Apr 2020
4:23pm, 27 Apr 2020
3,103 posts
I never realised that the biscuits were rationed!
Apr 2020
5:50pm, 27 Apr 2020
35,699 posts
Well done! They are not rationed where I go. Sometimes they tell me to take some for the kids.
Apr 2020
6:04pm, 27 Apr 2020
4,312 posts
Hmm, maybe they’re not rationed here - I’ve just assumed they were as I’ve never seen anyone take more than one, and the most recent time when the biscuits and drinks were being bought over to people to try to maintain social distancing, they were only being given one.
Apr 2020
6:25pm, 27 Apr 2020
571 posts
"Fill the bank, fill your boots" is my motto.
Apr 2020
7:15pm, 27 Apr 2020
2,202 posts
I usually help my self to two. I have one while I'm sitting there trying not to be socially awkward, then "one for the road." I do ask / tell them, nobody has ever objected!
Love the motto, Peregrinator!
Apr 2020
8:05pm, 27 Apr 2020
34,713 posts
Err, what is this rationing / quota of which you speak?! My record is probably 5 or 6, 4 choc e.g. kit kat, 2 tunnocks tea cake, digestive and a couple of savour e.g. tuc sandwich x 2! I sometimes have my dinner there basically. You've got to keep your strength up. A pint is very nearly an armful, you know?! G
Apr 2020
8:11pm, 27 Apr 2020
35,708 posts
I usually have one savoury and two sweet. One premium biscuit like Club, and a packet of bourbons or custard creams
Apr 2020
9:21pm, 27 Apr 2020
3,708 posts
Fizz :-)
I usually have one savoury, one sweet. TUC and a Club, for preference.
Apr 2020
9:30pm, 27 Apr 2020
4,508 posts
I’ve also never seen anyone take more than one biscuit. I shall be on the lookout at my next donation!
Apr 2020
10:12pm, 27 Apr 2020
5,816 posts
Fragile Do Not Bend
I always felt guilty if I took more than one snack. Occasionally I have two (one savoury and one sweet) but only if I think nobody saw 😅