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Plantar Fasciitis??

109 watchers
Jul 2023
12:07pm, 10 Jul 2023
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I've found the "towel curl" exercise to be very effective.

Jul 2023
12:18pm, 10 Jul 2023
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I've had potentially very minor issues with PF (touch wood), but agree that the towel curl prevented it getting any more problematic, also rolling a ball under the foot seemed to work.

However, the best advice I'd say is to consult a physio, especially if it's particularly problematic. I know you could say that for any type of injury, but one time mine crept up on me I was already seeing a physio about achilles problems and he remarked that the advice I was given by the NHS from the NHS website for PF wasn't wrong but was no longer best practice.
Jul 2023
1:49pm, 10 Jul 2023
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There are a dozen different actions that people have taken and had success or no success with. If you are not going via a physio (as I almost never do, nowadays, in my ignorance and arrogance!), then just try them all?!

I've had it for 10 years now and it's usually fine, most pain I get is in slipper or certain types of shoes and boots. Doesn't stop me running at all now.

Ball or roller under foot - golf, tennis, or spiky ball
Knuckle massage (same effect, but more direct and sore - I like this one)
Iced bottle roll under foot
Towel grips with toes
Band stretches back of toes
Arch band support in shoes
Orthotics in / out (hokey cokey)
Barefoot / never barefoot (more hokey cokey)
Beware of certain non running shoes - flip flops, slippers, work shoes even. Differs per person.

Prevention is avoid pushing off toes under tension, look out for rolling (so different types of trainers or non running shoes can help / exacerbate) etc.

Best of luck. And if physio says something different please come back and tell us. :-) G
Jul 2023
2:37pm, 10 Jul 2023
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My physio did a webinar on PF here’s the link fb.watch
Jul 2023
9:30pm, 10 Jul 2023
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Thanks for the video. I’m currently seeing a podiatrist and have had orthotics fitted and have been following an exercise program. But it’s trial and error. A friend’s had success with steroid injections but I hear it’s a bit hit or miss.
Jul 2023
9:39pm, 10 Jul 2023
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Im mine flared up in the pandemic going barefoot in the house. Now always wear slippers w arch support.
Jul 2023
9:48pm, 10 Jul 2023
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I’d never considered that as a trigger. I may need to invest in some new slippers!
Jul 2023
1:02am, 11 Jul 2023
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Fenland Flier
I notice my PF more when wearing my mule slippers than my 'proper' slippers, I do think they make a difference in helping. I have also put a pair of arch supports in them too.
Jul 2023
5:56am, 11 Jul 2023
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I tried steroid injection and it didn’t work for me. I also tried shockwave therapy and I can’t say for sure if it worked for me. I was religious with the stretching and everything else, but I think for me the main thing was time, which for me was over 12 months before I felt I could train properly again. When I look back, it severely restricted what I took for granted, like longer dog walks, walks on the coast path or on Dartmoor, and my running were all extremely curtailed.

I also have a suspicion that the super shoes exacerbated mine, but I do not know for sure - probably it wasn’t just one thing that set it off.

One other thing that set mine off was driving (manual vehicles, PF in right foot). I found loosening the laces helped that one. There was no silver bullet for me though, except time.
Jul 2023
11:18pm, 11 Jul 2023
29,354 posts
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Flyingfinn’s advice is good
My left heel hurt like heck, was always the most painful. Ended up clearing up after some back exercises from the physio - was apparently not PF but presented itself as PF Your PF is the end of the fascia chain that starts at your opposite shoulder. If something in your back is creating tension in that chain it can be absorbed along the chain until it gets to your PF and has no where else to go. That is PF not something presenting as PF. No amount of foot exercises etc will do anything but provide temporary relief. Sorting your back issue will sort the PF though. I've had a number of bouts of PF that were solved in days by fixing back issues. Similarly glute issues can drag on the fascia chain and cause PF. Fix the glutes, the tension in the chain is removed and the PF goes.

Tension in my shoulders seems to transfer to mild pf fairly quickly and dealing with that stops it getting any worse.
I’ve had a couple of short relapses since my bad year (2015/16) but keeping my back moving with just a little yoga and pilates seems to be helping
(Fingers crossed, wood touched etc)

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Maintained by geordiegirl
Hi guys & gals

I know this will have been covered loads of times before but I’m just wondering ...

Couple of links from HappyG(rrr) & CableTow


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