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Job Hunters Thread

46 watchers
May 2014
12:45pm, 21 May 2014
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Thanks WL, that's very useful. They are offering holiday and sick pay but I would guess that the ease of ending the job might be what that's about.

I am a bit cautious as it looks like an excellent job with a good university and fits exactly with my studies, but the variation in work means it looks like the positions of about 3 people put together! The salary is low for what they are asking for as well, though still more than I earn! I will apply I think, you never know what I'll happen...
May 2014
1:02pm, 21 May 2014
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Jambomo almost all universities state 'open-ended' contracts for what are in effect permanent contracts.

It doesnt mean you don't have rights to sick pay, holiday or most crucially redundancy payments so I wouldnt let that put you off.

The common alternative in the uni sector is fixed term for a certain period which get renewed according to budget/business need i.e backfill or specific project fundings.

I have no idea why they use the 'open-ended' terminology, I had never heard it used til I applied for a job in the sector. If nothing else it's at least a realistic description since no permanent job is really guaranteed to be permanent I suppose.
May 2014
6:40pm, 21 May 2014
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Correct SF. Open-ended is just Public Sector BS for a normal permanent role. The alternative is either a Fixed Term Contract as you say, which is as an employee, but stops at the end of the fixed term or an actual temp/interim or contractor 'contract' where you are an independent or supplied via a third party agency and have no employee rights. (Let's not get into Agency Worker Directive regulations!)
May 2014
8:02am, 22 May 2014
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Thanks guys, that's more reassuring :)
May 2014
12:29pm, 28 May 2014
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Red Squirrel
Still haven't had the chat about my role. It doesn't bode well that the meeting was booked in for 2 weeks ago. It is so frantically busy here that managers can't stop to discuss things as important as this. :(
Jun 2014
7:43pm, 13 Jun 2014
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Red Squirrel
So what I've done is ask that my contract ends at the end of the next 3-month extension.

I hope I haven't shot myself in the foot as I've got no savings left! I've asked if they can be flexible re: iinterviews.

The people are lovely but the work is incredibly frustrating. The office needs sorting out - new systems etc. I can see exactly what needs doing but I'm not the office manager, so I can't put anything in place. It's so annoying and it makes my job unreasonably difficult. Why the other admin staff wouldn't want a more slick operation is beyond me, but they don't.

My boss told me she often goes home and cries because of the pressures of her role. That can't be right, can it?
Jun 2014
8:03am, 20 Jun 2014
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Okay so I am now unemployed for the first time in my life eeek!

My boss asked me lie to customers in an email campaign and it was nail in the coffin time for me so I resigned. I only had one weeks notice, which I worked and had some holiday which takes me to today. Now I need to get a job asap. Applying like mad but not heard anything yet.

would prefer to temp for a while for a while so if anyone knows any good agencies in Surrry let me know!

RS I think that sounds awful for you and your boss! I do hope you can find something better soon.
Jun 2014
3:24pm, 20 Jun 2014
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Since being made redundant in February, I have been doing very little to gain employment. I work 12 hours a week (2 days) at the arts centre I used to run full time. I also have set up an extra yoga class, which makes it to 2 classes a week. None of this earns me a fortune, but I have had the odd extra job to top up meagre income. I also have my redundancy money to live off and a small grant to run arts workshops for people with early stages of dementia. Apart from the yoga, these things will continue for two years, i.e. until February 2016 and June 2015.

I the free time I now have, I have been working on developing productive gardens on my half acre field I have not done anything about up to now. I have built vegetable beds, to grow my own veg and sell off the surplus, trying to be self sufficient. I have also planted soft fruit bushes and fruit trees. The grass is being let to grow to see what I have growing there as to wild flowers and herbs.

I have been foraging and experimenting with making things like wild garlic pesto and drying herbs.

I am thinking about creating a physic garden, growing medicinal herbs commercially.

I am researching if I want to make tinctures/remedies/tisanes out of the plants myself and sell them, or grow them and sell them to someone who makes the remedies.

Practically, I am doing little and am letting the plants come to me, if that makes sense? The idea is that things will take shape before the end of the year. In the meantime I am gathering seed and have started propagating medicinal plants to plant them out next year.

I am putting this on here as I firmly believe in fate/karma and maybe one of you fits into these plans with either advice or maybe people I could supply. At the moment I am open to what I will grow, as long as it is organic and preferably healing, as I feel that is the way forwards. I just don't know how yet :)
Jun 2014
3:32pm, 20 Jun 2014
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Best of luck Curly45, RS and H :-)
Jun 2014
9:40pm, 20 Jun 2014
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Red Squirrel
Thanks Tup.

Hann - there is at least one herbalist in Bristol that I know of - he has a shop at the top of Christmas steps. I'm not sure if you would need to dry out some of the plants before selling.

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