Over 50's club

4 lurkers | 325 watchers
May 2020
10:54pm, 19 May 2020
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Small number of gaps and restorations compatible with a well-used set of Scottish teeth.
May 2020
11:01pm, 19 May 2020
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I think my love of sweets ensured a good set of fillings in my mouth. Only ever had a couple of wisdom teeth out in my early 20s and not really had any fillings for decades.
May 2020
11:13pm, 19 May 2020
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57.5 Degrees of Pain
I have a few fillings but no extractions yet.

You are partly right Rosehip. Dentists were paid by the filling in the past, still are in Scotland. But there weren't many preventive treatments when we grew up either. So even an ethical dentist might place a small filling in hopes of preventing a big one later.

Did anyone else get fluoride mouthwash at school? Bleughhhh!!
May 2020
6:36am, 20 May 2020
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Fluoride wasn't in use when I was at school.
My wisdom teeth were impacted (failing to grow through) so in my late 20s my dentist sent me to hospital to have them removed under GA, whilst I was young enough to better cope with the procedure rather than when I was older (like now!).
May 2020
6:39am, 20 May 2020
7,396 posts
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I'm hoping my last two (lower jaw) stay buried. My sister had hers out in adulthood and it sounded a bit gruesome. Maybe by now I should be safe?
May 2020
7:19am, 20 May 2020
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Dave W
Good old Yorkshire dentistry in the 60's and 70's.

Fillings galore.
Pretty sure my dentist moonlighted as a butcher. Or was it the other way round.
May 2020
7:52am, 20 May 2020
16,476 posts
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I think I had two or three unnecessary fillings as a teenager. Nothing from then until 2012 when I saw a new dentist

She said you have a joke in your tooth is it not sore and did your last guy not notice it. I said neither. I ended up with a massive filling for what seemed like no purpose whatsoever. The tooth was almost reconstructed

I have never been back to any dentist since.
May 2020
8:08am, 20 May 2020
48,849 posts
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I have all my own teeth including my widdom teeth. I have a few fillings but not many. Probably because I rarely go to the dentist. I’m not going to tempt fate by making any rash statements.
May 2020
8:15am, 20 May 2020
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I'm down a wisdom tooth, courtesy of Mr Butcher, our old dentist. (real name!)
He did the same to my wife a month later after messing up a filling very badly, so we changed dentist!

I also have 2 nice implants at the front now, after a childhood cycling incident that damaged the roots on them. But I lived with greyed front teeth for 45 more years.
May 2020
8:20am, 20 May 2020
5,728 posts
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57.5 Degrees of Pain
It is perfectly possible to have some large holes in your teeth without noticing. Especially ones that show up on x-ray. With digital x-rays I'll show people the obvious holes on the screen. I always warn endurance athletes to get x-rays periodically if they use gels or other sugary energy supplements regularly. They can promote decay between the teeth where it can't be seen.

You should be safe with wisdom teeth in your 50s if they have never appeared. But yes, it is not pleasant having them removed later in life.

I'm afraid dentistry has largely returned to the 1950s at the moment, extractions and slow moving drills.

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