Jun 2015
9:03pm, 16 Jun 2015
17 posts
Well done Uyuni. My next sub 20 attempt will be Saturday week when I'm planning to do Dulwich parkrun where I managed 20.19 about 18 months back and 20.20 when I was last there about 6 weeks ago. Will also have another crack at one of the Battersea Park Monday evening 5k's next month.
Puma - keep us updated with your progress.
Curly - how do you think Kingston compares with Dulwich? I've only done Kingston once and it wasn't great as rained heavily the previous week which made the grassy section a little tricky - I think my time was a little over 21 mins.
Jun 2015
9:14pm, 16 Jun 2015
27 posts
I'd love to get a sub20 5k. My best ever is 20:44 back in 2012. My best this year is 21:25. Annoyingly I was much less experienced back in 2012, and did so on much less training ^^ I'm confident that if I stay injury free I can get there eventually.
Jun 2015
10:28pm, 16 Jun 2015
2,779 posts
PG I'd love to claim it was MILES slower but it was fitness not course that accounted for my time on Sat. In the dry Kingston is quite quick.
Welcome aradesh. Specific training is the key, shirt fast stuff and some miles was what tipped the balance for me first time. Once it comes it gets easier because you know you can!
Jun 2015
9:53am, 17 Jun 2015
152 posts
Cheers PG, and best of luck at Dulwich and Battersea. I’d love to find an evening 5k race on a flat course to see how I would go then relative to early on Saturday mornings – I’m sure a lot of folks are not at their fastest at 9 am which might be worth a few crucial seconds.
Welcome aradesh. As well as Curly’s wise words I would add to not go all out every week, but rather to focus your training towards a specific attempt, and then really commit to that run. The trouble I had was that with parkrun being free, every week and at the end of my road there was always the feeling that I could have another go next week, especially when things got painful about 3k in.
Jun 2015
7:03pm, 18 Jun 2015
18 posts
Thanks Uyani. I agree that 9am is not the ideal time for a fast 5K though I think you do get used to it after a while.
Curly, have only just read your post from a week or so back regarding the Battersea Park 5k's - looks like there are 3 next month on 6th July, 13 July & 27 July (I think there a final one in August). Will try and do a couple of these but not sure which ones yet.
Jun 2015
12:30pm, 23 Jun 2015
10 posts
Sorry people, I've let myself down on my attempt at Parkrun Shrewsbury on 13th, it hammered it down with rain and I pulled the duvet back over my head. #ashamed
Last weekend I was on a stag doo, which I'm still getting over. I'm worse at drinking than running.
This weekend coming my 2 nearest parkruns are cancelled due to a food festival in Shrews and a "Boyzone" concert in Telford! Not happy!
Well done Curly on getting back into the 19's and also to Uyuni for breaking the barrier!
Porschegeoff - I'm going to get serious now, no more excuses and more regular updates!
Cheers peeps
Jun 2015
5:01pm, 29 Jun 2015
71 posts
I've just adopted sub-20 minute 5k as one of my goals. Went out this morning at 0630 and ran round my local park as fast as I could. 20:19, which I'm very pleased with. Thought I'd see if there was any advice on Fetch and found this thread. Very funny. I've only read the first few entries "Start fast and try to hold on while you feel like you want to puke"! That's exactly how it felt. The last km I really thought I was going to chunder and my "pacing" at the start was really just "berserk sprint". So different from the kind of knackerdness that you get with long-distance running. I've never tried to run that fast over that distance before. Really looking forward to doing some speedwork and trying to improve my time.
Jun 2015
8:57pm, 29 Jun 2015
9,953 posts
Look forward to 30s of "Fuck me, this feels too fast" followed by another nineteen and a half minutes of utter, shitty misery and wanting to die.
It'll be worth it in the end, though.
Jun 2015
8:57pm, 29 Jun 2015
9,954 posts
Jun 2015
9:06pm, 29 Jun 2015
277 posts
jmair - If you can go 20:19 solo, sub 20 is a given in a race surely?
I really need to get round to attempting a sub 20 again, coming up for 2 years since I've done it. Managed 42 dead for 10k on Thursday so should be around 20 minute shape.