Plantar Fasciitis??
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Aug 2014
3:36pm, 6 Aug 2014
8 posts
I didnt stop running, which is bad. I reduced the amount of running which I done to keep me ticking over (Park run, Tempo run with club but dropping down a group, and long run or race on sunday. I would always take anti inflamtry before my run. I would say within 4 months on each ocassion I was miles better but I still continue the physio each month. I land very heavy on my feet so it was only a matter of time before I was going to get it, but I always belive what set it off the first time was a cheap pair of shoes (I got a £10 pair from shoezone for work) and within weeks the pain was really bad. We put so much focus on getting a decent pair of shoes for running that we loose sight of shoes which effectivley we wear for the best part of 50hrs a week so that is just as important |
Aug 2014
1:49pm, 7 Aug 2014
2,830 posts
Hello everyone. Winded - I used the stick a lot for previous 'shin splints', and it helped. Must admit I haven't tried it for this, though the golf ball is always under my desk. Just reporting back in with continuing PF / achilles issues. Haven't really run for about 2 months now, it's too sore when I start off to even think about it, and yet the issue is no better. Tried biking, doing nothing, walking, not walking, all with constant stretching, rolling and massaging and strengthening the guilty leg. Strasbourg sock no good as it pulled on and hurt my extra long second toe, so I've got a full-blown rigid night splint, and that does help with the morning limping. Standing up all day for 4 days last week strangely made it really sore - don't know if anyone else has experienced this. |
Aug 2014
2:37pm, 7 Aug 2014
22,547 posts
luna, that's not good. I thought you were mostly over it. Like Will says, have you found the cause? You're obv doing all the right things for treatment, but have you eliminated the cause? It's so hard to pin point, but like Will says, work shoes (or other non-running causes) need to be investigated. I am able to run on mine, though it gets better / worse and I don't know exactly why. I suspect some of the shoes I wear, maybe running on my toes too much sometimes etc. But rollering, cross train, stretch etc. seem to be holding it at bay enough to train and do the events I want to do. Hope you find some similar success. G |
Aug 2014
3:23pm, 7 Aug 2014
2 posts
Hi all. Lunaman, standing definitely makes my PF foot very sore! Sorry to hear you're suffering so much. I've not found any magic cures but reducing miles (I stopped totally for 3 weeks) and keeping up pretty hard foot and calf stretches in 2-3 times a day has been what's helped me. Back at Easter I had to literally hop for the first half hour of the day, but I'm now running 3-4 times a week ... not "back to normal" by any means but it's under control. Personally find an hour on the feet leads to the same discomfort whether I'm standing, walking, jogging or running (I haven't tried sprinting for an hour!). So obviously I've opted to use that time for running :D Sprints and hills definitely make things a lot worse, so I've slacked off that altogether (Parkrun is the only remotely speedy bit of the week now). Thanks everyone for your posts - I haven't added my own before but this thread's been a great source of comfort. |
Aug 2014
4:15pm, 7 Aug 2014
22,553 posts
Pallas - yes, I've found hills and speed (sprinting) def exacerbate it.
Aug 2014
5:49pm, 7 Aug 2014
16,076 posts
Red Squirrel
This thread is a great source of comfort, isn't it? Nothing to report today. It's sore off and on throughout the day, but nowhere near as sore as the last bout. Feet are stiff first thing but not really sore. I'm trying to loosen them up by picking up golf balls with my toes! |
Aug 2014
10:32am, 8 Aug 2014
206 posts
pink fairy
I have good news to report. My foot felt a bit stiff this morning, but I stretched it gently and then did a nice plodding 2 miles and it didn't hurt! Have iced and golf balled it (and then switched to one of these that I'd remembered was in a cupboard somewhere - easier to use than the golf ball and seems to do the trick, albeit painfully) Am going to rest tomorrow and then hopefully do 4 miles on Sunday. I've been wearing much better work shoes so think that has helped too, as has resting from running for 3 weeks (apart from one failed attempt after the first week). Fingers crossed I will be able to do the GNR in 4 weeks!! |
Aug 2014
1:09pm, 8 Aug 2014
2,831 posts
Sorry, off the grid since my post! Immediate cause back at Christmas time was ditching orthotics and increase in hill running / walking - fair bit of toe push-off, along with (not very sensibly) an increase in mileage, so it may be I'm just still suffering from that. It was all manageable until after the second spring marathon (on hills). Since then (start of May) I've stopped running. Fizz spotted my left foot twists inwards a tad as I push off, though I'm unsure if this is caused by the existing pain/stiffness and compensation for that. Otherwise gait is fair to middling - quick turnover, short strides, midfoot, feels easy and light. I've got exercises to work on the foot twist, and stretch the very stiff achilles/calf. I hardly walk or run at the moment though, so hard to think that the foot twist makes much difference right now. Self-diagnosed restricted ankle inversion, seems much more restricted in left ankle, so I give that a push now and again. Interesting Pallas - it seemed so weird that standing up would bring it on so badly. I've tried walking around barefoot (home working!) and in shoes with little difference. Yes, it's great to hear the good news stories here when we're in the midst of it. Gotta stay strong, though I was even losing the will to get on the bike recently. |
Aug 2014
2:31pm, 8 Aug 2014
22,555 posts
The problem is, it takes a short time to cause the prob, but ages to fix. But enough relief to allow you to run (gently, avoiding the cause) again can come in 2-4 weeks, I'd say. Fully fixing is 6 months, a year, more or, in my case possibly, never. But I don't mind a residual niggle and occasional acute twinge if I can keep training and racing. Good luck luna. It's a pain.
Aug 2014
2:31pm, 18 Aug 2014
3,221 posts
The Scribbler
I've had my first little nub of pain in my heel for ages this morning. Annoyingly after a week where I haven't run that much and just three weeks before a half marathon. I'm guessing Sunday's tri put more strain on my calf muscles than I can immediately feel. I've been rolling the golf ball at work today and I'll be hitting the roller and stretching a lot tonight. Hoping I can catch it before it develops. |
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