dates and notifying of cancellations
A green light comes on over your head, and you can get on with life
Most Popular Shoe Brands 2019
A review
Android: Session I
Compare Your Training
Book Now to avoid disappointment :-)
February (10)
Imports from Suunto, Fitbit, Polar and TomTom.
Plot A Route - mobile improvements
Happy tugging!
Something to play with
Adding A New Feature
February Treasure Hunt
Server Downtime
Miles = Smiles
Build Your Mile
Pop Will Eat Himself: Update
January (11)
Clarence the Cadence Kitten
Trim your trails :-)
Seven Day Leaderboard
Let's try that again
Some minor blog amendments
Try the new Forum Search Prototype
Pop Will Eat Himself
A card from HowFar?
Thank you HowFar? (Statement, not a question)
Take the red pill
Climb every mountain
2019 (134)
December (7)
The Christmas Poem
Where your treasure is...
Listen to the dog breathe
Chewie, We're Home
Thursday's Challenge
Which GPS?
Fetch Shop (of sorts)
November (12)
The zeroth challenge
Polar users - auto import
Calling all Polar users
Mobile Optimisation
Calling all Android users
Did your ads disappear?
Pin that sucker down :-)
Easier tagging
Category now editable from VIEW
Kit now editable from VIEW
Working towards tagging
Manual Add Training bug
October (16)
Boring Cricket Blog
Books Part 2
Books :-)
Training tags Part 2
Training tags
Let's Jazzercise
My precious
Cricket Week 4: Footage :-)
Forum Training Threads
Benny Neutrino Returns
Cricket Week 3: Wingardium Leviosa!
Benny Neutrino's Filter Tips
Cricket Week 2
Continuing Amazon Affiliate Saga
In case you haven't seen...
September (11)
Updated: Spare Anniversary Kit
Affiliate links
I did a cricket!
Fetch365 - enjoy responsibly
My dear old things
Buddies vs Follow
Server Invoice Day
Our new MOTM sponsor
Fetch Power!
Race Listings: Please Read
August (5)
Everyone *rainbow*
Almost there...
Quick blog
Country Badges
A new set of badges
July (6)
Pre-orders open
Anniversary Shirts v2
Fetch 15th Anniversary Shirts
Fetch Fest 2020
Shout Outs
Missing imports from Garmin yesterday
June (13)
Who Squares Wins: 64 screenshot
Who Squares Wins: 64 Player Edition
Training summary - older pages
Training sub-menu rejig
Try the infographic
Steady Edina
Annual Summary Infographic
The height of daft things
The training summary - the morning session
The training summary - a wordier blog
Try the annual summary thing
How to listen to the Fetch Podcast
12 month summary mega-graph!
May (15)
£79.99 off the bottom line
parkrun reviews - now with routes
Fix It Friday; Project Joker Week 2; and some shout outs.
Fetch Kit Cupboard Sale
The bonus ball
Project Joker - Week 1
Fix It Friday
A quick update on the server
Fetch 15th Anniversary Kit
There is a good service operating
In case you're wondering...
Trouble auto importing from Garmin?
Fix It Friday: Stuff that came to me in dreams
April (12)
Feature Voting - now with virtual badges :-)
The moment of triumph!
New Feature Voting
Fix It Friday: What would your horse be called?
Marathon Pacing: tyre-kickers required
Fix It Friday: Back to Basics
Podcast Poll
Fix It Friday: The League Of Everyone
Dom, dom, dom, I've got DOMS, I've got DOMS!
Crouch, Touch, Pause.... longer pause... what am I doing again?
Training Log - Update
Site Update: New Font
March (15)
Fix It Friday: An Endless Mission
Naming and faming :-)
2nd in my age category!
Fix It Friday: Brought to you by Surprise Inset Day
New training log
Route Matching - Ready :-)
Fix It Friday
What's your unit of measurement?
Ciderthon competition
Fix It Friday: Stroopwafels of Doom!
