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Great Eastern Run

  • Rated 78%
  • 13.1mi
  • Road
Entrants (107)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
2:13:59 1:58:43 2:01:36 51.10
Alanoia First half marathon, caught Nick in the last 200m.
Stamford Striders
1:26:08 1:31:09 1:31:09 67.04
amys dad cracked the 1 30 barrier at the 3rd attempt! hot stuff but got through dodgy periods and the final mile was  my fastest wich was pleasing .
Haverhill RC
1:19:48 1:28:23 1:32:00 1:29:48 68.62
Andy h
1:44:09 1:46:48 1:46:47 1:49:06 53.28
Ely Runners
1:31:23 1:45:44 1:46:59 1:45:44 56.86
april_runner Not official time as results not in yet and was so exhausted at the end I forgot to stop watch! Had a storming race - a PB by a good 2 mins!!
Cambridge & Coleridge AC
1:24:58 1:24:58 1:29:00 1:26:53 72.30
Barney Rubble
1:43:15 1:50:22 2:05:00 1:56:45 53.22
Ampthill & Flitwick Flyers RC
1:50:08 2:00:46 2:12:48 47.31
Ben B What a great race and perfect conditions for running. PB by a minute and first time under 80. Happy Happy Happy.
Newmarket Joggers
1:19:46 1:19:46 1:19:46 72.87
Boingy Did 1.37 half at RNR on a hilly route, on my own, in the dark, and with stomach cramps, so should knock chunks off that. Not enough training to crack 1hr 30min I think, but still a 50% chance of a PB :-). ***** Sorry folks, it was a bit of a nightmare to be honest. Dehydrated from the start & Garmin died after 1 mile. Was on 7min/mile-ish pace until it all went wrong at about 10miles.
Leamington C & AC
1:22:09 1:32:06 1:32:00 1:35:30 61.17
Haverhill RC
1:38:34 1:45:35 2:00:00 1:45:35 55.05
1:58:18 1:58:18 1:58:18 49.83
brooksy unofficial time....awaitng conformation. great weather and a decent support from spectator and runner alike
Huntingdonshire AC
1:17:15 1:24:01 1:25:00 1:24:01 68.41
brotherjohn Nice warm day, good support, felt good for the whole race, my best run so far.
Dorset Doddlers
1:16:37 1:28:20 1:28:20 74.09
1:46:00 1:56:55 1:55:00 2:04:03 52.42
ButterflyLou (MrsMothy) My Goal race for this year - hoping on 2 hours and home territory so could manage it! POST RACE - sorry folks didn't manage it I'm afraid. 2 hours 8mins something I think - will confirm once results out. Pleased I got round after hardly being able to walk yesterday with plantar faci wotsit (I think?!). Helped some GER first timers on way round which was good. Patience is a virtue and all that. I'll get sub-2 hours one day!
Werrington Joggers
2:02:05 2:08:00 2:00:00 2:08:00 49.18
CanaryYellow Hoping for 1:58-1:59. Based on 2 weeks ago: no hope, based on last weekend: every chance. *weather scuppered me but i gave it a good go*
1:40:48 1:57:50 1:59:00 2:05:33 45.96
Cambridge & Coleridge AC
1:28:32 1:34:12 1:34:12 66.94
Fenland Running Club
1:51:00 1:51:00 1:51:00 57.08
Craggy Great race. Well organised, good crowd support, fast course, nice bag/t-shirt/medal/keyring/biscuits for finishers and to top it all the weather was good!
My fastest half since 2004, so very happy.
Skegness & District Running Club
1:14:48 1:15:48 1:15:48 77.06
daffy I prefer cool weather so this was too warm for my predicted time, still pleased though.
Sleaford Town Runners, Toonie Express
2:10:00 2:12:49 2:10:02 2:16:58 53.67
davec official results through now, so updated
1:40:53 1:40:53 1:46:59 1:40:53 58.25
Daz M The Great Eastern Half Marathon Run - very warm day - good marshalling and support from spectators- felt strong- i know i can improve on this.
