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Plantar Fasciitis??

1 lurker | 109 watchers
Sep 2014
10:23pm, 7 Sep 2014
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Red Squirrel
I'm so stupid. Why did I throw away the supports? I might have to order the Ortho Heel things. I'm really in a lot of pain now a high percentage of the day. :(

I start a new business soon as a dog-walker. Typical!
Sep 2014
7:42pm, 8 Sep 2014
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A dog walker! Wow, will you blog and let up know how you get on? I'd love to be a dog walker. There is a lady in our village who pops round to feed the cat sometimes & I often feel a bit jealous of her being able to do that for a living.
Sep 2014
10:16am, 9 Sep 2014
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Red Squirrel
OK Winded; will do once it's up and running. Otherwise feel free to fmail me in a few months to see how I'm getting on. Paws crossed for customers.
Sep 2014
8:32am, 10 Sep 2014
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Trying out heal inserts to see if it helps.
Sep 2014
8:32am, 10 Sep 2014
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Sep 2014
8:25pm, 10 Sep 2014
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Red Squirrel
Yeah I've got some on order. Walked a few miles barefoot today and quite sore now.
Sep 2014
10:16am, 11 Sep 2014
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Are you trying out barefoot walking RS, or was that unintentional (lost shoes etc?!).

So I bought some full-length off the shelf orthotics, £30 odd, as prescribed. Instructed to 'ease in gradually, 20 minutes first day and build up etc etc'. Or, in my case, after weeks of not walking at all, stick 'em in and walk for 6 hours a day for a week straight off. Haha, oops.
Pleased to report, however, that I didn't blister or chafe anywhere, and the problem heel only ached on and off at level 2 / 10 at times - more like twinges. So nowhere near as bad as last time a couple of weeks ago when I was on my feet all day as well. Cross your fingers this keeps up and after a physio trip I'll be ready to think of running once more? Still stretching and strengthening religiously. Calf raises on the Spanish Steps does make you look a bit stupid.
Sep 2014
10:21am, 11 Sep 2014
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PF is such a bizarre creature. I found really supportive shoes and inserts made mine worse- just weakened the arch further and exacerbated the problem! Slightly less supportive running shoes and barefoot running shoes for day to day wear made all the difference to me.
Sep 2014
10:26am, 11 Sep 2014
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It's amazing, isn't it, CS? One person finds barefoot, flat shoes etc. are part of the problem. Their solution is inserts and orthotics and heel lifts. Another finds that their built up running shoes caused the problem, and going barefoot and less structured shoes is the solution. Complete polar opposites!

My PF didn't stop my recent long race. I felt it during, but not as bad as other bits were hurting! And now, a few days later, it's twinging, but again, other bits are worse. Left achilles is bad (same side as the PF). Don't know if it's related. Hoping it's acute (i.e. caused by the race) and will all ease off within a few days/weeks.

Good luck all. :-) G
Sep 2014
10:30am, 11 Sep 2014
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you did run 105 miles- it would be weird if you weren't a bit sore and niggly!!

About This Thread

Maintained by geordiegirl
Hi guys & gals

I know this will have been covered loads of times before but I’m just wondering ...

Couple of links from HappyG(rrr) & CableTow


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