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Ian Williams aka Fetch

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Sun 5th May 2024 at 9:12am by Velociraptor

Run > Race

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  • Cals
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  • B/mi
  • Asc(m)
  • Hillscore
  • Surface

Notes & Comments

Belfast City Marathon. Needed sub-4:25 to be able to apply for GFA; cut that fine, didn't I? Official time 4:24:39.
Hated every step. Spent the entire time fighting the temptation to pull out despite the fact that my pace was exactly what I wanted right up to the hill in Mile 19.
520 Tempo.
9:43 9:37 9:39 9:48 9:25 9:35 9:34 9:41 9:31 9:26 9:43 9:48 9:55 10:01 10:00 9:41 9:36 9:47 10:35 9:52 10:08 12:33 9:58 10:40 11:18 10:37 4:34
Well done on the GFA time especially if you didn’t have a good time out on the course. Job done 👍
Bowman 🇸🇪
Awesome! Nicely paced to get the GFA!
Well run!
Well paced, congratulations!
Thanks! It looks almost textbook marathon on paper - ideal splits for 18 miles, slowed down going up the one big hill, a toilet stop and a battle with the Wall. This conceals just how hard I was having to fight the sabotage gremlins from the start.
Yeah! I knew you’d do it. Congratulations. You definitely beat that gremlin into submission. Well done 👏👏
Bowman 🇸🇪
But you did, and you won the battle!
Well done - am impressed at your battle 😃
Never doubted you for one moment you are truly brilliant. I want to be you! Xx
Thanks :) The charts also don't show the bit where I tried to convince myself I was developing rhabdomyolysis muppet
Great day at the office - on paper at least - job done. Very well done!!
Thanks, TeeBee :)
Congratulations, job done pint I wish you hadnae hated it, though :-(
Thanks, Dvorak. Hingin oan tae huvin no hated ma ither marathon this year, but.
Well done on getting that GFA. 🏅
Brilliant result; well done.
That's a fab result, sorry you didn't enjoy it at the time :(
Well done. Excellent work. Xx
Well done 👏
Thanks :)
It might not be enough for a GFA, it just means I'm allowed to apply.
Well done on the GFA, hope it’s quick enough.
Well done on GFA, and especially for battling gremlins from the start, that sounds awful!
Fantastic! A great improvement from Seville. Congratulations on your GFA time and not bailing when the gremlins called. I had them on my 10 k race today too. Thankfully I was wearing my Cure Crohn's and Colitis vest and thought, no you don't, the time doesn't matter today!!
Fantastic achievement - congratulations on the GFA. Well done 👏👏
Well done . Excellent GFA qualification
Thanks :)
I'm probably in the process of becoming capable of a faster marathon in the next few months, but I need to forget how much I hated this one even though there was nothing wrong with it.
Looby Loo
Amazing, congratulations for digging in. 👏
Wow, impressive spot landing on the time you wanted, congratulations on the GFA! Well paced throughout the race and you kept the gremlins at bay. I think you still have more in you.
Thanks :)


