Plantar Fasciitis??
1 lurker |
109 watchers
Jul 2010
12:06pm, 29 Jul 2010
858 posts
Hendo - surgery? Why? What do the experts think has caused it?
Jul 2010
12:09pm, 29 Jul 2010
568 posts
I've had this since the beginning of May, I did try running through it at first as it seemed to be ok while I was running. I've had the best part of a month off running now, mine's been quite mild compared with some of what I've heard but I was finding it quite sore the morning after a run, first I had a week off, then two, now almost a month. I'm going to try a run again shortly as it's feeling much better, although I can still feel it a little when I get out of bed. First thing in the morning I put on some heels just till it feels looser which looks quite daft, PJs and heels! I've also got a strassburg sock in the last few days which I've been wearing at night, it took a bit of getting used to but now I can sleep through without it disturbing me. I really don't fancy a cortisone injection. One thing it has encouraged me to do is cross train - all I ever did was run, but now my swimming's improving (it needed to!) and I've just bought a new bike. Geordiegirl - mine was brought on by wearing flat pumps all day at work, not even running shoes. A bit of a heel seems to help. Stilettos probably not though! |
Jul 2010
12:09pm, 29 Jul 2010
859 posts
Oh and I agree with Rach, you shouldn't just keep running. That will only end in tears. Basically, if something hurts there is a reason for it so stop running until it stops hurting and try to find out the cause... That philosophy has stopped me from packing running in altogether. |
Jul 2010
9:11pm, 30 Jul 2010
First-time poster!!
First of all get a professional diagnosis before you spend more time, money and effort. I am dealing with plantar fasciitis for more than a year now and I understood that treatment efficiency is very individual. If something works for one it may not work for the other. There are many treatment techniques that you can try. Did you try Taping? I have found it very useful. Taping will keep your foot from getting injured again and will help you get through your daily routine. There are a few Taping techniques you can use. I also found a very informative website in: Take care & Good luck |
Jul 2010
9:35pm, 30 Jul 2010
2,563 posts
god, i've got this flaring up again too. i hope that all you peeps on here get it fixed asap. i am back in my night splint again after several months of no problem. mines caused in part by tight calf muscle. Itchies link is a good un. |
Aug 2010
4:09pm, 3 Aug 2010
27 posts
Picked mine up Oct last year - initially trained through until one day even pressing the pedals while driving was really painful. 2 months of complete rest, then back into training carefully in the new year. It was very clear that over training and tight calf muscles seemed to be the cause of this. It niggled away for months, and about four weeks ago I finally got round to seeing a physio. She identified a minor, put identifiable weakness in my left glute and prescribed some simple (but silly looking) strength exercises. I've added rollering the calf like hell to this, and had more improvement (almost completely gone now) in the last month than the preceeding 8. Bottom line is that if this comes back, I'll be seeing a physio to see if we can identify a root cause rather than deal with the symptoms. Good luck |
Aug 2010
4:27pm, 3 Aug 2010
1,098 posts
I had this since Christmas, I ran through it to try and get my 1000 mile 2009 target and ended up not being able to run at all for about 10 days and not reaching target. It has taken me 7 months to get rid of it, I have been doing little bits of running (maybe the odd 3 miles here and there). As Tiger said too, stay away from really flat shoes like ballet pumps and converse as these make it worse. I have been reading that Fit Flops are quite good for PF. Hope you get it sorted. |
Aug 2010
5:06pm, 3 Aug 2010
31,789 posts
Poop, I think mine has been caused by a tight calf and isn't seeming to feel any better, I've just been into town and walked to and from the bus stop less than 1K and it's flared up again. Read that page that Jock gave the link to and it mentioned about being overweight, this I am, although I am lighter than last year, I know that itself has to go. Don't really know what to do about it. I'm resting, cycling. Thinking about seeing a fizz again, would that help? |
Aug 2010
5:10pm, 3 Aug 2010
4,026 posts
BelleVueRacer♣of Beartown
Resting for PF is fine. Only prob is you rest to run again at some point and as soon as you start running it comes back. I rested for 2 months and it did not work. I now run a bit but use zinc oxide tape, night splint, golf ball, ice, heat, scrunches, lateral massaging.... I can run a bit but not a lot. Hence I'm looking at how I run again - it is not an overuse injury in my case because I dont get to bloody run much. By the way I've had it since december - early symptoms late October. Apparently there is a magic cure if you want to buy the book. I hate the way they marketise cures for such afflictions! CURE?!?!? If anyone knows... this is the thread! |
Aug 2010
5:12pm, 3 Aug 2010
31,791 posts
Mine is definitely NOT an over use injury, If you doubt this then look at my training, I've hardly run, so I'm unsure that it's even the running that caused it. But how do you know?
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