Mar 2014
12:51pm, 27 Mar 2014
5,246 posts
'Rock Star' jumps - there she goes again, silly tart. Not you Iron Mum!
I agree about skaters - easy peasy. But I know I hated some of level 2. I have conveniently blotted it form my memory.
Although I can do them I really don't like 'Swimmers' - which feature on Killer Fairycakes. Partly because I keep getting mouthfuls of carpet.
Mar 2014
1:06pm, 31 Mar 2014
4,379 posts
Just done 2 days of level 2. struggling with the pendulum lunges (although when I have done these in the past, my balance improved as got closer to day 10 of level 2) and the ones where you have to balance on one leg. definitely sweating a lot more than in level 1 and I ache in muscles I didn't know I had. My backside is killing me today:-)
Mar 2014
1:50pm, 31 Mar 2014
518 posts
I am just about recovered enough from the other day to give this a shot again tonight.........
Mar 2014
2:32pm, 31 Mar 2014
4,589 posts
I am too destroyed after yesterday's race to contemplate Jillian tonight - also it's the first night of Iron Mum 2014, so hoping that none of them are too keen! - but I am really pleased with the way this month has gone. I only did 3 or so sessions a week but my core/upper body strength has improved enormously and I'm definitely more toned.
Going to try and keep doing at least one core session a week from now on...
Mar 2014
2:40pm, 31 Mar 2014
5,275 posts
You're convinced it's worked that well IM? That's encouraging - I can't remember if I thought it made any difference when I did it before.
Even though I ponced about taking selfies.
Mar 2014
5:02pm, 31 Mar 2014
4 posts
Hello all! I'm contemplating moving up to level 3 tonight. Is this wise? I can pretty much do level 2 but use the modified versions for some moves (squat thrust and plank jump). I've convinced myself of my amazing increase in strength and don't want to destroy those dreams
Mar 2014
5:14pm, 31 Mar 2014
5,276 posts
Geo - I remember the first time we all went mad on Shredding, several people reckoned level 3 was actually easier - or at least preferable to - level 2. So go for it!
Mar 2014
5:27pm, 31 Mar 2014
10,746 posts
Yes I don't think level 3 is harder than 2, just different, not like the jump between levels 2 and 3 .. look forward to gearing how you get on
Mar 2014
5:33pm, 31 Mar 2014
5,278 posts
Right ... I'm off to tackle Fairycakes again. Session 3 as Pilates stood in on Friday. I'm sticking at level one with some Rockstar Nadalies rather than Rockstar Anitas.
What sort of trainer are you .B.?
Mar 2014
5:35pm, 31 Mar 2014
8,215 posts
am thinking of starting this again in april - found it hard - well VERY hard!! - whats the recommendation for number of sessions a week for beginners?