Plantar Fasciitis??

109 watchers
Sep 2014
10:02am, 22 Sep 2014
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Red Squirrel
I start my new job as a dog-walker next Monday. I can't get through to my doctor either. Scary times if I can't earn and pay my mortgage and bills.

I've always been able to rely on my legs and feet, never thought it would come to this.
Sep 2014
3:35pm, 22 Sep 2014
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Bad news RS, sorry to hear that.
If you're waiting for inserts - my fizz temporarily just built up the normal shoe insole I had with big bits of plaster padding - not sure where he got them tbh, but the Boots self-adhesive plaster paddings looks good enough to me:
He cut it so it does what an orthotic does, you know, just build up on the inside.
It might just provide temporary help for walking if you're doing a lot of it, though you can't expect an immediate fix!
Sep 2014
8:06pm, 22 Sep 2014
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Red Squirrel
Thanks Luna - that's what my fizz did last time and she did a good job.

I managed to get a doc appointment next Monday morning and the quack rang me today, prescribing ibuprofen. I don't normally take drugs but I was desperate. My medicine cabinet doesn't even have paracetamol in it. I also grated some fresh turmeric and ginger into my soup tonight (inflammation-reducing). I can't really wait until next Monday morning as my first 'client' arrives in the afternoon and she's staying for 2.5 weeks. I'm seeing my fizz on Wednesday evening. I can ill afford it, but I've never been incapacitated like this. Someone at work kindly gave me a lift home. What a fiasco!
Sep 2014
8:35pm, 22 Sep 2014
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I would take this with a very large pinch of salt, the sample size & methodology are not perfect etc etc.
While surfing around earlier reading about non alcoholic beer (long story) I came across an article suggesting that drinking some (specifically non alcoholic wheat beer, specifically Erdinger) could be of help.

Sep 2014
8:50pm, 22 Sep 2014
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Err, not directly with PF, with inflammation & all that.
Sep 2014
2:07pm, 23 Sep 2014
16,908 posts
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Red Squirrel
My ankle on the PF foot is now swollen. I've only taken the 2 ibuprofen to get rid of the pain yesterday, even though the doc said to take 400mg 3 times a day. I want to be able to tell the fizz where it hurts.
Sep 2014
3:06pm, 23 Sep 2014
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Worth taking the ibuprofen to reduce the swelling or you are preventing the recovery RS. With swelling, you doing the ice, elevate and keeping weight off it too? Swelling on ankle obv isn't PF - you need to rest it totally, surely? Hope you get it sorted. G
Sep 2014
3:58pm, 23 Sep 2014
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Red Squirrel
Yeah - it feels like when I sprained it but I haven't been doing anything to sprain it. I'm at work with no access to ice, so can only treat it when I get home.
Sep 2014
2:39pm, 25 Sep 2014
16,923 posts
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Red Squirrel
Fizz has taped the ankle up and the orthortics have arrived. I've got some stretching exercises for the foot too. Calves were tight and she was bothered by the swollen bit, describing it as boggy. It's still swollen today. I just have to be able to walk for 2 hours per day for my new job; not even thinking about running at the moment.
Sep 2014
3:14pm, 26 Sep 2014
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Boggy calves/ankle - that's a new one! Certainly sounds like something else going on which I hope you can resolve soon RS.
My last session with fizz yesterday - plyometrics (functional drills) galore, then finally I can run small fartleks between lamp posts and see how I get on.

About This Thread

Maintained by geordie bells
Hi guys & gals

I know this will have been covered loads of times before but I’m just wondering ...

Couple of links from HappyG(rrr) & CableTow

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  • feet
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