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Over 50's club

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May 2020
12:12pm, 22 May 2020
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We came across this the other day - invoice for our honeymoon in 1975. We thought we were being very adventurous at the time.
May 2020
12:21pm, 22 May 2020
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Nice DQ.

I was just looking back for some old holiday photos but don't have any of the old ones digitally. It did remind me that our Cornwall holidays in the same place were 2010-2015, in 2009 we went to Branton Burrows in N Devon and it pretty much rained all week. No wonder I had forgotten all about it. I also lost my wedding ring on that holiday.
May 2020
12:24pm, 22 May 2020
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Have I told this thread about going on hol to Butlins when I was about 11-12 and being terrified that my Dad would make me take part in the boy's boxing tournament that was taking place?

Imagine that for a hol.

Okay kids, we're off to Butlins!
But if you want to go to the beach you have to twat some other kid first.
Don't cry you little shits. I'm gonna make men of yer!
May 2020
12:27pm, 22 May 2020
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Late 50s/early 60s hols were spent at my paternal grandparents' cottage in a little village just outside Scarborough, then when they moved back to Bradford, it was usually caravans in Bridlington or Filey.

That cottage! My grandparents worked for the local squire, whose family were hit by death duty problems, so sold off some of the tied cottage properties to the tenants. My family could have bought a lovely little country cottage just a few miles from Scarborough for £99! (Not much now, but a lot to find in those days, of course.) Sadly, my Grandma had had enough of country life and wanted to go back to the big city. Sigh.
May 2020
12:28pm, 22 May 2020
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My one and only holiday before my teens was an ill fated camping trip to the lake district with my dad.

I had received a tent for my Christmas which he had received from a guy down the pub or something like that. We had trialled the tent in the garden one night then had a 5 day trip planned.

On the first night it poured down overnight and it turned out the tent wasnt waterproof and so we had to go home the next day as everything was soaked.

Our next forays were when I was 13 or maybe 12 and we drove to the south of france. A 14 day holiday meant 4-5 days driving and 9 days on a campsite. One year we had a puncture which my dad dropped in to a garage for repair but on going to collect it, the garage owner had given our tyre (for an Austin Maxi) to a dutchman with a Renault. He offered us the dutchmans tyre but it didnt fit. IIRC he gave us 4 new tyres and we had to hope the got us home to Scotland. They did
May 2020
12:28pm, 22 May 2020
36,332 posts
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Childhood holidays were mostly self catering and usually in Mundesley on the Norfolk coast. We've been back pretty regularly with my parents and sister and 3 generations have built sandcastles together on that beach. There was a plan to go there for a few days this summer to scatter Dad's ashes on the beach but who knows when we'll be able to do that.

Other than that we had a fortnight in Weymouth and another at Ventnor on the Isle of Wight. Ventnor was delayed a week as I was ill with mumps and the doctor, I was later told, was concerned for my recovery. Not enough for hospital, though, so who knows how much parental embroidery that story has gathered over the years?

We also did north Wales once with a week in Butlins Pwllelli (sp?) and another in self catering in Barmouth. That must have been 1980 because I distinctly remember watching Coe and Ovett battling in our on the little telly in the Barmouth apartment.
May 2020
12:36pm, 22 May 2020
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I do remember now there were two pony trekking holidays. Once with both parents, in Wales somewhere. Dad jumped over a sheep. Mum hated riding. I sort of made friends with a posh kid whose dad was a helicopter pilot. The second one was just Dad & me, camping in a field next to the stables. I remember I got to ride a horse which had been on telly - Neil Innes' Book of Records, if anyone remembers that.
May 2020
1:32pm, 22 May 2020
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Our family holidays in the 60's and early 70's were all to self-catering flats in places like Scarborough, Bridlington, Llandudno, Morecambe and Skegness. We loved them and I can't remember it ever raining 🤔
May 2020
1:38pm, 22 May 2020
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A couple of memories from our early 70's Ingoldmells holidays...

Photographers in blazers jumping out at you, taking a snap and giving you a ticket. Then going to the kiosk a couple of days later to look at the print before deciding whether to buy it or not.

Small tables of Lincolnshire new potatoes and strawberries along the pavement, sometimes manned by a gnarly old woman, sometimes a honesty box
May 2020
1:41pm, 22 May 2020
12,582 posts
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I don't think my parents have ever been on holiday. My grandparents ran a hotel in Minehead, so they had a working holiday a few times when I was small. (Although, as my mum had a 2 year old, 1 year old and a baby when she was 25, I'm not sure that my dad helping out as a waiter during the school holidays would exactly count as a holiday.)

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