Mar 2014
10:17pm, 24 Mar 2014
5,237 posts
Killer Fairycakes it was.
The squat jumps are probably as horrible as squat thrusts. Horribler! (Plank to squat with a sort of jump thrown in. Looks horrible as well - even when they do it.)
I don't think I will ever find Jillian anything more than annoying, but the work outs are effective and quite well thought out.
I cheat on the cardio sometimes - well I am 193 and I think I do QUITE enough cardio with out her extra helpings thank you!
Mar 2014
9:45pm, 25 Mar 2014
10,641 posts
Shred level one for me again. That's 3 daysin a row. I've got pilates tomorrow so that and a run might do instead of Jillian.
Mar 2014
11:58am, 26 Mar 2014
10,654 posts
I missed pilates, oops! So I have just dine level one again - 4/30
Mar 2014
12:29pm, 26 Mar 2014
5,243 posts
Well done .B. Are you attempting the 30 consecutive days?
Willing as I am, I don't think it's a great idea for me to really go for it every day. The Osteo yesterday thought a resistance workout every other day was more appropriate. But you are a lot younger than I am and not injured. Although you were injured - or was it ill - recently?
Mar 2014
12:47pm, 26 Mar 2014
10,659 posts
I have had a virus and still feel a bit under the weather, but thought 20 odd minutes a day shredding with a few gentle runs might get me back into exercising and chase the germs away. I think I will go for 30 days, but will substitute other strength/core stuff some days. I am due to go to a PT session tomorrow morning. I haven't done one for ages so that will be interesting, even when I feel fit they nearly kill me, they invariably include burpees
Mar 2014
3:53pm, 26 Mar 2014
4,576 posts
Nice work .B.! Have to say I can't manage 30 consecutive days - or rather I COULD, of course, but I'm not Hilarious session this morning, we had Child 1's school friend sleeping over and she and Child 2 woke at 6am and solemnly watched me do Level 3, with helpful comments such as 'She's lifting her leg higher, Mummy,' and 'You're really sweating, aren't you?'
Shredding is NOT a spectator sport, kids.
Mar 2014
4:15pm, 26 Mar 2014
214 posts
Lol Iron Mum, my middle child insists on giving a running commentary too: "you're following Anita aren't you, you're not as good as Natalie". I'm not doing consecutive days either. Part lack of time, part idleness, part not wanting to make my knee worse - it doesn't like squat thrusts! I should probably do it more often than I am, though (which is why I am fiddling on here rather than coin my 20 minutes right now.....)
Mar 2014
4:50pm, 26 Mar 2014
10,663 posts
Have you done it yet Ymee? lol at your spectators' comments IM and ymee I quite like the do it every day aspect, it is more likely to keep me doing it, i did it after 9pm the other day only because I would mess up the consecutive day thing if I didn't.
Mar 2014
6:59pm, 26 Mar 2014
5,245 posts
Killer Fairycakes Session 2 this block. The spasming piriformis doesn;'t appear to object too much.
Followed Jillian with the very different Davina.
ARMS ... hey, want 'scuplted guns'?
Mar 2014
7:13pm, 26 Mar 2014
215 posts
Done it