Route Matching - Update
This week's cool list
Me in the river
Big Fetch Miles 2019
Fix It Friday: Fingerprints!
February (13)
A Maths Challenge
Fetch Legends: Activate!
Whose coat is this jacket?
Fix It Friday: The Fix Awakens
Joining the awesome list...
Fix It Friday
Naming and faming :-)
Fix It Friday - Monthly Summary
Training Month Summary
Podcast Q&A
If you can't read this, don't panic.
*redsaber* The force is strong with these Fetchies!
Fix It Friday *bluesaber*
January (9)
Some shout outs :-)
Fix It Friday!
Podcast Ep 3, plus some naming and faming :-)
Fix It Friday
Fetch Chaos
Oooh! Second chance Berlin trip! And new subbers, podcast episode, and Trader.
My week of running
Naming and faming - this week :-)
Naming and faming :-)
2018 (138)
December (8)
A Christmas Message (in podcast form)
Rungeon :-)
Hey, Everyone!
France Trip Vote
Happy Fetch Independence Day
Actual free trip to France (incl. flights)
Sombrero's Lovely Cards
November (14)
Hoodies + other spares
Spare Fetch Kit
Festive Fetch Calendar 2018
Book Giveaway - Can We Run With You, Grandfather?
Fix It Friday
Bedford Harriers Half - place offered
Updated Kit Bag
Family Fortunes :-)
Any adidas experts out there?
No Fixes Today - just two challenges
Big Fetch Mile Cardiff
Fix It Friday
Festive Fetch Calendar 2018
October (14)
Hello landlubbers
Embedded polls
Member of the Month
Fix It Friday
Spare Fetch shirts and vests
Fix It Friday
My Fetch Mile
One thing's for sure, we're all gonna be a lot thinner.
Fix It Friday - 'Ave It!
Automatic route matching
Automatic route matching
One last reminder for those cycling jerseys
Fix It Friday - Forensics and User Experience
September (14)
Fix It Friday
Server Downtime 2.30pm 26th September
Never Again
Fix It Friday!
Handling your weirdness
Cards ordered :-)
Just wondering...
Fix It Friday :-)
Try the Fetcheveryone Tutorial
40 days and 40 nights
Fix It Friday
ARION insoles - review part 1
Fetch Shirt - Black Ones, and sizing
Shirts and Vests Pre-Order
August (14)
Fix It Friday
Blog Height squished
Site Outage Last Night
New Mobile Nav
Fix It Friday
New feature - how you doin'? :-)
Sunflower spread
Fix It Friday
A new pre-race mileage graph
Fetch Social: Draycote Water September
Fix It Friday: The Supermarket Analogy
A run with _andy :-)
Suunto 9 Review
Fix it Friday
July (5)
Fix It Friday!
Five Get Wet In Devon
Big Glasgow Weekend - Part 1: Gies A Cwtch
Tom Williams Interview - Final Part
Glasgow Big Fetch Mile Results and Pics
June (17)
Abingdon Week 17 - P&D Booster rockets
Interviewing Tom Williams: Part III
Walking League (and one just for Nellers)
Follow Roads - continued
Week 18 in the bag
Tackling turds
Abingdon Marathon Training: Week 18
Interview with Tom Williams - Part 2
Five Questions (ready for serious answers)
Kick some tyres for me
Interview with Tom Williams - Part 1
Five Questions
Follow Roads saga
Google maps progress, plus Abingdon plans
Training Summary - Infographics
Who Squares Wins - ranking update
May (10)
Training log maps converted
More mapping updates
Who Squares Wins - The Wizard's Hat
De doo doo doo... another one bites the dust...
Invisible changes
Silverstone 10k
Three year throwback
Why your support makes the difference
Some high mileage Fetchies
dryrobe winner
April (14)
Interviewing Tom Williams
Swimming Caps!
New batch of shirts and vests
You make big mistake my friend
Glasgow Big Fetch Mile announced
Two tickets to the Running Awards
Pics from Dudley Big Fetch Mile
Notes for London Marathon Fetchpointers
Results from today's Big Fetch Mile
Who Squares Wins - prototype board
Attention London Marathoners!
