Job Hunters Thread

46 watchers
Apr 2014
6:51pm, 16 Apr 2014
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Yorkshire Pie
A bit of an update on the job above. Essentially the issue is that they were thinking of someone less experienced and therefore cheaper. The suggested salary was fine for someone with 5 years less experience than me but I don’t want to roll back 5 years worth of payrises! It’s not just a question of cost, it’s also how it suits the team dynamics.

But... they know my current salary and my experience and they interviewed me today. Only a first “filtering the short list” type interview, and not with the ultimate decision maker, but I’m sure she will have been involved in putting me on the list. So maybe there is more flexibility than they were letting on. We will see.

In terms of the interview itself, it went pretty well. My experience is spot on (and they acknowledged that during the interview – it’s not just me bigging myself up) and the rapport was fine, but it goes back to whether I’m too experienced. Do they want someone cheaper who they can train up to do things their way or are they looking for someone who can come in already having done the job (it’s relatively niche but a growing area and I’m probably one of the few people in Leeds who has any significant experience in it)? That’s up to them to decide really. And whatever they decide I’d still need to meet the boss.
Apr 2014
8:48pm, 24 Apr 2014
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Yorkshire Pie
Gah. They liked me and thought I'd fit well with the team but thought I'd get bored. Despite interviewing me (11PQE),the person they have progressed to the 2nd round is 1 PQE.
Apr 2014
9:12pm, 24 Apr 2014
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Red Squirrel
Yorkshire Pie - that's exactly what my last interviewer said to me. What does the PQE mean?
Apr 2014
9:21pm, 24 Apr 2014
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Yorkshire Pie
post qualification experience
Apr 2014
7:21am, 25 Apr 2014
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Very frustrating YP.

From no activity on the job front, within a week I have had two interviews each for two different jobs, one for a local start up medical device company (the job I really want) and one for another medical device company in Cork (90 minute commute each way) which was one phone screening and one interview.

So far it seems to have gone well especially as both have already called me for the next round. Today at lunchtime I have my first experience of a Gallup phone interview, I know the name from surveys and polls but apparently they do a phone interview which will tell the company I am interviewing with whether or not I will fit into their culture.

I was delighted last night at about 6 pm to get a call from the local company asking me to meet their Site Leader next Tuesday - I have already had face to face interviews with Quality Engineering Team leader and Manager and also (separately) HR so I am really hopeful that this may lead to a job offer.

In both cases the big bogey is the fact that I have no medical or pharma experience, but I dio have a very strong quality and problem solving CV (role is for Quality Engineering).

Anyone any experience of a Gallup phone interview? My other quandry is what happens if I get a job offer first from the Company that is very much second choice, do I tell them I am hoping for an offer from another company or do I ring the preferred company and tell them that I have had a job offer but would much prefer to work for them? Of course neither may actually offer me a job!
Apr 2014
7:29am, 25 Apr 2014
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Hello folks. I don't pop in here often but still in need of post MSc employment. An ed psych on my placement has offered to do a mock interview with me and suggested filming it :-o It terrifies me but is probably a good idea. Thoughts??
Apr 2014
7:32am, 25 Apr 2014
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HP, I have limited experience of interviews but even now looking back over the last few months, there is no doubt my interviews have got better as I have done more so the more experience the better and making the mistakes in a mock interview is preferable to the real thing.
Apr 2014
7:41am, 25 Apr 2014
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Yeah I've had 3 interviews for this role so far and have asked for in depth feedback from all but the last one (it's on my to do list). I took on the feedback from the first 2 but the 3rd was looking for something slightly different. More jobs coming up with the service I really want to work for, where I currently have my placement and have interviewed before. The feedback was really in depth so I know exactly what they are looking for. I'm hoping that combine with a mock will secure me the job.
Apr 2014
7:56am, 25 Apr 2014
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Filming is a good idea HP. I did it once, it revealed a lot of things to me. It can give you a better interviewers perspective.
Apr 2014
8:01am, 25 Apr 2014
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My biggest concern is that I am my own harshest critic and I'm worried I will fail to see the positive aspects of the interview and knock my confidence. Hopefully the video work I use in practice will help me to focus on what I'm doing well as well as critiquing what I could do differently.

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