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Hastings 100th Anniversary Marathon

Sun December 14 2008
Entrants (64)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
Alan Really enjoyable race, great way to finish the year.
3:18:25 3:59:08 4:20:00 4:04:06 49.36
4:02:33 4:02:33 4:16:00 4:02:33 49.68
Anna Finn
3:40:54 4:18:39 4:20:46 50.03
Liss Runners
3:43:20 3:58:12 4:14:03 47.43
Serpentine RC
3:06:55 3:07:55 3:48:00 52.85
Blackbird Leys (boy)
100 Marathon Club, Woodstock Harriers AC
3:17:25 3:24:08 3:26:15 64.59
Sandbach Striders
3:13:28 3:13:28 3:40:00 3:13:28 62.28
Bosun Tony Long way from Aberdeen, but really fancied this one. UPDATE: 3:26:38 very happy with my time on a tough course. Well organised and great support at fetchpoint
3:19:52 3:19:52 3:40:00 3:26:38 63.89
Bottom Trotter cold and the beach section a few miles from finish was a mission and done my right ankle in agian
3:31:24 3:35:49 4:00:00 3:48:46 65.34
Sutton Runners
4:25:00 4:40:49 4:20:00
CheekyP Ist Marathon D&D , loved it! Well Hooked.
Gade Valley Harriers
2:55:00 3:44:31 3:44:31 53.67
3:58:59 4:08:27 4:08:27 54.58
chunky boy
Hastings Runners
3:49:54 3:58:15 4:15:00 3:58:15 51.27
DaveH Should be fun. Looking forward to a nice 35mph Easterly in the last 5M. - UPDATE - Well that was a lot of fun. Went off slowly looking for a 3:30 jog, realised I was doing a 3:15 and got to halfway in something like 1:32 although I couldn't tell you as my effing Garmin was having a fit about
2:54:40 3:06:45 3:30:00 3:06:45 64.52
Larkfield AC
3:29:04 3:42:11 3:42:11 61.06
Bexhill Runners
3:46:35 3:56:53 3:56:53 52.88
DPowles Finished 127th
Portsmouth Joggers Club
3:05:55 3:15:52 3:45:00 3:21:38 59.76
Foxy ran with paul watts & i took him out too quickly which he paid for - my mistake :(
100 Marathon Club, MK Lakeside Runners, Milton Keynes Lakeside Runners
3:09:27 3:24:10 3:59:59 5:17:37 37.94
Stockport Harriers & AC
2:55:15 3:10:59 3:10:59 63.95
3:16:43 3:16:43 3:16:43 61.25
3:31:26 3:31:26 3:45:00 3:31:26 56.99
Hastings Runners
3:54:29 4:00:45 4:00:45 54.30
Wrekin Road Runners
3:59:20 4:27:07 4:30:00 4:28:00 44.96
Ashford and District RRC
3:49:00 4:00:00 4:00:00 4:00:00 50.54
Jogging Jon Best time since June and it was so cold (note to self, do not run December marathons in just Fetch shirt and shorts). Great to see so many fetchies and good support from the fetchpoint. Thanks guys
100 Marathon Club, Wrekin Road Runners
5:17:38 4:16:16 4:46:33 44.09
Bishops Stortford RC
3:37:25 3:45:39 3:45:00 3:45:39 54.13
Kevski Bloody amazing! The hard work paid off and I knocked off 6 and a half minutes off my PB in the cold and wind on a tough very hilly course. Managed 23rd place in a time of 3:hrs 1 minute and 6 secs. Met so many great Fetchies and my first experience of the Fetch point was amazing. So, so happy.
Cambridge Harriers, Dulwich Park Runners
2:59:45 3:01:06 2:58:00 3:01:06 66.53
KKKKKarl Going for PB at this race. Had an good, average time London and up for this. Profile not too hilly on the last 10 miles. Downhill all the way !
3:42:20 3:55:00 4:12:00 49.29
5:29:21 6:01:06 6:10:00 6:05:10 42.86
leysrunner This should be fun.
3:21:25 3:24:08 3:35:00 3:26:15 64.59
LucyG Can't do this now - will just have to wait another 100 years!
Compton Harriers RC
3:15:31 3:24:12
Milf De Filer Davids wheels fell off!
3:41:18 3:58:08 4:20:00 4:55:00 40.84
3:43:03 3:43:03 3:43:03 54.13
The Darkside Running Club
Naomi P Hoping the weather stays fine for this and that the legs hold out, one week after the 30 mile Doyen of the Downs... *UPDATE* Very very hilly (for me) and cold again but I enjoyed this, felt pretty strong throughout. Decent route, if you don't mind lots of running on pavements, and well organised, the marshals were great. Nice horsebrass as a memento too. Pleased with the time as I wasn't racing it by any means, must be getting a bit fitter.
3:28:37 3:55:33 4:30:00 4:10:34 51.82
Neil E Dunnin
Dumfries RC
3:57:45 4:34:26 4:34:26 46.84
100 Marathon Club, South London Harriers
3:10:24 3:37:00 4:11:00 49.07
par I couldn't wait another 100 years!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  