New game - coming soon
March (9)
Intervals, Solidarity, Swimming and Fmail
Ready to give the new fmail a try?
More on fmail
New fmail system
Win a dryrobe :-)
For jabberknit...
Updating the Training Home page
Pics from Bedford Big Fetch Mile
Sledgends :-)
February (13)
Buffs On Sale
Big Fetch Mile Bedford
Vlog :-)
Marathon Talk
Important GDPR stuff - PLEASE read
A page of historical importance
Vlog :-)
Road Rash, Marathon Prediction and T-Shirts
This :-)
Capturing the dog
It's BACK!
Enter Wilmslow Half Marathon
An advertisement
January (6)
Local Fetchies - Opt In
Revealed: World's Best Shoes
How I chose the Big Fetch Mile venues
Big Fetch Mile 2018 - Venues & Provisional Dates
Try adding an image to your training entry
Mileage Targets 2018 - Update
2017 (147)
December (12)
Mileage Targets 2018
Thank you
Brownie Recipe :-)
Fetch Hoodies + Buffs SALE Update
Chewie, We're Home
Fetch Hoodies SALE - what's left
Fetch Hoodies! SALE!!! (and Buffs available too)
Chewie, We're Home
Sharing pics
Fetch Jingle Mile Cambridge photos
Glorious Failure: Bedford Harriers Half Marathon
November (20)
Serpents, hamstrings and inversions
A special anniversary approaches...
Hamstring and prototype updates
Training Log Prototype - Today's Improvements
Red Venom sale
For what it's worth...
Training Log Prototype - Update #2
Training Log Prototype - Update
Big Fetch Mile - venue hunt
RT for a Garmin
Training Log Prototype - To Be Fixed
The Weekly vLog (by me)
Thanks :-)
New Training Log Prototype - Available Now
Thanks for following
VLog - footage from the Cardiff Big Fetch Mile
Big Fetch Mile[s] 2018
Win a place in the Surrey Half
I vont to scan your barcode.
October (12)
Big Fetch Weekend :-)
Fetch Mile Results
Festive Fetch Calendar :-O
Calling Parkers everywhere!
In which I decorate a cake.
Regent's Park Fetchie Discount
Elevation in colour
"I didn't come here to walk to Sparta!"
New elevation info
Chicken Ballot-ine, with a side order of beef
New training log headers
Ballot day tomorrow - help needed
September (19)
Weekly vLog - COCONUTS!!!
River Thames Half Marathon
The lollipop update
On failing gracefully
Doctor K Day
Fetch Kit Sale - Updates
Weekly vLog
Fetch Kit Sale
Training Log View Update
Fetcheveryone Weekly? Vlog?
Fetchie Race Discount - Regent's Park 10k
Training Log Tags - Live
Training Log Tags
Weekly vLog - Derby Mile, and a pause to salute the legendary Doctor K
24 hours later
Doctor K donation page
Doctor K
Fetch Weekly vLog
Derby Mile - tomorrow!
August (8)
Race Prices; and an alien earworm
Straight outta Cromford - the Fetch Weekly vLog!
A Fetch vLog! With prizes!
Quick search location for sharing
New WAVA graph
Weird FIT file thing
Back from me 'olidays :-)
Linking race results to training log entries
July (12)
Race Pricing - crowdsourcing
Appdate for Android and iPhone
Fetch Mile - Cardiff?
Race listing omelette
Coding and town planning
Please review your races
A2B winners
Motivational Sounds - the final 10
Two more Big Fetch Miles? :-)
Bedford Fetch Mile Results
June (19)
Big Fetch Mile
Motivational Sounds
Fetch fug - updated design
Fetch fug (available at the Fetch mile)
I've done the naughtiest thing ever.
Donating Blood - my Vlog
Fapp In the App Store :-)
Can I kick it?
This just in...
