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Getting back after broken foot

4 watchers
May 2013
7:22am, 16 May 2013
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I didnt go, I was talking to someone who basically has just had same experience and he says it took him ages and to just listen to your body, my foot is definitely improving everyday, I spend a fair while on my feet for work so I am tired at the end of a day but like I say it is improving, I am going to try a small stroll at the weekend and see how I go
May 2013
7:32am, 16 May 2013
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Hi Nelly,

I broke my foot in 2006 following a motorbike accident. Broke a couple of toes too. Double sesemoid bone fracture or something. After the cast come off I walked with a limp for 6 months. I still can't bend my big toe now !!! When I did start running my foot ached after every run for a while but eventually it settled down. I was overweight and that almost definitely contributed to the aching.

My advice would be take your time, be patient. You will get there but from what you've said your foot isn't ready just yet.

Walking sounds like a better idea for now and will help strengthen the foot.
May 2013
10:45am, 16 May 2013
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Hi Nelly,

Saw this thread and thought I'd post. I am also just returning from a metatarsal stress fracture in my left foot. X-ray showed it as very minor but still I have been extremely cautious as I have had 2 fractures in the past (metatarsal in the same foot and femoral in left hip - must be something wrong with the left side of my body!)

Anyway, I have been cross-training for almost 5 weeks now (Friday will be 5 weeks). I only relapsed once in that time (ran on it in pain) and realised how stupid I'd been and packed it in. I can walk around now with no pain at all and I ran a 5k race the other night only 20 seconds slower than my PB. I wasn't in any pain but it definitely felt stiff and a bit off. As a precautionary, I am not running again now until I have a further x-ray confirming it's healed from my doctor. I have an appointment Monday so should hopefully get an x-ray next week. If it's all healed, I will start building back up slowly....

Are you cross-training? I find I have been able to maintain my high fitness level by biking 40k on the stationary bike in the gym, using the elliptical after that or swimming 50-60 lengths. I actually seem to be in better shape than when I was running 60mpw which is odd!

Are you taking any calcium supplements? I am religious about this and do this it's why I heal so quickly. I take Osteocare liquid calcium, it tastes like oranges :)
May 2013
10:47am, 16 May 2013
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PS I feel your (emotional) pain, I have missed 6 marathons because of this (ok, 3 were cancelled and 3 I missed due to injury but still) it is tough but realistically, there is not much we can do but be patient and be more aware of the warning signs next time. For me, I kept on running when the niggle in my foot wouldn't go away... there was no 'BANG' moment when I felt a load of pain, it just never really got better. I am looking forward to being 150% pain free again though and should think my next race will be 24th May (5 miles) and then 1st June (half marathon) fingers crossed!
May 2013
11:12am, 16 May 2013
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I broke my 5th met in June 2011 and it was a nasty break. Was in a boot for 6 weeks or so weeks, when discharged from hospital the bone hadnt fully healed - fixed at top and bottom of break but not in middle. I walked twice a day every day with the dog, but didnt really run again for a few months. Personally for me it took a long time to heal, still worry about it now and my foot still aches a lot (actually aches today for some silly reason) but I am now running again having just finished London Marathon and a Beat the Bog amongst other things. Also taken up bike riding due to time it took to heal and love it. Just listen to your body and take care. Its horrid not being able to do the things you love.
May 2013
1:16pm, 16 May 2013
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Was that a complete fracture Mandy?

Mine was a slight hairline crack i.e. not complete. What was yours Nelly? I have heard that if you continue to run on a stress fracture when it is very minor, it can become a complete fracture and also that it can transfer to the other metatarsals so it's really best to be sensible.

Like you say, you simply have to listen to your body and assess it coupled with the time you have been healing to really evaluate what you should be doing (or not doing).
May 2013
1:30pm, 16 May 2013
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Yes it was a nasty one from bottom to top and across if that makes sense - poxy x-box kinect!
May 2013
5:50pm, 16 May 2013
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Yes I do take calcium but the thing I forgot to mention is that I have arthritis of the big toe which I am having ongoing treatment for on the same foot, I take 2000ml of Gloucosamine & Condroitin every day, I am sure that this is slowing down progress, as both sides of my foot are sore (I need to hover!) My OH has got me the old bike out of the shed so I might have a go at that too. I know I will get there its just frustrating! Thanks for all your support though it is good to hear others as it gives reassurance :)
May 2013
5:15pm, 20 May 2013
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Well I'm pretty much back now - ran 10 miles yesterday with no pain or stiffness so going to build back up now sensibly on treadmill/road and mix it up with pool workouts too. Looking forward to getting back to my race schedule!

Hope you heal soon Nelly :) all the best.
Apr 2022
3:03pm, 18 Apr 2022
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Maintained by NellyMarcos
Hi all, I fractured the cuboid bone of my right foot on the 10th March, spent 2 weeks on crutches 5 ...
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