Mar 2014
8:35pm, 5 Mar 2014
767 posts
Day 1 done. Here's looking forward to the DOMS!
Mar 2014
9:21pm, 5 Mar 2014
5,479 posts
Level 2 is not much more difficult but I always found it the hardest because it works the arms a lot, in particular my shoulders used to get tired.
Well done Mousey.
Mar 2014
10:07pm, 5 Mar 2014
4,508 posts
Just did level 1 again: once my arms had warmed up it was fine, but I was in agony during the 'arm wrap' move in the opening seconds! Going to level 2 tomorrow I think *gulp*
Mar 2014
9:14pm, 7 Mar 2014
776 posts
Day 3 and I've definitely entered the hurt locker
Mar 2014
9:21pm, 7 Mar 2014
4,517 posts
I feel your pain Mousey - literally. Fourth day today, second on level 2, and it's definitely starting to feel easier: the upper-body stuff is still the hardest but I HATE squat thrusts with a completely irrational intensity. Where's the furious slighly unhinged smiley when you need it?
Mar 2014
10:29pm, 7 Mar 2014
4,159 posts
Aaw, I miss shredding...and Insanity. I've been concentrating on getting my running fitness back for a marathon but really want to pick circuit training back up. Anyone been mixing these up with marathon training? How much per week?
Mar 2014
10:31pm, 7 Mar 2014
5,482 posts
Me. I did one or two DVDs per week as cross training. Most recently Insanity and before that various Jillian ones or Blast fx.
Mar 2014
10:36pm, 7 Mar 2014
4,160 posts
Thanks becca. Hmm. Maybe I'll start by adding once per week...if I don't die with that, running and my body balance classes, I might add an occasional second one.
Mar 2014
8:33pm, 8 Mar 2014
779 posts
Day 4.
Wasn't feeling too achey, so I thought I'd have a go at level 2 (since someone said it's not much more difficult than level 1, Becca?).
You actually need to have fairly good coordination for this level, (I do not)
I especially liked the bit where Jillian said, and I quote: "I want you to feel like you're going to die"
Mar 2014
9:28pm, 8 Mar 2014
5,484 posts
I always found level 2 the hardest, so I don't think it was me.