Over 50's club

324 watchers
May 2020
4:47pm, 20 May 2020
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That's why I follow the "SpreadEveryone:The Fetchland Excel Wire", 57.5! :-)
May 2020
7:14pm, 20 May 2020
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How much do we have to pay you 57.5 ?
(I'm sure I pay my dentist £10 just to shake his hand before he even looks in my mouth)

But joking aside, dentistry seems to have moved on a lot. He has digital photos & x-rays going back 5-10 years now, so his 'watch' on teeth and fillings suddenly becomes a scan over a period of time and easy (for him) to spot changes or deterioration.
May 2020
8:08pm, 20 May 2020
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Hills of Death (HOD)
I’ve had one tooth out and another due out after COVID. But I’m struggling to find good value implants. First time I’ve had teeth out the two had caps on them over 20 years ago.
May 2020
9:49pm, 20 May 2020
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Define Good Value, HoD?
May 2020
10:26pm, 20 May 2020
19,775 posts
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I have plenty of fillings, but am rather proud of the fact that my 5 children (now in their 30s and 40s) have only one filling amongst them. Three of them had to have orthodontic treatment, though. As did I.
May 2020
11:17pm, 20 May 2020
34,911 posts
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Hills of Death (HOD)
Not 2k a tooth
May 2020
7:17am, 21 May 2020
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Hmm. I paid more or less £3k per tooth. But that included bone grafts, and the temporary bridge whilst it healed enough to implant.

Oh, and the first year's maintenance!

Not cheap. But in terms of the difference to my smile (and confidence),
May 2020
7:20am, 21 May 2020
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Grr. Caught the submit button!

Paid in "easy" stages. (Work bonus and share save maturities, thankfully.)

Not cheap. But in terms of the difference to my smile (and confidence), I think it was good value!
May 2020
7:25am, 21 May 2020
11,560 posts
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Oh yes. I also read the stories of people who went to have implants done in Cyprus and Turkey.

90% of them were happy. The other 10% seemed to end up with medical issues or complications that required further treatment and rework in the UK. Wasn't happy with the risk against the potential saving in cost.
May 2020
7:45am, 21 May 2020
12,574 posts
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There's a town in Hungary called Mosonmagyaróvár, close to Vienna & Bratislava, where the main industry is dentistry and people from across Europe go there and in fact there were people being met off the plane from the US & Canada when I was last in the area.

You could get implants etc. at a fraction of the cost, but it obviously requires multiple visits over the space of a year or two - and then you have to think about aftercare/ potential for things to go wrong.

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