For Bean
Your app status is Waiting For Review
Fetch Caps
Garmin Communicator Plugin
Fetch App - strong and stable testing
HTTPS is here
Fetch App progress
https access to the site
May (14)
Fetch App
Site down at 11pm
Round and round the garden
Try the new home page layout
Server down tonight @ 11pm
Browser testers wanted
The Big Fetch Mile!!!
Site *NOT* down tonight. [cough]
Bluffer's Competition - Winner
Bedford parkrun timelapse
Return of the cap
April (8)
Fetchpoint (London and Milton Keynes!)
Base camp, VMLM
Just for D2
Off to the awards
Hoodies - it's on!
Updated Training Home Page
March (6)
'Train' page
Project Joker
Hoodies and Londons
Hands up, hands UP! Draycote Water 10
Bluffer's Competition
Project Joker
February (12)
Running Awards shortlisted
Route Plotter now with OpenStreetMap
Plan for Bluffer's comp
Update to Route Plotter
First update to the route mapper
For Angus
Virtuous Circles
Competition coming soon
Race Guide Ads
Club La Santa vLog
Fetch Fixtures
January (5)
Word Clouds
Buckets Ready
New Home Page
Do me a favour...
Limited Companies, filing accounts, that sort of thing
2016 (128)
December (11)
Festive Fetch Calendar - Winners
Festive Fetch Calendar - Winners
Five Years Ago Today
Pantsfest! May the stains be ever in your favour!
Photoshop SOS
Attention: Fitbit users
Bedford Half 2016
Luton Fetchmob: Breaking Point
Vote Fetch!
Breaking news: Paris Marathon
November (21)
How to end a LiveChat.
Define wrong
TomTom Runner 3 Review - Any Questions?
Movember: Project Beard: Day 24: Beardraggled
Festive Fetch Calendar 2016
We're gonna be in the Hudson
Hey Chiefy
I've written summat
Going Postal
A special mention
Training Log Beta
Spare Hoodies
Updates to Training Beta
Movember: Project Beard - Day 8 (The Seven Day Itch)
Vote for Fetch
Training Log Detail View - Some Changes
Aberdeen University Study
Consultation V2
Fetchpoint - October Winners and November Prizes
October (16)
Alien nuggets!
Keeping a tight lid on the biscuit tin
Training Log Beta
100 Running Words
Fetchmob, December 3rd
Where to mob?
Little things
That All-Time Mileage League
The sudoku that keeps on giving.
Sub-25 for 1km :-)
Fetchmob - December 3rd
New Training Log Preview
Fixed the overlap...
Why the new training log isn't ready yet...
September (12)
Doughnut or Donate
Training Log - Sneak Peek
Fetch Shop Sale! Old stuff clearout!
The consultation system...
Garmin support for timezone info
The GMT/BST/Timezone problem
Training Log Consultation...
Training Log - Consultation
Fetch Social Runs
Subscriber shirts, vests and hoodies, and determination.
Fetch Voluntary Subscriptions
August (3)
Ze Gryndylows! My first #OWS :-)
Testing Fetchpoint exclusion zones
Fetchpoint scoring system
July (7)
Conquercise Prize Draw?
Fetch Games: Checkpoints (and what's wrong with them)
More owls...
Your Favourite Fetch Game?
Even More Utmost Than Before...
15 days later...
June (10)
Five days on...
A quick thank you...
What do you think?
If you'd be so kind...
Which watch?
Run Bedford 10k
Import from a TomTom
Attention TomTom users
May (10)
Race Distance poll
An ungainly fish
A five year plan
What Club La Santa can learn from parkrun
Cream Me Up, Scotty
Greetings from Club La Santa
And a quick poll...
Club Charter
A poll about intervals
More owls!
April (11)
Robin Hood and his Merry Dad :-)
Warning: Dull - some screen res stats
Responsive Design Update
For all you marathoners
A Poll
Ditching the forum categories?
