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Paris Marathon

  • Rated 76%
  • 26.2mi
  • Road
Entrants (37)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
Anna Finn
3:40:54 4:14:54 4:44:04 45.78
B Rubble That was a little warm.  30 degrees by the end. Was looking for 3:15 but realised by half way it wasn't on. Took the second half fairly sensibly and managed to finish.  Did anybody take the Calvados at 24 miles?
Dursley Running Club
2:59:00 3:17:18 3:24:07 61.37
Badger Well that was tough - very very warm towards the end and I don't cope at all well with running in heat; for the last 10k I was run/walking sustaining a pace where I thought I could avoid folding up from the heat; splits show the story, I slowed down a lot there, and it wasn't just about the legs not being able to keep the pace up.. Time was nowhere near what I'd have liked but it is an achievement anyway completing a marathon under such hot conditions. Happy. And it might not be that difficult to beat next time out either :)
This is, incidentally, 36 seconds/mile *faster* than the first half I ran (not *slower* as I wrote earlier... duh)
3:56:29 4:34:19 4:15:00 4:34:19 45.66
Ampthill & Flitwick Flyers RC
3:51:54 4:48:07 4:55:26 43.95
Stockport Harriers & AC
3:35:28 3:35:28 3:29:59 3:35:44 55.86
Boffin A PB is not in the plan - don't bet on me!!! The plan is to try and pace Sweetie to a sub 5 hour PB - bet on her! :)

Update: Phew, that was hot!!First water station at 5k had ran out; water finally available by 30k!!! Lots of runners collapsed in the heat. I struggled big time despite taking it easy with London in mind.
3:54:07 4:11:24 4:59:59 4:55:30 41.05
Harmeny AC
4:15:02 4:28:24 5:12:04 48.86
3:14:21 3:53:02 3:53:02 51.71
controversial Trying for the first time to go under 03:15:00 it is going to be tough ... but I will be running with the support of all my french family so i hope this will give me an extra va va voum!
Allons enfant de la patriee, le jour de gloire est arrive!! And yes it was glorious! Even the sun god wasn't able to bring me down yesterday! Even the garmin trying to make me think i was running faster than i was.
The first 10K were very hard, loads of people, loads of apprehention with the heat, and the engine that was a bit cold. I was running up to 30s late on my pace!
Then km 10 to 20 in the bois de Vincennes things were better, heart rate went a bit down and there was a nice down hill abd I manage to go 20s in fron of my pace loosing behind me the 3:15 pacers.
Km 21 I saw my friend Dimitri and that gave my a huge boost! Sensations were good, I was increasing my advance on my pace without feeling tired.
By that point I was hugely glad to have taken my ruck sack with bladder in it ... I hadn't yet seen any energy drinks. I was still a bit aprenhensive for the second half, but i wasn't very scared, just vizualising were i would be on my long run back home.
Then Km 28 and 32 I saw more friends and my parents :-) always great to have support! By that time i was 2 minutes in front of my pace, running quite relaxed and in complete control of the situation.
Km 35 I was starting to feel tired, but 7 K to go is nothing! Just keeping the right pace, drinking loads of water and energy drinks, sponging the sweaty salt to reduce loss of liquids.
Km 38 and Km 39 my parents again and more friends, I was tired but i knew that 3:15 was a near certainty, just making sure not to get a cramp. By that point the field was already quite thin with a lot of people on the sides walking, even one of the 3 hours pacers!
Km 41, (my garmin says 42 by the way, LIER!!) it is 3 hours and 5 mins, so risk it all, sprint to the end for a under 3:10:00 or go conservative to under 3:15:00?? ... check my results !!!
Clapham Chasers
2:33:54 3:00:17 3:15:00 3:09:54 63.45
daz1927 Was so bloody hot!
Village Vipers
3:13:57 3:15:07 3:20:00 3:23:39 59.98
Debbie Martin-Consani
Garscube Harriers
3:31:00 3:58:00 3:58:00 54.81
DIY Diva
Ranelagh Harriers, Vets AC
3:43:10 3:51:19 4:32:06 49.84
2:54:47 4:54:37 4:54:37 40.90
Harry Magoota bloody hot !!
Northbrook AC, Coventry Triathletes
3:34:20 3:38:56 3:38:56 59.17
Jogging Jon Sorry to everyone to placed bets on me. It was far too hot for me to go for a PB. I decided from the off to go for a 4hours 30minutes and to make sure I finished and not end up in the back of an Ambulance. I was also running with my wife Sarah who was competing in her first marathon on the day before her 40th birthday and just two weeks after our 20th wedding anniversary. She did amazingly well and we ran together all the way. I am going to enter the Blackpool marathon and aim to finish in under 4 hours.
100 Marathon Club, Wrekin Road Runners
5:17:38 4:21:01 4:15:00 4:32:11 45.63
Crowborough Runners
3:31:40 3:43:59 4:17:50 48.58
Judderman 34 degrees
Birkenhead Athletic Club
3:57:08 4:34:57 4:34:57 44.42
Lady Sol 27C and they ran out of water after the first water station.