Bedford Harriers AC
1:37:47 1:40:37 2:00:00 1:47:09 55.22
Dino69 well it was very hot,a real slog for the 1st five miles and after running in the beautiful surroundings of nottingham i found running through housing estates pretty dull and really struggled to find something to look at,until a bloke dressed as a nurse ran past me with his skirt tucked in his thong and bare cheeks were infront of me .things then started to look up for me ,god bless him.call me a perv it helped.The crowds were fantastic a real support and really helped us along other runners i chatted to whilst running were really friendly and everyone i spoke to seemed to be having at tough  time in the heat not helped by the water stations having no water left when we got there at 3 miles and 6 miles ,i will finish by saying glad i did it really pleased with my time especially as i was full of cold but wont be rushing to do the great eastern again.
2:07:39 2:24:29 2:30:00 2:24:29 45.01
1:37:12 1:58:23 1:52:00 1:58:23 48.55
don ron
Werrington Joggers
1:41:10 1:41:10
Doris worried bout running with my cough so mind not totally focussed that and it was very hot for October
Norwich Road Runners
1:57:02 2:05:53 2:05:00 2:08:35 50.88
droidski Amazed myself finishing this well but sadly one of my work colleagues beat me by 19 seconds!
Werrington Joggers
1:42:00 1:42:00 1:45:00 1:42:00 59.91
1:49:19 1:49:19 1:49:19 59.16
1:16:03 1:16:03 1:16:03 77.80
Werrington Joggers
1:48:54 1:48:54 1:47:00 1:48:54 58.18
EO tough as warm day but pb by tiny 45secs, hoorah!
Werrington Joggers
1:48:54 1:48:54 1:48:54 59.38
Fly Was really pleased with this! First half and due to injury had not trained beyond 6 miles!!!
2:29:28 2:29:28 2:29:28 45.11
FML I am with Girlie on this one, Autumn Target, my 2008 target is 2:05, but going for sub 2 after almost getting goal after Blackpool HM in April, this should be HM number 6!  Due to calf injury picked up at RHHM, prediction removed just hoping that I am able to run and get round.  Struggled due to lack of training and the heat, just got slower and slower
1:58:07 2:05:58 2:35:51 37.70
100 Marathon Club
1:39:35 1:45:47 1:46:54 60.15
FurryH 2 weeks off for recurring injury meant that I was not at my best. Started off fantastic but by mile 6 I was flagging had to run/walk from mile 7 to 11.  Thanks to the generosity of the spectators managed to pick up some bananas and jelly babies and by mile 12 i had recovered meaning manage to run last 2 miles to end.  Fantastic race with great organisation and great support from spectators.  On the plus side only got minor twinges from injury.  With a month off I think it should be healed!
Gade Valley Harriers, Watford Joggers
1:41:28 2:08:46 2:00:00 2:16:52 42.01
Riverside Runners
1:51:00 2:05:00 2:05:00 46.06
Gem* This was a great race - did not go into it confident at all, so was surprised when I felt so good.  Started to get into around 8min30 miles, must have slowed around half way, but didn't feel like I did.  Then around 9 miles, I got my second wind and decided to go for a more decent time.  Felt pretty tired at the 12 mile marker, but decided it didn't matter, so picked up my pace and started overtaking loads of people which was really motivating.  I then enjoyed a sprint finish.  A first half marathon that I am very proud of!
Werrington Joggers
1:45:17 1:53:30 1:59:00 1:53:30 55.35
Werrington Joggers
1:30:02 1:32:06 1:32:10 1:33:49 65.14
Girlie I am going all out for sub 2:10 this year.  There is no reason I can't run round at 9:45-10:00 pace. 

***UPDATE*** There was a very good reason I couldn't maintain 10:00/mi pace, it was very hot and I felt quite awful from 6-8 miles, before the wheels came off in mile 9:-(  Sorry folks, but I will be back to get that sub 2:14 time

Official time 2:17:07, which is fine considering the circumstances
Lonely Goat RC
2:06:18 2:14:18 2:10:00 2:17:07 48.04
Glen Bulb Gloriously sunny day, fast course. Very well supported by locals. New PB!
