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Plantar Fasciitis??

109 watchers
Jul 2022
9:26am, 1 Jul 2022
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Yesterday was my 2 year anniversary of having PF. It is in left foot only. I run every other day. Stretch daily. Use massage gun once or twice a day. It is manageable. Found that inactivity (through lockdown) seemed to make it worse. I just wish it would clear off!
Jul 2022
9:38am, 1 Jul 2022
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Whiteflash are you nearer knowing the root cause? PF is all about load bearing going wrong and both insoles and being really careful to ensure I don’t set off a chain reaction has really helped. I need to ensure one lazy glute fires and doesn’t put pressure on front of leg that then puts pressure on calf that then lands on foot. I still have twinges but I can marathon and run consecutive days now
Jul 2022
11:47am, 1 Jul 2022
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Serend, that is interesting about the lazy glute as I do have one. I have tried insoles and specific orthotics but they caused issues with good foot. Will work on glutes. Thanks
Aug 2022
5:54pm, 26 Aug 2022
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K5 Gus
After a 43m ultra 3 weeks ago, my PF flared up for the first time in 9 or 10 years :-(

Left it over a week and when feeling no pain walking around tried a wee run, but started hurting again.

Another week, and tried a few jogs as part of a hill walk as was ok.

The one thing I noticed whilst it was sore, was that "working" the foot whilst walking hard or jogging made it worse, whereas if I tried to minimise the foot movement and do most of the work with the legs then it wasn't so bad.

So, that got me thinking, when wearing carbon plated shoes the foot can't bend nearly as much as the shoe is very stiff.

So today, went out a 4 mile run wearing my Hoka Carbon X2 which have a plate and are stiff, and all felt OK.

Might be a coincidence and it would have been OK anyway.......

Anyone else tried using very stiff shoes as an aid ? Last time I had PF carbon plated shoes hadn't been invented yet !!
Aug 2022
10:41pm, 26 Aug 2022
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My left heel hurt like heck, was always the most painful. Ended up clearing up after some back exercises from the physio - was apparently not PF but presented itself as PF

Your PF is the end of the fascia chain that starts at your opposite shoulder. If something in your back is creating tension in that chain it can be absorbed along the chain until it gets to your PF and has no where else to go. That is PF not something presenting as PF. No amount of foot exercises etc will do anything but provide temporary relief. Sorting your back issue will sort the PF though. I've had a number of bouts of PF that were solved in days by fixing back issues.

Similarly glute issues can drag on the fascia chain and cause PF. Fix the glutes, the tension in the chain is removed and the PF goes.
Aug 2022
7:53am, 27 Aug 2022
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Interesting Gus. Some people use quite hard orthotics which might have same effect of protecting foot from movement? But no, not carbon plate user here soz.

Ff - they do say it's all linked. So I try and clear back, glute, ham, calf probs etc as well as PF. I've had em all! :-) G
Aug 2022
8:01am, 27 Aug 2022
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Gus, I’ve not come across that. In the back of my mind I was wondering if the carbon plate may have contributed to my issues though, but I think probably it was just a combination of things for me. It’s not the same, but I felt my walking boots were exacerbating things for me early on - of course, they’re not carbon plated, but they are also very rigid. But interesting to hear you feel the carbon shoes are possibly helping you.
Aug 2022
8:14am, 27 Aug 2022
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K5 Gus
Coincidentally, a runner I follow on youtube posted up a new vid this morning about whether or not to wear "supershoes" in training, and he said he thinks using carbon plated shoes in training brings on mild PF for himself, and his reasoning is that the foot is not able to roll through naturally. ie most people land slightly on the outside then as they roll through are quite neutral, then toe off slightly on the inside - a plate inhibits this movement and all the small muscles involved, and forces a "flatter" roll through.

I strongly agree with ff that PF is normally just the sympton and the cause is usually somewhere up the chain - for me it's glutes I think rather than any back issue.

Who knows though !
Aug 2022
8:51pm, 31 Aug 2022
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I also ran that same 43 mile ultra a few weeks ago (!) but much slower than Gus, although we had a good chat afterwards waiting for a post-race massage (great to catch up). No idea about those shoes though.

My PF never really went away, and running (with a lot of walking) so far after a massive 168 miles run for all of Jan-July combined was a wee bit daft, but I'm glad I did it. After months of cutting back, it seems that things are a lot better with the foot. Yeah, it woke me up a couple of times the night afterwards, but nothing much sine then. And I've run a bit more than usual recently so have wild optimism that I've turned the corner... for the time being.

"Who knows though!" is spot on. Speaking of which, a PF-suffering neighbour highly recommended these insoles as capable of producing great results, so I gave them a try for a month or two. Maybe they have helped, but... who knows?

Jul 2023
12:04pm, 10 Jul 2023
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What's the latest on PF? After many years of plodding about I've got it in my right foot. As I work from home I am wondering if my slippers might be partly to blame. Apart from taking pain killers and doing absolutely no weight bearing exercise on my feet what can I do?

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Maintained by geordiegirl
Hi guys & gals

I know this will have been covered loads of times before but I’m just wondering ...

Couple of links from HappyG(rrr) & CableTow


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