Plantar Fasciitis??

109 watchers
Apr 2015
2:28pm, 23 Apr 2015
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Does seem like everyone is different.....mine started after I got new shoes and custom made insoles :( so think I will be going back to see them very shortly
Apr 2015
3:45pm, 23 Apr 2015
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Mine started from wearing wellies to walk the dog - I then remembered that mistake from last winter and it went away for a few weeks. Not sure why it's playing up now,or why it has started to hurt actually whilst running, never had that before but the timing isn't good :(
May 2015
11:23am, 11 May 2015
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Even less sure why with no running, following all of the stretching and ice rolling etc etc advice it's getting worse :(
May 2015
11:47am, 11 May 2015
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Sorry to hear that Rosehip, mine seems to be more due to very tight calf so have been doing as much stretching and rolling on pediroller as possible. Hope yours improves soon
May 2015
12:54pm, 11 May 2015
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Not sure if anyone has suggested this before, but my home remedy a couple of years back was to fill a sports bottle with water ā€“ lob it in the freezer ā€“ then use it (the bottle, not the freezer) as an iced roller to ease out the PF. The numbing-ness of the frozen bottle meant I could apply a tad more pressure which (in my experience) allowed for swifter treatment of the symptoms. I also spent a lot of time working the calves as it seems to cause most issues.

Also, take time to stretch out your PF before getting out of bed/standing up from the desk ā€“ prevents aggravating the injury further.
May 2015
12:57pm, 11 May 2015
4,921 posts
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Any thing is worth a try right now
May 2015
9:11pm, 12 May 2015
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Yip, that one's in the list on the wikis linked on the right, I think (and if it isn't please update to ensure that it is!) Good luck PFers. :-) G
May 2015
9:13pm, 12 May 2015
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Red Squirrel
Yes echo that. Good luck, o ye of painful feet. I think I'm still dealing with the fall-out. Off to the phys tomorrow for a sort left hip/glute/pelvis/quad.
May 2015
6:28pm, 14 May 2015
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Wondering if sufferers agree that this is true:
"A simple way to tell if you have plantar fasciitis versus a heel spur/stress fracture is to walk on your toes: heel spurs and heel stress fractures feel better while you walk on your toes, while plantar fasciitis typically produces more discomfort when you shift your weight onto your toes."


as walking on my toes does not make my foot feel worse, so I'm wondering if it's not PF

May 2015
10:38am, 20 May 2015
388 posts
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I'm with you on that Rosehip mine does not hurt walking on tip toe or walking on heels, really hope it's not something even more sinister

About This Thread

Maintained by geordie bells
Hi guys & gals

I know this will have been covered loads of times before but Iā€™m just wondering ...

Couple of links from HappyG(rrr) & CableTow

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  • feet
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