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The sub-20 5k dread-thread

104 watchers
May 2015
8:57pm, 18 May 2015
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Cheers, I'd imagine if I chase 20 minutes I'll get it. If I get stupid and aim at my PB, there's a solid chance I'd be closer to 21...
May 2015
4:36pm, 26 May 2015
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Hi all

I'm new to this 5k game! I've always classed myself as a distance runner, mainly because I hate big efforts and I could drop the odd lazy mile in here and there. Still, after doing Vlm recently in 3:48, I've decided to set a new and ambitious goal of a sub 20 5k.

I ran parkrun Shrewsbury at the weekend in 22.15. I know it's a long way off but hey u've got to have a goal. Not sure if I should make this a weekly thing and use it as my speed session or whether this will just lead to injury as the temptation to hammer myself might be too great?

Anyone else aiming for a sub 20, a parkrun regular?

Jun 2015
5:46pm, 7 Jun 2015
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Hi Puma,

I do parkruns fairly frequently and though probably only one in four is a full on PB attempt. I've been running seriously since the autumn of 2011 and like you have a goal of a sub 20 5K. My best was 20.19 around 18 months ago and got within 1 second of this in April (at the same parkrun) and this Spring I also set PB's at two other parkrun events.

What is the Shrewsbury course like? My local parkrun, Banstead Woods in Surrey, is very scenic and though not the slowest course out there there is a tough uphill section around the half way point which maybe costs you 30 odd seconds compared to a flat course. You may have to travel to seek out a faster parkrun course or pay to enter a 5K race somewhere. The fastest parkrun courses to me are Dulwich in SE London & Kingston in Surrey/SW London, both around 10 miles away. Last month I entered a 5K race at Battersea Park in London which is quicker than either of the above parkrun courses but sadly on the day just run poorly in a mediocre time of 20.43 - will have another go here soon.

Just recently to add a bit of variety, I ran in the Westminster mile as have never raced over a mile before. Time was 5.59 and have entered another 1 mile race in the City of London next Sunday. Today I ran in 10 mile race in Surrey on a very undulating course and managed a PB of 74 mins.

I've got no plans on doing a marathon though have entered a HM in October.

Happy running.
Jun 2015
5:49pm, 7 Jun 2015
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Dorking 10 by any chance?
Jun 2015
7:36pm, 7 Jun 2015
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Hi Curly, yeah I did the Dorking 10 today for the third year in succession. Quite happy as managed a PB (time was a little over 74 mins which is around a minute quicker than last year). I was trying to keep up with another SLH runner Pippa Major but she pulled away in the last couple of miles. I felt pretty good until about 7 miles when the uphill sections took their toll (seems to be more climbs in the last 3 miles). Any suggestions for a flat 10 mile PB course?

Next Sunday I'm doing a mile race in the City and hoping to knock a few seconds off the 5.59 I did at the Westminster Mile a couple of weeks back which I really enjoyed. Just nice to run some other distance other than 5 & 10K's.

How are things with you?
Jun 2015
8:32pm, 7 Jun 2015
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Ah I might have spoken to you at the end I think as I was chatting to her! She overtook me also (73:59) for me.

I'm not in good shape at the mo, and had calf cramp throughout the race, but ran 20.40 in Richmond parkrun two weeks ago so I think you may have a bit more to come off your 5k time soon. Keep working on the 5k and believe the sub 20 will happen!
Jun 2015
8:32pm, 7 Jun 2015
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Well done on the pb by the way :)
Jun 2015
9:19pm, 7 Jun 2015
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Yes I think you were chatting to her as I was about to talk to her soon after the race. There's a group of us at SLH who do track sessions on a Tuesday including myself, Pippa and Neil Hamilton from Reigate Priory and on all the reps less than 800m Pippa is trailing at the back but in any race over 10K and she generally finishes in front of us all as today.

Hope your injury free soon. Maybe see you at Dulwich parkrun or one of the Battersea Park summer 5K races.

PS Well done on the marathon time. I think I could maybe give you a race over shorter distances but no way over a marathon.
Jun 2015
10:08am, 11 Jun 2015
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Cheers for reply Porschegeoff

The 1 in 4 pb attempt sounds like a decent formula to me, just got to be sensible and disciplined. :-)

I ran Shrewsbury again last Saturday and clocked 21:24, so time is coming down. Its got 2 steep climbs in it and 2 quick descends. A flatter course might give me a better chance but I'm determined to do it here. Cracking course in a the town park running alongside the River Severn, very picturesque.

Telford parkrun is my next nearest, heard lots of positives for it and apparently it's flatter! I'm doing this one Saturday! :-)
Jun 2015
10:16am, 11 Jun 2015
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Porschegeoff - once u've done the a half (if it's ur 1st) ur on the slipper slope towards a marathon. There time consuming, painful, injury and illness ridden and absolutely awesome all rolled into one! Do it!

Ps I've got runners envy on ur parkrun time! Ur within touching distance of the holy grail........... sub20.

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Maintained by Homer
For those aiming to get a sub-20 5k
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