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Plantar Fasciitis??

109 watchers
Jul 2010
8:56am, 29 Jul 2010
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Hi guys & gals

I know this will have been covered loads of times before but I’m just wondering if any of you could give me some advice on heel pain, I’m presuming its plantar fasciitis. I have pain in the underside of my heel and walking on it is very painful especially first thing on a morning & I am conscious of the pain in my foot at the mo sitting at my desk but bizarrely it doesn’t bother me when I run (not that I’m doing a lot at the mo) so I have kind of not thought much of it but as its getting worse not better I thought I'd better see what I can do to help fix it.

Many thanks
Jul 2010
8:56am, 29 Jul 2010
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I've just got this too, so interested in others comments. I just bought a night splint thing to wear at night which is supposed to work.
Jul 2010
9:09am, 29 Jul 2010
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Jock Itch

one of the best bits of info here.
Jul 2010
9:46am, 29 Jul 2010
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it's a muscle like thing - wamr up it's OK, cool down it's tense hence OK when running
I did rest/stretch/cross train/physio and it didn't go away
ended up with a cortisone injection
Jul 2010
9:55am, 29 Jul 2010
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these cortisone injection things. i take it you have to wait a while having had it before you get one? and how do you get one? is there anything bad about one? (apart from the pain lol)

i'm still running as mine isn't that bad. if it gets worse, i'm going to stop running, but at the mo its ok. in the morning its sore and 1st few steps of walking its sore. i know its *there* but its okish when running.

its hard as some people have run through it and its gone, others say they were off for ages. tough one. i don't want to get so injured i'm off for months, but don't want to stop if i don't have to.
Jul 2010
10:03am, 29 Jul 2010
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I went to my GP and said - can I have one.
He said "you do realise this is probably the most painful injection you can have?" I gulped.
He was going to do it THEN!
But I rebooked for a couple of days later
the injection includes a local
I did my 1st gentle trot after a day i think
take it easy for 1-2 wks then fine
Jul 2010
10:05am, 29 Jul 2010
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I was lucky in that when I changed my running shoes it went away (which was bizarre because it didn't hurt to run, it just hurt all the rest of the time) . . . I do notice when I change from summer sensible ecco sandals to winter sensible boots it niggles a bit until I've got used to the change, I never wear silly shoes and while I can and do go barefoot around the house now I was advised not to when I had it . . . good luck all
Jul 2010
10:12am, 29 Jul 2010
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Thanks for this info guys, my dad had one of those injections and found it didnt do anything to ease the problem but said it was painful.

Mine is awful on a morning but bearable the rest of the time, I dont do a lot of miles, just building back up after a short break, and it seems mad that it doesnt cause a problem running. I actually think the orthotics I have in my boots are to blame, I wore them for a long weekend in London and my foot hurt with them, but I've not worn the boots or insoles since mid June but I suppose it could have caused the problem which I now need to fix.

Like GF I dont want to take any (more) time off if I dont need to but definately dont want to cause a bigger problem & longer term injury (my 'pain' also sounds very similar). Decisions decisions.
Jul 2010
10:14am, 29 Jul 2010
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eL Bee!
EP - the injection contains a local - so there is instant relief.

The Local, however, wears off. And if you are unlucky enough to have a steroid 'flare' - THAT hurts like hell!
Jul 2010
10:15am, 29 Jul 2010
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I had mild case and did lots of calf stretching and rolling the bottom of my foot with a baseball (harder than a tennis ball). It does get a bit niggly with a certain pair of fashion boots I have noticed.

About This Thread

Maintained by geordiegirl
Hi guys & gals

I know this will have been covered loads of times before but I’m just wondering ...

Couple of links from HappyG(rrr) & CableTow


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