The beach made it very different :)
Cove Joggers
3:43:46 3:43:46 3:59:59 3:48:32 59.92
paul a Was only doing this as a long training run so pleased with a decent time. Special race with excellent organization, shame it won't be a regular on the marathon calendar. Thanks to the Fetchpoint team, hope you have stopped shivering.
100 Marathon Club
3:01:26 3:02:11 3:20:00 3:06:00 66.78
Wadhurst Runners
4:34:18 4:34:18 5:12:14 43.45
Wadhurst Runners
2:54:35 3:38:49 3:36:30 3:50:28 65.52
plodding hippo Tough course but my fourth fastest marathon
100 Marathon Club
4:16:46 4:19:48 4:34:30 49.71
PSC ITB Pain from mile 11ish, but what a terrific race!  PB as predicted.  Started way to fast - first half well below sub 2 then started to slow down - see training log for a good view of an astonishing positive split ;-)  Still, I'm very pleased.
Pirate Ship Of Fools
4:07:59 4:07:59 5:00:00 4:07:59 51.84
Ricardo Entered folowing Luton cancellation. Hills were a killer, but good result for me :)
3:14:05 3:34:00 3:45:00 3:34:00 56.68
Rock Steady Did not train for this run due to hip injury but wanted to so I run it anyway
Seaford Striders RC
5:03:00 5:03:02 5:00:00 5:17:00 43.20
Runna A really special race. Support from marshals and spectators was amazing and organisation brilliant, also the weather was almost perfect just a bit cold. Special thanks to all at fetchpoint, you didn't know I was a fetchie but really cheered me on, thanks. I'm really pleased and surprised with my run, felt great. Had planned on taking it easy and did til about 1/2 way in 1.35 but was running with another female and my competitive instincts took over and I pushed on and finally got away from her in the last few miles.
Gravesend Road Runners & AC
2:58:07 3:04:04 3:04:04 72.19
Wadhurst Runners
3:22:53 3:22:53 3:35:00 3:45:24 62.50
Shadow Long way from North Wales, but thought I could tie it in with a trip to my parents down South!!!
100 Marathon Club, Cybi Striders
3:58:17 4:20:38 3:50:00 4:20:38 54.36
100 Marathon Club, Serpentine RC
2:32:40 2:42:27 2:59:00 2:53:59 69.25
Shortstop:o) Awesome!
4:22:57 4:22:57 4:30:00 4:22:57 49.98
Silver Strider A bitterly cold day and one full of nervous anticipation. A complete desire to do myself justice but woefully worried of coming up short. Under prepared, overtrained and under the weather health wise. Very little substance based pre race stratergy. Damn good tunes on the Ipod tho!! Emotions got the best of me several times. Was sooooooooh in the zone ran straight past my children supporting me - never saw them, regretted it ever since. Not many supporters out that day. Blown away by time. In hind site running 28 miles 2 weeks before was not my best move, running hard on a chest infection - nothing short of foolish, set off way too fast.
Bexhill Runners and Triathletes
3:12:30 3:27:37 3:45:00 3:27:37 58.83
Slow Duck
100 Marathon Club, Dorking & Mole Valley AC
3:15:53 3:44:49 4:20:00 4:29:14 46.53
Smokin' Chi Monk
3:58:24 3:58:24 4:30:00 4:19:13 46.79
4:33:30 4:33:30 4:47:30 42.48
SteveX Nice race didnt take too seriously. Dressed up in 1900s gear but not too far off a PB.
Striders of Croydon AC
3:29:49 3:35:13 3:35:13 61.90
Tango (Adam)
Notfast Running Club, Votwo/USN
2:37:00 2:52:34 3:40:00 2:55:48 68.68
Tia Gonna just enjoy this and NOT attempt to 'race' this, :-)
Lonely Goat RC
3:55:29 4:04:36 4:15:00 4:06:15 53.22
touche turtle
Hailsham Harriers
3:40:20 3:55:35 3:55:35 56.66
tsubo 00
Purbeck Runners
3:49:21 3:49:21 3:55:00 3:49:21 52.65
Ultra Kanga Kazzaaaaah!!
100 Marathon Club
4:06:30 4:24:22
3:34:52 3:34:52 3:55:00 3:34:52 56.45
UltraCas No training, no taper, no carb loading....wooohoooo loved it!
4:59:00 5:11:00 5:11:00 42.03
2:52:30 3:12:08 3:30:00 3:12:08 62.71

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