Moving to Responsive Design
Sandy 10: Be Kind To Horses
For Adam and Jamie
March (11)
Bacon Smoke!
Benchmarks Update
Bath - Race Report
An annoying eight-year-old.
Let's Cook and Cut and Paste :-)
Let's Cook :-)
RIP Gramma
Book Winners
Dog farming
Site header update
February (5)
Book Giveaway
Pi Club
Pi Project Update
Because I'd like to check the blogging badges are working...
January (11)
Snooker Freak
Badges - Another Update
Unlockable Badges - Update
Unlockable Badges
TomTom Runner 2 Review
Gallery updates
Snowball coding and Fetch Unlockables!
Achievement Medals - what do you reckon?
Run The Sum
2015 Book List (and a bit of a review / plan)
Festive Fetch Calendar - Winners
2015 (175)
December (7)
Red Red Wine
A Poll
Gis a job!
Bedford Half
Vote for Fetch
Now you've hopefully got the idea...
November (13)
The Festive Fetch Calendar
Don't get excited or anything...
Slightly Dismal Friday
Pre-order your Fetch Buff now :-)
A message from our sponsor
Dr Fetch will see you now
Only the grumbliest, achiest chocolate... :-)
The Stanford Experiment
Buff Design
Snugs - Review
Love, Commitment, Support
The pre-wedding blog!
Good morning Fetchers, good morning Everyone
October (9)
Monthly Totals
Did you write a blog yesterday?
The First Rule of Web Server Maintenance
The gain line
The zipper challenge!
Sugar daddy
Now in colour!
Competition Time!!!
September (14)
Teach your kids (or yourself) to code
Sticky Training Choices
Goodies: GetMore water and the Alcatel OneTouch Watch
Shirt size guidelines
This nearly made it...
Subscriber Shirt Design
I've got wood!
New Beginnings
Some more questions answered
Some responses to your comments
Standing on the shoulders of Fetchies
August (8)
24 hours in the south
24 hours in the north
Fetchies Assemble!
Thank you
Better knowledge than riches
Fitbit Urge
The villainous Mr Fetch!
Uncomfortable rear
July (8)
Why don't you play Conquercise?
Another week of strange training
Book Giveaway - Winners
GPS Reviews
Criteria for reviewing a GPS
Auto-bike-detector :-)
Win some bookses :-)
Half Way!
June (13)
Time Lapse Clouds
TomTom Bandit - very QUICK first impressions
My wings are like a shield of steel!
Running plus Cycling update
Stalkers Paradise!
Recommend me a bike :-)
Holy Steamrollers Batman!
Rest day (no such thing)
We will now imitate the flight of a goose :-)
You made me ink! Snorkel safari :-)
Good morning from CLS :-)
May (10)
Club La Santa :-)
The AWESOME Power of Fetchies!
Home Insurance Shaftage :-/
Editing Forum Posts
The Future!
Some London Marathon stats
Walking On The Moon
Hardest parkrun?
New found wisdom
Week 1
April (11)
Marathon vLog
I owe some hugs!
And that concludes the voting from the Danish judges
Adventures in geocaching
Your video clips wanted!
Jelly with no spoons
Random Ultra
Suncream in my eyes - a review of 'Running and Stuff'
Books what I've read this year
Measuring the effect of wind
Wind Roses
March (18)
Watching the tide roll away
A great week of running!
Happy Jigs Wisdom!
Mobile Fetch
I don't do this very often...
Breathless Optimism
20 miles yesterday
This Week's vLog
Decision Trees and the sub-4!
Democracy Street
Mayan Maths
Bath Half (at last)
Still a chicken
Costume Drama in Bath
TomTom importing
Updated 'Train' page
February (29)
An Unexpected Journey
Wind picking up...