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mi ( to ) | /mi | bpm | spm


Miles Miles Time Time Split Split Min/mi /mi HR bpm HR Beats/mi BMI Cadence rpm Cad. Power Watts Watts Ascent mtrs Asc.
1.00 9:43 9:43 9:43 141 123-148 1370 169 164-174 203 166-236 8/7
2.00 19:20 9:37 9:37 141 138-145 1355 170 166-174 199 182-218 4/10
3.00 28:59 9:39 9:39 144 136-150 1390 170 164-174 203 177-240 5/17
4.00 38:47 9:48 9:48 150 146-154 1470 169 166-174 202 175-231 13/9
5.00 48:11 9:24 9:24 154 149-159 1448 171 166-174 205 195-224 5/7
6.00 57:46 9:35 9:35 154 148-162 1476 170 166-174 204 188-254 8/10
7.00 1:07:20 9:35 9:35 152 149-156 1455 169 166-174 201 187-213 4/12
8.00 1:17:01 9:41 9:41 155 151-159 1500 168 164-174 203 176-237 12/11
9.00 1:26:33 9:32 9:32 155 153-158 1476 169 162-172 204 178-234 4/8
10.00 1:35:58 9:26 9:26 158 154-161 1489 169 164-174 206 187-232 8/6
11.00 1:45:41 9:43 9:43 157 152-161 1525 169 164-174 203 182-258 9/8
12.00 1:55:30 9:48 9:48 158 156-160 1549 168 166-172 199 188-228 5/4
13.00 2:05:24 9:55 9:55 157 154-162 1557 168 162-174 203 174-249 12/5
14.00 2:15:25 10:00 10:00 155 152-159 1551 168 162-174 199 160-243 12/8
15.00 2:25:24 10:00 10:00 155 151-157 1549 167 162-174 206 182-283 15/10
16.00 2:35:06 9:41 9:41 156 150-158 1511 169 162-174 200 174-236 9/9
17.00 2:44:41 9:36 9:36 156 151-160 1497 169 164-174 205 186-242 9/17
18.00 2:54:28 9:47 9:47 158 154-161 1546 168 162-174 206 192-235 11/7
19.00 3:05:03 10:35 10:35 160 157-163 1693 166 160-174 204 169-232 38/0
20.00 3:14:56 9:53 9:53 158 155-159 1561 168 164-174 192 174-211 3/25
21.00 3:25:04 10:08 10:08 157 155-159 1591 167 164-174 183 138-203 4/21
22.00 3:37:37 12:33 12:33 153 134-159 1920 167 154-174 192 134-217 3/23
23.00 3:47:34 9:58 9:58 159 156-162 1584 167 162-174 201 166-290 8/8
24.00 3:58:15 10:40 10:40 159 157-162 1697 164 82-170 184 91-235 9/6
25.00 4:09:32 11:17 11:17 159 154-163 1795 164 36-176 179 50-205 26/9
26.00 4:20:08 10:36 10:36 158 154-161 1675 166 154-172 185 151-210 4/13
26.50 4:24:43 4:35 9:09 162 155-168 1482 172 166-186 209 168-259 1/6

Further Analysis

  • Pace Distribution

    Edit colour bands
  • Heart Rate Distribution

    155 avge / 168 max Delete HR Trace
  • Climb Gradient Min/mi
    47 2.1% 10:21
    14 2.2% 12:08
    13 1.0% 9:45
    13 1.4% 9:40
    12 3.1% 10:35
    10 1.3% 9:48
  • Cadence Distribution

    168 avge / 186 max Stride Length: 96cm
  • Run/Walk Breakdown

    % Cad Mi Time Min/mi
    Run 99.1 168 26.5 4:22:27 9:54
    Walk 0.0 49 0 7 11:44
    Still 0.8 - - 2:09 -
  • Power Distribution

    199W (290 max)
  • Benchmarks

    Distance Time Mins/mi WAVA Fastest
    100m 28 7:24 49.14% More
    200m 1:04 8:34 46.78% More
    400m 2:14 8:57 47.79% More
    800m 4:32 9:07 53.61% More
    1km 5:42 9:10 55.20% More
    Mile 9:18 9:18 56.55% More
    5k 29:35 9:31 61.65% More
    5 miles 47:45 9:33 61.83% More
    10k 59:14 9:32 62.04% More
    10 miles 1:35:53 9:35 63.46% More
    Half 2:06:21 9:39 64.42% More
    20 miles 3:14:56 9:45 63.82% More
    Mara 4:21:48 10:00 62.27% More
  • Predictions

    Dist Time Per Mile WAVA
    1M 6:41 6:41 78.73
    5km 23:51 7:41 76.47
    5M 40:41 8:08 72.56
    10km 51:56 8:21 70.76
    10M 1:28:37 8:52 68.66
    Half 2:00:00 9:10 67.25
    20M 3:12:59 9:39 64.47
    Mara 4:21:21 9:59 62.37
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