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Plantar Fasciitis??

109 watchers
Aug 2010
3:31pm, 13 Aug 2010
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Rach E
I'm not getting into the arch support debate, but all I know is that wearing shoes with no arch support helped bring on my PF. I can run pretty much without pain with shoes with arch support.

No, we weren't born to need arch support. But arch support does help me. We weren't born to wear glasses. But if I didn't wear them, I'd have been hit by a bus many years ago.

I will point out though that I am very anti-orthotics though.
Aug 2010
3:50pm, 13 Aug 2010
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BelleVueRacer♣of Beartown
lammo - as PF is a SORE point with me ( :-) ) I tend to rant about it. I ranted about a 5 minute cure, I think CT is referring to my rant. http://www.fetcheveryone.com/viewtopic.php?id=39502

Rach - you've just contributed to the arch debate :-)
Aug 2010
3:50pm, 13 Aug 2010
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Keefy Beefy
I can see perfectly without glasses so therefore you should through yours away, Rach.
Aug 2010
3:54pm, 13 Aug 2010
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BelleVueRacer♣of Beartown
Apparently, getting a purebred black labrador(must be between 5 or 6 years old) to lick your feet followed by a cup of tea, then do a handstand for 3 hours cures PF. That should end this debate.
Aug 2010
4:46pm, 19 Aug 2010
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Doesr anybody know whether the wearing of fit flops helps with PF.
Aug 2010
5:11pm, 19 Aug 2010
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Lack of arch support brought on my PF too, and when I got rid of the offending shoes and returned to more support I managed to get going again without the pain. Took many weeks of painful walking downstairs first thing in morning etc before I got back to that point, but I can almost pinpoint to the mile the point during the Dartmoor Discovery when I started hammering my feet (on steep downhills on the road, with minimal shoes, late on in an ultra) and the PF first struck. For me, flip flops would be the exact opposite of what I needed when afflicted. But for you, doopy, the opposite may be the case!
Aug 2010
5:13pm, 19 Aug 2010
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BelleVueRacer♣of Beartown
it didn't help me on honey moon but I think each case is different.

by the way the 5 minute cure has been disclosed to me. Spend 5 mins a day stretching the PF by resting the ankle (outside) on the thigh / knee of the other leg (sittings advisable!) and pulling the toes up. The add more leverage with your hands and hold for 10 seconds for 3 cycles. Do this routine 3 times a day and, I'm told, your PF is gone in 5 months.

I've been doing achilles, calf & hamstring stretches as well (calves stretched with knee ben and again with it straight) in similar cycles (I try to get some in mid run).

I'm not saying this is right, its what my fizz sed, innit.
Aug 2010
5:32pm, 19 Aug 2010
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I might as well give my story as well....picked this up towards end of Marathon training, so had increased my mileage...same story as others on here about morning pain, running OK, etc.etc...did stretching, ice, rolling foot on golf ball and frozen bottle etc.etc...had physio visit, advised an arch insert and heel cups in my regular shoes..and surprisingly advised wearing Birekenstocks around the house rather than soft slippers...Physio also showed me how to tape the foot up, and also did some massage and ultasound..i hardly ran for about 6-9 months..but am now completely clear....crossing fingers and touching wood.
Can't say what solved it, but I think it was combination of the rest from running (did other stuff) and the various stretches and massage.
There is no miracle cure, and it does seem to vary from person to person.....It is a bit of a bugger..but it will go away, in the end.
Aug 2010
6:03pm, 19 Aug 2010
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Crikey I need to catch up and digest some stuff on here. I went to see my physio who thinks my achillies has caused my PF, apparently it is very very tight.

On the arch support/no support theory. I have some insoles my podiatrist friend gave me to give me more arch support. I wore them in London earlier in the year as we were doing lots of walking & standing and I swear that is what made my foot sore, I dont recall having any problems before that, but I also had a problem a few years back when my new gait analysis trainers to correct a problem in my left foot caused issues in my right knee. I think my legs are wonky ;)

I have also discovered wearing flip flops today to work is a BAD thing, my foot is horrendously sore :( so I think I may need to invest in some shoes that fit between flip flops & 3"+ heels :-0 but it could be related to taking the dogs out for a walk yesterday, but as I had them on the running harness & I had my trainers on so it turned into a mile run/walk and my calf was noticably tight and by the time I got home it was very uncomfortable.

I am still being rather optomistic that I can do GNR but then reading this thread and counting the days I'm thinking its unlikely..... 5 months / 6-9 months :(:(:( but TW nice to know it goes eventually if you behave yourself.

I'm doing pilates & body balance at the moment and hoping all the extra stretching will help. Bloody thing. Good luck getting fixed everyone.
Aug 2010
7:30pm, 19 Aug 2010
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I've also now landed with plantar fasciitis, after being on the road to recovery from achilles tendonitis in the same foot. I haven't bothered to go to a doctor or a physio because I know exactly what they are going to say. I have flat feet, I overpronate, I'm overweight, blah, blah, blah.

Luckily after a few painful steps in the morning, I can slip on my trainers with my brick work orthotics in them and walk to work. I initially hated the orthotics cause they hurt but now I'm used to them and much more comfortable. I can't wear my trainers in the office though and in my office shoes I actually do limp around. I think they'd look at me a bit funny if I showed up to meetings in trainers.

Annoying part is that I'll have a place for London marathon next year and realistically I'd need at least 6 months to train, I can't whip one out after 16 weeks, after doing so little running.

About This Thread

Maintained by geordiegirl
Hi guys & gals

I know this will have been covered loads of times before but I’m just wondering ...

Couple of links from HappyG(rrr) & CableTow


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