An unplanned kit alarm
Race Pace Test
2nd place
Week ends
Barking carrots
Bedroom pizza
Top of the mountain
Blogs get the mobile treatment
Supersonic Katie, and a marathon pace question
Back home
Racing parkrun ;-)
Unblocking the sink
Start in Darkness
Some times I'd like
Mobile Site - Forum Section
All-Time Leaderboards
Sword fighting
PB Attempts
Duct tape and WD40
Big Elephants Can Always Understand Small Elephants
Shoe horning
Training vLog Week 13
Big February Project
January (35)
Cake, invalidated
Small sips
LiRF, award shortlist, beginners, books, boy.
Dog Available :-)
New Recipe Section
Another threshold run
New Beginnings
But far more importantly...
Fetch Beginners Programme
Give it a go :-)
Training vLog - Week 11
Threshold Run (a running blog)
Long day, short blog
(Lack of) Pump Action
A thread to follow
This Boy Can
Local Leaderboards for Checkpoints
February 18th
The Travelling Checkpoint Salesman
Acorn Antiques
Bearing Up
Deleted Bridges and Dodgy Lasers
I'm Batman!
Healthy and Appy
Punch O'Clock!
The plan, then.
Ten mile toes
On Parliament
Bold Claims, and a Challenge for 2015
2014 (262)
December (9)
A trip to Wales (vLog)
Christmas Messages from Fetchies
FERC London Marathon Places - Draw
It's gone in my sock...
Festive Fetch Five
This Week's Training
To the Post Office!
Training vLog - Week 4
November (12)
I Am Groot!
Slightly Dismal Friday
Week 3 - in which I nearly drown my wife!
I said yes :-)
Free Daps! aka Test GORE-TEX® footwear this winter!
Training vLog - Week 2
More chances for VMLM entries
Marathon Talk
My first training vLog :-)
Second place?
In :-)
Questionnaire about personality traits amongst runners
October (16)
Adidas API
Horseplay minimiser
Running with the big dog
Flat and Windy
Who'd like to test the Garmin API then?
Advantage Borg
Milk Tray Reps in the Rain
Hatfield 5k, and some other running thoughts
Site layout changes
Vote for Training Plans
Maths help
September (8)
A quick device poll
Garmin Connect API
Cake at the lake :-)
Empowering Women
This Week's Training
Tick :-)
Article help
First outing with the Harriets
August (7)
Book club and Harriers
A treasure trove for bookish types
What I did on my Summer Holidays
Local decoration
The Fisher King
Mojitos and no mosquitos!
July (26)
James Mason
Missing Week
Camping View
Wild Camping
Transalpine Race
In brief
Urgent! Pair of runners wanted!
Fetch Kit Available to Pre-order :-)
Fetch Anniversary Kit - Preview
API and FAK!
That dog has a puffy tail
More books
Reverse Moses
Zombies vs Plants
Shovel required
Catcher in the Rye
My sister the psychologist
Drink your strong limey drink
Keep me in the loop
Bread knives, hedgehogs and the dog in the night time
June (34)
Checkpoints video
Happy boys and giggly imps
Spring loaded
Elbow grease
Fetch 10th Anniversary Kit
Fetch YouTube Tutorial - Race Guide
Finding the Library folder on a Mac
Sonic screwdriver
Live wires
Wiring help needed
Garmin Express Experiment
Scalded sloth
New Forum Layout
Further updates to the blog layout
New blog layout
First woodpecker
Beastin' parkrun
All was well
Marking Territory
The People's Poet Is Dead :-(
Holy Water
Throwing shapes
Life moves pretty fast
Recursion is beautiful
Win an OS Explorer / Landranger map of your choice
Intervals with a Suunto Ambit 2S
Economy done two ways
May (31)
Vorsprung Durch Lego Technic
How do I liberate my boy from his XBox?
Life in the Woods
Intervals with a TomTom
Tree fluff
More camping
Zen and Camping
Not eaten by bears
Bear food
Camping List
Camping Venn Diagrams
Floppy dog
Routes but not Rathbone
Illustrator wanted
The Cosmic Ballet Goes On
Silverstone 10k :-)
Quick one
Superhuman snooker
Chapter 1
April (29)
King Bin
Quiet day on Feedback Mountain
Go directly to parkrun. Do not pass Godzuki.
