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The sub-20 5k dread-thread

104 watchers
Mar 2015
3:13pm, 27 Mar 2015
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Hi MM I did them because they were available (track is new for us as a club) and I ran with a group to a slightly faster pace than usual.

I was treating them as speed work rather than endurance benefits most definitely!
Apr 2015
3:55pm, 11 Apr 2015
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Thanks for the tips on the 400M reps Curly which I've been doing recently. Went back to Dulwich today and got my time down to 20.21 which is just 2 secs off my PB there at the end of 2013.

I'm doing an evening 5K race in Battersea Park next month which I'm targeting for a serious sub 20 attempt as Battersea Park which I think is a little falter.

Good luck to all those in their quest for a sub 20 5K and any brave souls doing a Spring marathon. I think its Brighton tomorrow?
Apr 2015
3:59pm, 11 Apr 2015
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Well done PG :) Battersea is definitely flatter than Dulwich so should be sub 20 no probs. I am doing 8th June one there I think (will just enter on the day).
May 2015
11:16am, 15 May 2015
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Did my first ever track session this week which included some of the 400s that you recommended Curly, at a very similar time/recovery to yours, although only 4 reps though before the session leader moved us onto 1000s.

Also had a club race around the rowing lake at our place last night which is just shy of 3 miles and came out at 19.10, and it was bloody windy as well so that shows that I must be close – average pace on the watch was 6.27 so I must be able to find one second a mile, surely. I can definitely feel the benefit of all the marathon training, so will give it a go on Saturday.
May 2015
11:56am, 15 May 2015
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Good luck Uyuni! Sounds like you are training well :)

I am not back to full springiness after the marathon yet so am struggling with heart rate and effort output, but may have another go tomorrow and see how the legs/recovery is. Its amazing how long it takes to recover after 26.2!
May 2015
1:56pm, 16 May 2015
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Cheers Curly – 20.28 for me this morning so miles away from sub-20 but not too disappointed. It’s the first time I’ve had a real go at a parkrun since starting marathon training last Christmas so wasn’t expecting that much more. Plus it was windy again and with the track session from Tue and the 3 mile race on Thur in my legs I wasn’t exactly raring to go.

Still first time under 20.30 since last October and with a bit more rest and better conditions I should be a lot closer to sub-20 next time out.
May 2015
12:12pm, 18 May 2015
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I went sub 20 3 times early last year, and then slowed right down due to a couple of injuries.

First speedy run at Eastleigh parkrun this Saturday and went round in 22:09, finishing strong and very comfortable.

Gonna get on a flat course soon, where I think sub 21 should be very managable. Hopefully I can get the legs turning a bit quicker and get back to Pb (19:46) area in the next 2 months.
May 2015
2:44pm, 18 May 2015
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Dave D
Finished a couple of spring marathons and want to get sub 20 again (Currently 21). Copying the advice from this thread went out and did 10 * 0.25 with 90 sec rolling recovery this morning.
Blimey that's hard work - was on my knees at the end
May 2015
2:51pm, 18 May 2015
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I'm another in the been sub 20, but not for a long time boat. So going to give it a bash on Saturday on my PB course. Think it's over a year and a half since I've had a 19:xx, but ran a 40:46 10 k last month so should hopefully be good for 19:45 or thereabouts.
May 2015
2:58pm, 18 May 2015
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Dave D
I would back you to be 19:xx with that 10k behind you, best of luck. Hope the weather is kind to you

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Maintained by Homer
For those aiming to get a sub-20 5k
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