Mar 2014
5:37pm, 31 Mar 2014
10,747 posts
I've done legal stuff, criminal justice-related, training trainers .. at the moment I am training volunteers in support skills, equality and diversity, safeguarding, domestic violence, etc.
Mar 2014
5:43pm, 31 Mar 2014
5,279 posts
Ok, thanks. Sounds interesting AND useful .B. Respect!
Colette - depends how fit you are, what other stuff you are used to doing etc. Try every other day unless you have serious issues. Do the easiest versions until you are confident - but it should hurt a BIT. Be challenging anyway.
I think it s a good idea to watch through a couple of times without actually doing it. Boring but worth it. You can always fast forward.
Mar 2014
6:00pm, 31 Mar 2014
8,216 posts
cheers sharkie - i have done it before until i was ill last year - but am back up to running 100+ miles a month and would like it to compliment my training schedule - and i have absolutely no upper body strength
Mar 2014
6:49pm, 31 Mar 2014
5,280 posts
Colette - you may well find it easier this time then!
I'm quite slight myself and have problems with upper body work. Personally I feel it's better to do a modified version with good form than a ropey, no core, crap posture version of planky things. I'm an ex Pilates teacher and have seen some appalling versions of push ups! Blokes included.
Mar 2014
8:55pm, 31 Mar 2014
235 posts
I remember the first time I ever Shredded - after one of the kids was born and before I got into running. It's far easier this time around - though still horrible how weak and hopeless my arms are
I think I would appal you Sharkie! I'm trying to "stick my tush into the wall" (!) but am hopelessly uncoordinated and have shite balance. It's a lethal combination...
Mar 2014
10:13pm, 31 Mar 2014
6 posts
Success! No longer a level 3 virgin. And it was almost a joy to listen to a different script to level 2. Some of those moves were hard (superman, mountain climber, jumping lunges in particular) but I really liked the plank rows, travelling push ups, and when hand weights were incorporated into the boxing, starjumps etc.
I swear the soundtrack just gets worse and worse though
Mar 2014
10:30pm, 31 Mar 2014
4,593 posts
Jumping lunges are pure evil. I found superman really easy though - it's funny how different moves get different people isn't it?
Apr 2014
1:31pm, 1 Apr 2014
7 posts
I'm going to blame my incompetence at superman on my hard flooring/thin yoga mat
Apr 2014
3:28pm, 2 Apr 2014
8,280 posts
thought i had 30 day shred but i have extreme shed and shred - did the beginner level 1 - was ok was sweating like a racehorse afterwards, but looked more like a hippo on some of the movements!!
Apr 2014
3:41pm, 2 Apr 2014
4,383 posts
Must admit to struggling with some parts of L2 Shred, my shoulders are just pathetically weak. I am putting down some of last night's rubbishness to having done spinning at lunchtime so my legs were slightly mashed.