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Plantar Fasciitis??

1 lurker | 109 watchers
Aug 2014
10:28am, 20 Aug 2014
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Red Squirrel
May your heel heal Fitzer.

Different things for different folks it seems Fitzer. Will go back and dig you out my routine when I get a chance.
Aug 2014
10:32am, 20 Aug 2014
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Cheers RS
Aug 2014
10:42am, 20 Aug 2014
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The Scribbler
I tagged this article on Runner's World this week: runnersworld.com which might help Fitzer.

Common themes seem to be ice and roll at first indications of soreness, to limit damage then look at the root causes. Stretching or working to develop strong muscles/balance seems to be a common thread on here too.

But everyone seems to have a slightly different experience. Good luck getting yours sorted.
Aug 2014
11:08am, 20 Aug 2014
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Apologies if this has been mentioned before, but has anyone used these before and did they help?

Aug 2014
11:45am, 20 Aug 2014
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I haven't seen that one RunningRonnie - I'm using something like this amazon.co.uk at night from the physio. It does help, though initially too sore to velcro up very tightly. It's adjustable and you can wash the smelly fabric! Also feels quite kinky. I've been using it for 2 weeks, and it definitely helps with the morning pain. I'd tried the Strassburg sock, but that pulled on my poor toe too much.
All the best Fitzer, apart from the above night splint, stretching, rolling, strengthening I can't recommend anything specific yet because I'm not healed!
Aug 2014
8:53pm, 20 Aug 2014
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Shortcut Cam
My sympathies to you Fitzer. First of all patience is required, mine took 8-9 months to heal. Maybe it would have healed quicker if I stopped running completely. Maybe also if I had used all the above mentioned aids sooner. I ice rolled, golf ball rolled, and conducted various stretches suggested by my physio. I Wish I had bought the LA brace sooner, physiowarehouse.co.uk is better than a golf ball, and regular gym sessions to strengthen the leg muscles keep the PF at bay. Sorry, no easy fix.
Aug 2014
9:42pm, 20 Aug 2014
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Red Squirrel
Here you go Fitzer. Cut and paste from my post pages and pages ago.

I've had a free 15-min sesh with an osteopath and it seems clear that I need to be patient and follow what I've already been doing:

Massage of plantar fascia
Rolling over golf ball
Icing (bottle of frozen water)
Thorough leg stretches, especially after exercise
Extra work on weak left glute
Be patient!

It hurts when I run so I'm thinking don't run at all. I do lots of walking in my working day and generally, so I won't be avoiding that.
Aug 2014
8:42am, 22 Aug 2014
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OK, so latest physio session - had some very painful deep massage of the lower calf and then dry needling which I've never had before. Glad I couldn't see the needles! Anyone else had that? It's more of a myofascial release thing than acupuncture apparently. Continuing the other strengthening and stretching work until I can get to a point where I don't feel the ache when and after I walk. THEN I can think about running.

Good luck all.
Aug 2014
10:37am, 26 Aug 2014
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Red Squirrel
I've had acupuncture on my PF and I've heard of the dry needling.

I've been noticing that my PF is immediately relieved if I stretch my calf, so as soon as pain kicks in, I get stretching.
Aug 2014
1:18pm, 26 Aug 2014
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Interesting, I picked up a bit of a calf strain at the w/e (idiot didn't warm up-might have been the reason, who knows?) - anyway the PF aches a bit in sympathy and stops aching when I try to stretch a bit.

About This Thread

Maintained by geordiegirl
Hi guys & gals

I know this will have been covered loads of times before but I’m just wondering ...

Couple of links from HappyG(rrr) & CableTow


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