Sep 2013
6:09pm, 1 Sep 2013
81 posts
Me too
Sep 2013
8:17pm, 1 Sep 2013
5,499 posts
Unbelievable, I've tweaked my back picking my son up today, so won't be starting today after all
My back has a history, and I know when not to push it
Mrs lammo went for a run instead
Sep 2013
2:49pm, 23 Sep 2013
2,407 posts
ello peeps. I'm taking a break from running for a while to let an old hamstring tear heal properly. I'm doing BodyPump at the gym and some cycling etc but am interested in doing some stuff at home too, and this thread caught my eye. Would you recommend the 30 day shred DVD in particular, or something else? Also, what sort of weights are required for this sort of thing? I don't really want to buy a big load of weights for home so wondered if a couple of 5kg handweights would suffice? Or bigger/smaller? On the bar in BP I use 5kg on each end for biceps and triceps (due to high number of reps), a bit more for chest stuff, lots more for squats and so on.
Sep 2013
3:01pm, 23 Sep 2013
5,533 posts
Hi emmdee, i don't think my weights are that heavy, but you could be much stronger than me...
There are three effort levels to follow so a bit of variety and increasing difficulty.
You can find them on Youtube i believe.
Going to try and get started in the next week, honest.
Sep 2013
4:27pm, 23 Sep 2013
2,408 posts
I suppose I won't know what's right until I try. Thanks for the tip re: youtube though - the savings on the DVD will go to the weights!
Sep 2013
4:47pm, 23 Sep 2013
414 posts
I started off with my wife's bright pink 1.5 kg vinyl weights, but these quickly felt too light, so invested in a pair of manly dark grey 4 kg weights, fairly cheap off Amazon. These seem about right to me, but if you're already used to doing a bit of weight lifting, the 5 k ones you have might be fine.
Sep 2013
4:49pm, 23 Sep 2013
5,534 posts
Very sensible MT
So, are Tracey G and Fonch now 23 days in? They should seeing some significant improvement in performance and the mirror by now.
Sep 2013
8:51pm, 25 Sep 2013
98 posts
Ooops unfortunately being ill and half marathon has got in the way this month!
Oct 2013
8:02pm, 10 Oct 2013
2,479 posts
Tracey G
Took me a bit longer to get back to doing Ripped in 30. Did level 1 today 😀
Nov 2013
12:44pm, 4 Nov 2013
2,558 posts
Jovi Runner
I'm starting today again on the 30 Day shred. I have been meaning to for ages but I have had some major race targets and didnt want to have to worry about DOMS. I now have 2 weeks until my next event which is not a major target so decided to restart the Shred today. So, today begins the Shred - feel free to ask, cajole, hound me into doing this each day. I am posting here and on FB so I am accountable for actually doing it.