Plantar Fasciitis??

109 watchers
Aug 2014
2:34pm, 18 Aug 2014
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Q Mac
My wife has suffered from this for the last two months and I just spotted this thread. I suppose you've all tried the rolling pin back and forwards. It seems to have worked wonders but realise everyone's unique.
Aug 2014
5:48pm, 18 Aug 2014
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Yes, rolling on base of foot Q Mac - a rubber roller, iced bottle, golf ball, spiky ball etc can all help.

Scribs, hope you've got yours in check. I did an uber long run at weekend and it's no worse now than it was before. Just an occasional twinge. I'm due some foam roller on calf, quad, ham and ITB tonight. It's gonna be ouchy! :-) G
Aug 2014
6:38pm, 18 Aug 2014
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uber long, pfffft. you couldn't even round it up to 50 ;)
Aug 2014
9:17pm, 18 Aug 2014
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You dissin my *near* 50 miler N? Right, that's it, see your next mara, I'm gonna come to Mile 25 and ring a bell shouting, "Just one more lap!" :-P
Aug 2014
9:14am, 19 Aug 2014
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Ah, perhaps I need to upgrade to the rolling pin from the golf ball! Currently daily routine from the fizz of lunges, single leg squat, calf raises, and minute long calf stretches. We shall see.
Aug 2014
9:21am, 19 Aug 2014
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The Scribbler
I spent at least 30 mins last night rolling calf muscles with the foam roller and wooden ball, which seems to have worked. I have a teensy amount of discomfort this morning - less than 0.5 on a scale of 1-10.

So weight training today, then hoping for a run tomorrow.
Aug 2014
10:23am, 19 Aug 2014
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Good news Scribs.

Luna, I did a lot of my stuff at gym last night on wobble board - squats, but also upper body stuff but all wobbling about on the board. Think the movement is good for strength and stretching of ligaments and other tissues in foot and ankle. Like off road running, but safer! :-) G
Aug 2014
10:29am, 19 Aug 2014
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Yes, Happy, I think I really need to work harder on the left leg imbalance - I feel like I've spent years standing on the left leg, but it's still way wobblier than the right. Do quite a bit of cable machine work too - swinging the leg back, sideways, forwards, with a low weight and balancing on the other leg. Then there are the yoga balance postures - king dancer, tree - or my attempts at them! I even (gasp) looked at the Chi Running book stuff, but trying to remember 15 different things about my posture at the same time was just too much for me, and anyway, when you're not running it's hard to practice running.
Aug 2014
9:09am, 20 Aug 2014
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The Scribbler
12k run this morning or just a smidge under 7.5 miles and so far, no problems. If I can do another similar distance on Friday and an 11 miler on Sunday, I'll be happy I'm in good shape for GNR.
Aug 2014
10:27am, 20 Aug 2014
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Hello, waves a sore heal. I think I may have come to the right place!. I have not been running for about two weeks now. Have had about 1 month before that of pain in the right heal the morning after a run. It didn't stop me running but was ouchy the next day. Tips please, re recovery and diagnosis. It's a long thread so I have not been able to read the whole thing

About This Thread

Maintained by geordiegirl
Hi guys & gals

I know this will have been covered loads of times before but I’m just wondering ...

Couple of links from HappyG(rrr) & CableTow

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