Cambridge & Coleridge AC
1:30:48 1:31:14 1:34:00 1:31:14 63.45
Grantham Running club
1:20:38 1:21:46 1:22:16 73.67
100 Marathon Club
1:31:29 1:46:53 1:46:53 54.16
Stowmarket Striders RC
1:43:33 1:44:49 1:44:49 60.29
Thorney Running Club
1:26:15 1:34:44 1:34:44 62.03
ironsman Great day, great weather (21 Deg), great run. Legs like jelly afterwards
Werrington Joggers
1:54:22 1:54:22 1:54:22 52.99
Woking AC
1:11:55 1:14:05 1:18:30 1:17:40 74.54
1:59:58 1:59:58 1:59:58 49.14
Jenn Nice flat route, very friendly crowd, good atmosphere with lots of supporters along the route.
1:53:41 1:53:41 2:00:00 1:53:41 58.81
1:19:28 1:22:40 1:33:47 63.58
JKC Norfolk PB
1:26:30 1:26:50 1:26:50 72.17
Werrington Joggers
1:44:24 1:44:24 1:45:34 67.19
Yaxley Runners and Joggers
1:27:50 1:45:54 1:45:00 1:45:54 54.27
Royston Runners, Meridian Triathlon Club
1:40:35 1:47:00 1:35:00
KoughKandi Entered. Ok , I have changed my prediction from a safe '1 min' quicker to a 'Going for it big time sub 2hr' type of prediction.*UPDATE* Really enjoyed today 10/10. Good company, PB and well organised event.
1:45:21 1:51:33 1:59:59 1:56:45 57.75
kstuart Still undecided on what time to go for, its PB course but i'm conisdering knocking mre of my maratho time at abingdon the week after. Will probably be daft and PB still thugh but i wont guarntee it. Update: 2 min PB despite the heat.
Trail Running Association, FERC
1:50:01 1:57:03 1:59:00 1:57:03 49.10
la bandit this one is part of our club championship so i am up for this one,outcome just outside my prediction ,i havnt run as fast as this for seven years so im chuffed  beat last years time too,boy was it hot as well!!!
Grantham AC, Stamford Striders
1:25:00 1:29:07 1:28:50 1:29:07 72.79
1:28:14 1:30:06 1:39:00 60.23
Long Shanks
Wellingborough & District AC
1:36:04 1:39:56 1:39:56 58.80
1:46:57 2:06:01 2:06:01 50.14
Collingwood AC
1:55:12 1:57:59 1:57:59 57.66
Werrington Joggers
marge 1
Werrington Joggers
2:30:00 2:30:00 2:30:00 42.89
Marky Moz
Werrington Joggers
1:59:19 2:09:00 2:09:00 45.28
Martin G
Saint Edmund Pacers
1:17:27 1:32:07 1:32:07 62.39
Marts would be happy with min slower than prediction which would be 2nd fastest of 20 odd marathons****UPDATE - RHR up 10% all week and so prediction never on. kept pretty even pace and think is 4th fastest half. Nice Beer in charters afterwards
Werrington Joggers
1:18:56 1:22:36 1:20:54 1:22:36 69.86
Metal Martin Unofficial Garmin time.  Happy with this.  Sub 9min mil for a HM is good for me at the moment.   Shows I am improving again.
Thorney Running Club, Thorney RC
1:47:37 1:55:45 2:00:00 1:55:45 52.79
2:00:24 2:17:07 2:17:07 50.09
Mothy A very enjoyable race with its usual ups and downs. I went off quite quickly for the race distance (low 8's). I found this quite comfortable all the way to about Gunthorpe - sort of 8.5 miles ish. Then I suddenly started to suffer slowing down to long 9s. I was completely exhausted at the Newark Ave end of Eastern Ave and had to walk. Thanks to Old Man for getting me going again. Great support from the spectators around the route and particular thanks to all the WJ Marshals for their encouragement. New flag looks good!
Werrington Joggers
1:48:49 1:54:46 2:00:00 1:56:45 52.78
Mousethatran Injured knee two weeks before race. still competed but limped rather than ran from around mile 7.
2:25:29 2:40:00 2:40:00 39.41
Moza If training and injuries go well I may go faster!
1:47:55 1:47:55 1:52:00
1:43:08 1:48:30 1:48:30 53.18
Mrs Jigs (Luverlylegs) Would love to be racing this but have 20 miles to do so will have to settle for LSR pace 8:45 - 9mm , will be making up the miles before/after the race.
