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Over 50's club

13 lurkers | 325 watchers
May 2020
8:42am, 20 May 2020
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I've had no fillings, but I have several implants due to being hit by a car while crossing the road as a teenager. Children have never had any dental work.
May 2020
9:24am, 20 May 2020
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Plenty of fillings, caps, crowns etc etc.

I'm not a vain person but if I ever won the Lottery my teeth would be the one thing I'd get sorted out - probably veneer the lot of em :-)
May 2020
9:28am, 20 May 2020
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I think my healthiest teeth were my wisdoms - until the dentist decided they were too big & impacting the rest. Hospital and GA did the trick.

I was a bit upset though, it was mid 1980s, private hospital (company health insurance) and the brochure was full of the chef, staff and fantastic food. I think I got about a tablespoon of scrambled eggs and that was it.
May 2020
9:28am, 20 May 2020
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If I won the lottery I'd leave my teeth well alone but keep a savings jam jar marked "implants" in case I lose more teeth. At the moment I just have two single gaps towards the back that I can live with.
May 2020
9:35am, 20 May 2020
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57.5 Degrees of Pain
Implants are a good bet over age 50 as they'll probably out last you.

They could at least have given you a last meal pre surgery in, like a condemned man.
May 2020
9:44am, 20 May 2020
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I've a mouthful of excellent fillings from my childhood and teen years. I had 5 out for orthodontic purposes as a teen (huge higgledy-piggledy teeth on a small jaw) and a couple more back teeth went in my early 30s, failed root canal fillings.

Otherwise mine are mostly OK, although in the last 2 years, I've twice had bits of tooth drop off from around the excellent fillings. Cheese sandwiches seem to be the nemesis for my old teeth.
May 2020
9:48am, 20 May 2020
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Fizz :-)
I vividly remember reading as a child that 50% of people over 35 had false teeth and I was determined that wouldn’t be me.

A mouth full of fillings, three crowns (two on front teeth due to carelessness with a car door!), and all four wisdoms taken out in hospital, but under local. Two sessions, one side of the mouth each time. I kept one of the teeth for years after!
May 2020
9:51am, 20 May 2020
12,752 posts
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Had fillings...my era the doc made money from filling anything they could justify filling. All impacted wisdom teeth were removed. One side (top and bottom) at a time at the dentist's office. I didn't want to be put under!

First set was a hilarious story in itself...having to do with sleeping in the basement, going upstairs (to ground level) taking painkillers (222s - aspirin and codeine), then falling down the stairs in my over-relaxed state!!
May 2020
9:55am, 20 May 2020
11,790 posts
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I’m in the process of implants and awaiting final two crowns to be fitted which has been delayed due to cov19.

Looking forward to chewing food on both sides but won’t be able to say I have all my own teeth though I will own them😉
May 2020
10:22am, 20 May 2020
11,534 posts
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After the extraction of my two front teeth before implants, I walked home from the dentist not realising (because I couldn't feel anything) that I had blood dribbling gently out from between my lips. I did wonder why a child gave me a long hard stare on the way... (Did he think I was a vampire?)

When I got home, I talked to my wife (who mentioned the blood!), said I was going to take some paracetamol before the anesthetic wore off completely, and wandered off inside. Stood at the kitchen sink, tablets in hand, glass of water in the other, and looked out of the window in time to watch her step off the side of the deck and faint dead away. She's really not good with blood. :-( I called my daughter who was still art home with us to attend to the fainted lady - another close up look at my mouth would probably have finished her off!

I had virtually no pain from the work. Just as well, because my wife sprained her knee on her way down, and couldn't stand on it for 3 days. She had to have time off work and used up the paracetamol.

When I went back after the weekend to have my temporary bridge fitted, I told the dentist. He really, really, laughed.

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