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Plantar Fasciitis??

1 lurker | 109 watchers
May 2014
6:58am, 21 May 2014
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Thanks Happy. After several years, with other niggles, I ditched orthotics and the PF started gently. I've been following most of the regular advice to deal with it, plus physio, and got through a spring with the most running I've ever done and two marathons, but then, weirdly, after dropping the miles and doing very little running at all, it's got suddenly much worse.

The only thing I can think of is that while not running, I'm walking a lot more, in a hilly town, so I might have to give that a rest for a bit. Really don't want to go back to orthotics, so I'm doing all the exercises.

Sock report: surprised to report that the morning pain is definitely better, so even if it's just for morning pain relief, I'll carry on with it for now.
May 2014
7:36am, 21 May 2014
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Not sure if this is what I'm suffering from. The pain is more in running along the side of my foot. Never had it before after years of running and I'm not doing as many miles as previous years. I have just started cycling a lot regularly so maybe that's causing the problem?
Jun 2014
2:14pm, 13 Jun 2014
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I've suffered with PF on the right foot for a couple of years. It seemed to get worse last year after changing from Brooks to Asics shoes, but pushed on and still enjoyed the Chester marathon last October. From then through December incredibly sore each morning even after a short 4-5 mile run the previous night. Decided January to get it sorted. Have spent first 3 months of this year non-running, and seeing Physiotherapist who has tried Graston technique, Fu's subcutaneous needle, and general stretching. Been better but still not right. Since had more improvement will orthotic insoles in running shoe and work/casual shoes to correct pronation and flat feet. If I run at night time, not to bad the following morning. Running in the morning though and I'm in pain by mid-afternoon. Going to see specialist again re steroid injection and 'needling' of the Plantar. I have heard a local may be required, since it is painful.
Jun 2014
2:57pm, 13 Jun 2014
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Crikey matski, sounds like you've really suffered - and you've tried so many things. Hope you get it sorted.

Mine is weird, it's def still there - 2.5 years and counting! But mostly doesn't bother me. It's moved to being like a bruise on teh heel. And occasional sharp pain in arch. Pain in the ar** generally!

I ran a mile barefoot on Wed evening. Now, I don't know if it's pure psychological, but it felt ever so slightly better for the next couple of days. I've also been cycling to work and not driving. Mine is in my left foot and clutch is quite heavy in my car and I feel it when changing gear. Could driving be making it worse too? As I like cycling and barefoot running, I'm going to try and keep doing more of both. :-) G
Jun 2014
11:01am, 16 Jun 2014
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Thanks Happy, will let you know how it goes.

Sounds like you're find ways to deal with yours too.

Its such a strange problem, in that you can run as normal no issues, but its the recovery period that hurts.
Jun 2014
2:41pm, 22 Jun 2014
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Hello again
I had PF in my left foot and now think I might have picked it up on the left on my 24 hour race at the weekend. However this time it is diff

Does this sound like PF....
Same sort of pain as in the arch but more the other side so put a mirror down length of foot and its the mirrored side of the arch if that makes sense, also just underneath as well.
Am OK walking about the house without shoes now (but a few days ago I wasn't) but wearing shoes is not as good. Yesterday I tried to run on the TM but stopped after 30s

If one were to run with PF is that going to be dmamging it further? when I had it before it was quite mild? Yesterday was too painful to run but maybe it would have eased if I kept going or maybe would have been OK if I had taken Ibu but don't want to take Ibu to enable me to run if I am going to be damaging it further

Jun 2014
3:29pm, 22 Jun 2014
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That doesn't sound like PF to me H x
Jun 2014
4:26pm, 22 Jun 2014
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Wonder what it is then?!!!,
Jun 2014
8:49pm, 22 Jun 2014
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My PF mostly manifests in the arch of the foot. The PF splits into a few branches and mine flares up in the highest bit of the arch but if you have pain & tightness and want to know if it is part of the plantar fascia I'd type "plantar fascia" into google and click on images; more anatomy diagrams than you can shake a stick at.
Jun 2014
9:11pm, 22 Jun 2014
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It's strange because when I prod I can't get it to hurt

When I stretch eg on my bike pedal or on a step then it feels tight

When I walk it's more the side of the foot the other side of the arch and sometimes a bit nearer the heel

Will try looking at some images when I'm on the PC

About This Thread

Maintained by geordiegirl
Hi guys & gals

I know this will have been covered loads of times before but I’m just wondering ...

Couple of links from HappyG(rrr) & CableTow


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