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Plantar Fasciitis??

109 watchers
Aug 2010
8:00pm, 19 Aug 2010
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Johnny Blaze
I got it in my right foot and I was limping badly for weeks.
I rested completely from running for 3 months - cross training only - started little runs and worked up from there.
Its never been back.
I would advocate the rest cure rather than lots of expensive remedies which might not work and might lead one to starting running again too quickly.

Just my opinion based on my own experience.
Aug 2010
8:09pm, 19 Aug 2010
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I've had shockwave therapy through BUPA for both feet - a year apart.

I've tried resting, didn't work. The shockwave I'm unconvinced by - feels great immediately afterwards, but I'm not sure it 'cured' anything. I run in fairly minimal shoes, but mainly off road.

It's different solutions for different people, but for me I think stretching the PF and lots of heel raises helped, along with sports massage of my calves and achilles.
Aug 2010
9:59pm, 19 Aug 2010
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BelleVueRacer♣of Beartown
It is one pure, vile, bank executive of an injury. So much uncertainty about when it will go and if it will go. And for many, rest is futile.
Aug 2010
10:00pm, 19 Aug 2010
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I had it to go with neuroma in Feb...probably caused by trying to run with a v. painful foot (neuroma).
Physio used two types of Laser, lots of very deep, very painful massage of foot and calf, resting, stretching and achilles lots
sweettater.files.wordpress.com (if you don;t know yoga worth finding a class/instructor) & working on my balance and foot movement whilst running. I got rid of it in 10 weeks, ran VLM and have continued running painfree since

foot massager under my desk walkinbackrub.co.uk - I got mine from John Lewis but couldn't see them on their web - I had a knot just up from my heel that I used the spiky roller to dig into and break down (whilst trying not to throw up) followed by hugging/gripping with my toes- also used a spiky rubber ball which you can get from physiosupplies.com as it got better I was able to pick the ball up and hold it with my toes

it is a painful sod of an injury that literally got on my nerves....hope all the sufferers get rid of it soon; BVR's link to CT's advice is worth a read;-)
Aug 2010
10:01pm, 19 Aug 2010
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BVR I couldn't have timed that X post any better ;-)
Aug 2010
10:25am, 23 Aug 2010
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Anyone got any comments on the cortisone injection thingy? Is it worth it?
Aug 2010
10:29am, 23 Aug 2010
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Painful and not necessarily effective. I think it is seen as a last resort if other things have failed.

Plus, like all anti-inflammatories it potentially just masks the problem which could recur once the drug has worn off.
Aug 2010
10:30am, 23 Aug 2010
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I'll be able to tell you soon GF, I've seen the doc this morning and he's agreed that's the next stage for me, so we've scheduled it for next Tuesday, I can get the bank holiday out of the way first.

I've been told I will need to rest afterwards for a whole week, no exercise at all, then start to reintroduce it gradually after that. I've also been warned it's very painful to have and that the doc would only do it as a last resort after trying all the stretching etc and I've had it more than three months.

So something to look forward to over the next week then!
Aug 2010
10:33am, 23 Aug 2010
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I'm seeing a fizz today about mine. Can still run on it, but I don't think its a good idea any more.
Aug 2010
11:20am, 23 Aug 2010
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BelleVueRacer♣of Beartown
Id be reluctant to have a cortizone jab - i was keen to have one a few months ago but spoke to a runner who had one. Short story - her PF is permanently damaged.

Amputation and prosthetics would be safer than cortizone IMO. Thankfully I'm not a phys!

I hear orthotics are effective but "change the biomechanics of your foot". But why is changing the biomechanics of your foot such a bad thing if you can run?

I've not tried orthotics by the way, still trying to change how I walk & run!

About This Thread

Maintained by geordiegirl
Hi guys & gals

I know this will have been covered loads of times before but I’m just wondering ...

Couple of links from HappyG(rrr) & CableTow


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