Got to starting grid. No room in pen, so had to line up outside and file in after the race had started. No water at 10km, 15km or 25km water stations. Not enough toilets in the middle of Paris (they seemed to all be on the outskirts.)

Still a PB, but would have been a lot easier to run with adequate water, (so sorry if you thought you were going to get far more points off me).
Anstey Amblers and Runners
5:23:16 5:23:16 5:00:00 6:37:37 33.02
libby Well I had given up on the 4h long ago with injury and personal life, but was hoping for sub-4:30. Frankly, considering the heat and the state of my right ITB, I was glad just to cross the line on foot rather than in an ambulance. Great event, would do it again, but would rather it was a little cooler!
4:34:17 4:34:17 3:59:00 4:34:17 47.48
4:13:04 4:13:04 4:13:04 47.61
Wrekin Road Runners
3:49:24 4:18:13 4:32:11 49.04
OllyW Quite hot.
2:59:01 3:13:57 3:20:00 3:13:57 62.12
oprah Despite the heat, it was a fantastic first marathon! Reading reports from previous years I was a little apprehensive about what to expect, but fortunatley the race more than exceeded my expectations. The organizers coped extremely well with unseasonably warm conditions. Managed to get sub-5, which was my goal time for first marathon attempt, so am very very pleased. The end was rough, but once you get to 5k to go it's fantastic, all the hard work paid off!
3:37:54 4:54:36 4:54:36 44.11
Wadhurst Runners
4:34:18 5:19:00 5:19:00 41.76
3:29:23 3:42:55 3:42:55 58.52
Puffing Billy
4:19:48 4:33:53 4:37:07 48.07
racheybabes ***DO NOT BET ON ME FOR THIS***

I am going to use this as a training race for Edinburgh marathon. I will try to keep to 8 min/mile pace for the first 20 or so miles and then jog/warm down for the rest of it (and maybe enjoy the vino??)

***UPDATE***  Oh my god that was the hottest run ever! At the 5k point i saw a man being worked on by paramedics, they were using the defibrilator on him, hope he made it.

 I knew straight away that i wasn't going to manage any where near a PB so decided just to jog it and try to have fun. The water stops were absolute chaos with banana and orange peel making it slippy. Pedestrians kept on walking onto the course and banging into runners and even blokes on bikes and rollerblades were on the course!!! Also, french people kept on stopping to walk in the middle of the bloody road instead of keeping to the sides! 

All in all though it was a really good day. It would be a really fast course if the organisation was better. My fiance and my mum both completed it too in just over 5 hours which made it a really special race. Sadly i couldn't stomach any wine at the 3 wine stops which is very unlike me. At one point i thought they were dishing out energy drinks, but it turned out to be cider and i nearly threw up! Back home now and my legs feel great - hardly stiff at all!! Ross is walking down stairs backwards though.
3:26:58 3:33:19 3:57:06 54.76
RicC ***UPDATE - checked official times - chip time of 3:17:16 and gun time of 3:18:22*** :D

3:18:23 provisional gun time, hoping for a chip time of between 3:16 - 3:17.  It was a fantastic race if a bit on the warm side.  Very happy to have finished under the 3:30 mark but if it wasn't for a 30 minute final 5k where my legs just crashed I might have done even better.  Very happy to have got the first marathon out of the way regardless and just disappointed to have missed the Fetch support post!!
Edinburgh Athletic Club
2:44:59 3:17:16 3:30:00 3:17:16 61.08
Runner Martin Great event - doing well to 20 miles in just over 3 hours - then struggled, with walking and running - but did it
Redway Runners
3:58:36 4:42:54 4:42:54 46.67
Scooby Dave
3:09:13 3:59:48 3:59:48 50.25
4:11:00 4:21:00 4:21:00 46.16
Tarmac Runner
Cobra RC
3:44:59 4:29:13 4:29:13 45.05
Twisted Blister Very hot! Took a nasty tumble at 14k when going well, and had to walk/run the last 28k. Quite pleased to actually finish in any sort of time
Think I have cracked a rib and as a result had to pull out of london yesterday- Not happy!
Plumstead Runners
3:36:34 4:19:14 4:19:14 51.39
vava A disaster! It was very hot and I had no water with me - felt bad after 10 miles but wanted to finish for the medal!
Running 4 Women Club
3:50:00 4:30:00 4:40:00 5:10:00 42.28
Vickyy Amazing atmosphere, fantastic experience despite the temperatures which reached the 30s.
Would definitely do this again
Long Eaton Running Club
3:55:05 3:55:05 4:00:00 3:55:05 55.75
Wardie74 35 degree heat, hard course, lots of cobbles.  Enjoyed the participation but disappointed with race time.  Was actually 6 weeks pregnant at the time but didn't know that before the run!!
5:35:00 5:35:00 4:30:00 5:35:00 38.94
Wazelle the Gazelle
Dulwich Park Runners
6:18:22 6:18:22 6:18:22 37.13

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