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Plantar Fasciitis??

109 watchers
Aug 2014
7:33am, 6 Aug 2014
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I had Plantar Fasciitis, one year on the right foot and the next year on my left foot

I treated it with the following which seems to have worked (Could be a luck or just one of the above - who knows)

Physio once a month
Leg weight machines at the gym (3 different machines 3 x 10 reps)
Hot and cold press on the heel (Tried to do it every night)
Calf stretches 2 x day and after a run
Decent Shoes for work (Clarks £60 with good heel support)
Foot rest for when I am sitting at the computer

In terms of running I also focused more on off road for a couple of months as well to soften the blow.
Aug 2014
11:16am, 6 Aug 2014
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Good list will - shows how diverse the treatments are. Are you fully recovered now? How long did it take to feel a benefit? How long until you were running properly, and how long were you completely non-running, if at all?

Thanks for sharing. :-) G
Aug 2014
12:52pm, 6 Aug 2014
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Red Squirrel
Thanks Will.

So this latest bout, which came on last Thursday at the moment is not severe. IE, it's not hurting in the mornings and the calf stretching really seems to be helping. Not sure how many weeks I should leave it before attempting to run again. I know some of you run with PF.
Aug 2014
1:14pm, 6 Aug 2014
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Calf stretching seems to be the thing that helps me long term. With that in mind I am thinking about "the stick" - who I notice have a stand at the expo for ride london - I am going tomorrow (I have to for registration) so might check out the stick's stand. Have any of you tried using it(or similar) to keep on top of PF?
Aug 2014
1:27pm, 6 Aug 2014
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Not sure how the stick would work with PF. A bit brutal! A rubber ball would be gentler I think.
Aug 2014
1:48pm, 6 Aug 2014
29,034 posts
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The Stick do a footwheel which is brilliant for PF. Normal stick also v good for general leg items.

(hi everyone)
Aug 2014
1:55pm, 6 Aug 2014
2,115 posts
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I have a stick at home which I use on my calves- it is known as the stick of pain. but it works.
Aug 2014
1:57pm, 6 Aug 2014
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The Scribbler
I imagine the stick is good for calf muscles (haven't tried it myself). I know that tight calves contribute to my PF, as the muscles (specifically posterior tibialis) shorten and I lose some of the support from the arch of my foot and it starts to invert.
Aug 2014
2:13pm, 6 Aug 2014
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Red Squirrel
I roll and do standard calf stretches + all the other ones for the legs and rest of body generally.

I also self-massage with oil. Spotted something on line with a screwdriver head to put pressure on glutes. Will give that a try later; I think my prob comes from higher up and also pushing off when I run.
Aug 2014
3:21pm, 6 Aug 2014
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pink fairy
I'm suffering with PF at the moment, for the first time ever. And I have GNR in 4.5 weeks :( Have been resting for 2.5 weeks now (tried a run after 1 week and it started hurting after 1.5miles), and only doing spin classes as they don't hurt me at all. I've been stretching, rolling my foot on an iced bottle and a golf ball. I think mine was caused by walking in very flat/ unsupportive sandals on holiday. I'm hoping to try running again this weekend so fingers crossed! I have been wearing better shoes for work too.

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Maintained by geordiegirl
Hi guys & gals

I know this will have been covered loads of times before but I’m just wondering ...

Couple of links from HappyG(rrr) & CableTow


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