A day in Wales
The Lost Diadem of Fetchbook
Falling asleep in my dinner
God gave rock and roll to you.
Sugar Mule
Not bad, consid'rin.
Can U Dig It?
A weekend in Wales
Looking forward to Oliver!
Thank you, and more App talk
Pyjamas at both ends.
Thump. Saturday has started.
Sore tum :-/
Zombies aside... first impressions of the new TomTom
TomTom Runner Cardio Press Event
Am I pregnant?
March (31)
Cornflakes Cornflakes Cornflakes Cornflakes Cornflakes Cornflakes Cornflakes
Sandy 10
Me on YouTube
New graphs live
Follow the dot
Only the best for the Captain's table
Mrs Diahann Wagner is GOING HORNY
Sport Relief Win
Hot dogs, quick blogs
Toton Sidings
A sign!
Owen Farrell visualisation technique
Booster fails to ignite
Myton Rugby Run (5 Miler)
Rugby before rugby
Sweetcorn antidote
Custard factory
I did some intervals :-)
Speed work?
Many things
A bit cabbagey here.
Angry Wasp
Rainbow's End
Core Dump
Bath Half (in detail)
A quick overview
Down to business in Bath
February (28)
Made it to Bath
Unexpected hugs
I like to go a-wandering
Spring cleaning
Because We're Worth It
I don't know what!
Thanks Jim
Enough now
Clearing the pipes
Crouch, Touch, Pause...
Medication, that's what you need.
Symptom Tour
Hello FBI
Dazed day
Why I'm an optimist
Mobius birds
Snotty knuckles
In this house...
Retch Everyone
Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also
Angry Birds
Clarkson averse
Good day :-)
January (31)
*bunting* *cake*
Bigger Boys
Pretending to be Saga Norén
Waiting for the AA
Ship shape
Technology takes you further
Love Garden
High Heel Striker
Bit of a rubbish one
Hot Re-fills
Coding Grinch
An august prediction
Some Running Goals for Q1
Wipe-clean dog
Breaking it down
Snakes and Ladders
Bigger Ponds
Drink Your Weak Lemon Drink
All in All
Panning the pancake
Does JK Rowling own a dog?
Back to the kitchen table
Steve Davis shoes
Pigs on a water slide
19 books :-)
2013 (29)
December (3)
Engine Management Light
Hannibal Vector
November (3)
Speed skating
Cool Hand Grandpa
October (3)
Minecraft Cake
Random dump
September (2)
Blog by Email!
Catchup blah
August (3)
Big Green Caterpillar
Questions answered - final CLS blog
Last Days at Club La Santa
July (10)
A nice morning of swimming and tennis
Please Read: Questions for a sports coach
Hitting the straps
First Impressions at Club La Santa
Mile High Blog
Clocking off
For the second week running...
Another Club La Santa catchup
The Floor In The Plan
June (3)
Club La Santa
Bulk Uploading, and win a book
FERC Charities 2011-2012
March (1)
Bath Weekend
January (1)
Meet Steve
2012 (39)
December (2)
Tired Now Boss
Bath - Week 14 + Foodbank
November (3)
White Level Reading
Bath - Week 15
Bath - Week 16
October (2)
C'mon Dave
July (1)
RIP Arnie
June (2)
Rub some bacon on it
18 weeks
May (9)
Techy not tetchy
Time for a techy blog
Time to walk the dog
Stevington 12k
Properly coldy
Still a bit coldy
New blog design live
A bit coldy
Blogs Redesign
April (2)
March (8)
A long run up
Running Tick
Sport Relief Mile
Back once again
Swimming sweetcorn and other vegetables
Joy Rides, Sticks and Medals
Training Tip
February (9)
Katie, ICT, and some more MySQL
May The Ground Force Be With You
Well done Batman.
Optimisation Crossword
Snow Days
Gallery, and parkrun
January (1)
There Are Some Really Sexy Girls On Fetch