Sep 2013
9:19am, 20 Sep 2013
7,298 posts
Is it possible to pick up plantar fasciitis on a single run?
I did a short hill race in May in shoes that were a bit past it and it gave me rather sore feet underneath (to the point of needing painkillers). Never suffered plantar fasciitis or pain underneath my feet before.
Since then, the soles (and esp. heels) of my feet have been sore-ish on and off - in the mornings, as soon as I put (any) shoes on, when walking, when I start running and after a run etc - which makes me think it might be plantar fasciitis. What makes me wonder is that it just came on during a single run of less than an hour though.
I have since changed the offending shoes and not even worn them for walking anymore, but the feet aren't getting any better.
Trying to work out whether it's PF or just random foot pain that'll go away by itself as I want to know whether I can sign up to next year's ultras (which are likely to sell out as soon as entries open in the next few weeks) and accept a place for one in a few weeks if I get in through the waiting list or not (likely to be announced this weekend). Don't want to make it worse/chronic by running too much on it, but am fed up of not doing anything, too (and would hate not signing up to an ultra in April which it then turns out I could have done because it was just a wee foot niggle that went away by itself)...
Sep 2013
10:37pm, 21 Sep 2013
2,475 posts
Tracey G
I've had PF for over a year now. I wouldn't book an ultra if I was you.
Have you read the long standing PF thread?
Sep 2013
6:47am, 22 Sep 2013
4,005 posts
I had PF for a few years to varying degrees but thankfully now healed. I am led to believe it's an overuse injury but think you need a proper diagnosis before making any plans and as Tracey G said check this out Good luck with repairing yourself.
Sep 2013
7:08am, 22 Sep 2013
5,438 posts
mrs shanksi
I would say the answer to your question SA is yes. I got PF for the first time after Cateran this year. I got rid of it by doing the appropriate stretching which you can google. You have to do something about it and you will be fine! I've never been bothered again and I am now much better at stretching. Same with itb. Good luck my friend
Sep 2013
4:27pm, 22 Sep 2013
253 posts
Carlos Fandango Jnr
Wouldn't surprise me - that one run could (conceivably) weaken the whatevers in the bottom of your foot, or create scar tissue, tightening, bad reactions etc. Then it would be exacerbated by carrying on running afterwards.
This post was brought to you by some guy with an internet connection but no relevant scientific knowledge.
Sep 2013
4:47pm, 22 Sep 2013
59 posts
Shortcut Cam
A friend of mine got PF from one 8 hour hike. I've had it since May and now only resting it. I never took it easy after Bighton marathon and now paying the price. The cruelest twist is now that it is being rested I am more aware of the pain. But that could be the stretching excercises to make it better.
Sep 2013
8:50pm, 23 Sep 2013
369 posts
icelandic trigirl
Before I would book anything (and pay entry fees!) I'd go see a physio. It'll almost certainly cost you less than a race entry and at least you will know, as well as get tips on how to treat it. I have googled everything imaginable but it is quite an individual injury and everyone responds to different care patters; the physio should be able to find where the injury begins, what its origins are (e.g. mine is probably triggered right up at my hips, though a dodgy ankle doesn't help) and help you avoid relapse. Good luck!
Sep 2013
9:04pm, 23 Sep 2013
14,478 posts
I got it, wasn't sure what causes it then after several months worked out it was a new pair of shoes ( because they were the ones I ran in at school and it improved over the school holidays) . Once it had more or less cleared up I wore said shoes for the gym, no running just walking about at the gym as I was on duty with school, a bit of cross trainer but that was about it, after an hour or so in them the PF flared up again so yes one wearing of a pair of shoes can do it but these were new shoes not sure if existing shoes would do it unless it had been brewing a while
Sep 2013
9:38pm, 23 Sep 2013
7,306 posts
Thank you all, all your advice is very much appreciated.
Tracey and Adrian, I haven't been on the PF thread yet because I wasn't sure whether my issues could even be PF, given that it was only one run that caused it. Sounds like it might be though... I shall google those stretches and try and see a physio soon.
Mrs S and Adrian, good to hear you don't have any issues with it anymore.
Shortcut Cam, I seem to be the same with rest - spent the weekend at my desk with no walking at all, and the pain was way more annoying than when I'm walking about.