1:31:50 1:36:53 1:55:25 65.27
1:41:23 1:46:00 1:46:00 54.22
Number 6
1:34:44 1:41:02 1:39:59 1:43:38 62.05
Paul P
Leighton Buzzard AC
1:32:15 1:32:15 1:30:00 1:32:15 66.24
1:35:19 1:41:42 1:43:00 1:41:42 61.90
Norwich Road Runners
Ipswich Triathlon Club
1:43:50 1:54:30 1:54:30 54.98
Red Scouse MK
Milton Keynes AC, schuhwiedu-oberaudorf Baveria
1:43:44 1:54:29 1:54:29 52.94
Rken great fun
Werrington Joggers
1:42:54 1:48:13 1:50:00 1:48:13 59.42
Norwich Road Runners, Tri-Anglia
1:52:08 1:52:59 1:50:00 1:52:59 52.17
Serpentine RC
1:26:24 1:26:24 1:26:24 72.71
Lincoln & District Runners
2:19:56 2:23:17 2:23:00 2:23:17 44.11
RunnyBunny Too hot and was probably dehydrated. Went pearshaped at 3 or 4 miles - had it been cooler I'd have thrashed my PB
Hinckley Running Club
1:56:10 2:00:47 1:59:59 2:05:06 51.43
Royston Runners
1:54:00 2:26:23 2:30:00 2:26:23 42.91
Werrington Joggers
1:32:07 1:42:16 1:42:16
Fairlands Valley Spartans RC
1:33:49 1:36:11 1:36:11 59.75
100 Marathon Club, Serpentine RC
1:15:46 1:15:46 1:16:00 1:15:46 75.86
shop girl jules ran 2:11 in 2006
ran 2:21 in 2007
so would love to do 2:05,
Werrington Joggers
2:07:24 2:11:14 2:15:00 2:13:15 50.18
Slow Going
1:31:13 1:39:03 1:39:03 58.97
Bedford Harriers AC, Milton Keynes AC
1:50:29 1:56:09 1:57:00 1:56:09 56.71
Bushfield Joggers
1:37:49 1:56:00 2:00:00 1:56:00 50.36
Halstead RRC
1:55:18 1:55:18 1:54:00 1:57:42 53.57
SPKoF Pacing a friend to 90 minutes - just missed out.
Long Eaton Running Club
1:24:16 1:27:15 1:30:18 64.11
swerver Hoping to beat 1 hr 50 min but first half marathon so not sure on how well/bad I will do.
Werrington Joggers
1:35:02 1:47:55 1:50:00 1:47:55 53.28
Ted Yes Sir, that is a PB.  Official time now
Ramsey Cycling Club
1:33:38 1:33:38 1:39:59 1:33:38 63.69
That Damned Bloke hardest race ive ever done. course was flat but no training for several weeks and more tired than i thought....

will need a concerted effort if im to make a better stab of it next year
1:54:43 2:17:18 2:25:00 2:30:14 39.38
The Chippie
1:30:32 1:40:59 1:45:00 1:40:59 56.91
thorneygeoff Brilliant event - well done all the marshals, stewards and organisers
Thorney Running Club
1:35:22 1:39:08 1:40:00 1:39:08 67.20
Toonie Express
Sleaford Town Runners, Toonie Express
1:29:55 1:29:55 1:29:00 1:29:55 66.32
Bedford Harriers AC
2:10:23 2:22:13 2:22:13 44.85
Werrington Joggers
1:27:29 1:35:32 1:38:00 1:35:32 63.44
Ultra Kanga Kazzaaaaah!! Way faster than I thought I might be given my schedule but did wilt in the heat.  Even in better conditions I wouldn't have PB'd today but if it hadn't have been so hot I'm pretty sure I could have kept my early pace up all the way round.
100 Marathon Club
1:49:17 1:53:09 2:04:56 54.45
Wicked D gonna see if i can knock 50secs off my present PB UPDATE Garmin time but should be a PB so well chuffed
1:37:17 1:37:17 1:38:00 1:37:50 62.98
WJ Bullet
Werrington Joggers
2:15:56 2:18:01 2:18:01 48.85

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