Nov 2013
12:52pm, 4 Nov 2013
5,642 posts
Nice one JR, i should really get started again, are you going to do it every day?
I've got about 8 work trips abroad between now and christmas so i'll never manage every day, but i've got to avoid piling on the pounds as usual at this time of year
Nov 2013
12:58pm, 4 Nov 2013
7,129 posts
Star x
Actually- that's a nice wee prompt Jovi, all my races are finished for the year so perfect time to get back to this
Nov 2013
1:06pm, 4 Nov 2013
2,561 posts
Jovi Runner
Lammo - yes, the plan is to do it every day as I have a lull in between races and before I have to start ramping up the miles again for spring marahton training. I did it pretty much everyday when I last did it - although I never did the Level 3 - just did Level 1 for 15 days and then LEvel 2..
Nov 2013
7:45pm, 4 Nov 2013
2,484 posts
Tracey G
Jovi - I did Ripped in 30 yesterday and hope to do it once a week during my marathon training. Any more than that will be a bonus. I'm also doing a plank a day😀
Nov 2013
8:17pm, 4 Nov 2013
2,562 posts
Jovi Runner
Day One done - the legs bits felt much easier than last time I did the Shred but I have no arm stregth. Arms shaking trying to pick up my cuppa
Nov 2013
8:56am, 5 Nov 2013
2,564 posts
Jovi Runner
I have DOMs - quite literally a pain in the @rse this morning which means that The Shred has already started its work. Arms feel a bit sore but not as bad as I feared. Glute ache is the main issue!
Nov 2013
10:02am, 5 Nov 2013
104 posts
Well done everyone on shredding.Just done Jillian Michaels yoga meltdown. Great workout
Nov 2013
8:55am, 6 Nov 2013
2,565 posts
Jovi Runner
Didnt manage day 2 yesterday - tough 8 mile club fartlek session and then club monthly committee meeting meant I didnt get back until 10pm last night and just too knackered. Will do day 2 today - although I think it could be quite painful as still have some DOMS.
Nov 2013
3:30pm, 6 Nov 2013
899 posts
The Juicer
Goddamn Jillians. Had a couple of weeks' break from Shredding as I do find it interferes with running and had a big event on. Thought I'd get back to it gently with a Ri30 level 1. Holymoly, have I had DOMS. Did the dvd on Saturday, and my hamstrings/adductors are STILL sore today!!
Lesson to learn: don't leave big gaps between Shreds!
Nov 2013
10:22am, 7 Nov 2013
5,264 posts
I am doing the Insanity DVDs at the moment so I have not done any Jillian workouts for a while. The people doing the exercises in the background in that mostly look absolutely shattered which makes a change from Aneedah and Nadahlie.