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PF and now muscle pulls - help!

4 watchers
Apr 2015
10:12pm, 23 Apr 2015
18,584 posts
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Red Squirrel
Weak glutes definitely a possibility. I work on strengthening in that area a lot. I know a lot of people suffer from this.
Apr 2015
10:24pm, 23 Apr 2015
208 posts
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Yep, trying to fit everything in is impossible and yoga is definitely not the cheapest pursuit. Hope you manage to get back running soon RS nothing worse than injury. Just one other thought. What time of day do you tend to go out running? I tend to avoid early mornings because I just know I feel much tighter/stiffer then than mid morning onwards. But then shift work gives me that luxury ;-)
Apr 2015
10:30pm, 23 Apr 2015
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Red Squirrel
Good point Pedro. I'd stopped running to work because I thought it'd be better when I'm warmed up and my body's awake.

I'm too scared to run any reasonable distance at the mo' in case anything goes. I do a lot of walking tho' as I'm a pro dog walker and also have to scoot between appointments on my bike. I'm in the gym doing strengthening every other day.

I also get a sore leg sometimes when I wake up in the morning (same leg as pulls and sore pelvic area muscle). Phys has given me some exercises to help but it's a weird pain which feels like it goes down the middle of the leg from the top of the quad to just before the knee. I pulled the quad on this side about 6 weeks ago too!
Apr 2015
7:00pm, 28 Apr 2015
1,070 posts
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Had anything else changed in the months leading up to the PF?

More walking?
More cycling?

Hill walking and cycling give me very very tight leg muscles - including calves, which in turn have led to problems with my feet - not PF personally, but last year I had peroneus longs tendonitis, and this year another painful foot issue.
Both after upping the hill walking and cycling
Apr 2015
7:01pm, 28 Apr 2015
1,071 posts
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Had anything else changed in the months leading up to the PF?

More walking?
More cycling?

Hill walking and cycling give me very very tight leg muscles - including calves, which in turn have led to problems with my feet - not PF personally, but last year I had peroneus longs tendonitis, and this year another painful foot issue.
Both after upping the hill walking and cycling
Apr 2015
9:12pm, 28 Apr 2015
18,612 posts
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Red Squirrel
Hmmm ... I got the PF just before I started working as a dog walker. Bad timing. Prior to PF I had been in a new job and cycling 6.5 hard miles every day (hilly, uneven terrain, shocking weather). Two of my work colleagues also had it.

Maybe, K9, it's the cycling on flat pedals. I don't like clipping in on my commute as it's so stop/start but it would be better for my feet. Hmmm ...

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Maintained by Red Squirrel
I had PF on the left foot - got better after about 4 months. Then I had PF on the right foot which ...
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