The sub-20 5k dread-thread

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Jun 2015
5:14pm, 30 Jun 2015
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Huntsman - I think that pacing is a bit ambitious if the aim is just sub 20 ;)
Jun 2015
5:20pm, 30 Jun 2015
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Haha SM6 I will not was just a guide to the pacing damn I couldn't resist ;-)
Jul 2015
7:19am, 1 Jul 2015
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Park run PB in April 2014 was 20:42; I've not been able to get anywhere near that since! Where am I going wrong???
Jul 2015
8:34am, 3 Jul 2015
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21.07 last weekend. Fastest this year. I think I can go a bit quicker as I didn't spew at the end and felt comfortable, but as for knocking another 20 secs a mile off? Not anytime soon...
Jul 2015
9:04am, 3 Jul 2015
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Hi Davey - it depends what your focus is really. Specific 5k sessions as part of a greater plan can help get your speed back, but if you are ultra training then its not likely to be very useful in grand scheme of things. I got my pb as part of marathon training but I was working speed (because in the past I have been a lot slower at the shorter stuff than my long distance times would predict).

In general though, specific training works (as long as it fits in with your overall aim).

Arjin. You only need 8 to start with ;)

I will parkrun tomorrow but have just entered high mileage this week so not expecting anything fast. It normally takes me 2-3 weeks of high training at least before my legs settle down and I can run a bit faster again. Once that happens I'll take an ease back week and target a fast parkrun for decent time.
Jul 2015
9:08am, 3 Jul 2015
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The Teaboy
If you feel comfortable at any point after the first 1k, you haven't been going hard enough. I think you need to go out quite hard and hang on for grim death, but not so hard you pop and blow 2k from home. It is a horrible balancing act and something you only can do with practice.

GPS can help if you are up on the clock - you can then try to hang on. If you are down it is bloody hard to get it back in anything other than the last km.

Otherwise, doing the runs without GPS can help you listen to your body more. I tend now to prefer the latter for the most part as the GPS can also make you run to a schedule when you can go a lot faster when you are feeling good.
Jul 2015
9:32am, 3 Jul 2015
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Good shout Curly!

I might look at my watch a couple of times during a 5k, usually in the last 2k to see how I'm doing, but everything else is on feel. If I checked more often, I might have made up those 8 seconds!
Jul 2015
3:36pm, 3 Jul 2015
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Huntsman - I do agree with what you've said, I think my PB came off similar pacing. 6:10 first mile, then trying to hold myself together for the next mile and a half then utterly destroy myself over the last 800/1000m.

6x1km reps done last night, fairly controlled and averaged something like 3:52. Might get round to doing that flat parkrun in the next couple of weeks! Not tomorrow though.
Jul 2015
7:08pm, 5 Jul 2015
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I've also found that my best 5K runs have come from going out pretty hard in the first mile (not too hard though), easing back just a touch in the middle and hammering the last mile. This approach doesn't seem to work in longer races though. Also agree that looking at your watch too much is maybe not a good idea though useful to analyse your splits after the run.

Managed a PB a couple of weeks ago at Banstead Woods, my home parkrun of 20.52 which has a very tough uphill section in the middle and will have a go at beating my 20.19 PB at Dulwich Park soon which is about the fastest parkrun venue I can realistically get to but have had trouble getting up the past few Saturdays so have only done my local parkrun.

Much as I love the recent hot weather, I'm hoping for a few days of slightly cooler weather as high temps don't do much for my running. Took part in a local 3K relay on Wednesday in 36C temps which was a touch on the warm side.
Jul 2015
12:26pm, 11 Jul 2015
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I aimed for sub21 at today's parkrun. Ended up with 21:13. Still fairly happy with that though, it was ****ing hard, so I'm a fair bit off sub20. Best time this year, but I'd like to see myself sub20 by the end of the year.

The course is 3-laps. I went off at did the first lap in about 7:03 but I found it very demanding, the thought of continuing it for 2 more laps seemed far fetched so I relaxed a little. The second lap came in at about 7:10 and the last lap I managed to speed up a little in the last 400-800m due to the adrenaline that you get near the end.

About This Thread

Maintained by Homer
For those aiming to get a sub-20 5k

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