Mar 2020
11:39am, 25 Mar 2020
30,477 posts
I'm really glad you also found beginner hard to begin with - that reassures me. My usual exercise is through our climbing, kayaking, walking and a wee bit of mountain biking. Oh and yoga as well. I am not cardio fit and not used to this kind of exercise. I think I needed to slow the burpees down to get them 'right' rather than try to keep up with Jess.
Mar 2020
11:57am, 25 Mar 2020
48,983 posts
Dr PhFleecyD
hp: form is so much more important than speed. That was always my issue with conventional circuits: it was all about speed and ignoring form. Recipe for injury! There are plenty of videos showing how to do certain moves correctly, so maybe watch those first if you’re not sure, and just do as many with good form as you can and ignore the number.
Mar 2020
11:59am, 25 Mar 2020
16,356 posts
Jessica Ennis live work out at 12:30 on Instagram
Mar 2020
10:02am, 27 Mar 2020
15,910 posts
HP- I think you are doing the free/sample version? In the paid for one there are two 'back to Fitness' circuits that are easier. There's also a warm up and cool down library and lots of 5 minute 'blasts' which are very useful.
Jess does emphasize taking your time to get the exercise right, but at first I found it disconcerting and a bit disheartening I couldn't keep up with her.
.B. pointed out the beginners level IS fairly tough (and O60s are not the key market!)
And now I do the intermediate level unless I'm pushed for time or not feeling On It enough, so I've seen real progress.
Under half an hour is very good I think, and that DOES include warm up and cool down.
Mar 2020
10:26am, 27 Mar 2020
49,038 posts
Dr PhFleecyD
Last night I did Zumba on zoom, or Zoomba. It was fine but my teacher’s WiFi is I think causing problems, because my Rebound teacher has no such issues. I think I’ll contact Zoomba teacher and suggest she try to improve things somehow. I am getting a lot out of my virtual classes, missing the social contact but getting good workouts in. There is no way I’d be doing so much if I was just doing stuff on YouTube...
Mar 2020
5:40pm, 27 Mar 2020
540 posts
So far I've done yoga and pilates classes from (which is my usual site). I'm now thinking about something a bit different, to replace walking / running. Wondering about HIIT, trouble is we don't have a lot of space right now, as we're living in half a house. I also noticed that (in NZ) TVNZ 1 is going to be showing a Les Mills fitness class 9am and 3pm starting on Monday. On free to air TV, and on "on demand" which is great.
Mar 2020
5:40pm, 27 Mar 2020
49,058 posts
Dr PhFleecyD
You don’t need much space at all for HIIT
Mar 2020
5:58pm, 27 Mar 2020
15,916 posts
The 30 min Jennis sessions I do are Hiit, Jen. You don't need more space than the average exercise/yoga mat. I'm sure that's true of lots of online exercise.
Mar 2020
6:41pm, 27 Mar 2020
49,059 posts
Dr PhFleecyD
Well Zoomba needs a bit more space but you can adapt
Mar 2020
8:10pm, 27 Mar 2020
30,516 posts
The OYG Davina stuff is free for 30 days and you don’t need much space or equipment. I’m doing a bit of her and a bit of Jennis.