Over 50's club

1 lurker | 324 watchers
May 2020
10:26pm, 21 May 2020
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57.5 Degrees of Pain
You could have the wisdom tooth out under sedation quimby. A lot safer and less unpleasant. But so long as the tooth and it's neighbour look ok on x-ray I'd just keep my fingers crossed!
May 2020
1:13am, 22 May 2020
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Ta, 57.5. It was all, "well, I'd like you to do something about it now before it gets worse" when I saw my dentist. And it hasn't really got worse, just some days it's a bit more bothersome than others. I think it will keep for a while.
May 2020
8:46am, 22 May 2020
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I had a wizzy out under sedation, I couldn't tell you a thing about it so I guess the sedation was a success then!

The painkillers I was given for the two days after the extraction? Wow. What. A. Ride. :-)

[I know dentistry gives a lot of people the heebie-jeebies but mostly there's nothing to fear. I'd rather have the short-term discomfort of treatment than the long-term pain of toothache. Also, if you think your dentist is an incompetent brute, find a new dentist if you can.]
May 2020
10:47am, 22 May 2020
20,508 posts
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Ok, no way to confirm exact year, but this must be 1973 ish. Annual holiday at Ingoldmills. I am the one in the bucket hat. For the record, my brother is not Scottish.

May 2020
10:58am, 22 May 2020
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Derby Tup
Looks quite an exciting day for Ingoldmills
May 2020
10:58am, 22 May 2020
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Fenland Flier
Ingoldmells, the city of caravans.
May 2020
11:00am, 22 May 2020
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Walk up to the beach (past farm land in those days), turn right, walk along the sea wall around the corner in the direction of Butlins, set up camp for the day. Proper holiday :-)
May 2020
11:07am, 22 May 2020
48,934 posts
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Obviously you took a cricket bat everwhere you went
May 2020
11:08am, 22 May 2020
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Wriggling Snake
Rather classy red jersey, nice loons.
May 2020
11:08am, 22 May 2020
1,716 posts
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Fenland Flier
I only recall having 1 proper holiday as a child and that was at Butlins Skegness.
My wife had several holidays at Skegness with her family.

When I was a teen a friend and I cycled around 45 miles or so to a small mobile caravan of his parents at Ingoldmells and stayed a few nights. I remember going to bed and both of us complaining about the noise from the fairground, we obviously were not the rebellious teens we probably thought we were. 😂😂

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